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运动形式的适应性演化与生物的捕食、防御、繁殖和通讯等生存行为紧密相关.哺乳动物演化出的多种多样的运动方式对占领新栖息地和获取新生存资源有着举足轻重的作用,其中滑翔和飞行能力是哺乳动物为适应环境而演化出的特殊运动形式,该类群动物已成为适应性演化研究的热点模型之一.为了适应生存,滑翔和飞行哺乳动物在形态、生理和行为方面都发...  相似文献   

A review of several long-term studies has recently suggested that snakes might be declining in large parts of the world. Additional data from other long-term studies are therefore urgently needed in order to assess the generalities of such suggested declines. Based on a 20-year study, we analyzed demographic data on adult dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) studied in central Italy between 1985 and 2004. Both male and female dice snakes were relatively long-lived, with no significant differences in longevity between the sexes. Individual males and females were observed over a maximum of 10 and 14 years, respectively. However, the among-year recapture rates between the year the snakes were initially captured and the subsequent year (i.e., year 1 to year 2) was significantly lower (45%) than the among-year recapture rates during subsequent years (74%; i.e., year 2 to year 3), suggesting that a large proportion of the snakes at first capture were in fact not resident within our study area, and hence many snakes were migrating in and out of our 2-km stream study site, with no inter-sexual difference in dispersal rates. Sex ratio was virtually equal if we consider the study period as a whole. Significant annual fluctuations were, however, observed through the study. In 1985–1990, 1993–1995, 1998 and 1999 the sex ratio was male-biased, whereas in 2000–2004 female-biased. In terms of both survival and recapture probabilities, model selection showed that Akaike’s information criterion favored the model incorporating body size, with the model incorporating year having an intermediate likelihood, and the model with sex included being the most disfavored. Total population number estimates suggest an average 86 adult individuals along the 2 km of stream with only minor annual variations. However, a significant decrease in the number of males occurred during the last 6 years of our study. Thus, further monitoring of this population is warranted in light of the decline of snake populations reported recently.  相似文献   

 The present study aims to understand the neurally based coordination dynamics (multistability, loss of stability, transitions, etc.) of trajectory formation in a simple task. Six subjects produced two spatial patterns of coordination in the xy plane by alternating the abduction-adduction and flexion-extension motions of their right index finger. Each pattern was characterized by a unique temporal ratio between the x and y directions of motion: (1) a figure zero, a 1:1 temporal pattern; and (2) a figure eight, a 2:1 temporal pattern. The patterns were produced rhythmically and movement frequency was scaled across ten frequency plateaus, with ten cycles of motion per step. As movement frequency increased, switching from a figure eight to a figure zero was observed at critical cycling frequencies. The switch from pattern (2) to pattern (1) was identified in the spatial trajectory and power spectra of x(t) and y(t). En route to the transition, enhancement of fluctuations was observed in the Fourier amplitudes of x(t) and y(t), specifically at f 0 (the metronome frequency) and 2f 0 (the first harmonic of f 0). Interestingly, there was no difference in the spatial variability of the two patterns. Overall, the data demonstrate that spatial patterns of coordination can be characterized in terms of the temporal relationship between the spatial components of the trajectory itself. We discuss the experimental findings in relation to other end-point planning and multijoint control strategies, as well as the much more general problem of temporal synchronization in many interlimb and intralimb coordination tasks. Received: 24 February 1995/Accepted in revised form: 8 August 1995  相似文献   

The present study aims to understand the neurally based coordination dynamics (multistability, loss of stability, transitions, etc.) of trajectory formation in a simple task. Six subjects produced two spatial patterns of coordination in the xy plane by alternating the abduction-adduction and flexion-extension motions of their right index finger. Each pattern was characterized by a unique temporal ratio between the x and y directions of motion: (1) a figure zero, a 1∶1 temporal pattern; and (2) a figure eight, a 2∶1 temporal pattern. The patterns were produced rhythmically and movement frequency was scaled across ten frequency plateaus, with ten cycles of motion per step. As movement frequency increased, switching from a figure eight to a figure zero was observed at critical cycling frequencies. The switch from pattern (2) to pattern (1) was identified in the spatial trajectory and power spectra of x(t) and y(t). En route to the transition, enhancement of fluctuations was observed in the Fourier amplitudes of x(t) and y(t), specifically at f 0 (the metronome frequency) and 2f 0 (the first harmonic off 0). Interestingly, there was no difference in the spatial variability of the two patterns. Overall, the data demonstrate that spatial patterns of coordination can be characterized in terms of the temporal relationship between the spatial components of the trajectory itself. We discuss the experimental findings in relation to other end-point planning and multijoint control strategies, as well as the much more general problem of temporal synchronization in many interlimb and intralimb coordination tasks.  相似文献   

The flying lizards of the genus Draco are among the most remarkable and successful clades of gliding vertebrates. Here, we evaluate the evolution of gliding in Draco and other lizards, describe the suite of morphological innovations that characterize Draco, discuss the ecological context of gliding in this genus, describe functions of their patagial membranes that are not related to gliding, and summarize the interspecific allometry of the Draco gliding apparatus, as well as the corresponding consequences for their now empirically quantified gliding performance. Several fossil reptilian lineages had morphologies similar to that of modern Draco, with patagial membranes supported by elongated ribs or rib-like dermal structures. Using Draco's snout-vent length/mass relationships, we provide improved estimates of wing loading for three of these fossil gliders (Icarosaurus seifkeri, Kuehneosaurus sp., Coelurosauravus elivensis) and then estimate absolute gliding performance for each taxon by extrapolating from Draco's wing loading/glide performance relationship. We find that I. seifkeri likely represented the best nonflapping terrestrial vertebrate glider yet described, whereas the larger Kuehneosaurus and Coelurosauravus probably required high descent velocities to achieve sufficient lift for gliding, with commensurately greater height loss with each glide.  相似文献   

Stability is as essential to flying as lift itself, but previous discussions of how flying animals maintain stability have been limited in both number and scope. By developing the pitching moment equations for gliding animals and by discussing potential sources of roll and yaw stability, we consider the various sources of static stability used by gliding animals. We find that gliding animals differ markedly from aircraft in how they maintain stability. In particular, the pendulum stability provided when the centre of gravity lies below the wings is a much more important source of stability in flying animals than in most conventional aircraft. Drag-based stability also appears to be important for many gliding animals, whereas in aircraft, drag is usually kept to a minimum. One unexpected consequence of these differences is that the golden measure of static pitching stability in aircraft--the static margin--can only strictly be applied to flying animals if the equilibrium angle of attack is specified. We also derive several rules of thumb by which stable fliers can be identified. Stable fliers are expected to exhibit one or more of the following features: (1) Wings that are swept forward in slow flight. (2) Wings that are twisted down at the tips when swept back (wash-out) and twisted up at the tips when swept forwards (wash-in). (3) Additional lifting surfaces (canard, hindwings or a tail) inclined nose-up to the main wing if they lie forward of it, and nose-down if they lie behind it (longitudinal dihedral). Each of these predictions is directional--the opposite is expected to apply in unstable animals. In addition, animals with reduced stability are expected to display direct flight patterns in turbulent conditions, in contrast to the erratic flight patterns predicted for stable animals, in which large restoring forces are generated. Using these predictions, we find that flying animals possess a far higher degree of inherent stability than has generally been recognized. This conclusion is reinforced by measurements of the relative positions of the centres of gravity and lift in birds, which suggest that the wings alone may be sufficient to provide longitudinal static stability. Birds may therefore resemble tailless aircraft more closely than conventional aircraft with a tailplane.  相似文献   

Ability to predict species distribution in a landscape is of crucial importance for natural resource management and species conservation. Therefore, the understanding of species habitat requirements and spatio-temporal dynamics in occurrence is needed. We examined patch occupancy patterns of the Siberian flying squirrel Pteromys volans in northern Finland across a seven year study period. Forest patches dominated by mature spruce ( Picea abies ) in a study area (375 km2) were surveyed to monitor the presence or absence of the flying squirrel. The patch occupancy pattern was dynamic: about half of the habitat patches were occupied at least once during the study period and more patches were colonised than were abandoned. Patches that were continuously occupied (i.e. occupied during all sample periods) were typically of high quality (based on habitat and landscape characteristics), continuously unoccupied patches were usually of low quality, and intermediate quality patches were occupied intermittently. The variables explaining patch occupancy were similar each year, and a statistical model based on data from the year 2000 also predicted occupancy in 2004 with similar accuracy. However, data from a single survey were inadequate for identifying patches used intermittently by flying squirrels. Despite inconsistent occupancy, these patches may be important for the local persistence of flying squirrels. The dynamic occupancy pattern may thus affect estimates of suitable habitat area and identification of functional patch networks for landscape planning. These results emphasise the need for follow-up studies to better understand population patterns and processes in time.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements and analysis of the flight of bats are presented, including kinematic analysis of high-speed stereo videography of straight and turning flight, and measurements of the wake velocity field behind the bat. The kinematic data reveal that, at relatively slow flight speeds, wing motion is quite complex, including a sharp retraction of the wing during the upstroke and a broad sweep of the partially extended wing during the downstroke. The data also indicate that the flight speed and elevation are not constant, but oscillate in synchrony with both the horizontal and vertical movements of the wing. PIV measurements in the transverse (Trefftz) plane of the wake indicate a complex 'wake vortex' structure dominated by a strong wing tip vortex shed from the wing tip during the downstroke and either the wing tip or a more proximal joint during the upstroke. Data synthesis of several discrete realizations suggests a 'cartoon' of the wake structure during the entire wing beat cycle. Considerable work remains to be done to confirm and amplify these results.  相似文献   

From the world's tiny flying bugs to gigantic dobsonflies, inflight locomotion of a flying creature requires complex biomechanical strategies to cope with air turbulence. These unpredictable changes in ambient airflow strength and direction may destabilize body posture and orientation. To record this behaviour in further detail, we scientifically examined how houseflies (Musca domestica) respond to air turbulence. We then, three-dimensionally reconstructed body and wings motion of continuously perturbated houseflies using high-speed videography under laboratory condition. The findings confirmed that houseflies, in general, do not initiate flight when average ambient air speed exceeds ~0.63 ms?1 at approximately ~2% of relative turbulent intensity. This finding contrasts with flies which immediately take-off after being released. During mild turbulent conditions, flies performed take-off but with severe and active modulation of body postures. In addition, the body roll angle fluctuates more severely (18.5-fold increase) compared to yaw (7-fold of increment) and pitch (6.4-fold of increment) during turbulence, highlighting that body roll stability is highly sensitive. This research extends our current knowledge on flies' behaviours during turbulence and how insects achieve their superior flight performance.  相似文献   

Interfaces play an important role in microscale and nanoscale heat transfer processes with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations often used to study these interfacial phenomena. In this study, two models were used to simulate thermal conduction across micro contact points and the thermal contact resistance using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations with consideration of the near field radiation. When the ratio of the length of the micro contact to the length of the conduction region is less than 0.125, the influence of the near field radiation should be considered; but when the ratio is larger than 0.2, it can be neglected. When the computational domain sizes are 8.50 × 10.62 × 8.50 nm and 10.62 × 10.62 × 10.62 nm, the MD results show that the thermal contact resistance exponentially increases with decreasing area of the micro contact point and increases with increasing micro contact layer thickness. The MD thermal contact resistances in nanoscale are much larger than that of the classical thermal analysis since the material thermal conductivity reduction is ignored in the classical model. The results also show that material defects increase the thermal resistance.  相似文献   

Despite exhibiting considerable interspecific variation in body mass, flying lizards of the genus Draco are isometric in their area-mass scaling relationships and exhibit no significant compensatory variation in wing aspect ratio. Thus, larger species are expected to be relatively poor gliders, in lieu of behavioral or physiological compensation, when compared with smaller congeners. Here we tested this hypothesis by conducting gliding performance trials for 11 Draco species spanning virtually the entire size range of the genus. We considered three primary performance variables: maximum velocity adjusted for wind conditions, height lost over a standard horizontal glide distance, and glide angle. Comparative analysis confirmed that larger species are relatively poor gliders and do not compensate substantially for their higher wing loadings via either behavioral or physiological mechanisms. Flying lizards were found to exhibit substantial context-dependent variation in glide performance, with smaller species often exhibiting extensive variation in height lost and glide angle between trials. Variation also was observed in empirically derived velocity profiles, with only a subset of individuals appearing to perform equilibrium glides. Such size-dependent variation in performance has important consequences for the ecology and evolution of flying lizards and other glissant taxa.  相似文献   

Electrostatic calculations of pK(a-values) are reported along a 400 ps molecular dynamics trajectory of bacteriorhodopsin. The sensitivity of calculated pK(a) values to a number of structural factors and factors related to the modelling of the electrostatics are also studied. The results are very sensitive to the choice of internal dielectric constant of the protein (in the interval 2-4). Moreover it is important to include internal water molecules and to average over a long enough portion ( approximately 100 ps) of an equilibrium molecular dynamics trajectory. The internal waters are necessary to get an ion-counter ion complex with the Schiff base and Arg 82 protonated and the aspartic groups (85 and 212) deprotonated. The fluctuations along the MD-trajectory do not change the protonation state of internal residues at neutral pH. However, at other pH values the averaging along a trajectory maybe crucial to get correct protonation states. A relationship is found between the arginine group 82, the aspartic group 85 and the glutamate group 204. Glu 204 is protonated in the ground state but the pK(a) value decreases towards deprotonation when the chromophore isomerizes into the cis state.  相似文献   

Because species affect ecosystem functioning, understanding migration processes is a key component of predicting future ecosystem responses to climate change. This study provides evidence of range expansion under current climatic conditions of an indigenous species with strong ecosystem effects. Surveys of stands along the northern distribution limit of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) in central Yukon Territory, Canada showed consistent increases in pine dominance following fire. These patterns differed strongly from those observed at sites where pine has been present for several thousand years. Differences in species thinning rates are unlikely to account for the observed increases in pine dominance. Rates of pine regeneration at its range limits were equivalent to those of spruce, indicating a capacity for rapid local population expansion. The study also found no evidence of strong climatic limitation of pine population growth at the northern distribution limit. We interpret these data as evidence of current pine expansion at its range limits and conclude that the northern distribution of lodgepole pine is not in equilibrium with current climate. This study has implications for our ability to predict vegetation response to climate change when populations may lag in their response to climate.  相似文献   

Many cellular processes occur out of equilibrium. This includes site-specific unwinding in supercoiled DNA, which may play an important role in gene regulation. Here, we use the Convex Lens-induced Confinement (CLiC) single-molecule microscopy platform to study these processes with high-throughput and without artificial constraints on molecular structures or interactions. We use two model DNA plasmid systems, pFLIP-FUSE and pUC19, to study the dynamics of supercoiling-induced secondary structural transitions after perturbations away from equilibrium. We find that structural transitions can be slow, leading to long-lived structural states whose kinetics depend on the duration and direction of perturbation. Our findings highlight the importance of out-of-equilibrium studies when characterizing the complex structural dynamics of DNA and understanding the mechanisms of gene regulation.  相似文献   

During motility of fibroblast type cells on planar surfaces, adhesions are formed at the anterior of the protruding lamella, which remain stationary relative to the substrate and undergo a maturation process as the cell passes over them. Through these adhesions force is exerted, the orientation of which is parallel to the direction of the movement. Here we show that, during gliding-type motility of human tumor cells, characterized by a semicircular shape, adhesions were found at the outer rim of the cells, along the semicircle. Time-lapse microscopy of GFP-vinculin-expressing cells showed that these adhesions were constantly renewed at the cell edge and followed a curved trajectory according to the graded radial extension model. Eventually, the adhesions reached the long axis of the cell where they were retracted into the cell body. Actin cables formed arcs, with the concave face at the anterior of the lamella found to be oriented in the direction of movement. Since adhesions moved backward with respect to the cell, actin cables connected to these adhesions must continuously grow, reaching maximal size at the long axis of the cell. Contraction of the arcs is responsible for the forward movement of the cell body.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of a sulfonolipid in gliding bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gliding bacteria of the genus Cytophaga synthesize sulfonolipids (1,2) that contain capnine (1-deoxy-15-methylhexadecasphinganine-1-sulfonic acid). Studies of the incorporation of radiolabeled compounds by C. johnsonae show that cysteate is utilized preferentially to both cystine and inorganic sulfate as a precursor of capnine sulfur and to both cystine and serine as a precursor of carbons 1 and 2 of capnine. The results are consistent with a pathway in which capnine is formed by condensation of cysteate with a fatty acyl CoA. Cystine, added as the sole sulfur source in the presence of glucose, provides the sulfur but not the carbon for capnine. Hence, these cells form cysteate not by direct oxidation of cystine (or cysteine), but by transfer of its sulfur to a different carbon compound.  相似文献   

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