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Heidel AJ  Dong X 《Genetics》2006,173(3):1621-1628
We investigated the fitness benefits of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in Arabidopsis thaliana using a mutational and transformational genetic approach. Genetic lines were designed to differ in the genes determining resistance signaling in a common genetic background. Two mutant lines (cpr1 and cpr5) constitutively activate SAR at different points in SAR signaling, and one mutant line (npr1) has impaired SAR. The transgenic line (NPR1-H) has enhanced resistance when SAR is activated, but SAR is still inducible similarly to wild type. The fitness benefits were also investigated under two nutrient levels to test theories that preventing pathogen damage and realized resistance benefits may be affected by nutrient availability. Under low-nutrient conditions and treatment with the pathogenic oomycete, Hyaloperonospora parasitica, wild type had a higher fitness than the mutant that could not activate SAR, demonstrating that normal inducible SAR is beneficial in these conditions; this result, however, was not found under high-nutrient conditions. The mutants with constitutive SAR all failed to show a fitness benefit in comparison to wild type under a H. parasitica pathogen treatment, suggesting that SAR is induced to prevent an excessive fitness cost.  相似文献   

Biologically induced systemic acquired resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Local infection with a necrotizing pathogen can render plants resistant to subsequent infection by normally virulent pathogens. A system for biological induction of such systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in Arabidopsis thaliana is reported. When plants were immunized by local inoculation of a single leaf with avirulent Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) carrying the avrRpt2 avirulence gene, after 2 days other leaves became resistant, as measured symptomatically and by in planta bacterial growth, to challenge with a virulent Pst strain lacking this avirulence gene. Resistance was systemic and protected the plants against infection by other virulent pathogens including P. syringae pv. maculicola. Low-dose inoculation induced a strong SAR and double immunizations did not increase the level of protection indicating that the response of only a few cells to the immunizing bacteria is required. SAR was not induced by the virulent strain of Pst lacking avrRpt2. However, experiments with the Arabidopsis RPS2 disease resistance gene mutant rps2-201, which does not exhibit a local hypersensitive response to Pst carrying the corresponding avirulence gene avrRpt2, indicate that a hypersensitive response contributes to, but is not essential for, the induction of SAR. Thus, avrRpt2 activates either a branching signal pathway or separate parallel pathways for induction of localized hypersensitive resistance and SAR, with downstream potentiation of the systemic response by the local response. Using this system for the biological induction of SAR in Arabidopsis, it should be possible to dissect the molecular genetics of SAR by the isolation of mutants affected in the production, transmission, perception and transduction of the systemic signal(s).  相似文献   

Abstract When resources are limited, there is a trade-off between growth/reproduction and stress defense in plants. Most temperate plant species, including Arabidopsis thaliana, can enhance freezing tolerance through cold acclimation at low but nonfreezing temperatures. Induction of the cold acclimation pathway should be beneficial in environments where plants frequently encounter freezing stress, but it might represent a cost in environments where freezing events are rare. In A. thaliana, induction of the cold acclimation pathway critically involves a small subfamily of genes known as the CBFs. Here we test for a cost of cold acclimation by utilizing (1) natural accessions of A. thaliana that originate from different regions of the species' native range and that have experienced different patterns of historical selection on their CBF genes and (2) transgenic CBF overexpression and T-DNA insertion (knockdown/knockout) lines. While benefits of cold acclimation in the presence of freezing stress were confirmed, no cost of cold acclimation was detected in the absence of freezing stress. These findings suggest that cold acclimation is unlikely to be selected against in warmer environments and that naturally occurring mutations disrupting CBF function in the southern part of the species range are likely to be selectively neutral. An unanticipated finding was that cold acclimation in the absence of a subsequent freezing stress resulted in increased fruit production, that is, fitness.  相似文献   

Benzothiadiazole (BTH) is a novel chemical activator of disease resistance in tobacco, wheat and other important agricultural plants. In this report, it is shown that BTH works by activating SAR in Arabidopsis thaliana. BTH-treated plants were resistant to infection by turnip crinkle virus, Pseudomonas syringae pv ‘tomato’ DC3000 and Peronospora parasitica. Chemical treatment induced accumulation of mRNAs from the SAR-associated genes, PR-1, PR-2 and PR-5. BTH treatment induced both PR-1 mRNA accumulation and resistance against P. parasitica in the ethylene response mutants, etr1 and ein2, and in the methyl jasmonate-insensitive mutant, jar1, suggesting that BTH action is independent of these plant hormones. BTH treatment also induced both PR-1 mRNA accumulation and P. parasitica resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing the nahG gene, suggesting that BTH action does not require salicylic acid accumulation. However, because BTH-treatment failed to induce either PR-1 mRNA accumulation or P. parasitica resistance in the non-inducible immunity mutant, nim1, it appears that BTH activates the SAR signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Although they constitute an inert stage of the insect's life, eggs trigger plant defences that lead to egg mortality or attraction of egg parasitoids. We recently found that salicylic acid (SA) accumulates in response to oviposition by the Large White butterfly Pieris brassicae, both in local and systemic leaves, and that plants activate a response that is similar to the recognition of pathogen‐associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which are involved in PAMP‐triggered immunity (PTI). Here we discovered that natural oviposition by P. brassicae or treatment with egg extract inhibit growth of different Pseudomonas syringae strains in Arabidopsis through the activation of a systemic acquired resistance (SAR). This egg‐induced SAR involves the metabolic SAR signal pipecolic acid, depends on ALD1 and FMO1, and is accompanied by a stronger induction of defence genes upon secondary infection. Although P. brassicae larvae showed a reduced performance when feeding on Pseudomonas syringae‐infected plants, this effect was less pronounced when infected plants had been previously oviposited. Altogether, our results indicate that egg‐induced SAR might have evolved as a strategy to prevent the detrimental effect of bacterial pathogens on feeding larvae.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis map kinase 4 negatively regulates systemic acquired resistance   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
Transposon inactivation of Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 produced the mpk4 mutant exhibiting constitutive systemic acquired resistance (SAR) including elevated salicylic acid (SA) levels, increased resistance to virulent pathogens, and constitutive pathogenesis-related gene expression shown by Northern and microarray hybridizations. MPK4 kinase activity is required to repress SAR, as an inactive MPK4 form failed to complement mpk4. Analysis of mpk4 expressing the SA hydroxylase NahG and of mpk4/npr1 double mutants indicated that SAR expression in mpk4 is dependent upon elevated SA levels but is independent of NPR1. PDF1.2 and THI2.1 gene induction by jasmonate was blocked in mpk4 expressing NahG, suggesting that MPK4 is required for jasmonic acid-responsive gene expression.  相似文献   

Harpin, the product of the hrpN gene of Erwinia amylovora, elicits the hypersensitive response and disease resistance in many plants. Harpin and known inducers of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) were tested on five genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana to assess the role of SAR in harpin-induced resistance. In wild-type plants, harpin elicited systemic resistance to Peronospora parasitica and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, accompanied by induction of the SAR genes PR-1 and PR-2. However, in experiments with transgenic Arabidopsis plants containing the nahG gene which prevents accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), harpin neither elicited resistance nor activated SAR gene expression. Harpin also failed to activate SAR when applied to nim1 (non-inducible immunity) mutants, which are defective in responding to SA and regulation of SAR. In contrast, mutants compromised in responsiveness to methyl jasmonate and ethylene developed the same resistance as did wild-type plants. Thus, harpin elicits disease resistance through the NIM1-mediated SAR signal transduction pathway in an SA-dependent fashion. The site of action of harpin in the SAR regulatory pathway is upstream of SA.  相似文献   

As the ultimate source of genetic variation, spontaneous mutation is essential to evolutionary change. Theoretical studies over several decades have revealed the dependence of evolutionary consequences of mutation on specific mutational properties, including genomic mutation rates, U, and the effects of newly arising mutations on individual fitness, s. The recent resurgence of empirical effort to infer these properties for diverse organisms has not achieved consensus. Estimates, which have been obtained by methods that assume mutations are unidirectional in their effects on fitness, are imprecise. Both because a general approach must allow for occurrence of fitness-enhancing mutations, even if these are rare, and because recent evidence demands it, we present a new method for inferring mutational parameters. For the distribution of mutational effects, we retain Keightley's assumption of the gamma distribution, to take advantage of the flexibility of its shape. Because the conventional gamma is one sided, restricting it to unidirectional effects, we include an additional parameter, rho, as an amount it is displaced from zero. Estimation is accomplished by Markov chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood. Through a limited set of simulations, we verify the accuracy of this approach. We apply it to analyze data on two reproductive fitness components from a 17-generation mutation-accumulation study of a Columbia accession of Arabidopsis thaliana in which 40 lines sampled in three generations were assayed simultaneously. For these traits, U approximately/= 0.1-0.2, with distributions of mutational effects broadly spanning zero, such that roughly half the mutations reduce reproductive fitness. One evolutionary consequence of these results is lower extinction risks of small populations of A. thaliana than expected from the process of mutational meltdown. A comprehensive view of the evolutionary consequences of mutation will depend on quantitatively accounting for fitness-enhancing, as well as fitness-reducing, mutations.  相似文献   

Mutant analysis represents one of the most reliable approaches to identifying genes involved in plant development. The screening of the Versailles collection of Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion transformants has allowed us to isolate different mutations affecting male gametophytic functions and viability. Among several mutated lines, five have been extensively studied at the genetic, molecular, and cytological levels. For each mutant, several generations of selfing and outcrossing have been carried out, leading to the conclusion that all these mutations are tagged and affect only the male gametophyte. However, only one out of the five mutations is completely penetrant. A variable number of T-DNA copies has integrated in the mutant lines, although all segregate at one mutated locus. Two mutants could be defined as "early mutants": the mutated genes are presumably expressed during pollen grain maturation and their alteration leads to the production of nonfunctional pollen grains. Two other mutants could be defined as "late mutant" since their pollen is able to germinate but pollen tube growth is highly disturbed. Screening for segregation ratio distortions followed by thorough genetic analysis proved to be a powerful tool for identifying gametophytic mutations of all phases of pollen development.  相似文献   

The maize transposable element Ac is highly active in the heterologous hosts tobacco and tomato, but shows very much reduced levels of activity in Arabidopsis . A mutagenesis experiment was undertaken with the aim of identifying Arabidopsis host factors responsible for the observed low levels of Ac activity. Seed from a line carrying a single copy of the Ac element inserted into the streptomycin phosphotransferase (SPT) reporter fusion, and which displayed typically low levels of Ac activity, were mutagenized using gamma rays. Nineteen mutants displaying high levels of somatic Ac activity, as judged by their highly variegated phenotypes, were isolated after screening the M2 generation on streptomycin-containing medium. The mutations fall into two complementation groups, iae1 and iae2 , are unlinked to the SPT::Ac locus and segregate in a Mendelian fashion. The iae1 mutation is recessive and the iae2 mutation is semi-dominant. The iae1 and iae2 mutants show 550- and 70-fold increases, respectively, in the average number of Ac excision sectors per cotyledon. The IAE1 locus maps to chromosome 2, whereas the SPT:: Ac reporter maps to chromosome 3. A molecular study of Ac activity in the iae1 mutant confirmed the very high levels of Ac excision predicted using the phenotypic assay, but revealed only low levels of Ac re-insertion. Analyses of germinal transposition in the iae1 mutant demonstrated an average germinal excision frequency of 3% and a frequency of independent Ac re-insertions following germinal excision of 22%. The iae mutants represent a possible means of improving the efficiency of Ac/Ds transposon tagging systems in Arabidopsis , and will enable the dissection of host involvement in Ac transposition and the mechanisms employed for controlling transposable element activity.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - To fine tune defense response output, plants recruit both positive and negative regulators. Here we report Arabidopsis DORMANCY/AUXIN ASSOCIATED FAMILY PROTEIN 2(DAP2)...  相似文献   

G Warren  R McKown  A L Marin    R Teutonico 《Plant physiology》1996,111(4):1011-1019
We screened for mutations deleterious to the freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. ecotype Columbia. Tolerance was assayed by the vigor and regrowth of intact plants after cold acclimation and freezing. From a chemically mutagenized population, we obtained 13 lines of mutants with highly penetrant phenotypes. In 5 of these, freezing sensitivity was attributable to chilling injury sustained during cold acclimation, but in the remaining 8 lines, the absence of injury prior to freezing suggested that they were affected specifically in the development of freezing tolerance. In backcrosses, freezing sensitivity from each line segregated as a single nuclear mutation. Complementation tests indicated that the 8 lines contained mutations in 7 different genes. The mutants' freezing sensitivity was also detectable in the leakage of electrolytes from frozen leaves. However, 1 mutant line that displayed a strong phenotype at the whole-plant level showed a relatively weak phenotype by the electrolyte leakage assay.  相似文献   

Probenazole (PBZ; 3-allyloxy-1,2-benzisothiazole-1,1-dioxide), which is the active ingredient in Oryzemate, has been used widely in Asia to protect rice plants against the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. To study PBZ's mode of action, we analyzed its ability, as well as that of its active metabolite 1, 2-benzisothiazol-3 (2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (BIT) to induce defense gene expression and resistance in Arabidopsis mutants that are defective in various defense signaling pathways. Wild-type Arabidopsis treated with PBZ or BIT exhibited increased expression of several pathogenesis-related genes, increased levels of total salicylic acid (SA), and enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC 3000 and the oomycete pathogen Peronospora parasitica Emco5. The role of several defense signaling hormones, such as SA, ethylene and jasmonic acid (JA), in activating resistance following PBZ or BIT treatment was analyzed using NahG transgenic plants and etr1-1 and coi1-1 mutant plants, respectively. In addition, the involvement of NPR1, a key component in the SA signaling pathway leading to defense responses, was assessed. PBZ or BIT treatment did not induce disease resistance or PR-1 expression in NahG transgenic or npr1 mutant plants, but it did activate these phenomena in etr1-1 and coi 1-1 mutant plants. Thus SA and NPR1 appear to be required for PBZ- and BIT-mediated activation of defense responses, while ethylene and JA are not. Furthermore, our data suggest that PBZ and BIT comprise a novel class of defense activators that stimulate the SA/NPR1-mediated defense signaling pathway upstream of SA.  相似文献   

Shaw RG  Chang SM 《Genetics》2006,172(3):1855-1865
For a newly arising mutation affecting a trait under selection, its degree of dominance relative to the preexisting allele(s) strongly influences its evolutionary impact. We have estimated dominance parameters for spontaneous mutations in a subset of lines derived from a highly inbred founder of Arabidopsis thaliana by at least 17 generations of mutation accumulation (MA). The labor-intensive nature of the crosses and the anticipated subtlety of effects limited the number of MA lines included in this study to 8. Each MA line was selfed and reciprocally crossed to plants representing the founder genotype, and progeny were assayed in the greenhouse. Significant mutational effects on reproductive fitness included a recessive fitness-enhancing effect in one line and fitness-reducing effects, one additive and the other slightly recessive. Mutations conferring earlier phenology or smaller leaves were significantly recessive. For effects increasing leaf number and reducing height at flowering, additive gene action accounted for the expression of the traits. The sole example of a significantly dominant mutational effect delayed phenology. Our findings of recessive action of a fitness-enhancing mutational effect and additive action of a deleterious effect counter a common expectation of (partial) dominance of alleles that increase fitness, but the frequency of occurrence of such mutations is unknown.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates are secondary metabolites involved in pathogen and insect defense of cruciferous plants. Although seeds and vegetative tissue often have very different glucosinolate profiles, few genetic factors that determine seed glucosinolate accumulation have been identified. An HPLC-based screen of 5500 mutagenized Arabidopsis thaliana lines produced 33 glucosinolate mutants, of which 21 have seed-specific changes. Five of these mutant lines, representing three genetic loci, are compromised in the biosynthesis of benzoyloxyglucosinolates, which are only found in seeds and young seedlings of A. thaliana. Genetic mapping and analysis of T-DNA insertions in candidate genes identified BZO1 (At1g65880), which encodes an enzyme with benzoyl-CoA ligase activity, as being required for the accumulation of benzoyloxyglucosinolates. Long-chain aliphatic glucosinolates are elevated in bzo1 mutants, suggesting substrate competition for the common short-chain aliphatic glucosinolate precursors. Whereas bzo1 mutations have seed-specific effects on benzoyloxyglucosinolate accumulation, the relative abundance of 3-benzoyloxypropyl- and 4-benzoyloxybutylglucosinolates depends on the maternal genotype.  相似文献   

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