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分别采用二维、脉冲多普勒及M型超声心动图Teichholtz公式对1 0只健康成年实验恒河猴(Macacamulatta)的心脏结构、心脏血流动力学及左室收缩功能进行测定,并比较不同性别间各参数的差异,以建立正常健康成年恒河猴超声心动图相关生理学参数的基础正常值。结果表明,健康成年实验恒河猴超声心动图各项生理指标类似于人类新生儿的指标,雌、雄组间比较除室间隔舒张末期厚度有统计学差异外(P <0 0 5 ) ,其余指标均无统计学差异(P >0 0 5 )。  相似文献   

目的观察三聚氰胺及其同系物给予动物后,导致肾脏损伤、形成结石的过程,及肾脏损伤的恢复过程。方法选择6月龄恒河猴6只,雌雄各半,随机分为3组,2只/组,分别为T1(140 mg/kg三聚氰胺和14 mg/kg三聚氰酸),T2(140 mg/kg三聚氰胺和50mg/kg腺嘌呤)和T3组(140mg/kg三聚氰胺)。连续70 d口服受试物,观察动物的一般状态,分别于不同时间点进行血液学、血生化、尿常规和肾脏B超的检测;并连续观察18个月,观察动物的生长发育情况。结果 1.各剂量组动物在给予受试物8周后所有动物肾脏中均出现多个结石;停止给予受试物后,所有动物结石数量和大小均呈下降趋势,至停止给予受试物16个月后,全部动物肾脏均未检测出结石。2.各剂量组,血清中β2微球蛋白(β2-MG)和尿酸(UA)等指标随着给药时间的延长而有所增高,但在正常范围内。在动物的恢复期,此两项指标的数值明显下降。结论 1.单纯三聚氰胺(相当于人体使用量48 mg/kg.w.d)不能造成恒河猴肾脏功能的明显损害,可形成肾结石。2.在三聚氰酸或腺嘌呤存在的情况下,三聚氰胺可以造成恒河猴肾功能指标β2-MG和UA在正常范围内升高,并可在肾脏形成结石;。3.经过16个月的恢复所有动物结石无法检出,其中三聚氰胺组动物恢复最快。  相似文献   

Major Histocompatibility Locus of Rhesus Monkeys (RhL-A)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
TISSUE typing in rhesus monkeys is an essential prerequisite of organ and bone marrow transplantation in this and other laboratories. Since our first demonstrations in 1965 that leucocyte antigens are relevant for histocompatibility in primates1, two leucocyte specificities of rhesus monkeys have been defined serologically2 and since then the number of available iso-antisera has gradually increased. Although most of the reagents are not monospecific, the inheritance of the leucocyte “groups” suggests that they are controlled by genes segregating as single units in a Mendelian fashion3, but the data previously obtained were insufficient for a thorough genetic analysis.  相似文献   

Males and females have different sexual interests and subsequently may show conflicting sexual strategies. While dominant males try to monopolize females, promiscuity benefits females and subordinate males. One way to escape monopolization by dominant males is to copulate in their absence. We tested this inhibitory effect of males on the sexual behavior of their group members in captive group‐living Rhesus macaques. Copulations between females and nonalpha males almost exclusively took place when the alpha male was out of sight. Furthermore, the inhibiting effect was not unique for the alpha male. An upcoming nonalpha male also inhibited copulations of its group members, and three other nonalpha males inhibited female copulation solicitations. Females adjusted their behavior to the presence of bystander males, as they initiated and accepted initiations more often in absence than in presence of bystander males. Although not significant, in males, a similar pattern was found. The observed reduction in mating behavior in presence of bystander males is in accordance with an “audience effect,” in which the behavior is modulated in relation to the presence or absence of third parties. This audience effect may serve as an important mechanism to reduce (aggressive) interruptions of subordinate male copulations.  相似文献   

Rapid, serial, and humane collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in nonhuman primates (NHP) is an essential element of numerous research studies and is currently accomplished via two different models. The CSF reservoir model (FR) combines a catheter in the 4th ventricle with a flexible silastic reservoir to permit circulating CSF flow. The CSF lateral port model (LP) consists of a lateral ventricular catheter and an IV port that provides static access to CSF and volume restrictions on sample collection. The FR model is associated with an intensive, prolonged recovery and frequent postsurgical hydrocephalus and nonpatency, whereas the LP model is associated with an easier recovery. To maximize the advantages of both systems, we developed the CSF lateral reservoir model (LR), which combines the beneficial features of the 2 previous models but avoids their limitations by using a reservoir for circulating CSF flow combined with catheter placement in the lateral ventricle. Nine adult male rhesus monkeys were utilized in this study. Pre-surgical MRI was performed to determine the coordinates of the lateral ventricle and location of choroid plexus (CP). The coordinates were determined to avoid the CP and major blood vessels. The predetermined coordinates were 100% accurate, according to MRI validation. The LR system functioned successfully in 67% of cases for 221 d, and 44% remain functional at 426 to 510 d postoperatively. Compared with established models, our LR model markedly reduced postoperative complications and recovery time. Development of the LR model was successful in rhesus macaques and is a useful alternative to the FR and LP methods of CSF collection from nonhuman primates.Abbreviations: CP, choroid plexus; FR, CSF 4th ventricular reservoir model; LP, CSF lateral port model; LR, CSF lateral reservoir model; SER, successful establishment rateSerial ventricular CSF sampling in NHP is a frequent and critical requirement for a wide variety of studies and is predominantly accomplished by using either of 2 models. The 4th ventricle (FR) model, previously referred to as an Ommaya reservoir,6 and lateral port (LP) models2 are closed, indwelling, subcutaneous systems that allow for serial, rapid, and humane collection of CSF, as well as intraventricular drug administration, in unanesthetized and restrained NHP.The FR model (Figure 1 A) consists of a catheter that is placed in the 4th ventricle and attached to a silastic reservoir that is implanted subcutaneously over the occipital bone. The silastic reservoir is depressed repetitively prior to and after sampling to circulate the CSF throughout the ventricles and catheter system to provide an unbiased sample without volume loss to dead space. The reservoir is accessed percutaneously to obtain a CSF sample via aspiration or to administer drug. The FR model initially was developed in 19776 and continues to be used for pharmacokinetic studies. This system continues to demonstrate a low rate of successful establishment, but once established, the FR model remains patent for prolonged periods without evidence of neurologic sequelae or bleeding from the choroid plexus (CP) in rhesus macaques. The decreased establishment rate of this model is attributed, at least in part, to postsurgical development of hydrocephalus, given that the catheter, which is routed through the aqueduct of Magendie to the 4th ventricle, can obstruct the flow of CSF. In addition, maintaining catheter patency is problematic due to CP bleeding during the recovery period. Postsurgical care and recovery after creating the FR are extensive, frequently requiring prolonged analgesics and steroid administration, with many days needed for complete recovery.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Evolution of CSF ventricular models, with flow dynamics. (A) Sagittal diagram of original FR (Ommaya) model, with placement in the 4th ventricle. Developed in 1977. Arrows indicate the circulating flow of CSF. (B) Original LP model, with catheter placement in the lateral ventricle and attachment to an IV access port. Developed in 1990. Arrows indicate the static, unidirectional flow of CSF. (C) The LR model, a composite of the 2 earlier CSF models. Arrows indicate the circulating flow of CSF.The LP model (Figure 1 B) consists of a catheter that is implanted in the lateral ventricle and attached to a subcutaneous intravenous access port. The port is accessed percutaneously to obtain the CSF sample or to administer a drug. The LP is a static model, because the CSF is not circulated or mixed through the ventricles, and CSF is obtained via unidirectional flow. The LP model was developed in 1990 for intrathecal drug administration3 and has been used subsequently for CSF collection4 by several investigators. CSF sampling with the LP model is restrictive: the volume of the system (that is, the dead space) must be removed at each collection to obtain an unbiased sample, collection is accomplished via gravitational flow and not aspiration, and the collection frequency is dependent on the rate of CSF replacement. In addition, the potential for sample contamination from blood due to CP bleeding remains problematic for the duration of LP implantation. However, the use of the lateral ventricle avoids the postsurgical complication of hydrocephalus. This system demonstrated a high rate of successful establishment with a reduction in the necessary analgesic and steroid administration as well as days to complete recovery, as compared with the FR model. Analysis of our clinical records from 2003 to 2013 revealed a successful establishment rate (SER) of 39% for the FR model; 33% of these systems remained functional for 3 to 7.5 y (
Successful establishment rate (%)
4 mo1 y or moreNo. of daysNo. of monthsNo. of years
LP (n = 11)9182107535.32.9
LR (n = 9)6744292.99.60.8
FR (n = 18)3933637.621.01.8
Open in a separate windowTo combine the functionality of the FR model with the higher SER and ease of recovery associated with the LP model, we developed the lateral ventricular reservoir (LR) model (Figure 1 C). This new model provides a closed, indwelling, and subcutaneous system with circulating CSF flow and unrestrictive sampling and avoids the potential postsurgical complications of hydrocephalus and nonpatency, extensive postsurgical care, and prolonged recovery.  相似文献   

雌性恒河猴月经周期FSH、LH分泌水平的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
王训立  刘国璋  李志雄  陈旋武  范春梅  周建华 《中国实验动物学报》1999,7(1):6
本文采用改进的体外生物测定法分析恒河猴月经周期中促卵泡刺激素(FSH)、促黄体生成素(LH)的变化情况。结果表明:雌猴的FSH峰出现在月经周期的第102±10天,峰值:572±48ng/ml;LH峰出现在月经周期的第120±16天,峰值:963±97ng/ml,且为滤泡期、黄体期平均值的7~8倍。证实了在雌性恒河猴的月经周期中,其LH分泌高峰与FSH分泌高峰不在同一时间出现的现象。  相似文献   

Aggressive Play and Communication in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)     
SYMONS  DONALD 《Integrative and comparative biology》1974,14(1):317-322
One adaptive function that has been suggested for social playin higher primates is the learning, refining, or practicingof communicative skills. Despite the absence of experimentaldata, a comparison of the structure of aggressive play and communicationmay shed light on this hypothesis. The great majority of rhesusmonkey agonistic interactions are mediated by stereotyped signals.Deprivation experiments have shown that appropriate interpretationand use of such signals requires early social experience. Suchexperience seemingly must have the following characteristics:(i) The relevant agonistic signals must occur, (ii) These signalsmust regularly be paired with other stimuli for appropriateresponses to signals to be learned. Signals must produce regularresponses in other monkeys for appropriate use to be learned.Aggressive play seems to be an unpromising context in whichto learn, refine, or practice agonistic signals. These signalsare not observed in play, and the signals that do occur arerestricted to play and are not regularly paired with unconditionedstimuli.  相似文献   

Evidence in Female Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) that Nighttime Caloric Intake is not Associated with Weight Gain     
Elinor L. Sullivan  Alejandro J. Daniels  Frank H. Koegler  Judy L. Cameron 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2005,13(12):2072-2080
Objective: To evaluate the hypothesis that nighttime consumption of calories leads to an increased propensity to gain weight. Research Methods and Procedures: Sixteen female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were ovariectomized and placed on a high‐fat diet to promote weight gain, and we examined whether monkeys that ate a high percentage of calories at night were more likely to gain weight than monkeys that ate the majority of calories during the day. Results: Within 6 weeks post‐ovariectomy, calorie intake and body weight increased significantly (129 ± 14%, p = 0.04; 103 ± 0.91%, p = 0.02, respectively). Subsequent placement on high‐fat diet led to further significant increases in calorie intake and body weight (368 ± 56%, p = 0.001; 113 ± 4.0%, p = 0.03, respectively). However, there was no correlation between the increase in calorie intake and weight gain (p = 0.34). Considerable individual variation existed in the percentage of calories consumed at night (6% to 64% total daily caloric intake). However, the percentage of calorie intake occurring at night was not correlated with body weight (r = 0.04; p = 0.87) or weight gain (r = 0.07; p = 0.79) over the course of the study. Additionally, monkeys that showed the greatest nighttime calorie intake did not gain more weight (p = 0.94) than monkeys that showed the least nighttime calorie intake. Discussion: These results show that eating at night is not associated with an increased propensity to gain weight, suggesting that individuals trying to lose weight should not rely on decreasing evening calorie intake as a primary strategy for promoting weight loss.  相似文献   

Sexual Differentiation of Cognitive Abilities in Women Exposed to Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Prenatally     
Melissa Hines  Eugene C. Sandberg   《Hormones and behavior》1996,30(4):354-363
In nonhuman animals, prenatal exposure to androgens or estrogens enhances development of male-typical characteristics (masculinizes) and impairs development of female-typical characteristics (defeminizes). We investigated the hypothesis that prenatal exposure to the synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), similarly masculinizes or defeminizes cognitive development in women. Forty-two DES-exposed women and 26 of their unexposed sisters were studied. No group differences were seen for abilities at which females excel on average (verbal fluency, perceptual speed and accuracy, and associative memory), for abilities at which males excel on average (visuospatial abilities), or for abilities that do not show sex differences (vocabulary, nonverbal intelligence). The time of prenatal exposure to DES correlated with visuospatial performance with later exposure associated with better performance. However, the subgroup of women exposed to DES late in gestation did not differ from unexposed women on these measures. Results support the conclusion that prenatal exposure to DES has little or no influence on cognitive development in women. However, they do not preclude other types of early hormonal influences on human cognition, such as prenatal influences of androgen or influences of androgens or estrogens during the early postnatal period.  相似文献   

General and Family Practice-Epitomes of Progress: Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Update 1982     
Hudson TW  McCabe J 《The Western journal of medicine》1982,137(1):57

The Effect of Hypothyroidism on Menstruation in Adult Rhesus Monkeys     
Engle ET 《The Yale journal of biology and medicine》1944,17(1):59-66

Sex Differences in the Development of Aggressive Behavior in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)     
Lars Kulik  Federica Amici  Doreen Langos  Anja Widdig 《International journal of primatology》2015,36(4):764-789

Intestinal Parasites of the Free-Ranging Cayo Santiago Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatto)     
Matt J. Kessler  Barbara Yarbrough  Richard G. Rawlins  John Berard 《Journal of medical primatology》1984,13(2):57-66
Free-ranging rhesus macaques on the island of Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, were surveyed for intestinal parasites for the first time in over 40 years. Results were compared with the only previous study [10], and the relationships between the prevalence of Strongyloides and dominance rank, body weight, age, and matriline examined in the sampled population.  相似文献   

Male Demography,Female Mating Behavior,and Infanticide in Wild Patas Monkeys (Erythrocebus patas)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Enstam  Karin L.  Isbell  Lynne A.  De Maar  Thomas W. 《International journal of primatology》2002,23(1):85-104
Infanticide by males has been hypothesized to be a naturally selected behavioral strategy that increases the infanticidal male's reproductive success. The sexual selection hypothesis has been challenged via alternative, nonadaptive hypotheses that dispute its empirical and theoretical bases. Two of the most widely recognized alternatives are the social pathology hypothesis, in which infanticide results from overcrowding or recent human disturbance, and the generalized aggression hypothesis, in which infanticide is an epiphenomenon of increased male aggression. We report the first case of infanticide in wild, seasonally breeding patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) living at a low population density in a stable habitat, conditions which do not support the social pathology hypothesis. Its exceptional occurrence is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis: over a 7-year period the infanticidal male was the only one of 13 resident males that was not present during the actual conception season but was present during the following birth season. Also consistent with this hypothesis, mothers were differentially targeted for male aggression, which increased sevenfold during the days surrounding the infanticide and then decreased to baseline levels after the infanticide. Aggression targeted at mothers does not support the generalized aggression hypothesis. As predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis, females began soliciting mating immediately after the infanticide, despite its occurrence in the nonconceptive season.  相似文献   

Glycosylated Haemoglobin (Hb A1) in Normal Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)     
M. Srinivas  K. Ghosh  D.K. Shome  J.S. Virdi  S. Kumar  D. Mohanty  K.C. Das 《Journal of medical primatology》1986,15(5):361-365
Glycosylated haemoglobins were measured in 23 healthy juvenile rhesus monkeys by the use of commercially available minicolumn chromatography (Quick Sep., Isolab Inc., Ohio, USA) to establish the normal range. Values obtained (mean ± 1 standard deviation (SD) 1.57 ± 0.68%) were significantly lower than that of 17 adult healthy human volunteers by the use of the same method of estimation (mean ± 1 SD of 5.34 ± 0.78%).  相似文献   

陈永昌  陈学进 《兽类学报》2005,25(1):73-76
选择活率高的精子并进行体外获能是开展猕猴体外受精研究的必要程序, 是研究猕猴受精生物学的重要手段。本实验采用上浮法和Percoll 梯度离心法对猕猴精液进行了优选, 并对处理后的精子形态正常率、精子活率、密度及受精率作了比较, 发现二者差异不显著; 用dbcAMP 和咖啡因使精子获能, 发现只有两种获能剂同时存在才能使猕猴精子获能并使卵母细胞受精。结论为: 上浮法和Percoll 法都是有效的精子优选法, 对受精率的影响差异不显著; dbcAMP 和咖啡因在猕猴精子体外获能时缺一不可。  相似文献   

Olfaction, Sexual Behavior, and the Pheromone Hypothesis in Rhesus Monkeys: A Critique     
Goldfoot  DAVID A. 《Integrative and comparative biology》1981,21(1):153-164
SYNOPSIS. Evidence in support of and contrary to the hypothesisthat rhesus monkeys possess a sexual pheromonal system is presentedand discussed. New evidence demonstrates that solicitationsof females given estradiol are more attractive to males in partbecause the females allow males to mount much more frequentlyonly when the females have initiated the sexual interaction.In addition, evidence is presented which demonstrates that anodorous control substance stimulates sexual activity just aswell as the purported "active component" of vaginal secretionsunder restricted conditions of evaluation. Finally, preliminaryevidence suggests the possibility that odorous products fromthe vagina, unrelated to short-chain aliphatic acids, presentqualitatively distinct cues to the male during the periovulatoryphase of the menstrual cycle. However, only sexually experiencedmales, and not young adult "virginal" males nor adult isosexually-rearedmales, selectively attended to midcycle vaginal products whenthese were placed on environmental surfaces. It is concludedthat male rhesus monkeys may utilize odorous cues from the femaleduring sexual interactions, but these cues are neither necessarynor sufficient for the coordination of fertile matings. Furthermore,olfactory communication in this species does not fit the accepteddefinition of pheromone: the odors are not specific for onespecies; the behavior elicited is not specific to sexual arousal;and volatile materials other than vaginal products can stimulatesexual activity.  相似文献   

唐光耀 《生物数学学报》2011,(3):397-405
通过建立具有非线性成熟率的食物网模型研究了幼年竞争瓶颈对种群动力学行为的影响,结论显示当竞争瓶颈比较弱的时,捕食者生活史中的幼年瓶颈对系统的影响要大于成年.模型存在两种可能的共存态或双稳定性,即消费者-捕食者和消费者平衡态共存,但是瓶颈不能诱导系统的双稳定性.进一步研究说明了选择不同的瓶颈或初始条件,瓶颈能够改变次级消费者对捕食者的净影响.  相似文献   

The Effects of Birth Weight and Maternal Care on Survival of Juvenile Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus)     
John M. Maniscalco 《PloS one》2014,9(5)
Steller sea lions were listed as endangered following a collapse of the western distinct population beginning in the late 1970s. Low juvenile survival has been implicated as a factor in the decline. I conducted a multistate mark-recapture analysis to estimate juvenile survival in an area of the western population where sea lions are showing signs of recovery. Survival for males and females was 80% between 3 weeks and 1 year of age. Approximately 20% of juveniles continued to be nursed by their mothers between ages 1 and 2 and 10% between ages 2 and 3. Survival for juveniles that suckled beyond 1 year was 88.2% and 89.9% to ages 2 and 3, respectively. In contrast, survival for individuals weaned by age 1 was 40.6% for males and 64.2% for females between ages 1 and 2. Birth mass positively influenced survival for juveniles weaned at age 1 but had little effect on individuals continuing to suckle. Cumulative survival to age 4 was double that estimated during the population decline in this region. Evidence suggests that western Steller sea lions utilize a somewhat different maternal strategy than those in the eastern distinct population. Western adult females generally invest more in their pups during the first year but wean offspring by age 1 more often. This results in better survival to age 1, but greater mortality between ages 1 and 3 compared to the eastern population. Different maternal strategies may reflect density dependent pressures of populations at opposite levels of abundance.  相似文献   

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