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Because of human impacts, lowland rivers are among the most degraded running water ecosystems, with their floodplains being the center of human activity. Recently, many programs to restore running water ecosystems have been undertaken using various methods in streams and rivers of North America, Europe, and Far East Asia. However, research and knowledge on the effects of river restoration in lowland rivers are limited around the world. The restoration project involving the first reconstruction of a meandering channel in Asia has been conducted in a lowland river section of the Shibetsu River, northern Japan. We review the geomorphologic and hydraulic characteristics of lowland rivers and their environments for macroinvertebrates and discuss approaches to restoring macroinvertebrate communities in lowland rivers, using insights from the restoration project in the Shibetsu River. It is concluded that the recovery of macroinvertebrate assemblages in channelized lowland rivers requires the implementation of restoration methods to create stable substrates.  相似文献   

Temporary rivers within the Nyaodza-Gachegache subcatchment in northwestern Zimbabwe were investigated to examine the role of flow permanence and habitat structure on macroinvertebrate community composition. Macroinvertebrate communities of intermittent and ephemeral rivers displayed significant differences in the number of taxa, macroinvertebrate abundance, Shannon and Simpson diversity indices and in size class structure. Intermittent sites were characterised by higher numbers of taxa, diversity and Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera richness compared to ephemeral sites. The fauna of ephemeral sites was dominated by a single taxon (Afrobaetodes) (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) whilst larger sized taxa (e.g. Elassoneuria (Ephemeroptera, Oligoneuriidae), Dicentroptilum (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae), Aethaloptera (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae), Pseudagrion (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) and Tholymis (Odonata, Libellulidae) were exclusively restricted to intermittent sites. Clear differences were observed between sand, gravel, cobble and vegetation habitats. Vegetation and cobbles supported distinct communities, with some taxa exclusively restricted either to vegetation (e.g. Pseudagrion, Leptocerina (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae), Cloeon (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae), Afronurus (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) and Povilla (Ephemeroptera, Polymitarcidae) or cobble (e.g. Aethaloptera and Dicentroptilum) habitats. In terms of ensuring optimum diversity within the subcatchment, we consider conservation of critical habitats (cobbles and vegetation) and maintenance of natural flows as the appropriate management actions. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Global patterns of dissolved N, P and Si in large rivers   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
The concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved nitrate-N, Total-N (TN), dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved silicate-Si (DSi) and their ratios in the world's largest rivers are examined using a global data base that includes 37% of the earth's watershed area and half its population. These data were compared to water quality in 42 subbasins of the relatively well-monitored Mississippi River basin (MRB) and of 82 small watersheds of the United States. The average total nitrogen concentration varies over three orders of magnitude among both world river watersheds and the MRB, and is primarily dependent on variations in dissolved nitrate concentration, rather than particulate or dissolved organic matter or ammonium. There is also a direct relationship between the DIN:DIP ratio and nitrate concentration. When nitrate-N exceeds 100 g-at l–1, the DIN:DIP ratio is generally above the Redfield ratio (16:1), which implies phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton growth. Compared to nitrate, the among river variation in the DSi concentration is relatively small so that the DSi loading (mass/area/time) is largely controlled by runoff volume. The well-documented influence of human activities on dissolved inorganic nitrogen loading thus exceeds the influences arising from the great variability in soil types, climate and geography among these watersheds. The DSi:nitrate-N ratio is controlled primarily by nitrogen loading and is shown to be inversely correlated with an index of landscape development – the City Lights nighttime imagery. Increased nitrogen loading is thus driving the world's largest rivers towards a higher DIN:DIP ratio and a lower DSi:DIN ratio. About 7.3 and 21 % of the world's population lives in watersheds with a DSi:nitrate-N ratio near a 1:1 and 2:1 ratio, respectively. The empirical evidence is that this percentage will increase with further economic development. When the DSi:nitrate-N atomic ratio is near 1:1, aquatic food webs leading from diatoms (which require silicate) to fish may be compromised and the frequency or size of harmful or noxious algal blooms may increase. Used together, the DSi:nitrate-N ratio and nitrate-N concentration are useful and robust comparative indicators of eutrophication in large rivers. Finally, we estimate the riverine loading to the ocean for nitrate-N, TN, DIP, TP and DSi to be 16.2, 21, 2.6, 3.7 to 5.6, and 194 Tg yr–1, respectively.  相似文献   

Aquatic species living in running waters are widely acknowledged to be vulnerable to climate‐induced, thermal and hydrological fluctuations. Climate changes can interact with other environmental changes to determine structural and functional attributes of communities. Although such complex interactions are most likely to occur in a multiple‐stressor context as frequently encountered in large rivers, they have received little attention in such ecosystems. In this study, we aimed at specifically addressing the issue of relative long‐term effects of global and local changes on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in multistressed large rivers. We assessed effects of hydroclimatic vs. water quality factors on invertebrate community structure and composition over 30 years (1979–2008) in the Middle Loire River, France. As observed in other large European rivers, water warming over the three decades (+0.9 °C between 1979–1988 and 1999–2008) and to a lesser extent discharge reduction (?80 m3 s?1) were significantly involved in the disappearance or decrease in taxa typical from fast running, cold waters (e.g. Chloroperlidae and Potamanthidae). They explained also a major part of the appearance and increase of taxa typical from slow flowing or standing waters and warmer temperatures, including invasive species (e.g. Corbicula sp. and Atyaephyra desmarestii). However, this shift towards a generalist and pollution tolerant assemblage was partially confounded by local improvement in water quality (i.e. phosphate input reduction by about two thirds and eutrophication limitation by almost one half), explaining a significant part of the settlement of new pollution‐sensitive taxa (e.g. the caddisfly Brachycentridae and Philopotamidae families) during the last years of the study period. The regain in such taxa allowed maintaining a certain level of specialization in the invertebrate community despite climate change effects.  相似文献   

The role of herbivores in regulating aquatic plant dynamics has received growing recognition from researchers and managers. However, the evidence for herbivore impacts on aquatic plants is largely based on short-term exclosure studies conducted within a single plant growing season. Thus, it is unclear how long herbivore impacts on aquatic plant abundance can persist for. We addressed this knowledge gap by testing whether mute swan (Cygnus olor) grazing on lowland river macrophytes could be detected in the following growing season. Furthermore, we investigated the role of seasonal changes in water current speed in limiting the temporal extent of grazing. We found no relationship between swan biomass density in 1 year and aquatic plant cover or biomass in the following spring. No such carry-over effects were detected despite observing high swan biomass densities in the previous year from which we inferred grazing impacts on macrophytes. Seasonal increases in water velocity were associated with reduced grazing pressure as swans abandoned river habitat. Furthermore, our study highlights the role of seasonal changes in water velocity in determining the length of the mute swan grazing season in shallow lowland rivers and thus in limiting the temporal extent of herbivore impacts on aquatic plant abundance.  相似文献   

An assessment of water and habitat quality, based on macroinvertebrate assemblage indices and qualitative habitat scores (QHS), was undertaken in the Honi and Naro Moru rivers, Kenya, in 2011. The two rivers are important as water sources for the local communities and as habitat for organisms such as invertebrates in the national parks there. The Naro Moru upstream site (QHS: 83%) is unmodified, with minimal human influence. The Honi downstream site and the Naro Moru midstream and downstream sites experienced moderate to large modifications in habitat and biota (QHS: 40–80%). South African scoring system (SASS) scores ranged from 43 (Naro Moru downstream) to 165 (Honi upstream), and there was a decrease in SASS scores with distance downstream. Based on the multimetric index (MI), the Honi and Naro Moru upstream and midstream sites have good water quality (MI: 0.6–0.8), whereas the Honi midstream and downstream sites, and the Naro Moru downstream site, have moderate water quality (MI: 0.4–0.6). Human activities had a negative effect on water quality and habitats. Preventive and conservation measures should be taken in the usage of the Naro Moru and Honi rivers.  相似文献   

Observations on phyto and zooplankton in two hydrographically different rivers were compared in order to discriminate phases in plankton development. Along the longitudinal axis of the River Rhine a gradual increase in the development of phytoplankton was observed, which reached its maximumca. 100 km before the river flows into its artificial sedimentation area. The development of rotifer populations was slightly retarded as compared with that of phytoplankton and highest population densities were only reached in the sedimentation area. Crustaceans developed in significant numbers, not until the river water had entered the sedimentation area. Development of zooplankton coincided here with a strong decrease in the density of phytoplankton. A similar trend in plankton development was observed in the River Meuse, although in this river the highest densities of phyto and zooplankton already occurred in its middle reaches. The differences in the timing of plankton growth in the two rivers are probably caused by differences in flow regime between both rivers. The River Rhine, which is fed by rainwater and melting of glaciers in the Alps, has a relatively constant discharge. On the other hand, the low discharge of the rain-fed River Meuse combined with an increased residence time of the water as a consequence of large numbers of weirs, allows a full cycle of plankton development long before its discharge into the sea. This phenomenon was also reflected in the silicate cycle in the Meuse, where the consumption by planktonic diatoms and the regeneration of silicate of deposits seem to be important. In contrast, in the main branches of the River Rhine only the effects of silicate consumption were detectable.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River is characterized by a series of locks and dams, shallow impoundments, and thousands of river channelization structures that facilitate commercial navigation between Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Cairo, Illinois. Agriculture and urban development over the past 200 years have degraded water quality and increased the rate of sediment and nutrient delivery to surface waters. River enhancement has become an important management tool employed to address causes and effects of surface water degradation and river modification in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. We report information on individual river enhancement projects and contrast project densities, goals, activities, monitoring, and cost between commercially non‐navigated and navigated rivers (Non‐navigated and Navigated Rivers, respectively). The total number of river enhancement projects collected during this effort was 62,108. Cost of all projects reporting spending between 1972 and 2006 was about US$1.6 billion. Water quality management was the most cited project goal within the basin. Other important goals in Navigated Rivers included in‐stream habitat improvement and flow modification. Most projects collected for Non‐navigated Rivers and their watersheds originated from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the USDA were important sources for projects in Navigated Rivers. Collaborative efforts between agencies that implement projects in Non‐navigated and Navigated Rivers may be needed to more effectively address river impairment. However, the current state of data sources tracking river enhancement projects deters efficient and broad‐scale integration.  相似文献   

Starting from previous work on tropical african fishes (de Merona et al., 1983), we calculate a relationship between Loo and k and between LOO and the maximum observed length in cyprinid populations of some French great rivers and associated man-made lakes (basins of Garonne and Rhone). 45 populations are used, and they seem to conform to the model well. The growth of both groups of populations differs only by the value of some constants. This follows from differences in the individual growth pattern of fishes, climate, and from differences in food and feeding habits.  相似文献   

Genome size is largely uncorrelated to organismal complexity and adaptive scenarios. Genetic drift as well as intragenomic conflict have been put forward to explain this observation. We here study the impact of genome size on sexual attractiveness in the bow‐winged grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus. Grasshoppers show particularly large variation in genome size due to the high prevalence of supernumerary chromosomes that are considered (mildly) selfish, as evidenced by non‐Mendelian inheritance and fitness costs if present in high numbers. We ranked male grasshoppers by song characteristics that are known to affect female preferences in this species and scored genome sizes of attractive and unattractive individuals from the extremes of this distribution. We find that attractive singers have significantly smaller genomes, demonstrating that genome size is reflected in male courtship songs and that females prefer songs of males with small genomes. Such a genome size dependent mate preference effectively selects against selfish genetic elements that tend to increase genome size. The data therefore provide a novel example of how sexual selection can reinforce natural selection and can act as an agent in an intragenomic arms race. Furthermore, our findings indicate an underappreciated route of how choosy females could gain indirect benefits.  相似文献   

Nest size has been suggested to be a sexually selected traitindicating parental ability of both males and females. To testwhether a female's reproductive decisions (e.g., clutch sizeand starting incubation) change in relation to experimentalmanipulation of nest size, as would be predicted if nest sizeis a sexually selected signal reflecting the male's parental quality, we manipulated nest size in a population of monogamousmagpies before laying by adding or removing about 20 cm oflarge sticks in the roof of magpie nests. On the one hand,we found that clutch size of reduced nests was smaller thanthat of control or enlarged nests. Moreover, clutch size was significantly related to nest size after manipulation, whichindicates that females adjust clutch size to the final sizeof the nest, nest size thereby being a good candidate for asexually selected trait. On the other hand, number of eggshatched during the first day is hypothesized to be related to the expected available resources during nestling growth, andsubsequent nestlings hatched are likely to die due to broodreduction if resources are not sufficient to raise well-developednestlings. Nest size is hypothesized to inform females abouta male's willingness to invest in reproduction, and we foundthat in broods of experimentally reduced nests, females startedto incubate earlier in the laying sequence than they did inbroods of control or enlarged nests. Moreover, in experimentallyreduced nests, fewer nestlings hatched during the first day,and the difference in body mass between the first and the fourthnestling hatched increased. This result is in accordance withthe hypothesis that the female's decision of when to start incubationin the laying sequence is mediated by nest size, a sexuallyselected trait signaling parental quality. We discuss alternativeexplanations for the results such as the possibility that nestsof different treatments may differ in their thermoregulationproperties or in their protection against predators.  相似文献   

应用无人机进行动物调查的研究越来越多,但是缺乏有效的自动处理图像方法,使得目视解释的工作量较大。为研究快速与准确估算三江源区域大型食草动物数量的方法,本文使用两种无人机进行7个站点的遥感影像采集。首先对无人机影像进行灰度化,使矩阵维数下降但梯度信息仍然保留,使运算速度大幅度提高;其次对影像开展高斯滤波,高斯滤波将数据进行能量转化,排除掉属于低能量部分的噪声;第三开展阈值处理得到二值化图像;采用样本中动物形态学特征开展形态运算,先用开运算消除小物体尽可能排除干扰,同时不误删牲畜,再用闭运算排除小型黑洞将同一对象连通不重复计数;最后从二值图像中检索轮廓,并返回检测到的轮廓的个数;从而自动获得主要大型食草动物物种数量与空间分布。精度检验方法为手工计数与自动计数结果比较,相对误差3.1%~6.5%,大多数情况均可达到此水平。采用计算机自动处理图像后,每张图像处理和计数的平均时间小于3 s。无人机影像的自动处理方法可为今后大规模进行藏羊、牦牛、西藏野驴和藏原羚等动物调查提供一种有效、可靠的技术途径。  相似文献   


Recent work has led to the suggestion that biologically-mediated redox processes might be important in the regulation of dissolved trace element concentrations in rivers, especially with regard to manganese. Here, we focus on the removal of dissolved Mn from lower Mississippi River water. Experiments indicate that dissolved Mn can be rapidly removed from lower Mississippi River water on a timescale of days or less and that Mn oxides are formed. However, demonstrating a biological origin for this removal is problematic. Experiments reveal that commonly used microbial controls, including NaN3 mixtures, HgCl2, heat sterilization, and sonification all affect fluvial particulate Mn through dissolution, disaggregation, interference with adsorption, or particle ageing. Thus, these microbial controls may affect abiotic as well as biological processes. Evidence supporting microbial removal of dissolved Mn from lower Mississippi River water includes a temperature optimum for the process (~30°C), a lower activation energy than reported for heterogeneous inorganic Mn oxidation, and a faster rate than reported for autocatalytic inorganic Mn oxidation. This rapid Mn oxidation process occurs at essentially the same rate in the dark as well as the light. Observation of Mn removal at similar rates in a blackwater river in addition to the lower Mississippi, suggests that this is a common phenomenon in fluvial systems. If, as has been shown by other lab studies, the freshly biologically precipitated Mn oxides have a high specific surface area, then our observations provide a potential link between microbial activity, Mn cycling, and the cycling of other particle-reactive trace elements in rivers. Our results also indicate that unfiltered river water samples for dissolved Mn analysis should be filtered as soon as possible or at least stored cold if immediate filtration is not possible.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism is common in animals. Females, which often experience increased fecundity with size, are generally the larger sex. In males, the pre-copulatory advantages of large size have been extensively investigated. However, in polyandrous species, large male size may also be advantageous after copulation due to sperm competition. Male size co-varies with ejaculate size and increased fertilization success in many insects. Large male size can also be important for production of nuptial gifts enhancing female fecundity. In this study, the relative importance of male size for ejaculate and nuptial gift production is assessed in 20 bushcricket species (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Relative male size is found to correlate with increased ejaculate size across taxa. In contrast, no association is found between relative male size and the size or quality of the nuptial gift. These findings indicate that selection for increased ejaculate volumes as a response to sperm competition may act to promote large male size in insects.  相似文献   

Abstract. The larvae of the antlion Euroleon nostras are pit-builders, constructing pitfall traps in loose sand. The number of pits and the pit diameter are recorded when larvae are kept in substrates with different particle sizes. The most convenient pit-building sand fractions are two fractions with fine sand (≤ 0.23 mm; 0.23–0.54 mm). The largest pits are constructed in sand with a particle size of 0.23–0.54 mm. In this sand fraction, larvae of all three instars most readily build pits. No pits are constructed in sand with a particle size greater than 1.54 mm. First- and second-instar larvae avoid building pits in substrates of particle size 1–1.54 mm, but third-instar larvae construct pits in this sand fraction. It is assumed that the antlion is capable of distinguishing between substrate types and this hypothesis is tested by giving larvae the choice of building a pit in one of four particle-size fractions. Larvae of all three instars prefer to build pits in the fraction with a particle size of 0.23–0.54 mm. Only third-instar larvae build pits in all four fractions, but only occasionally in the coarser fraction.  相似文献   

Aim Elucidation of the influence of river systems on the distribution of lemurs. Location Humid forests of Madagascar. Methods We review the elevational distribution of Malagasy lemurs to address hypotheses of the role of rivers as physical barriers. Main conclusions Rivers are barriers for some species. However, several lemurs have altitudinal ranges that are higher than the headwaters of a given river, and in such cases these species are able to disperse across the source.  相似文献   

The size of the group of social species might influence basicaspects of productivity and social interactions. In many primitivelysocial insects, foundress queens are basically in control ofthe number of workers in their first brood. We examined factorsthat might influence the optimal number of workers a queen shouldproduce during the solitary founding phase in Lasioglossum malachurum(Hymenoptera, Halictidae). A priori, it seems plausible thatshe should produce as many workers as possible (1) to maximizecolony productivity and (2) to minimize the impact of broodparasitoids. However, there might also be unfavorable consequencesof a large colony size from the queen's perspective. First,the queen might incur disproportionately high costs that decreaseher potential for subsequent reproduction. Second, the queenmight not be able to suppress the development of ovaries ina large number of workers. As a clear advantage of a large colonysize, we found an increased production of sexuals. Contraryto our expectation, in the first worker phase, nests that wereparasitized by Sphecodes bees had more workers than did unparasitizednests. We found no evidence that the production of the firstworker brood entailed costs to the queen. However, the degreeof development of worker ovaries increased with colony size,and some degree of development was detectable with as few asfour workers. This study shows that the number of workers aqueen produces might depend on the interaction of several factors,some of which have not been considered in detail yet.  相似文献   

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