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糖基化作为一种常见的蛋白质翻译后修饰,对蛋白质的空间结构、生物功能等具有重要的影响.解析糖蛋白糖链结构有助于更清楚地认识糖蛋白及其功能.本研究建立了一种基于超滤膜富集血清中糖蛋白全N-连接糖链,并利用质谱技术对糖链结构进行分析的方法.根据糖蛋白及其糖链结构之间的分子质量差异,利用Millipore公司的10 ku超滤膜富集血清糖蛋白上酶解(PNGase F)释放的全N-连接糖链,并使用MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS解析糖链结构.通过该技术可以从血清中富集并鉴定到23种独特的N-连接的糖链结构,并且利用二级质谱进行了结构确认.该方法可以被用于从大量生物样本中富集糖蛋白全N-连接糖链,可以达到快速、高通量地解析糖蛋白N-连接糖链的目的.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative bacterium Campylobacter jejuni encodes an extensively characterized N-linked protein glycosylation system that modifies many surface proteins with a heptasaccharide glycan. In C. jejuni, the genes that encode the enzymes required for glycan biosynthesis and transfer to protein are located at a single pgl gene locus. Similar loci are also present in the genome sequences of all other Campylobacter species, although variations in gene content and organization are evident. In this study, we have demonstrated that only Campylobacter species closely related to C. jejuni produce glycoproteins that interact with both a C. jejuni N-linked-glycan-specific antiserum and a lectin known to bind to the C. jejuni N-linked glycan. In order to further investigate the structure of Campylobacter N-linked glycans, we employed an in vitro peptide glycosylation assay combined with mass spectrometry to demonstrate that Campylobacter species produce a range of structurally distinct N-linked glycans with variations in the number of sugar residues (penta-, hexa-, and heptasaccharides), the presence of branching sugars, and monosaccharide content. These data considerably expand our knowledge of bacterial N-linked glycan structure and provide a framework for investigating the role of glycosyltransferases and sugar biosynthesis enzymes in glycoprotein biosynthesis with practical implications for synthetic biology and glycoengineering.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis is a flagellated protozoan which causes enteric disease worldwide. Giardia trophozoites infect epithelial cells of the proximal small intestine and can cause acute or chronic diarrhea. The mechanism of epithelial injury in giardiasis remains unknown. A number of enteric pathogens, including protozoan parasites, are able to induce enterocyte apoptosis. The aim of this work was to assess whether G. intestinalis strain WB clone C6 is able to induce apoptosis in the human intestinal epithelial cell line HCT-8, and to investigate the role of caspases in this process. Results demonstrated that the parasite induces cell apoptosis, as confirmed by DNA fragmentation analysis, detection of active caspase-3 and degradation of the caspase-3 substrate PARP [poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase]. Furthermore, G. intestinalis infection induces activation of both the intrinsic and the extrinsic apoptotic pathways, down-regulation of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 and up-regulation of the proapoptotic Bax, suggesting a possible role for caspase-dependent apoptosis in the pathogenesis of giardiasis.  相似文献   

The three N-glycosylation sites of human heparin binding protein (HBP) have been mutated to produce a nonglycosylated HBP (ng-HBP) mutant. ng-HBP has been crystallized and tested for biological activity. Complete X-ray data have been collected to 2.1 A resolution, and the structure has been fully refined to an R-factor of 18.4% (R(free) 27.7%). The ng-HBP structure reveals that neither the secondary nor tertiary structure have changed due to the removal of the glycosylation, as compared to the previously determined glycosylated HBP structure. Although the primary events in N-linked glycosylation occurs concomitant with polypeptide synthesis and therefore possesses the ability to influence early events in protein folding, we see no evidence of glycosylation influencing the structure of the protein. The root-mean-square deviation between the superimposed structures was 0.24 A (on C alpha atoms), and only minor local structural differences are observed. Also, the overall stability of the protein seems to be unaffected by glycosylation, as judged by the B-factors derived from the two X-ray structures. The flexibility of a glycan site may be determined by the local polypeptide sequence and structure rather than the glycan itself. The biological in vitro activity assay data show that ng-HBP, contrary to glycosylated HBP, mediates only a very limited stimulation of the lipopolysaccharide induced cytokine release from human monocytes. In animal models of fecal peritonitis, glycosylated HBP treatment rescues mice from and an otherwise lethal injury. It appears that ng-HBP have significant effect on survival, and it can be concluded that ng-HBP can stimulate the host defence machinery albeit to a lesser extent than glycosylated HBP.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is widely regarded as being only capable of producing N-linked glycans with high-mannose structures. To investigate the glycan structures made in different mutant strains, we made use of a reporter protein consisting of a version of hen egg lysozyme that contains a single site for N-linked glycosylation. Mass spectrometry analysis of the attached glycans revealed that a large proportion contained an unexpected extra mass corresponding to a single N-acetylhexosamine residue. In addition, the glycosylated lysozyme was recognized by an N-acetylglucosamine specific lectin. The genome of S. cerevisiae contains an uncharacterized open reading frame, YOR320c, that is related to a known N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase. Deletion of this ORF resulted in the disappearance of the extra mass on the N-linked glycans and loss of lectin binding. We show that the protein encoded by YOR320c (which we term Gnt1p) is localized to the Golgi apparatus and has GlcNAc-transferase activity in vitro. The physiological role of Gnt1p is unclear because mutants lacking the protein show no obvious growth or cell wall defects. Nonetheless, these results indicate that heterologous glycoproteins expressed in yeast can receive N-glycans with structures other than high mannose. In addition, they indicate that the lumen of the yeast Golgi contains UDP-GlcNAc, which may facilitate reconstitution of higher eukaryotic N-glycan processing.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis arginine deiminase (GiADI) is an important metabolic enzyme involved in the energy production and defense of this protozoan parasite. The lack of this enzyme in the human host makes GiADI an attractive target for drug design against G. intestinalis. One approach in the design of inhibitors of GiADI could be computer-assisted studies of its crystal structure, such as docking; however, the required crystallographic structure of the enzyme still remains unresolved. Because of its relevance, in this work, we present a three-dimensional structure of GiADI obtained from its amino acid sequence using the homology modeling approximation. Furthermore, we present an approximation of the most stable dimeric structure of GiADI identified through molecular dynamics simulation studies. An in silico analysis of druggability using the structure of GiADI was carried out in order to know if it is a good target for design and optimization of selective inhibitors. Potential GiADI inhibitors were identified by docking of a set of 3196 commercial and 19 in-house benzimidazole derivatives, and molecular dynamics simulation studies were used to evaluate the stability of the ligand–enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

The human insulin receptor (IR) homodimer is heavily glycosylated and contains a total of 19 predicted N-linked glycosylation sites in each monomer. The recent crystal structure of the IR ectodomain shows electron density consistent with N-linked glycosylation at the majority of sites present in the construct. Here, we describe a refined structure of the IR ectodomain that incorporates all of the N-linked glycans and reveals the extent to which the attached glycans mask the surface of the IR dimer from interaction with antibodies or other potential therapeutic binding proteins. The usefulness of Fab complexation in the crystallization of heavily glycosylated proteins is also discussed. The compositions of the glycans on IR expressed in CHO-K1 cells and the glycosylation deficient Lec8 cell line were determined by protease digestion, glycopeptide purification, amino acid sequence analysis, and mass spectrometry. Collectively the data reveal: multiple species of complex glycan at residues 25, 255, 295, 418, 606, 624, 742, 755, and 893 (IR-B numbering); multiple species of high-mannose glycan at residues 111 and 514; a single species of complex glycan at residue 671; and a single species of high-mannose glycan at residue 215. Residue 16 exhibited a mixture of complex, hybrid, and high-mannose glycan species. Of the remaining five predicted N-linked sites, those at residues 397 and 906 were confirmed by amino acid sequencing to be glycosylated, while that at residue 78 and the atypical (NKC) site at residue 282 were not glycosylated. The peptide containing the final site at residue 337 was not recovered but is seen to be glycosylated in the electron density maps of the IR ectodomain. The model of the fully glycosylated IR reveals that the sites carrying high-mannose glycans lie at positions of relatively low steric accessibility.  相似文献   

Oocyte maturation is a prerequisite for successful fertilization. Growing evidence suggests that not only the oocyte but also the surrounding zona pellucida has to undergo maturational changes. In the pig, two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis demonstrated an acidic shift of the zona pellucida glycoproteins of about 1.5–2.0 pH units during the maturation process. These findings were corroborated by histological studies that indicated the synthesis of acidic glycoconjugates in the cumulus cells and an increased occurrence of acidic glycans in the zona pellucida after oocyte maturation. In order to provide structural data on prepuberal zona pellucida N-glycosylation, N-glycans were released from prepuberal zona pellucida glycoproteins by N-glycosidase F and studied by mass spectrometry before and after desialylation and treatment with endo-β-galactosidase. Our results verified the presence of high-mannose-type Man5GlcNAc2 compounds as well as diantennary N-glycans as major neutral species, whereas sialylated diantennary and triantennary species constituted the dominant non-sulfated acidic sugar chains. The major acidic N-glycans of prepuberal animals, however, represented mono-sulfated diantennary, triantennary and tetraantennary oligosaccharides carrying, in part, N-acetyllactosamine repeating units as well as additional Neu5Ac or Neu5Gc residues. Glycans comprising more than one sulfate residue were not detected. In contrast to the literature data on zona pellucida glycoprotein-N-glycans of cyclic animals, our data thus reveal a lower degree in glycan sulfation of the prepuberal zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Although spliceosomal introns are an abundant landmark in eukaryotic genomes, the nuclear genome of the divergent eukaryote Giardia intestinalis, the causative agent of giardiasis, has been considered as “intron-poor” with only five canonical (cis-spliced) introns. However, three research groups (including ours) have independently reported a novel class of spliceosomal introns in the G. intestinalis genome. Three protein-coding genes are split into pieces in the G. intestinalis genome, and each of the partial coding regions was independently transcribed into polyadenylated premature mRNAs (pre-mRNAs). The two pre-mRNAs directly interact with each other by an intermolecular-stem structure formed between their non-coding portions, and are then processed into mature mRNAs by spliceosome-mediated trans-splicing. Here, we summarize the recently published works on split introns (“splintrons”) in the G. intestinalis genome, and then provide our speculation on the functional property of the Giardia spliceosomes based on the putative ratio of splintrons to canonical introns. Finally, we discuss a scenario for the transition from typical GT-AG boundaries to non-typical AT-AC boundaries in a particular splintron of Giardia.  相似文献   

Excretory and secretory antigens of Schistosoma mansoni were obtained by in vitro cultivation of worms in Medium H-199, under sterile conditions at 37 C, in the dark, in an atmosphere of 92% air and 8% CO2. This procedure yielded about 1 μg soluble excretion-secretion products per worm per 24 hr. The composition of the “excretory and secretory antigen” (ESA) preparation is complex. Analysis by isoelectric focusing revealed the presence of about 10 major and about 30 minor protein components. Immunological analysis of the ESA preparation was performed by immunoelectrophoresis. At least five precipitin arcs were seen with infected mouse serum, and seven with rabbit anti-ESA serum. Immunoelectrophoresis of molecular-weight fractions of ESA showed a total of 17 different antigens. One of these antigens was excreted exclusively by female worms. The antibody response in rabbits to preparations obtained by homogenization of adult worms, or by extraction of the tegument, was very different from the response to excretory and secretory antigens. Considerable cross-reactivity between these preparations did, however, occur.  相似文献   

Summary The total nucleotide sequence of the rDNA of Giardia muris, an intestinal protozoan parasite of rodents, has been determined. The repeat unit is 7668 basepairs (bp) in size and consists of a spacer of 3314 bp, a small-subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) gene of 1429, and a large-subunit rRNA (LSU-rRNA) gene of 2698 bp. The spacer contains long direct repeats and is heterogeneous in size. The LSU-rRNA of G. muris was compared to that of the human intestinal parasite Giardia duodenalis, to the bird parasite Giardia ardeae, and to that of Escherichia coli. The LSU-rRNA has a size comparable to the 23S rRNA of E. coli but shows structural features typical for eukaryotes. Some variable regions are typically small and account for the overall smaller size of this rRNA. The structure of the G. muris LSU-rRNA is similar to that of the other Giardia rRNA, but each rRNA has characteristic features residing in a number of variable regions.Offprint requests to: H. van Keulen  相似文献   

From a specialized cDNA library of Giardia lamblia, 20 snoRNA-like RNAs, including 16 box C/D sRNAs and four box H/ACA sRNAs, were first identified. The sRNAs were predicted to guide a total of 11 2′-O-methylation and four pseudouridylation sites on the G. lamblia rRNAs, respectively. By using primer extension assay, seven methylation sites were precisely mapped in the G. lamblia 16S rRNA, despite its high GC content. All of the sRNA genes locate on the small intergenic regions of the G. lamblia genome and seem to be independently transcribed from their own promoters. Particularly, a cluster composed of GlsR17 and GlsR18 genes is transcribed as a dicistronic precursor, implying a mechanism of endonuclease cleavage for the maturation of the two sRNAs. The systematic identification of the sRNAs in G. lamblia has provided valuable information about the characteristics of the two major families of small guide RNAs in one of the most primitive eukaryotes and would contribute to the understanding of the evolution of small non-messenger RNA genes from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Cpa135 is a multidomain antigenic protein secreted at the sporozoite stage of the Apicomplexa protozoan Cryptosporidium parvum. Previous studies have shown that the protozoan flagellate parasite Giardia duodenalis is a suitable system for the heterologous expression of secreted proteins of Apicomplexa. Here, we designed three different Cpa135 variants fused to a C-terminal HA tag in order to test their expression in G. duodenalis under the control of the inducible promoter of the cyst wall protein 1 gene (cwp1). The three Cpa135 chimeras encompassed different portions of the protein; CpaG encodes the entire polypeptide of 1574 amino acids (aa); CpaGΔC includes the first 826 aa at the N-terminus; and CpaGΔN consists in of the final 833 aa at the C-terminus. Immunoblot experiments showed that CpaG and CpaGΔN maintained the epitopes recognized by anti-C. parvum-specific human serum. The intracellular localization and transport of the three Cpa135 variants were studied by immunofluorescence in combination with G. duodenalis-specific antibodies. CpaGΔC was mainly accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum and the intact form was also excreted in the medium. Differently, the Cpa135 chimeras possessing an intact C-terminus (CpaG and CpaGΔN) were transported towards the forming cyst wall possibly and were not detected in the medium. Furthermore, the full-length CpaG was incorporated into the cyst wall. The data presented suggest that the C-terminus of Cpa135, which includes a cysteine reach domain, could influence the secretion of the chimeric proteins.  相似文献   

Immunoperoxidase staining of muscle infected with Trichinella spiralis for murine collagen types I and IV provided both qualitative and quantitative evidence of extensive synthesis of both types of collagen by fibroblasts in infected muscle compared to that seen uninfected muscle. Moreover, fibroblasts in muscle infected with T. pseudospiralis, a nonencapsulating species, showed significantly less staining for both types of collagen compared to muscle from mice infected with T. spiralis. Analysis of collagen composition of isolated nurse cells using an ELISA specific for either type I or type IV murine collagen suggested that of these 2 types of collagen, only type IV basement membrane collagen is found in Trichinella capsular collagen. Excretory/secretory products of T. spiralis and T. pseudospiralis induced extensive synthesis of exclusively type IV collagen by 3T3 murine fibroblasts in vitro.  相似文献   

Biliary tract infection with the Group I carcinogenic liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini is associated with severe inflammation leading to cholangiocarcinoma--a major biliary cancer in Southeast Asia. However, mechanism(s) by which the liver fluke induces host mucosal immune/inflammatory responses is unclear. In the present study we address whether a normal immortalized human cholangiocyte cell line (H69 cells) recognizes and responds to O. viverrini excretory/secretory products (OVES). Expression of multiple TLRs, activation of NF-κB, and expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines were monitored in the presence and absence of OVES. Our results showed that OVES induced increased cholangiocyte TLR4 mRNA expression, induced IκB-α degradation in a MyD88-dependent manner, and activated NF-κB nuclear translocation. Moreover, OVES induced expression and secretion of the strong chemoattractant chemokine interleukin 8 (IL-8) and pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6. These results demonstrate that secreted/excreted products of O. viverrini are recognized by human cholangiocytes and initiate innate mucosal immunity/inflammatory cascades, a primary event in the pathogenesis of opisthorchiasis and cholangiocarcinoma.  相似文献   

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