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This paper is inspired by the way birds such as albatrosses are able to exploit wind gradients at the surface of the ocean for staying aloft for very long periods while minimizing their energy expenditure. The corresponding behaviour has been partially reproduced here via a set of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy rules controlling a simulated glider. First, the rules were hand-designed. Then, they were optimized with an evolutionary algorithm that improved their efficiency at coping with challenging conditions. Finally, the robustness properties of the controller generated were assessed with a view to its applicability to a real platform.  相似文献   

无人机遥感技术在景观生态学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张志明  徐倩  王彬  孙虎  耿宇鹏  田冀 《生态学报》2017,37(12):4029-4036
野外数据的获取是生态学研究的挑战之一,而通过遥感技术能够实现对地球表面的多面立体观测,获取丰富多样的空间信息数据,开展从微观到宏观不同尺度上的景观单元(包括物种、种群、群落、生态系统等)的空间关系研究。传统卫星遥感影像受空间和时间分辨率的限制,难以满足局域尺度或者时间序列上的景观空间生态学研究需求。无人机遥感技术为生态学研究的野外数据获取提供了一种新方法,以其灵活、高效、简便等特点弥补了传统卫星遥感的空间分辨率低、重访周期长、云雾影响等方面的不足,在景观空间生态学研究中受到越来越多的关注。简要介绍无人机类型及其搭载常见的传感器类型,分别从不同尺度的景观单元,即物种、种群、群落以及生态系统水平上探讨其应用进展,并指出当前无人机技术在景观生态学研究中存在的挑战与困难,同时展望了未来可能的研究热点,以期对今后无人机遥感技术在景观生态学领域的应用研究有所启发。  相似文献   

Routes of migrating soaring birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
YOSSI LESHEM  YORAM YOM-TOV 《Ibis》1998,140(1):41-52
Soaring migrants travelling through Israel use three principal routes which are used in the opposite directions during the spring and autumn: (1) the Western Route lies mainly along the western edge of the central mountain range, (2) the Eastern Route lies mainly along the Jordan Valley, crossing the mountain range during part of the day, continuing southward along the Dead Sea towards the Sinai, and joining the Western Route in autumn and (3) the Southern-Elat Mountains Route. The geomorphological structure of Israel, with a central mountain range dividing the country roughly into three landscape units, plays a central role in route selection. In the autumn, the Western Route migration axis is deflected at the beginning of the day from east to west for 10–25 km, depending on weather conditions and the flock's roosting locations. Between 10.00 h and 11.00 h, the daily breeze blowing from the Mediterranean Sea influences the migration axis, which is slowly deflected back to the east. A parallel deflection of the migration axis occurs in the Eastern Route in the autumn. The route moves southwest over the eastern slopes of the central mountain range during the morning hours and over the slope, which absorbs direct radiation from the sun, creating good soaring conditions. Towards late afternoon, when the breeze from the sea starts, the axis is deflected to the east, to the Jordan Valley. In the Elat Mountains, the wind flow plays a similar role, but because the topography of the southern Arava Valley causes a change in wind direction, the axis moves during the day in a north-south direction. In addition to the axis movement on a daily scale, a seasonal deflection of the migration axis from east to west also exists. During autumn migration, early migrants (e.g. White Storks Ciconia ciconia) tend to travel on an eastern route, while late migrants (e.g. White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus) travel along the Mediterranean coast. This fluctuation was probably because of sub-optimal soaring conditions along the coastal plain during August. In September, temperature differences between the sea and land decrease and the influence of the marine inversion gradually declines, until its influence disappears completely in October. A comparison of the numbers of soaring birds seen over Israel in the autumn and spring shows significant seasonal differences in the use of the various routes. For example, only one species, the Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis, flies over the Elat Mountains in the autumn, compared to more than 30 species in the spring. In the autumn, White Storks pass over only along the Jordan Valley axis, whereas in the spring, about half the migrating storks also pass over the western edge of the central mountain range. Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus fly along the Western Route in large numbers in the autumn, while concentrating almost totally over the Elat Mountains in the spring. These differences are related to the global migration routes between the breeding and the wintering grounds in relation to the Red Sea, which birds avoid crossing, thus causing them to follow different routes in autumn, and spring.  相似文献   


High-resolution aerial photographs have important applications in vegetation mapping, especially in environments, such as wetlands, which are not easily accessible by ground operators. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), equipped with cameras capable of taking photographs of <?1 cm pixel resolution, are promising not only for the vegetation mapping but also for the identification of plant species. This paper illustrated the results of three different flight heights (5 m?=?3.5126 mm/pixel; 10 m?=?7.0252 mm/pixel; 25 m?=?17.5630 mm/pixel), using 12MP images and their magnification, on the identification of vegetation and botanical species in a rewetted peatland populated mainly by Phragmites australis and Myriophyllum aquaticum within the Massaciuccoli Lake basin (Northern Tuscany, Italy). Among the obtained images, we selected the best flight height for the vegetation mapping and the botanical identification of the plant species using both visual and automated image analyses. Images taken from flights at 25 m of height proved to be useful for a sufficiently detailed mapping, while those from 10 m of height were more suitable for the detection of plant microcommunities. However, the most accurate identification of the species (at the taxonomic level of genus/species) was possible only with the images taken from 5 m of height.


无人机低空遥感系统弥补了航天和航空遥感在影像分辨率、重访周期、云层影响以及高成本等方面的不足,为中观尺度的生态学研究提供了新方法.本文介绍了轻小型无人机低空遥感系统的组成,从物种、种群、群落和生态系统尺度综述了其在生态学中的应用现状,并指出目前存在的不足和未来的发展方向,以期为无人机生态学的后续研究提供参考.无人机生态学当前面临的挑战和未来发展的方向主要有物种形态和光谱特征库的建立、物种自动识别、光谱数据与植物生理生态过程之间关系的进一步挖掘、生态系统三维立体监测、多来源多尺度遥感数据融合等.随着无人机平台技术、传感器技术以及数据传输处理技术的成熟,以无人机低空遥感技术为基础的无人机生态学将迎来发展的机遇和曙光.  相似文献   

To explore the control effect of bait broadcasting by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on the imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta and evaluate its impact on biodiversity, we tested the drop flow rate and broadcasting evenness of fire ant baits with bait exit hatch sizes, as well as the dynamics of fire ants and other ants when different amounts of bait were used. The amount of bait applied per hectare was 6000–15,000 g in orchards. Fourteen days after broadcasting, the control effect of broadcasting 12,000 g and 15,000 g bait per hectare on active mounds and workers reached 90%, which was significantly higher than that achieved with 6000 g and 9000 g. After the application of bait, the number and species of other ants decreased and then increased; this was reflected in changes in the Shannon–Wiener index (H′), Pielou evenness index (E) and Simpson dominance index (C). The results of this study suggest that broadcasting bait by UAVs can achieve good control of S. invicta, and a reduction in native ant diversity can be achieved in the short term.  相似文献   

The flight performance of birds is strongly affected by the dynamic state of the atmosphere at the birds' locations. Studies of flight and its impact on the movement ecology of birds must consider the wind to help us understand aerodynamics and bird flight strategies. Here, we introduce a systematic approach to evaluate wind speed and direction from the high‐frequency GPS recordings from bird‐borne tags during thermalling flight. Our method assumes that a fixed horizontal mean wind speed during a short (18 seconds, 19 GPS fixes) flight segment with a constant turn angle along a closed loop, characteristic of thermalling flight, will generate a fixed drift for each consequent location. We use a maximum‐likelihood approach to estimate that drift and to determine the wind and airspeeds at the birds' flight locations. We also provide error estimates for these GPS‐derived wind speed estimates. We validate our approach by comparing its wind estimates with the mid‐resolution weather reanalysis data from ECMWF, and by examining independent wind estimates from pairs of birds in a large dataset of GPS‐tagged migrating storks that were flying in close proximity. Our approach provides accurate and unbiased observations of wind speed and additional detailed information on vertical winds and uplift structure. These precise measurements are otherwise rare and hard to obtain and will broaden our understanding of atmospheric conditions, flight aerodynamics, and bird flight strategies. With an increasing number of GPS‐tracked animals, we may soon be able to use birds to inform us about the atmosphere they are flying through and thus improve future ecological and environmental studies.  相似文献   

Migration is costly in terms of time, energy and safety. Optimal migration theory suggests that individual migratory birds will choose between these three costs depending on their motivation and available resources. To test hypotheses about use of migratory strategies by large soaring birds, we used GPS telemetry to track 18 adult, 13 sub‐adult and 15 juvenile Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in eastern North America. Each age‐class had potentially different motivations during migration. During spring, the migratory performance (defined here as the directness of migratory flight) of adults was higher than that of any other age‐classes. Adults also departed earlier and spent less time migrating. Together, these patterns suggest that adults were primarily time‐limited and the other two age‐classes were energy‐limited. However, adults that migrated the longest distances during spring also appeared to take advantage of energy‐conservation strategies such as decreasing their compensation for wind drift. During autumn, birds of all age‐classes were primarily energy‐minimizers; they increased the length of stopovers, flew less direct routes and migrated at a slower pace than during spring. Nonetheless, birds that departed later in autumn flew more directly, indicating that time limitations may have affected their decision‐making. During both seasons, juveniles had the lowest performance, sub‐adults intermediate performance and adults the highest performance. Our results show age‐ and seasonal variation in time and energy‐minimization strategies that are not necessarily exclusive of one another. Beyond time and energy, a complex suite of factors, including weather, experience and navigation ability, influences migratory performance and decision‐making.  相似文献   

理解植物群落组成结构的演化对于阐明荒漠化的过程与驱动机制、制定有效的干旱区生态系统恢复措施具有重要价值。研究干旱区植物群落的空间格局的演化过程有助于深入理解荒漠化和生态恢复的过程与机理。目前大量研究关注于植被退化过程中的群落组成结构变化,而对于生态恢复过程中的植物群落空间格局演化的研究尚不多见。干旱区生态系统中植物通常较为稀疏且个体较小,准确提取植物的分布往往需要分辨率极高的遥感数据。近年来,低空无人机遥感技术的快速发展为精细尺度上植被空间格局的研究提供重要技术支持。利用2 cm空间分辨率的低空无人机遥感数据结合地面群落调查,在精细尺度上研究了宁夏沙坡头草方格生态恢复区内植物群落的空间格局变化。研究结果表明,沙坡头地区草方格生态恢复工程实验区域,相对于未实施生态恢复工程的裸露沙丘区域,植物物种多样性和植被盖度显著提高。恢复工程实施4年后,平均植被盖度增加3倍,物种丰富度增加1倍。在植被恢复过程中,随着植被盖度的增加,植被斑块表现出规模上升、破碎化程度下降、形状复杂化、空间自相关减弱等格局特征变化。这些空间格局特征的变化表明大型植被斑块趋于恢复,整体微环境的改善有利于单独生长的植物个体存活,整体上生态系统退化为裸地的风险降低。利用低空无人机遥感手段,对草方格生态恢复工程的植被恢复过程进行了详细、高分辨率的空间格局调查及分析,结合地面群落调查,从多个方面证明了草方格生态恢复措施的有效性。基于无人机的系统格局连续长期监测有助于深入理解干旱区生态恢复机理,对于科学开展荒漠化生态恢复措施也具有重要价值。  相似文献   

本研究使用固定翼无人机拍摄4 200 ha林地,从中选取了广东省河源市和平县阳明镇、紫金县紫城镇、东源县义合镇共3个样地的3 500 ha林地的航拍影像进行分析,用以探究松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus病死树的空间分布情况,及不同立地因子对疫情的影响,为松材线虫病监测预报提供解决途径。通过Pix4Dmapper软件对航拍的图像进行拼接生成正射影像图(DOM)等成果,然后使用eCognition(易康)软件对影像成果进行分割、分类和信息提取,最后借助ArcGIS平台进行病死树数量统计并获取方位、坡向、坡度、海拔等立地因子信息。结果表明,松材线虫病死树分布均呈聚集分布。使用双对角线法、平行线法、“Z”字法、五点法等不同抽样方法调查发现,仅五点法所得平均数与总体平均数无明显差异(P<0.05)。松材线虫病死树在不同立地因子下均有差异:主要分布在西坡、南坡和东南坡,西坡最多为25.94%,其次是南坡23.57%;主要分布在半阳坡和阳坡,半阳坡占36.54%,阳坡占34.09%;主要分布在凸坡,但随着疫情的发展,凹坡病死树数量逐渐超过凸坡;主要分布海拔区间在30...  相似文献   

在城市化进程逐步加快、社会经济水平趋于高阶的时代,城市生态系统是当前开展交叉学科研究的重要对象,融合了自然科学(如林学、生态学等)和社会科学(如管理学、人文地理学等)领域的思想体系和研究方法。作为一种新兴技术,无人机遥感已在生物学、地理学、信息科学等多个学科领域广泛使用。主要从监测、研究、评估和保护等四个方面简要叙述了无人机技术在林业生态研究和管理中的应用情况,并以广州南沙区河涌景观为例简要分析了无人机技术在珠江三角洲地区城市森林景观中的实际应用。试图为我国城市区域的森林生态、生物多样性与人居环境研究和管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Two styles of bird locomotion, hovering and intermittent flight, have great potential to inform future development of autonomous flying vehicles. Hummingbirds are the smallest flying vertebrates, and they are the only birds that can sustain hovering. Their ability to hover is due to their small size, high wingbeat frequency, relatively large margin of mass-specific power available for flight and a suite of anatomical features that include proportionally massive major flight muscles (pectoralis and supracoracoideus) and wing anatomy that enables them to leave their wings extended yet turned over (supinated) during upstroke so that they can generate lift to support their weight. Hummingbirds generate three times more lift during downstroke compared with upstroke, with the disparity due to wing twist during upstroke. Much like insects, hummingbirds exploit unsteady mechanisms during hovering including delayed stall during wing translation that is manifest as a leading-edge vortex (LEV) on the wing and rotational circulation at the end of each half stroke. Intermittent flight is common in small- and medium-sized birds and consists of pauses during which the wings are flexed (bound) or extended (glide). Flap-bounding appears to be an energy-saving style when flying relatively fast, with the production of lift by the body and tail critical to this saving. Flap-gliding is thought to be less costly than continuous flapping during flight at most speeds. Some species are known to shift from flap-gliding at slow speeds to flap-bounding at fast speeds, but there is an upper size limit for the ability to bound (~0.3 kg) and small birds with rounded wings do not use intermittent glides.  相似文献   

In formation flight each wing flies in an upwash field generated by all other wings of the formation. This leads to a reduction in flight power demand for each wing as well as for the whole formation.Methods of theoretical aerodynamics are used to calculate the flight power reduction for arbitrarily shaped flight formations with any number of birds. These methods are applied to homogeneous and inhomogeneous flight formations in which birds of the same kind or birds of different span, aspect ratio and weight may be present.The total flight power reduction of the whole formation strongly depends on the lateral distance of the wings. A longitudinal displacement of the wings in flight direction has no influence on the total flight power reduction but only on their distribution on the involved individuals. The local flight power reduction is highest in the inner parts of the formation and decreases towards the apex and towards the side edges of the formation. Small and light individuals are automatically favoured by larger and heavier birds. It is shown that some minor portion of twist is necessary to fly in a formation without a rolling moment. In addition it turns out that the optimum flight speed of a formation is slightly lower than the optimum flight speed of single individuals.  相似文献   

Remote‐controlled, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be used to collect information in difficult‐to‐access places while potentially minimizing human disturbance. These devices have been widely used in a variety of ecological and behavioral studies in recent years, but additional study is needed to assess the magnitude of disturbance they cause to birds. We examined the responses of Great Egrets (Ardea alba) to a UAV in a breeding colony in Louisiana in 2016 where isolated patches of common reed (Phragmites australis) were used as nest sites by multiple breeding pairs. We examined the flush responses and flight initiation distances (FIDs) of nesting adults to the direct vertical approach of a UAV. Incubating adults were more likely to flush from nests and flushed at greater distances when approached by a UAV than adults with nestlings, suggesting that adult assessment of risk was based on the greater reproductive value of nestlings. We observed fewer flush responses and calculated lower set‐back distances using a UAV to approach nesting Great Egrets (~50 m) than set‐back distances calculated using traditional methods of approach (e.g., walking or boating; 87–251 m). We found that FIDs were shorter when more adults were present in nesting patches, suggesting that the perception of predation risk may be based in part on the reactions of other birds. Our results suggest that UAVs may be a useful alternative for monitoring colonial‐nesting waterbirds. However, our analyses were based exclusively on behavioral observations. Additional studies of the physiological responses of birds to the approach of UAVs are needed to better understand the stress responses of birds to these devices.  相似文献   

Flight is one of the energetically most costly activities in the animal kingdom, suggesting that natural selection should work to optimize flight performance. The similar size and flight speed of birds and bats may therefore suggest convergent aerodynamic performance; alternatively, flight performance could be restricted by phylogenetic constraints. We test which of these scenarios fit to two measures of aerodynamic flight efficiency in two passerine bird species and two New World leaf-nosed bat species. Using time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurements of the wake of the animals flying in a wind tunnel, we derived the span efficiency, a metric for the efficiency of generating lift, and the lift-to-drag ratio, a metric for mechanical energetic flight efficiency. We show that the birds significantly outperform the bats in both metrics, which we ascribe to variation in aerodynamic function of body and wing upstroke: Bird bodies generated relatively more lift than bat bodies, resulting in a more uniform spanwise lift distribution and higher span efficiency. A likely explanation would be that the bat ears and nose leaf, associated with echolocation, disturb the flow over the body. During the upstroke, the birds retract their wings to make them aerodynamically inactive, while the membranous bat wings generate thrust and negative lift. Despite the differences in performance, the wake morphology of both birds and bats resemble the optimal wake for their respective lift-to-drag ratio regimes. This suggests that evolution has optimized performance relative to the respective conditions of birds and bats, but that maximum performance is possibly limited by phylogenetic constraints. Although ecological differences between birds and bats are subjected to many conspiring variables, the different aerodynamic flight efficiency for the bird and bat species studied here may help explain why birds typically fly faster, migrate more frequently and migrate longer distances than bats.  相似文献   

Although considerable effort has been devoted to investigating how birds migrate over large distances, surprisingly little is known about how they tackle so successfully the moment-to-moment challenges of rapid flight through cluttered environments [1]. It has been suggested that birds detect and avoid obstacles [2] and control landing maneuvers [3-5] by using cues derived from the image motion that is generated in the eyes during flight. Here we investigate the ability of budgerigars to fly through narrow passages in a collision-free manner, by filming their trajectories during flight in a corridor where the walls are decorated with various visual patterns. The results demonstrate, unequivocally and for the first time, that birds negotiate narrow gaps safely by balancing the speeds of image motion that are experienced by the two eyes and that the speed of flight is regulated by monitoring the speed of image motion that is experienced by the two eyes. These findings have close parallels with those previously reported for flying insects [6-13], suggesting that some principles of visual guidance may be shared by all diurnal, flying animals.  相似文献   

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