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黄瓜砧用白籽南瓜对不同盐胁迫的耐性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用营养液栽培,研究Ca(NO3)2和NaCl胁迫对黄瓜嫁接用砧木南瓜幼苗生长和抗氧化酶活性的影响,并用隶属函数法综合评价其耐盐性.结果表明: 低浓度盐30 mmol·L-1Ca(NO3)2和等渗的45 mmol·L-1 NaCl处理促进砧木幼苗生长;高浓度盐60、120 mmol·L-1Ca(NO3)2和等渗的90、180 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫下,各砧木幼苗的生长和抗氧化酶系统均受到不同程度的抑制,其中,‘青砧1号’的盐害指数最小,生物量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的下降幅度以及相对电导率的上升幅度均小于其他砧木.高盐Ca(NO3)2胁迫下,各砧木SOD、POD和CAT酶活性均高于等渗的NaCl,而盐害指数和相对电导率低于NaCl,表明Ca(NO3)2对砧木南瓜幼苗生长的危害小于NaCl.4个砧木品种的耐盐性顺序为‘青砧1号’>‘佐木南瓜’>‘丰源铁甲’>‘超霸南瓜’.  相似文献   

Aim Few studies have explicitly examined the influence of spatial attributes of forest fragments when examining the impacts of fragmentation on woody species. The aim of this study was to assess the diverse impacts of fragmentation on forest habitats by integrating landscape‐level and species‐level approaches. Location The investigation was undertaken in temperate rain forests located in southern Chile. This ecosystem is characterized by high endemism and by intensive recent changes in land use. Method Measures of diversity, richness, species composition, forest structure and anthropogenic disturbances were related to spatial attributes of the landscape (size, shape, connectivity, isolation and interior forest area) of forest fragments using generalized linear models. A total of 63 sampling plots distributed in 51 forest fragments with different spatial attributes were sampled. Results Patch size was the most important attribute influencing different measures of species composition, stand structure and anthropogenic disturbances. The abundance of tree and shrub species associated with interior and edge habitats was significantly related to variation in patch size. Basal area, a measure of forest structure, significantly declined with decreasing patch size, suggesting that fragmentation is affecting successional processes in the remaining forests. Small patches also displayed a greater number of stumps, animal trails and cow pats, and lower values of canopy cover as a result of selective logging and livestock grazing in relatively accessible fragments. However, tree richness and β‐diversity of tree species were not significantly related to fragmentation. Main conclusions This study demonstrates that progressive fragmentation by logging and clearance is associated with dramatic changes in the structure and composition of the temperate forests in southern Chile. If this fragmentation process continues, the ability of the remnant forests to maintain their original biodiversity and ecological processes will be significantly reduced.  相似文献   

邱赛  邢艳秋  徐卫华  丁建华  田静 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7401-7411
以吉林省汪清林业局经营区为研究区,利用HJ-1A/HSI高光谱数据和ICESat-GLAS波形数据,估测区域森林地上生物量。从平滑后的GLAS波形数据中提取波形长度W和地形坡度参数TS,建立GLAS森林最大树高估测模型;从GLAS波形数据中提取能量参数I(植被回波能量Ev和回波总能量E之比),建立GLAS森林郁闭度估测模型;利用GLAS估测的森林最大树高和森林郁闭度联合建立森林地上生物量模型。由于GLAS呈离散条带状分布,无法实现区域估测,因此研究将GLAS波形数据与HJ-1A/HSI高光谱数据联合,基于支持向量回归机算法实现森林地上生物量区域估测,得到研究区森林地上生物量分布图。研究结果显示,基于W和TS建立的GLAS森林最大树高估测模型的adj.R~2=0.78,RMSE=2.51m,模型验证的adj.R~2=0.85,RMSE=1.67m。地形坡度参数TS能够有效的降低地形坡度的影响;当林下植被高度为2m时,得到的基于参数I建立的GLAS森林郁闭度估测模型效果最好,模型的adj.R~2=0.64,RMSE=0.13,模型验证的adj.R~2=0.65,RMSE=0.12。利用森林最大树高和森林郁闭度建立的森林地上生物量模型的adj.R~2=0.62,RMSE=10.88 t/hm~2,模型验证的adj.R~2=0.60,RMSE=11.52 t/hm~2。基于支持向量回归机算法,利用HJ-1A/HSI和GLAS数据建立的森林地上生物量SVR模型,生成了森林地上生物量分布图,利用野外数据对得到的分布图进行验证,验证结果显示森林地上生物量估测值与实测值存在很强的线性关系(adj.R~2=0.62,RMSE=11.11 t/hm~2),能够满足林业应用的需要。因此联合ICESat-GLAS波形数据与HJ-1A高光谱数据,能够提高区域森林地上生物量的估测精度。  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we present an application of aerial remote sensing to the analysis of spatial information in a mountainous area of central Italy by applying texture measures and landscape indices. Land cover data acquired in different time periods are used to calculate measures of landscape pattern and structure at pixel level (tone and texture variables) and patch‐level (landscape indices). Images of the patches from the 1950s, 1980s and 1990s have been derived from the tone‐texture classification of scanned black‐and‐white photographs. Multitemporal analysis of landscape indices has been performed to detect changes of landscape elements and related effects on vegetation dynamics due to the reduction of human impact.  相似文献   

基于高分辨率遥感影像的森林地上生物量估算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄金龙  居为民  郑光  康婷婷 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6497-6508
以南京市紫金山林区为研究区,利用e-Cognition面向对象分类方法,基于光谱和空间信息融合后的IKONOS影像提取单木树冠阳性冠幅(PoCA, Positive crown area)信息,并结合野外实测的样方生物量数据,分别建立了针叶林和阔叶林地上生物量 (AGB, Aboveground Biomass)的遥感估算模型,并利用实测森林生物量数据对模型进行了验证。结果表明,基于遥感影像提取的PoCA与实测AGB存在较好的非线性相关关系,所建针叶林AGB估算模型的可靠性优于阔叶林模型。对建模样本而言,估算的针叶林和阔叶林AGB与观测数据比较的R2分别为0.62 (P<0.01,n=9) 和0.56(P<0.01,n=16)。验证表明,所建AGB估算模型的可靠性较好,估算的针叶林和阔叶林AGB与观测数据比较的R2分别为0.55(P<0.01,n=6) 和0.52(P<0.01,n=10),但当AGB较低时,模型结果偏高,AGB较低时,模型结果偏低。研究说明通过高分辨率遥感数据的融合、提取树冠信息进行生物量估算是可行性的。  相似文献   

Information of fine-root biomass and production is critical for quantifying the productivity and carbon cycle of forest ecosystems, and yet our ability to obtain this information especially at a large spatial scale (e.g., regional to global) is extremely limited. Several studies attempted to relate fine-root biomass and production with various aboveground variables that can be measured more easily so that fine-root biomass and production could be estimated at a large spatial scale, but found the correlations were generally weak or non-existed at the stand level. In this study, we tested a new approach: instead of using the conventional way of analysing fine-root biomass at the stand level, we analysed fine-root data at the tree level. Fine-root biomass of overstory trees in stand was first separated from that of understory and standardized to a common fine-root definition of < 2 mm or < 5 mm diameter. Afterwards, we calculated fine-root biomass per tree for a representative tree size of mean basal area for each stand. Statistically significant correlations between the fine-root biomass per tree and the diameter at the ground surface were found for all four boreal and cool temperate spruce, pine, fir and broadleaf forest types, and so allometric equations were developed for each group using a total of n = 212 measurements. The stand-level fine-root biomass of trees estimated using the allometric equations agrees well with the measurements, with r 2 values of 0.64 and 0.57 (n = 171), respectively, for fine-roots < 2 mmand < 5 mm diameter. This study further estimated fine-root production as the product of fine-root turnover rate and fine-root biomass, and determined the turnover rate as a function of fine-root biomass, stand age, and mean annual temperature. The estimates of tree fine-root production agree well with reported values, with r 2 value of 0.53 for < 2 mm and 0.54 for < 5 mm diameter (n = 162) at the stand level.  相似文献   

Disturbance regimes and forests have changed over time in the eastern United States. We examined effects of historical disturbance (circa 1813 to 1850) compared to current disturbance (circa 2004 to 2008) on aboveground, live tree biomass (for trees with diameters ≥13 cm) and landscape variation of biomass in forests of the Ozarks and Plains landscapes in Missouri, USA. We simulated 10,000 one-hectare plots using random diameters generated from parameters of diameter distributions limited to diameters ≥13 cm and random densities generated from density estimates. Area-weighted mean biomass density (Mg/ha) for historical forests averaged 116 Mg/ha, ranging from 54 Mg/ha to 357 Mg/ha by small scale ecological subsections within Missouri landscapes. Area-weighted mean biomass density for current forests averaged 82 Mg/ha, ranging from 66 Mg/ha to 144 Mg/ha by ecological subsection for currently forested land. Biomass density of current forest was greater than historical biomass density for only 2 of 23 ecological subsections. Current carbon sequestration of 292 TgC on 7 million ha of forested land is less than half of the estimated historical total carbon sequestration of 693 TgC on 12 million ha. Cumulative tree cutting disturbances over time have produced forests that have less aboveground tree biomass and are uniform in biomass compared to estimates of historical biomass, which varied across Missouri landscapes. With continued relatively low rates of forest disturbance, current biomass per ha will likely increase to historical levels as the most competitive trees become larger in size and mean number of trees per ha decreases due to competition and self-thinning. Restoration of large diameter structure and forested extent of upland woodlands and floodplain forests could fulfill multiple conservation objectives, including carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

We studied the relative effects of landscape configuration, environmental variables, forest age, and spatial variables on estimated aboveground biomass (AGB) in Costa Rican secondary rain forests patches. We measured trees ≥5 cm dbh in 24, 0.25 ha plots and estimated AGB for trees 5–24.9 cm dbh and for trees >25 cm dbh using two allometric equations based on multispecies models using tree dbh and wood‐specific gravity. AGB averaged 87.3 Mg/ha for the 24 plots (not including remnant trees) and 123.4 Mg/ha including remnant trees (20 plots). There was no effect of forest age on AGB. Variation partitioning analysis showed that soils, climate, landscape configuration, and space together explained 61% of tree AGB variance. When controlling for the effects of the other three variables, only soils remained significant. Soil properties, specifically K and Cu, had the strongest independent effect on AGB (variation partitioning, R2 = 0.17, p = 0.0310), indicating that in this landscape, AGB variation in secondary forest patches is influenced by soil chemical properties. Elucidating the relative influence of soils in AGB variation is critical for understanding changes associated with land cover modification across Neotropical landscapes, as it could have important consequences for land use planning since secondary forests are considered carbon sinks. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

遥感在森林地上生物量估算中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
生物量是地表C循环研究的重要组成部分,生物量研究有助于深入认识区域乃至全球的C平衡。森林作为地球最重要的陆地生态系统,区域乃至全球尺度的森林地上生物量估算一直是生态学研究的难点之一。在大的空间尺度上,遥感技术是估算森林地上生物量的有效手段。TM、AVHRR、SAR等数据以及多源数据的融合在森林生物量估算方面广泛应用,并取得了显著效果。运用遥感技术进行森林生物量估算时,所采用的数据源不同,分析方法也不相同,主要分析方法有:相关分析、多元回归分析、神经网络和数学模型模拟等。随着测定不同空间、时间和波谱分辨率的各种传感器的广泛使用,以及生物量遥感估算模型的进一步发展和完善,大尺度森林生物量的遥感估算研究必将向前迈进一大步。  相似文献   

Fine root mass in relation to soil N supply in a cool temperate forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil inorganic nitrogen supply and fine root mass in the top layers of mineral soil (0–5 and 5–10cm) were investigated at upper and lower sites of a cool temperate forest where Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula dominate. At both sites, soil inorganic nitrogen supply was greatest in the 0–5cm layer. The predominant forms of soil inorganic nitrogen supply were NH4+-N at the upper site and NO3-N at the lower site. Fine roots were concentrated in the 0–5cm layer at the upper site, but not at the lower site. The form of supplied soil inorganic nitrogen supply can be important in determining the vertical distribution of fine roots.  相似文献   

姚雨微  任鸿瑞 《生态学报》2024,44(7):3049-3059
及时准确评估草地产草量对草地资源的科学管理和可持续发展具有重要意义。青藏高原自然环境特殊,气候差异显著,地形复杂,仅依靠遥感信息准确监测草地地上生物量(Aboveground Biomass,AGB)变化有较大限制。基于青藏高原草地AGB野外实测数据与Landsat遥感影像,探索了植被指数表征草地AGB信息的有效性,评估了气象和地形信息对准确估算草地AGB的影响,综合利用气象、地形和遥感信息,在新一代地球科学数据和分析应用平台(Google Earth Engine)上构建了梯度增强回归树草地AGB估算模型,绘制了青藏高原多年草地AGB空间分布图。结果表明:(1)基于单因素遥感因子的线性回归模型仅能解释8%-40%的草地AGB变化情况,其中绿色归一化植被指数(Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, GNDVI)对草地AGB解释能力较强(40%)。(2)基于遥感因子构建的梯度增强回归树模型测试集R2为0.57。分别添加气象、地形信息,模型对草地AGB的估测准确性有所提升,测试R2为0.62和0.63。(3)基于气象、地形和遥感因子的多因素估测模型能够提高草地AGB估测精度,经递归特征消除法优选后,基于13个特征变量的梯度增强回归树模型拟合效果最好(训练数据集R2=0.79,RMSE=43.42 g/m2,P<0.01;测试数据集R2=0.66,RMSE=53.64 g/m2,P<0.01),可以解释66%草地AGB变化情况。(4)2010年青藏高原平均AGB为94.58 g/m2,2015年93.63 g/m2,2020年100.78 g/m2。青藏高原西北部草地AGB较低,东南部草地AGB较高,整体呈现自西北向东南逐渐增加的分布格局。研究结果为准确估算青藏高原草地产草量和碳储量等研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional dispersion of drosophilid flies was studied within a secondary broad-leaved forest in relation to forest structure. The survey area included the forest margin and old canopy gaps and varied in the foliage height profile from place to place. Using multivariate analyses on the data of drosophilid dispersion, five microhabitats which were different from one another for drosophilids were recognized: (i) canopy layer; (ii) middle layer; (iii) floor layer of forest interior; (iv) upper layer of forest margin; and (v) herbaceous layer of forest margin and gap. The height of living space of canopy species was remarkably lowered at the forest margin. The forest edge was richer in both numbers of individuals and species than the forest interior from the overlap of the grassland and the forest canopy subcommunities and the addition of invaders from other habitats. However, no ‘edge’ species, which were mostly restricted to or spend most of their time in ecotones, were found. It is hypothesized that the above-ground forest structure consists fundamentally of three zones: (i) the canopy; (ii) the floor; and (iii) the edge. A significant positive correlation was found between the foliage height diversity and the degree of vertical habitat segregation among drosophilid species. The patchiness of vegetation structure influential to the three-dimensional dispersion in a forest drosophilid community was estimated to be on the scale of 110–450 m2. This scale of subjective habitat patchiness or ‘ecological neighbourhood’ corresponds well with the most prevalent size of canopy gaps occurring in various forests.  相似文献   

Major sulfur pools are quantified in soils and aboveground biomass of a coniferous boreal forest. Total ecosystem S averages 1395 kg·ha−1 of which 98% is found in the soil, with 89% being in the mineral horizons. Organic S dominates in soil, tree parts (trunks, branches + foliage, roots) and litterfall, ranging from 77 to 99% of total S concentration. Carbon-bonded S, ester sulfate and SO4-S in soil profiles range respectively from 51–68%, 29–37% and 1–14% of total S concentrations and account respectively for 57, 33 and 10% of total S on an areal basis. Adsorbed SO4 accounts for 82% of total SO4, and can be predicted from Al bound to organic matter, amorphous Al and pH (r2 = 0.81). There is a strong relationship between % carbon and carbon-bonded S in 4 of the 5 soil horizons studied which represent over 95% of the total soil organic matter, whereas ester sulfate is related to % carbon in 3 soil horizons representing only 37% of the soil organic matter. An analysis of atmospheric S loading and S data for 10 forested sites in Europe and North America suggests that the size of the organic S pool in forested systems is independent of atmospheric loading.  相似文献   

基于高分辨率遥感影像的北亚热带森林生物量反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北亚热带湖北省太子山林场为研究对象,基于高空间分辨率GF-2与SPOT-6卫星影像,提取不同窗口大小下的纹理信息与光谱信息,利用随机森林回归算法,并结合野外实测106块样地的生物量数据,建立不同影像下的太子山林场森林生物量反演模型。结果显示:(1) GF-2和SPOT-6虽然空间分辨率有差异,但是从其不同波段反射率的相关系数(0.75、0.78、0.73、0.61)发现,两种影像的波段反射率具有较高的相关性,说明两者的辐射性能相近;(2)通过分析不同纹理特征对生物量模型的影响,发现均值和对比度纹理参数对生物量反演具有很好的效果。(3)高分辨率的遥感数据在生物量反演中具有较好的表现,且GF-2生物量模型精度(R2=0.88,RMSE=27.11 Mg/hm2)与SPOT-6生物量模型的精度(R2=0.89,RMSE=23.93 Mg/hm2)相近。(4)两种影像对不同森林类型的生物量预测值不存在显著差异,都适合对不同林分类型的生物量进行预测。  相似文献   

岷江上游亚高山林区老龄林地上生物量动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张国斌  刘世荣  张远东  缪宁  王晖 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3176-3184
中国川西亚高山森林中的天然林大部分为成过熟的老龄林,对其生物量动态研究有助于了解其碳储量的动态变化规律.利用全国森林资源连续清查的27个固定样地数据,基于地上各器官生物量与树干胸径(D)和树高(h)的异速生长方程,估算了岷江上游亚高林山老龄林地上生物量密度的动态变化特征及其时空变化规律.结果表明,(1)从1988~2002年期间,老龄林地上生物量密度净增量为(27.311±15.580)Mg·hm-2,平均每年增长率为(1.930±1.091 )Mg·hm-2·a-1,平均每年枯损率为(2 271±1.424)Mg·hm-2·a-1;(2)地上生物量变化受各径级保留木生长量、枯损量及进界生长量影响,其中20~40cm径级保留木生长量与生物量净增量最大,>80cm径级生物量增量最小,40~60cm和60~80cm径级生物量在调查期间净增量出现负增长.(3)岷江上游老龄林地上生物量动态变化具有时空异质性,同一样地在不同调查间隔期或同一调查期间不同样地间生物量变化不同,不仅有增量数值大小差异,还表现为生物量增量的正负差异.  相似文献   

Resilience is increasingly being considered as a new paradigm of forest management among scientists, practitioners, and policymakers. However, metrics of resilience to environmental change are lacking. Faced with novel disturbances, forests may be able to sustain existing ecosystem services and biodiversity by exhibiting resilience, or alternatively these attributes may undergo either a linear or nonlinear decline. Here we provide a novel quantitative approach for assessing forest resilience that focuses on three components of resilience, namely resistance, recovery, and net change, using a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics. Under the pulse set scenarios, we explored the resilience of nine ecosystem services and four biodiversity measures following a one‐off disturbance applied to an increasing percentage of forest area. Under the pulse + press set scenarios, the six disturbance intensities explored during the pulse set were followed by a continuous disturbance. We detected thresholds in net change under pulse + press scenarios for the majority of the ecosystem services and biodiversity measures, which started to decline sharply when disturbance affected >40% of the landscape. Thresholds in net change were not observed under the pulse scenarios, with the exception of timber volume and ground flora species richness. Thresholds were most pronounced for aboveground biomass, timber volume with respect to the ecosystem services, and ectomycorrhizal fungi and ground flora species richness with respect to the biodiversity measures. Synthesis and applications. The approach presented here illustrates how the multidimensionality of stability research in ecology can be addressed and how forest resilience can be estimated in practice. Managers should adopt specific management actions to support each of the three components of resilience separately, as these may respond differently to disturbance. In addition, management interventions aiming to deliver resilience should incorporate an assessment of both pulse and press disturbances to ensure detection of threshold responses to disturbance, so that appropriate management interventions can be identified.  相似文献   

联合GF-6和Sentinel-2红边波段的森林地上生物量反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光谱反射率能反映地物差异,是森林地上生物量(Aboveground Biomass,AGB)遥感反演的理论基础。红边波段处于近红外与红光波段交界处快速变化的区域,能对植被冠层结构和叶绿素含量的微小变化做出快速反应,对植被生长状况较敏感。研究以GF-6和Sentinel-2多光谱影像作为数据源,结合野外调查AGB数据,构建落叶松和樟子松AGB线性和非线性估测模型,通过比较模型精度选择最优模型进行森林AGB反演和空间分布制图。结果表明:GF-6和Sentinel-2影像红边波段反射率与落叶松、樟子松AGB均呈显著相关(P<0.05),红边波段对AGB估测较敏感。多变量估测模型整体估测效果优于单变量模型,所有模型中多元线性回归模型取得了最优的决定系数(落叶松R2=0.66,樟子松R2=0.65)和最低的均方根误差(落叶松RMSE=31.45 t/hm2,樟子松RMSE=54.77 t/hm2)。相比单个数据源,联合GF-6和Sentinel-2影像构建的多元线性回归模型估测效果得到了显著提升,模型RMSE对于落叶松和樟子松AGB估测分别最大降低了22.9%和11.2%。增加红边波段进行AGB估测能显著提高模型估测精度,三组数据源分别加入红边波段信息后进行建模,模型RMSE得到了显著降低。GF-6拥有800 km观测幅宽和高效的重访周期,可以快速地提供大尺度时间序列数据,在森林地上生物量反演和动态监测方面有着很大潜力。  相似文献   

丁易  黄继红  许玥  臧润国 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5118-5127
多次刀耕火种弃耕后自然恢复的热带次生林恢复速度通常较为缓慢。抚育是提高森林恢复和木材生产速度的重要营林措施,因此利用抚育间伐的方式加快热带次生林的恢复速度是当前森林经营和保护的重要议题。基于海南岛60个0.25 hm2热带次生林样地开展了抚育间伐对比试验。研究表明,经过5年的自然恢复,30个抚育样地和30个对照样地的地上生物量分别提高了24.5%和13.4%,而且抚育样地中减少的地上生物量迅速接近对照样地。抚育主要减少了清除种的地上生物量,而提高了保留种的地上生物量。次生林经过抚育处理后,其地上生物量的绝对增长量显著提高了58.74%,相对增长率显著提高了67.93%。在抚育样地中,地上生物量的绝对增长量和相对增长量均随着抚育强度呈现单峰曲线变化的趋势,抚育强度在(10±2.5)%时地上生物量的相对和绝对增长量最高。抚育强度是影响地上生物量增长量的重要因素,而物种多样性和功能离散度的作用较小。决定地上生物量的相对增长量最重要的因素(负作用)是初始生物量。本研究为我国热带次生林的未来管理提供了重要的理论基础和实践证据。  相似文献   

The effects of rainfall events on soil CO2 fluxes were examined in a cool temperate Quercus/Betula forest in Japan. The soil CO2 fluxes were measured using an open-flow gas exchange system with an infrared gas analyzer in the snow-free season from August 1999 to November 2000. Soil CO2 flux showed no significant diurnal trend on days without rain. In contrast, rainfall events caused a significant increase in soil CO2 flux. To determine the effect of rainfall events and to evaluate more precisely the daily and annual soil carbon flux, we constructed a multiple polynomial regression model that included two variables, soil temperature and soil water content, using the soil CO2 flux data recorded on sunny days. Daily soil carbon fluxes on sunny days calculated by the model were almost the same as those determined by the field measurements. On the contrary, the fluxes measured on rainy days were significantly higher than those calculated daily from the soil carbon fluxes by the model. Annual soil carbon fluxes in 1999 and 2000 were estimated using models that both do and do not take rainfall effects into consideration. The result indicates that post-rainfall increases in soil CO2 flux represent approximately 16–21% of the annual soil carbon flux in this cool temperate deciduous forest.  相似文献   

罗旭  贺红士  梁宇  吴志伟  黄超  张庆龙 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1104-1114
林火干扰是北方森林最主要的自然干扰之一,对北方森林地上生物量影响是一个长期的过程。因此,在预测地上生物量动态变化时需要考虑林火的影响。运用空间直观景观模型LANDIS PRO,模拟大兴安岭林区林火对不同树种地上生物量预测的影响。选取研究区5种主要树种林分(兴安落叶松、樟子松、云杉、白桦和山杨),以无干扰情景为参考预案,在验证模型模拟结果的基础上,模拟林火在短期(0—50a)、中期(50—150a)和长期(150—300a)对地上生物量的定量化影响,及其对不同立地类型地上生物量的动态变化。结果表明:(1)基于森林调查数据参数化的2000年森林景观模拟结果能够较好地代表2000年真实森林景观,模拟的2010年森林林分密度和胸高断面积与2010年森林调查数据无显著性差异(P0.05),当前林火干扰机制模拟结果能够较好地与样地调查数据匹配,说明林火模拟能够代表当前研究区林火发生情况;(2)与无干扰预案相比,整个模拟时期内景观水平上林火减少了1.7—5.9 t/hm2地上生物量;(3)与无干扰预案相比,林火预案下主要树种生物量在短期、中期和长期变化显著(P0.05);(4)在不同模拟时期,林火显著地改变了地上生物量空间分布,其中以亚高山区地上生物量降低最为明显。研究可为长期森林管理以及森林可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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