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A color morph of the Tanganyikan scale-eater, Perissodus microlepis (Cichlidae), considered to be an example of aggressive mimicry, is reported from the rocky littoral area at the southern end of Lake Tanganyika, Zambia. The anal fin of the morph is yellow, instead of the usual dark or transparent, being closely similar to that of the gregarious cyprichrominine cichlids, Cyprichromis leptosoma species complex and Paracyprichromis nigripinnis, abundant in the area. The color morph of Perissodus microlepis was observed to mingle with and attack shoals of the prey. About 24% of P. microlepis observed in less than 15m depth at Kasenga Point were the yellow-fin type. The color variation, which is likely associated with a variation in feeding mode within this population, probably evolved and has been maintained by the local community structure, which included abundant cyprichrominine fishes.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 193 specimens of the fish Aspitrigla cuculus (collected at quarterly intervals) are analyzed to determine diet, and variations in diet according to size and season. Crustaceans (% No = 93 %, % Weight = 63 %) and teleostean fish (% N = 6 %, % W = 30 %) constitute the basic food. Feeding habits change at c. 85 mm and again at c. 140 mm (size of sexual maturity) total length. The importance of nycthemeral migrators decreases with size, while the circalitoral benthos increase inversely. In adults, the seasonal variations show only substitutions between benthic prey types.  相似文献   

The stomach content of 589 specimens of Eutrigla gurnardus (collected at quarterly intervals) have been analyzed to determine diet according to fish size and season. The results show that crustaceans (% No = 93%, %Weight = 81%) are the basic food and that teleostean fishes are quite important in the adult diet. The importance of nycthemeral migrators decreases significantly as size increases, whilst the importance of benthic prey increases inversely. In every size, the feeding intensity is greater at midday than in the morning. Larger prey are eaten in winter than in summer although feeding intensity is lower in winter.  相似文献   

L. Packer 《Insectes Sociaux》1994,41(3):309-313
Summary Nine nests ofLasioglossum (Dialictus) tenax were excavated near Calgary, Alberta, Canada over a time period encompassing the entire brood production period in 1988. Each nest contained a maximum of one active adult female, nest productivity peaked in mid July, protandry was noted and no significant size difference between foundresses and the earlier emerging females was detected. These data suggest that this species is solitary. These results are compared with data for the sympatrically nesting eusocial speciesL. (D.) laevissimum.  相似文献   

Habitat preference of juveniles ofLates angustifrons andLates mariae, endemic fish species in Lake Tanganyika, was investigated in the field and in the laboratory. Both species settle on the grass bed after the post-larval pelagic phase.L. angustifrons preferred the short grass bed composed ofVallismeria sp., whileL. mariae preferred the tall grass bed composed ofPotamogeton schweinfurthii. L. angustifrons always rested near the root, keeping a position parallel to the bottom; dark cross bands on the body may be advantageous as camouflage in the short grass bed. On the other hand,L. mariae always stayed in mid-water, keeping a head-down position parallel to a leaf or stem of grass; such posture and longitudinal stripes on the body may be advantageous as camouflage in the tall grass bed. Both species were more active at night, and fed mainly on atyid shrimps.Lates angustifrons shifted its main food from shrimps to fish with growth, as was suggested inL. mariae. Difference in the habitat preference may play an important role in their coexistence.  相似文献   

B. Azoulay  M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》1992,246(3):251-258
Interactions between the larvae of Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz, 1952) in Lake Kinneret, Israel, and their zooplankton prey were studied experimentally. Prey species preference and size selectivities were measured. Larvae were hatched in the lab from eggs collected in the field, and fed different food items in various concentrations. The food items included lake zooplankton, algae, and commercial pellets. It was shown that small, first feeding larvae (7–8.5 mm SL) prefer small bodied zooplankters (< 180 µ). The effect of these food sources on larval growth was measured. It was found that larval Mirogrex grew at a higher rate when fed zooplankton prey sized from 63 µ–250 µ. Food items smaller than 63 µ, larger than 250 µ and Scenedesmus sp., produced less than optimal growth rates. The importance of Mirogrex feeding habits and their potential influence on the Kinneret ecosystem is considered.  相似文献   

B. Azoulay  M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》1992,246(3):243-249
Analysis of the food composition, distribution, lengths and dry weights of larval bleak, Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz, 1952) in Lake Kinneret, Israel was conducted. Indices of electivity of ingested prey organisms were also determined. Larvae were surveyed throughout the 1989–90 reproductive seasons (Dec–Mar). Small larvae (<10.28 mm SL) preferentially select prey items smaller than 180 µ. Dominant zooplankters in the larval guts included: Bosmina longirostris, Ceriodaphnia reticulata and C. rigaudi, Asplanchna priodonita, Synchaeta oblonga, S. pectinata and juvenile cyclopoid copepods. Diaphanosoma brachiurum was rarely found (instars only) and no adult copepods were observed in larval guts. Some larvae specimens were found with up to 500 undigested (intact) accidentally ingested cells of Peridinium spp. per gut.  相似文献   

Gerres methueni Regan, 1920, for many years identified asG. rappi (Barnard, 1927), is redescribed as a senior synonym of the latter species, following examination of two syntypes of the former and comparative material from South Africa and Madagascar.Gerres methueni is characterized by prominent dark stripes along the scale rows above the lateral line and the 4 or 5 rows immediately below it, 5–17 small scales on the preopercular flange, arranged in 1–3 scale row(s) at the corner, 42–44 pored lateral line scales+3–5 additional pored scales on the scaly sheath of the caudal fin base, 41/2–51/2 scales between the fifth dorsal fin spine base and lateral line, and second dorsal fin spine length equal to or slightly shorter than the third dorsal fin spine length.Gerres methueni is currently known from South Africa, southern Mozambique and Madagascar, being endemic in those areas.  相似文献   

By the use of a fluorescent dye it was shown that, during feeding by an aquatic bug, water from the external environment passes into the prey's body though puncture holes from previous feeding sites. Such a phenomenon, resulting in the diluting of the prey's body contents, may be used as a physiological stimulus to detect the quality of the prey, leading to movement to another part of the prey's body or discarding the prey.  相似文献   

Differences in the foraging strategies among young individuals of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were observed in the laboratory by using two kinds of food (Daphnia and brine shrimp) separately and together. Individuals differed significantly in their ability for feeding attempts, time interval between two consecutive feeding attempts, feeding angles, regurgitation rate, and number of unsuccessful attempts and in their food preference. It is concluded that there are individuals with different foraging strategies. Variability in foraging strategies within single species populations is important because it may explain how the conspecific individuals may differ in their overall feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary Life history and behavioural characteristics of the bamboo aphid,Pseudoregma bambucicola (Takahashi), which has sterile soldiers, were studied in the laboratory. The stadium of normal (fertile) first instar larvae was two times longer than that of second instar larvae, and the stadium of soldier-type (sterile) first instar larvae was much longer (max. 116 days) than the stadium of normal first instar, suggesting that soldiers are able to take nutrition from bamboo. Stimulation of larvae with breath, vibration of bamboo shoots or disturbing the larvae with the tip of a fine brush induced significantly more defensive acts by soldiers than those by normal larvae — the latter usually fled. Soldiers did not attack non-kin conspecific intruders or even aphids of different species, suggesting that, in this species, kin-recognition ability is low.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific facultative social parasitism is well known in ants and in bumble-bees, but it is rarer in wasps. This form of parasitism is traditionally considered to be an intermediate stage in the evolution of obligate interspecific parasitism, where the parasites are no longer able to nest alone. We report field and experimental observations of a newly discovered facultative parasitic relationship between two closely related free-living Polistes species: P. nimphus and P. dominulus. P. nimphus foundresses sometimes usurp the nests of the larger P. dominulus before worker emergence. The invading queen takes over the nest with abundant abdomen stroking on the nest surface and is accepted by workers if they emerge 6 or more days after usurpation. Morphometric comparisons show that the usurper species, though smaller than its victims, has morphological adaptations consisting of larger heads, mandibles and front femora relative to their body size that may give it an advantage during nest invasion. This strategy is likely to be taken only after the foundress loses her original nest because invading P. nimphus queens have lower reproductive success than they would have had on their own nest. Overall, we found that P. nimphus usurpers use strategies of invasion similar to those of two obligate parasites, suggesting that this may be an example of one of the pathways by which social parasitism evolved.Received 4 April 2003; revised 8 August 2003; accepted 14 September 2003.  相似文献   

Recent collections have brought to light the following new species from the states of Tabasco and Oaxaca, Mexico:Byttneria fluvialis (Sterculiaceae) from Tabasco;Bakeridesia amoena (Malvaceae), andTriumfetta calzadae (Tiliaceae) from Oaxaca.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 372 specimens of Aspitrigla obscura (collected at quarterly intervals) have been analyzed to determine diet according to fish size and season. The results show that crustaceans (%No = 96%, %Weight = 76%) are the basic food. For all sizes, half of diet is assured by necto-benthic crustaceans. In smaller sizes, the remaining half is formed by planktonic species, whilst in larger sizes they are substituted by nycthemeral migrators. The importance of planktonic prey is greater in the winter sample than in the other samples. In every size, the feeding intensity is greater in the midday sample than in the morning one.  相似文献   

Summary Females of an Australian polistine wasp,Ropalidia plebeiana, often use their mandibles to cut their nest-comb in spring, dividing it into two or more completely independent nests. Prior to the division, each of the major egg layers, often with some subordinates, tended to occupy a different part of a single comb. These females gnawed cells in the intermediate zone between such territories, and ultimately divided the comb. Many other females also built new nests near the nest aggregations, but addition of new nests by comb cutting represented 34.8 % of the increase in nest number. This method of colony fission is so far unknown in any eusocial Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

The formation of sperm cells has been examined ultrastructurally in the tricellular pollen grains ofGalium mollugo L. (Rubiaceae).Trichodiadema setuliferum Schwantes (Aizoaceae), andAvena sativa L. (Poaceae). After detachement from the intine the generative cell of all three species lies free within the vegetative cytoplasm. The two sperm cells are built inTrichodiadema andAvena by a single separating wall, while inGalium mollugo two independent walls are formed. However, both mechanisms separate the two male gametes completely.  相似文献   

Many species of lepidopterans supplement their nectar diet with foods rich in nitrogen and minerals, which are present only in trace amounts in nectar. We examined the effect of adult diet on mating behaviour and spermatophore characteristics in male Bicyclus anynana (Butler, 1879) butterflies, which feed on rotten fruits as adults. We found little effect of adult diet on male reproduction in terms of mating rate and sperm production, although males fed on fruit produced larger spermatophores on their first mating compared to males fed sugar only. We also examined how males allocate sperm across matings. Males ejaculate larger spermatophores during their first mating, and produce spermatophores containing decreasingly fewer non-fertile sperm with number of matings performed. Males that produced more non-fertile sperm on their first mating had reduced lifespan possibly indicating a trade-off between sperm production and adult longevity. It is suggested that adult diet has little affect on male ejaculate production and males feed on fruit to supplement their energetic carbon requirements.  相似文献   

Adult leaf-cutting ants of the subspecies Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus were fed with an Evans Blue dye solution, which allowed the investigation of subsequent exchange of liquids between ants by oral trophallaxis. Trophallactic behavior was filmed and the antennation patterns of donor and recipient ants were described. The ants’ crop capacity was measured following ad libitum feeding on dye solution. Ants previously fed on the dye solution (donors) were placed individually with unfed ants of the same caste (recipients) and the amount of dye solution passed from the donor to the recipient by oral trophallaxis was measured after one hour. The volume received was 0.26 ± 0.15μL (mean ± SD) and the residual volume of dye in the crop of the donors was 0.49 ± 0.23μL. There were 38 trophallactic events recorded for 50 pairs of ants. Trophallaxis was observed from 2.3 min to 21.5 min after initial exposure, with a mean latency of 8.4 ± 5.6 min. The mean duration of a trophallatic event was 2.3 ± 1.3 min. As far as we know, this is the first time that trophallaxis in leaf-cutting ants has been described and quantified. Received 2 December 2005; revised 6 April 2006; accepted 10 April 2006.  相似文献   

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