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Are aliens threatening European aquatic coastal ecosystems?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Inshore waters of European coasts have accumulated a high share of non-indigenous species, where a changeable palaeoenvironment has caused low diversity in indigenous biota. Also strongly transformed modern coastal ecosystems seem to assimilate whatever species have been introduced and tolerate the physical regime. Adding non-native species does not have any directional predetermined effects on recipient coastal ecosystems. The status of being a non-native rather refers to a position in evolutionary history than qualify as an ecological category with distinct and consistent properties. Effects of invaders vary between habitats and with the phase of invasion and also with shifting ambient conditions. Although aliens accelerate change in European coastal biota, we found no evidence that they generally impair biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. More often, invaders expand ecosystem functioning by adding new ecological traits, intensifying existing ones and increasing functional redundancy.  相似文献   

Air-pollution has frequently been suggested as a cause of the decline of some butterfly species: a suggestion based mainly on lowered species richness close to industrial areas in Europe. There have been frequent calls, in vain, for research on the direct effect of air-pollution on Lepidoptera, recent research being confined to the indirect role via climate change.Based on studies of the species loss and natural recolonisation of Epping Forest (a large woodland area close to London, UK) I suggest that those species feeding as adults on sugar-rich fluids direct from the surface of trees or leaves (i.e. aphid honeydew on leaves or sap-runs on tree-trunks) were affected by particulate air-pollution.Species loss was high during the period of maximum smoke emissions. Since 1950 five species have recolonised naturally, of which four are honeydew feeders. It is possible that high levels of particulate air-pollution caused the extinction of butterflies feeding on honeydew from polluted leaves. Predictions are made which will allow this hypothesis to be tested.  相似文献   

Biocontrol using naturally occurring predators is often limited by population parameters of those predators. Earwigs, Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), are important predators in fruit orchards. They are capable of suppressing outbreaks of pest species, such as pear psyllid and various apple aphid species. Earwigs therefore play an important role in integrated pest management in fruit orchards and are essential in organic top fruit cultures. However, earwig populations are very unstable, showing large between-year variation in densities, which limits their practical use. Extensive knowledge of regulating processes of populations is therefore crucial for efficient orchard management. A 2-year phenological study in several apple and pear orchards in Belgium showed a significant displacement of third instars during the second brood in relation to the presence of adults. We also observed a yearly population crash at the time of moulting into adults. This population decrease was correlated with earwig numbers at peak density. The crash occurred at lower earwig densities in apple orchards than in pear orchards. Six possible regulating mechanisms for this density-dependent decrease are discussed: (1) migration, (2) pesticides or orchard management, (3) starvation, (4) pathogens, (5) parasites and parasitoids, and (6) predation or cannibalism. If we can identify these regulating processes, specific management activities could be developed to prevent the population crash, hereby increasing population densities in the orchards.  相似文献   

Does Extensive Grazing Benefit Butterflies in Coastal Dunes?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Grazing at low stocking rates has become a common management practice in nature restoration projects in the Netherlands. However, detailed knowledge of grazing impact is often poor, in particular for invertebrates. This study addressed the impact of extensive grazing on butterflies. Butterflies are critical indicators of habitat quality for many plant and animal species. We compared monitoring data from 1992 to 1996 for calcareous coastal dune areas in the Netherlands with different management: 11 grazed areas, 7 ungrazed areas and 4 areas managed by annual cutting. Grazing typically concerned year‐round grazing by cattle and/or ponies, at low stocking rates (0.05–0.26 head ha?1 yr?1). Butterfly abundance was related to species composition and structure of the vegetation. Changes in butterfly abundance were positive in grazed and ungrazed areas compared to cut areas. Species richness was not affected by management, but individual species differed in their response. Species from open grassland benefited most from grazing, particularly Issoria lathonia (Queen of Spain Fritillary) and Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper). No clear negative effects of grazing were observed, but species occurrence was not always positively related to the environmental characteristics associated with grazing. In the long run, even lower stocking rates might prove more beneficial to the butterfly community as a whole. Four of the more frequently observed species, I. lathonia, Hipparchia semele (Grayling), Pyrgus malvae (Grizzled Skipper) and Aricia agestis (Brown Argus), are listed as threatened to susceptible in the Netherlands. All were apparently favored by grazing. It is concluded that extensive grazing has good potential to enhance butterfly diversity in restoration projects.  相似文献   

Mode of preservation and method of recovery strongly influences our understanding of the life habits of extinct organisms. Bradoriid arthropods were abundant, and diverse members of early Cambrian ecosystems and most life reconstructions display these animals with the two shields of the carapace open in a ‘butterfly’ configuration. This favoured reconstruction is largely based on the abundance of ‘crack‐out’ specimens preserved in this position (e.g. Kunmingella from the early Cambrian of China). In contrast, large collections of acid processed bradoriids from the Arrowie Basin of South Australia (Cambrian Stage 3) are preserved with a narrow gape at the ventral margin or completely closed with the carapace folded along the dorsal midline. The relative abundance of conjoined, closed (or partially closed) specimens from the lower Cambrian Hawker Group succession suggests that at least some bradoriid taxa were capable of withdrawing appendages and tightly closing the shields, challenging the common view that the majority of bradoriids usually held their carapaces open in a ‘butterfly’ configuration during life. New data show that layers of the bradoriid carapace are continuous through the dorsal fold with no evidence for complex articulating structures as in ostracod hinges. The relatively pliable, sclerotized or lightly mineralized calcium phosphate composition of the carapace and the simple, flexible dorsal fold facilitated opening and closing of the shields. Despite not being closely related, ostracods share close biomechanical and ecological similarities with bradoriids. The evolution of more complex articulating hinge structures – together with well‐developed musculature – in ostracods during the Early Ordovician, may have provided more efficient means for shield articulation and movement, thus promoting the ecological success of ostracods throughout the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1962,2(5298):171-172

Many animals, plants and protists contain non-parasitic microorganisms and these endosymbioses are widely assumed to be mutualistic. Most of the microorganisms possess metabolic capabilities, such as the ability to fix nitrogen, photosynthesize or degrade cellulose, that their partners utilize. However, as discussed in this article, there is scant evidence that the microorganisms benefit from such associations, and it is unclear how the benefit or harm incurred by microorganisms that require the association can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Alpha-gliadins isolated by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography contain noncovalently bound glucose probably due to contaminating proteoglycans and to material shed from the column. Traces of carbohydrate remain strongly bound to alpha-gliadins even after harsh denaturation, but our results indicate alpha-gliadins are not glycoproteins. Suggestions that gliadins are glycoproteins are probably due to contamination with this glucose and the presence of these proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications exist in different varieties to regulate diverse characteristics of their substrates, ultimately leading to maintenance of cell health. The enzymes of the intracellular poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) family can transfer either a single ADP-ribose to targets, in a reaction called mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation or MARylation, or multiple to form chains of poly(ADP-ribose) or PAR. Traditionally thought to be attached to arginine or glutamate, recent data have added serine, tyrosine, histidine and others to the list of potential ADP-ribose acceptor amino acids. PARylation by PARP1 has been relatively well studied, whereas less is known about the other family members such as PARP7 and PARP10. ADP-ribosylation on arginine and serine is reversed by ARH1 and ARH3 respectively, whereas macrodomain-containing MACROD1, MACROD2 and TARG1 reverse modification of acidic residues. For the other amino acids, no hydrolases have been identified to date. For many PARPs, it is not clear yet what their endogenous targets are. Better understanding of their biochemical reactions is required to be able to determine their biological functions in future studies. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge of PARP specificity in vitro and in cells, as well as provide an outlook for future research.  相似文献   

Are metacaspases caspases?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The identification of caspases as major regulators of apoptotic cell death in animals initiated a quest for homologous peptidases in other kingdoms. With the discovery of metacaspases in plants, fungi, and protozoa, this search had apparently reached its goal. However, there is compelling evidence that metacaspases lack caspase activity and that they are not responsible for the caspaselike activities detected during plant and fungal cell death. In this paper, we attempt to broaden the discussion of these peptidases to biological functions beyond apoptosis and cell death. We further suggest that metacaspases and paracaspases, although sharing structural and mechanistic features with the metazoan caspases, form a distinct family of clan CD cysteine peptidases.  相似文献   

Are protochordates chordates?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper challenges the widely accepted view that protochordates (lancelets and tunicates) should be included together with vertebrates within the monophyletic assemblage of the chordates since they share a few distinguishing characters, such as a dorsally located notochord and central nervous system (CNS). The homology of these axial structures is not supported convincingly by morphology and molecular biology. Besides, for notochord and CNS to be dorsal, the embryos of protochordates, unlike those of vertebrates, should be orientated with the blastopore coincident with the dorsal side. This embryonic orientation is never reported in other bilaterians and is inconsistent with the genetic control of the body axes. Alternatively, protochordates could be orientated just as the vertebrates according to the regulation of axial patterning. In this case, the notochord and CNS appear to be located on the ventral side. As suggested by molecular and structural data, they may correspond to the stomodaeal/ventral midline cells and CNS of gastroneuralians. This conclusion may have far-reaching implications concerning the origin of the vertebrates and the evolution of nervous systems and neural crest/placodes.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 261–284.  相似文献   

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