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The gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus aggregates to form spore-filled fruiting bodies when nutrients are limiting. Defective fruiting-body formation and sporulation result from mutations in the sasA locus, which encodes the wzm wzt wbgA (formerly rfbABC ) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen biosynthesis genes. Mutants carrying these same sasA mutations are defective in social motility and form small glossy colonies. We report here that the developmental and motility phenotypes of four mutants each containing different Tn 5 insertions in LPS O-antigen biosynthesis genes are similar to those of the original sasA locus mutants. All of the LPS O-antigen mutants tested exhibited defective developmental aggregation and sporulated at only 0.02–15% of the wild-type level. In addition, all of the LPS O-antigen mutants were determined by genetic analyses to be wild type for adventurous motility and defective in social motility, indicating that the LPS O-antigen is necessary for normal development and social motility. The two previously identified cell-surface components required for social motility, type IV pili and the protein-associated polysaccharide material termed fibrils, were detected on the surfaces of all of the LPS O-antigen mutants. This indicates that LPS O-antigen is a third cell-surface component required for social motility.  相似文献   

Social (S)-motility in Myxococcus xanthus is a flagellum-independent gliding motility system that allows bacteria to move in groups on solid surfaces. S-motility has been shown to require type IV pili (TFP), exopolysaccharide (EPS; a component of fibrils) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Previously, information concerning EPS biogenesis in M. xanthus was lacking. In this study, we screened 5000 randomly mutagenized colonies for defects in S-motility and EPS and identified two genetic regions essential for EPS biogenesis: the EPS synthesis (eps) region and the EPS-associated (eas) region. Mutants with insertions in the eps and eas regions were defective in S-motility and fruiting body formation. These mutants failed to bind the dye calcofluor white, indicating that they lacked EPS; however, they retained normal TFP and LPS. Analysis of the eps locus showed several open reading frames (ORFs) that encode homologues to glycosyltransferases, glucanases and EPS transporters as well as regulatory proteins; the eas locus contains two ORFs: one exhibits homology to hypothetical proteins with a conserved domain of unknown function and the other displays no apparent homology to other proteins in the database. Further genetic mutagenesis analysis indicates that the whole eps region is involved in the biosynthesis of fibrils and fibril EPS. The operon at the proximal end of the eps region was analysed by generating in-frame deletion mutations. These mutants showed varying degrees of defects in the bacterium's ability to produce EPS or perform EPS-related functions, confirming the involvement of these genes in M. xanthus EPS biogenesis.  相似文献   

Myxococous xanthus cells can glide both as individual cells, dependent on A dventurous motility (A motility), and as groups of cells, dependent upon S ocial motility (S motility), Tn5-lac mutagenesis was used to generate 16 new A- and nine new S- mutations. In contrast with previous results, we find that subsets of A- mutants are defective in fruiting body morphogenesis and/or myxospore differentiation. All S- mutants are defective in fruiting body morphogenesis, consistent with previous results. Whereas some S- mutants produce a wild-type complement of spores, others are defective in the differentiation of myxospores. Therefore, a subset of the A genes and all of the S genes are critical for fruiting body morphogenesis. Subsets of both A and S genes are essential for sporulation. Three S::Tn5–lac insertions result in surprising phenotypes. Colonies of two S- mutants glide on ‘swim’ (0.35% agar) plates to form fractal patterns. These S- mutants are the first examples of a bacterium in which mutations result in fractal patterns of colonial spreading. An otherwise wild-type strain with one S- insertion resembles the frz- sglA1- mutants upon development, suggesting that this S- gene defines a new chemotaxis component in M. xanthus.  相似文献   

Bellenger K  Ma X  Shi W  Yang Z 《Journal of bacteriology》2002,184(20):5654-5660
In bacteria with multiple sets of chemotaxis genes, the deletion of homologous genes or even different genes in the same operon can result in disparate phenotypes. Myxococcus xanthus is a bacterium with multiple sets of chemotaxis genes and/or homologues. It was shown previously that difA and difE, encoding homologues of the methyl-accepting chemoreceptor protein (MCP) and the CheA kinase, respectively, are required for M. xanthus social gliding (S) motility and development. Both difA and difE mutants were also defective in the biogenesis of the cell surface appendages known as extracellular matrix fibrils. In this study, we investigated the roles of the CheW homologue encoded by difC, a gene at the same locus as difA and difE. We showed that difC mutations resulted in defects in M. xanthus developmental aggregation, sporulation, and S motility. We demonstrated that difC is indispensable for wild-type cellular cohesion and fibril biogenesis but not for pilus production. We further illustrated the ectopic complementation of a difC in-frame deletion by a wild-type difC. The identical phenotypes of difA, difC, and difE mutants are consistent and supportive of the hypothesis that the Dif chemotaxis homologues constitute a chemotaxis-like signal transduction pathway that regulates M. xanthus fibril biogenesis and S motility.  相似文献   

Hu W  Hossain M  Lux R  Wang J  Yang Z  Li Y  Shi W 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e16102
Social motility (S motility), the coordinated movement of large cell groups on agar surfaces, of Myxococcus xanthus requires type IV pili (TFP) and exopolysaccharides (EPS). Previous models proposed that this behavior, which only occurred within cell groups, requires cycles of TFP extension and retraction triggered by the close interaction of TFP with EPS. However, the curious observation that M. xanthus can perform TFP-dependent motility at a single-cell level when placed onto polystyrene surfaces in a highly viscous medium containing 1% methylcellulose indicated that "S motility" is not limited to group movements. In an apparent further challenge of the previous findings for S motility, mutants defective in EPS production were found to perform TFP-dependent motility on polystyrene surface in methylcellulose-containing medium. By exploring the interactions between pilin and surface materials, we found that the binding of TFP onto polystyrene surfaces eliminated the requirement for EPS in EPS(-) cells and thus enabled TFP-dependent motility on a single cell level. However, the presence of a general anchoring surface in a viscous environment could not substitute for the role of cell surface EPS in group movement. Furthermore, EPS was found to serve as a self-produced anchoring substrate that can be shed onto surfaces to enable cells to conduct TFP-dependent motility regardless of surface properties. These results suggested that in certain environments, such as in methylcellulose solution, the cells could bypass the need for EPS to anchor their TPF and conduct single-cell S motility to promote exploratory movement of colonies over new specific surfaces.  相似文献   

Youderian P  Hartzell PL 《Genetics》2007,177(1):557-566
The bacterium Myxococcus xanthus glides over surfaces using two different locomotive mechanisms, called S (social) and A (adventurous) motility that enable cells to move both as groups and as individuals. Neither mechanism involves flagella. The functions of these two motors are coordinated by the activity of a small Ras-like protein, encoded by the mglA gene. The results of previous studies of a second-site suppressor of the mglA-8 missense mutation masK-815 indicate that MglA interacts with a protein tyrosine kinase, MasK, to control social motility. Sequence analysis of the sites of 12 independent insertions of the transposon magellan-4 that result in the loss of motility in an M. xanthus mglA-8 masK-815 double mutant shows that nine of these 12 insertions are in genes known to be required for S gliding motility. This result confirms that the masK-815 suppressor restores S but not A motility. Three of the 12 insertions define three new genes required for S motility and show that the attachment of heptose to the lipopolysaccharide inner core, an ortholog of the CheR methyltransferase, and a large protein with YD repeat motifs, are required for S motility. When these three insertions are backcrossed into an otherwise wild-type genetic background, their recombinants are found to have defects in S, but not, A motility. The spectrum of magellan-4 insertions that lead to the loss of S motility in the mglA-8 masK-815 double mutant background is different than that resulting from a previous mutant hunt starting with a different (A mutant) genetic background, suggesting that the number of genes required for S motility in M. xanthus is quite large.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus cells aggregate and develop into multicellular fruiting bodies in response to starvation. A new M. xanthus locus, designated dif for defective in fruiting, was identified by the characterization of a mutant defective in fruiting body formation. Molecular cloning, DNA sequencing and sequence analysis indicate that the dif locus encodes a new set of chemotaxis homologues of the bacterial chemotaxis proteins MCPs (methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins), CheW, CheY and CheA. The dif genes are distinct genetically and functionally from the previously identified M. xanthus frz chemotaxis genes, suggesting that multiple chemotaxis-like systems are required for the developmental process of M. xanthus fruiting body formation. Genetic analysis and phenotypical characterization indicate that the M. xanthus dif locus is required for social (S) motility. This is the first report of a M. xanthus chemotaxis-like signal transduction pathway that could regulate or co-ordinate the movement of M. xanthus cells to bring about S motility.  相似文献   

A great deal of progress has been made in the studies of fruiting body development and social gliding in Myxocococcus xanthus in the past few years. This includes identification of the bone fide C-signal and a receptor for type IV pili, and development of a model for the mechanism of adventurous gliding motility. It is anticipated that the next few years will see even more progress as the complete genome sequence is available and genomic and proteomic tools are applied to the study of M. xanthus social behaviors.  相似文献   

The aglZ gene of Myxococcus xanthus was identified from a yeast two-hybrid assay in which MglA was used as bait. MglA is a 22-kDa cytoplasmic GTPase required for both adventurous and social gliding motility and sporulation. Genetic studies showed that aglZ is part of the A motility system, because disruption or deletion of aglZ abolished movement of isolated cells and aglZ sglK double mutants were nonmotile. The aglZ gene encodes a 153-kDa protein that interacts with purified MglA in vitro. The N terminus of AglZ shows similarity to the receiver domain of two-component response regulator proteins, while the C terminus contains heptad repeats characteristic of coiled-coil proteins, such as myosin. Consistent with this motif, expression of AglZ in Escherichia coli resulted in production of striated lattice structures. Similar to the myosin heavy chain, the purified C-terminal coiled-coil domain of AglZ forms filament structures in vitro.  相似文献   

Y Kimura  R Sato  K Mimura    M Sato 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(22):7098-7102
A dcm-1 mutant, obtained by transposon mutagenesis of Myxococcus xanthus, could aggregate and form mounds but was unable to sporulate under nutrient starvation. A sequence analysis of the site of insertion of the transposon showed that the insertion lies within the 3' end of a 1,572-bp open reading frame (ORF) designated the M. xanthus pccB ORF. The wild-type form of the M. xanthus pccB gene, obtained from a lambdaEMBL library of M. xanthus, shows extensive similarity to a beta subunit of propionyl coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase, an alpha subunit of methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase, and a 12S subunit of transcarboxylase. In enzyme assays, extracts of the dcm-1 mutant were deficient in propionyl-CoA carboxylase activity. This enzyme catalyzes the ATP-dependent carboxylation of propionyl-CoA to yield methylmalonyl-CoA. The methylmalonyl-CoA rescued the dcm-1 mutant fruiting body and spore development. During development, the dcm-1 mutant cells also had reduced levels of long-chain fatty acids (C16 to C18) compared to wild-type cells.  相似文献   

In response to starvation, Myxococcus xanthus undergoes a multicellular developmental process that produces a dome-shaped fruiting body structure filled with differentiated cells called myxospores. Two insertion mutants that block the final stages of fruiting body morphogenesis and reduce sporulation efficiency were isolated and characterized. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the chromosomal insertions are located in open reading frames ORF2 and asgE, which are separated by 68 bp. The sporulation defect of cells carrying the asgE insertion can be rescued phenotypically when co-developed with wild-type cells, whereas the sporulation efficiency of cells carrying the ORF2 insertion was not improved when mixed with wild-type cells. Thus, the asgE insertion mutant appears to belong to a class of developmental mutants that are unable to produce cell-cell signals required for M. xanthus development, but they retain the ability to respond to them when they are provided by wild-type cells. Several lines of evidence indicate that asgE cells fail to produce normal levels of A-factor, a cell density signal. A-factor consists of a mixture of heat-stable amino acids and peptides, and at least two heat-labile extracellular proteases. The asgE mutant yielded about 10-fold less heat-labile A-factor and about twofold less heat-stable A-factor than wild-type cells, suggesting that the primary defect of asgE cells is in the production or release of heat-labile A-factor.  相似文献   

The social gliding behaviour of Myxococcus xanthus has previously been associated with the presence of polar pili. A Tn 5 transposon insertion was isolated which introduces a defect in social gliding and is genetically linked to a known sgl locus; this insertion was found also to cause a piliation defect. A 2.7 kb section of DNA was isolated from either side of this transposon and sequenced, revealing three genes which encode amino acid sequences with substantial similarity to components of the Type IV pilus biogenesis pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The myxococcal pilA gene encodes a putative pilin precursor with a short signal sequence and processing site similar to those of other Type IV pilins. Myxococcal pilS and pilR encode amino acid sequences with similarity to PilS and PilR of P. aeruginosa , as well as to other members of the NtrB/C family of two-component regulators. Mutations within pilR and pilA that have no polar effect were demonstrated to be responsible for pilus and social motility defects. These results indicate that the pili of M. xanthus belong to the Type IV family of pili, and demonstrate that these pili are actually required for social motility.  相似文献   

The complex life cycle of Myxococcus xanthus includes predation, swarming, fruiting-body formation and sporulation. The genome of M. xanthus is large and comprises an estimated 7,400 open reading frames, of which approximately 605 code for regulatory genes. These include eight clusters of chemotaxis-like genes that define eight chemosensory pathways, most of which have dedicated functions. Although many of these chemosensory pathways have a role in controlling motility, at least two of these pathways control gene expression during development.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus social (S) gliding motility has been previously reported by us to require the chemotaxis homologues encoded by the dif genes. In addition, two cell surface structures, type IV pili and extracellular matrix fibrils, are also critical to M. xanthus S motility. We have demonstrated here that M. xanthus dif genes are required for the biogenesis of fibrils but not for that of type IV pili. Furthermore, the developmental defects of dif mutants can be partially rescued by the addition of isolated fibril materials. Along with the chemotaxis genes of various swarming bacteria and the pilGHIJ genes of the twitching bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the M. xanthus dif genes belong to a unique class of bacterial chemotaxis genes or homologues implicated in the biogenesis of structures required for bacterial surface locomotion. Genetic studies indicate that the dif genes are linked to the M. xanthus dsp region, a locus known to be crucial for M. xanthus fibril biogenesis and S gliding.  相似文献   

The biofilm‐forming bacterium Myxococcus xanthus moves on surfaces as structured swarms utilizing type IV pili‐dependent social (S) motility. In contrast to isolated cells that reverse their moving direction frequently, individual cells within swarms rarely reverse. The regulatory mechanisms that inhibit cellular reversal and promote the formation of swarms are not well understood. Here we show that exopolysaccharides (EPS), the major extracellular components of M. xanthus swarms, inhibit cellular reversal in a concentration‐dependent manner. Thus, individual wild‐type cells reverse less frequently in swarms due to high local EPS concentrations. In contrast, cells defective in EPS production hyper‐reverse their moving direction and show severe defects in S‐motility. Surprisingly, S‐motility and wild‐type reversal frequency are restored in double mutants that are defective in both EPS production and the Frz chemosensory system, indicating that EPS regulates cellular reversal in parallel to the Frz pathway. Here we clarify that besides functioning as the structural scaffold in biofilms, EPS is a self‐produced signal that coordinates the group motion of the social bacterium M. xanthus.  相似文献   

Abstract Progression through early Myxococcus xanthus multicellular fruiting body development requires the generation of and response to extracellular A signal. Extracellular A signal is a specific set of amino acids at an extracellular concentration greater than 10 μM. It functions as a cell density signal during starvation that allows the cells to sense that a minimal cell density has been reached and development can proceed. The generation of extracellular A signal requires the products of three asg genes. They have recently been identified as AsgA, a fused two-component histidine protein kinase and response regulator; AsgB, a putative DNA-binding protein; and AsgC, the M. xanthus major sigma factor. Other elements of the A signaling pathway map to the sasB locus and appear to be A signal transducers. These elements are regulators of the earliest A signal-dependent gene, whose promoter is a member of the sigma-54 family. Continued study of the A signaling pathway is expected to identify additional components of this network required for the complex behavioural response of fruiting body formation.  相似文献   

Certain developmental mutants of Myxococcus xanthus can be complemented (extracellularly) by wild-type cells. Insertions of Tn5 lac (a transposon which couples beta-galactosidase expression to exogenous promoters) into developmentally regulated genes were used to investigate extracellular complementation of the A group mutations. A- mutations reduced developmental beta-galactosidase expression from 18 of 21 Tn5 lac insertions tested and that expression was restored to A- Tn5 lac cells by adding wild-type cells. The earliest A-dependent Tn5 lac normally expresses beta-galactosidase at 1.5 hr of development indicating a developmental block at 1-2 hr in A- mutants. A substance which can rescue the expression of this early Tn5 lac is released by wild-type (A+) but not by A- cells. This substance appears in a cell-free wash of wild-type cells or in starvation buffer conditioned by wild-type cells 1-2 hr after development is initiated. The conditioned starvation buffer also restores normal morphological development to an A- mutant.  相似文献   

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