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The ST6Gal I is a sialyltransferase that modifies N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. Previous results suggested a role for luminal stem and active domain sequences in the efficiency of ST6Gal I Golgi retention. Characterization of a series of STtyr isoform deletion mutants demonstrated that the stem is sensitive to proteases and that preventing cleavage in this region leads to increased cell surface expression. A mutant lacking amino acids 32-104 (STDelta4) is not active or cleaved and secreted like the wild type STtyr, but does exhibit increased cell surface expression. It is probable that the STDelta4 mutant lacks the stem region and some amino acids of the active domain because the STDelta5 mutant lacking amino acids 86-104 is also not active but is cleaved and secreted. In contrast, deletion of stem amino acids between residues 32 and 86 in the STDelta1, STDelta2, and STDelta3 mutants does not inactive these enzyme forms, eliminate their cleavage and secretion, or increase their cell surface expression. Surprisingly, cleavage occurs even though the previously identified Asn63-Ser 64 cleavage site is missing. Further evaluation demonstrated that a cleavage site between Lys 40 and Glu 41 is used in COS cells. Mutagenesis of Lys 40 significantly decreased, but did not eliminate cleavage, suggesting that there are additional secondary sites of cleavage in the ST6Gal I stem.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1( SND1,Tudor-SN)是一种参与基因调控的转录共激活因子蛋白,本研究意在克隆牦牛泌乳相关基因SND1,分析其生物特性,研究其蛋白在乳腺的表达。采集牦牛泌乳期乳腺组织,胰蛋白酶消化法得到原代乳腺上皮细胞,纯化到3代, 采用RT-PCR扩增克隆SND1基因,测序并拼接,并用相关生物信息软件分析牦牛SND1基因特性;用免疫组织化学和免疫荧光技术对牦牛SND1基因编码蛋白进行定位分析。获得如下结果:牦牛SND1基因全序列为3294 bp,含有2733 bp的ORF,共包含20种氨基酸。SND1基因编码蛋白为非分泌蛋白,非跨膜蛋白;同源性分析显示,牦牛SND1基因与野牛、家牛、藏羚羊、山羊、猪、野骆驼、马、黑猩猩、人、褐家鼠的同源性分别为99%、98%、96%、94%、91%、90%、90%、89%、89%、85%;系统进化树表明与野牛和家牛的进化水平较近,与人和鼠的进化水平较远。免疫组织化学染色结果显示,SND1蛋白在分泌上皮细胞(乳腺上皮细胞)和导管上皮细胞呈阳性高表达,在肌上皮细胞呈弱表达。免疫荧光显示,SND1蛋白在乳腺上皮细胞胞核高表达,胞质弱表达。上述研究结果为进一步探究SND1对牦牛泌乳机能的调节提供了相关依据,也为高寒哺乳动物的研究提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

Chen C  Colley KJ 《Glycobiology》2000,10(5):531-583
The influence of N-linked glycosylation on the activity and trafficking of membrane associated and soluble forms of the STtyr isoform of the ST6Gal I has been evaluated. We have demonstrated that the enzyme is glycosylated on Asn 146 and Asn 158 and that glycosylation is not required for the endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi transport of the membrane-associated form of the STtyr isoform. In addition, N-linked glycosylation may stabilize the protein but is not absolutely required for catalytic activity in vivo. In contrast, soluble forms of the protein consisting of amino acids 64-403, 89-403, and 97-403 are efficiently secreted and active in their fully glycosylated forms, but retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and inactive in their unglycosylated forms. These results suggest that membrane associated and soluble forms of the STtyr protein have different requirements for N-linked glycosylation. Elimination of the oligosaccharide attached to Asn 158 in the full length STtyr single and double glycosylation mutants generates proteins that are not cleaved and secreted but stably localized in the Golgi, like the STcys isoform of the ST6Gal I. This stable Golgi localization is correlated with the observation that these two mutants are active in in vivo assays but inactive in in vitro assays of membrane lysates. We predict that removal of N-linked oligosaccharides leads to an increased ability of the STtyr protein to self-associate or oligomerize which subsequently allows more stable retention in the Golgi and increased aggregation and inactivity when membranes are lysed in the in vitro activity assays.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular mechanisms of mammary gland involution, an involution-induced clone was identified from a cDNA library of mouse mammary gland by differential screening. Characterization of a clone by sequencing and northern analysis showed that expression of the osteopontin gene was induced during involution of mouse mammary gland. But induction of the osteopontin gene was not observed in apoptotic HC11 mammary epithelial cells under serum starvation. In HC11 cells, dexamethasone treatment from the seeding stage showed five-fold induction of osteopontin gene expression, but the expression was not changed when dexamethasone was added to confluent cells.  相似文献   

The ST6Gal I is a sialyltransferase that functions in the late Golgi to modify the N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. The ST6Gal I is expressed as two isoforms with a single amino acid difference in their catalytic domains. The STcys isoform is stably retained in the cell and is predominantly found in the Golgi, whereas the STtyr isoform is only transiently localized in the Golgi and is cleaved and secreted from a post-Golgi compartment. These two ST6Gal I isoforms were used to explore the role of the bilayer thickness mechanism and oligomerization in Golgi localization. Analysis of STcys and STtyr proteins with longer transmembrane regions suggested that the bilayer thickness mechanism is not the predominant mechanism used for ST6Gal I Golgi localization. In contrast, the formation and quantity of Triton X-100-insoluble oligomers was correlated with the stable or transient localization of the ST6Gal I isoforms in the Golgi. Nearly 100% of the STcys and only 13% of the STtyr were found as Triton-insoluble oligomers when Golgi membranes of COS-1 cells expressing these proteins were solubilized at pH 6.3, the pH of the late Golgi. In contrast, both proteins were found in the soluble fraction when these membranes were solubilized at pH 8.0. Analysis of other mutants suggested that a conformational change in the catalytic domain rather than increased disulfide bond-based cross-linking is the basis for the increased ability of STcys protein to form oligomers and the stable localization of STcys protein in the Golgi.  相似文献   

探讨肝癌细胞系Hepa1-6与肝正常细胞系BNL CL.2唾液酸糖基转移酶ST3Gal和ST6Gal家族mRNA表达的差异以及与细胞膜唾液酸含量的关系,采用RT-PCR方法检测ST3Gal唾液酸转移酶家族6个成员以及ST6Gal唾液酸转移酶家族2个成员mRNA表达差异,用凝集素芯片检测细胞膜表面唾液酸表达情况,结果显示:与正常细胞系BNL CL.2相比,hepa1-6细胞内唾液酸转移酶ST3GalⅠ、ST3GalⅣ、ST3GalⅥ呈现高表达,ST3GalⅤ低表达,ST3GalⅡ、ST3GalⅢ表达无显著性差异,两细胞系内均为检测出ST6GalⅠ表达,ST6GalⅡ表达无显著差异;hepa1-6细胞膜α2-3和α2-6连接唾液酸含量均显著增加;提示ST3GalⅠ、ST3GalⅣ、ST3GalⅤ、ST3GalⅥ可能与肝癌发生过程相关,ST3GalⅠ、ST3GalⅣ、ST3GalⅥ可能与肝癌细胞膜α2-3唾液酸含量增加相关,ST6Gal家族对细胞膜α2-6连接唾液酸含量增加无贡献.  相似文献   

Sialic acid at the terminus of cell surface glycoconjugates is a critical element in cell-cell recognition, receptor binding and immune responses. Sialyltransferases (ST), the enzymes responsible for the biosynthesis of sialylated glycans are highly upregulated in cancer and the resulting hypersialylation of the tumour cell surface correlates strongly with tumour growth, metastasis and drug resistance. Inhibitors of human STs, in particular human ST6Gal I, are thus expected to be valuable chemical tools for the discovery of novel anticancer drugs. Herein, we report on the computationally-guided design and development of uridine-based inhibitors that replace the charged phosphodiester linker of known ST inhibitors with a neutral carbamate to improve pharmacokinetic properties and synthetic accessibility. A series of 24 carbamate-linked uridyl-based compounds were synthesised by coupling aryl and hetaryl α-hydroxyphosphonates with a 5′-amino-5′-deoxyuridine fragment. The inhibitory activities of the newly synthesised compounds against recombinant human ST6Gal I were determined using a luminescent microplate assay, and five promising inhibitors with Ki’s ranging from 1 to 20 µM were identified. These results show that carbamate-linked uridyl-based compounds are a potential new class of readily accessible, non-cytotoxic ST inhibitors to be further explored.  相似文献   

A soluble and active form of recombinant human ST6Gal I was expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene encoding the soluble form of ST6Gal I lacking the membrane and cytosolic regions was introduced into a bacterial expression vector, pMAL-p2X, fused in frame with a maltose-binding protein (MBP) tag. Low-temperature cultivation at 13C during IPTG-induction significantly improved both solubility and MBP-tagging of the recombinant enzyme expressed in bacteria. The supernatant prepared by disruption of the cells demonstrated sialic acid transfer activity to both an oligosaccharide and a glycoprotein, asialofetuin, indicating that the enzyme expressed in bacteria is soluble and active. The MBP-tagged enzyme was efficiently purified by a combination of cation-exchange column and amylase-conjugated agarose column chromatography. The purified recombinant enzyme exerted enzymatic activity even in the absence of detergents in the reaction mixture. Acceptor substrate specificity of the enzyme was marginally different from that of rat liver ST6Gal I. These observations suggest that membrane and cytosolic regions of ST6Gal I may affect the properties of the enzyme. The purified recombinant enzyme was applied to convert desialylated fetuin to resialylated fetuin. Lectin blotting demonstrated that resialylated fetuin possesses a single Neu5Ac 2-6 residue. The resialylated fetuin efficiently blocked hemagglutination induced by influenza virus strain A/Memphis/1/71 (H3N2), indicating that resialylated carbohydrate chains on the protein are so active as to competitively inhibit virus-receptor interaction. In conclusion, soluble recombinant ST6Gal I obtained using our bacterial expression system is a valuable tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms of biological and pathological interactions mediated via carbohydrates. Published in 2005.The authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been identified in cells as well as in exosomes in biological fluids such as milk. In mammary gland, most of the miRNAs studied have functions related to immunity and show alterations in their pattern of expression during lactation. In mastitis, the inflammatory response caused by Streptococcus uberis alters the expression of miRNAs that may regulate the innate immune system. These small RNAs are stable at room temperature and are resistant to repeated freeze/thaw cycles, acidic conditions and degradation by RNAse, making them resistant to industrial procedures. These properties mean that miRNAs could have multiple applications in veterinary medicine and biotechnology. Indeed, lactoglobulin-free milk has been produced in transgenic cows expressing specific miRNAs. Although plant and animal miRNAs have undergone independent evolutionary adaptation recent studies have demonstrated a cross-kingdom passage in which rice miRNA was isolated from human serum. This finding raises questions about the possible effect that miRNAs present in foods consumed by humans could have on human gene regulation. Further studies are needed before applying miRNA biotechnology to the milk industry. New discoveries and a greater knowledge of gene expression will lead to a better understanding of the role of miRNAs in physiology, nutrition and evolution.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding a second type of mouse beta-galactoside alpha2,6-sialyltransferase (ST6Gal II) was cloned and characterized. The sequence of mouse ST6Gal II encoded a protein of 524 amino acids and showed 77.1% amino acid sequence identity with human ST6Gal II. Recombinant ST6Gal II exhibited alpha2,6-sialyltransferase activity toward oligosaccharides that have the Galbeta1,4GlcNAc sequence at the nonreducing end of their carbohydrate groups, but it exhibited relatively low and no activity toward some glycoproteins and glycolipids, respectively. On the other hand, ST6Gal I, which has been known as the sole member of the ST6Gal-family for more than ten years, exhibited broad substrate specificity toward oligosaccharides, glycoproteins, and a glycolipid, paragloboside. The ST6Gal II gene was mainly expressed in brain and embryo, whereas the ST6Gal I gene was ubiquitously expressed, and its expression levels were higher than those of the ST6Gal II gene. The ST6Gal II gene is located on chromosome 17 and spans over 70 kb of mouse genomic DNA consisting of at least 6 exons. The ST6Gal II gene has a similar genomic structure to the ST6Gal I gene. In this paper, we have shown that ST6Gal II is a counterpart of ST6Gal I.  相似文献   

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