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Students have individual learning style preferences including visual (V; learning from graphs, charts, and flow diagrams), auditory (A; learning from speech), read-write (R; learning from reading and writing), and kinesthetic (K; learning from touch, hearing, smell, taste, and sight). These preferences can be assessed using the VARK questionnaire. We administered the VARK questionnaire to undergraduate physiology majors enrolled in a capstone physiology laboratory at Michigan State University; 48 of the 86 students (55.8%) who returned the completed questionnaire voluntarily offered gender information. The responses were tallied and assessed for gender difference in learning style preference; 54.2% of females and only 12.5% of males preferred a single mode of information presentation. Among the female students, 4.2% of the students preferred V, 0% of the students preferred A, 16.7% of the students preferred printed words (R), and 33.3% of the students preferred using all their senses (K). In contrast, male students were evenly distributed in preference, with 4.2% of the students preferring A, R, or K, respectively, while 0% of the students preferred V. Furthermore, 45.8% of female and 87.5% of male respondents preferred multiple modes [female: 2 modes (12.5%), 3 modes (12.5%), and 4 modes (20.8%); males: 2 modes (16.7%), 3 modes (12.5%), and 4 modes (58.3%)] of presentation. In summary, a majority of male students preferred multimodal instruction, specifically, four modes (VARK), whereas a majority of female students preferred single-mode instruction with a preference toward K. Thus, male and female students have significantly different learning styles. It is the responsibility of the instructor to address this diversity of learning styles and develop appropriate learning approaches.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns are important cues for flower detection and recognition by nectar-feeding insects. Pattern vision has been studied in much detail in bees and flies but rarely in butterflies and moths. In this paper, I present a first proof of pattern-learning abilities in a moth, and discuss reasons for the limitations to their pattern learning. The diurnal hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum spontaneously prefers patterned to uniformly coloured stimuli but can be trained to choose the uniform stimulus. By contrast, experience does not override the innate preferences for radial over tangential patterns, and for tangential over striped patterns. These results do not reflect bad visual discrimination but rather a lack of learning ability and motivation to abolish innate preferences. I propose that radial and tangential flower patterns are good predictors of nectar reward, a condition under which learning is unlikely to evolve. These patterns serve not only as cues for flower detection but also as guides to the reward. Hovering pollinators strongly depend on these guides and should therefore: (i). have rigid pattern preferences; and (ii). not be motivated to abolish these preferences as easily as their innate preferences for colours.  相似文献   

We investigated playmate and play style preference in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (26 females, 31 males) and their unaffected siblings (26 females, 17 males) using the Playmate and Play Style Preferences Structured Interview (PPPSI). Both unaffected boys and girls preferred same-sex playmates and sex-typical play styles. In the conflict condition where children chose between a same-sex playmate engaged in an other-sex activity or an other-sex playmate engaged in a same-sex activity, boys (both CAH and unaffected brothers) almost exclusively chose playmates based on the preferred play style of the playmate as opposed to the preferred gender label of the playmate. By contrast, unaffected girls used play style and gender label about equally when choosing playmates. Girls with CAH showed a pattern similar to that of boys: their playmate selections were more masculine than unaffected girls, they preferred a boy-typical play style and, in the conflict condition, chose playmates engaged in a masculine activity. These findings suggest that prenatal androgen exposure contributes to sex differences in playmate selection observed in typically developing children and that, among boys and girls exposed to high levels of androgens prenatally, play style preferences drive sex segregation in play.  相似文献   

Joakim Hjältén 《Oecologia》1992,89(2):253-256
Summary To evaluate the general extent to which sex-related differences in palatability occur in boreal dioecious woody plants, males and females of five dioecious woody plant species were presented to free-ranging mountain hares (Lepus timidus) during winter. Hares strongly preferred branches from male plants when feeding on Populus tremula and Salix caprea and weakly preferred male S. pentandra. However, they did not show any sex-related preference when feeding on the other two species studied (Myrica gale and Juniperus communis). Nitrogen concentration and, to some degree, digestibility showed strong relationships with hare food preferences. By contrast, the concentration of phenolics was only weakly related to feeding preference. Phenolics could, nevertheless, still be important if only one or a few specific compounds deter hare feeding. These results indicate that sex-related differences in plant palatability in the boreal forest might be more widespread than previously believed, particularly for species of the family Salicaceae. Thus, herbivores might be responsible for the female-biased sex ratios found in willow populations in northern Scandinavia (e.g. Elmqvist et al. 1988).  相似文献   

Ten individuals were divided into two feedback and no-feedback groups. The effect of abstract visual feedback was investigated in these two groups. Using eight electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes, the induced event-related desynchronization/synchronization of the EEG of three motor imagery tasks (left hand, right hand, and right foot) was analyzed by wavelet and spatial filtering methods. Linear discriminant analysis was used to classify the three imagery tasks. Each imagery task's total length was set to 3?s and 1?s of it was used for the classification. The classification result was shown to the subjects of the feedback group in a real-time manner as an abstract visual feedback. While the paired t-test of the first and third sessions of the training days confirmed the improvement of the motor imagery learning in the feedback group (p?<?0.01), the motor imagery learning of the no-feedback group was not significant.  相似文献   

D. M. Eissenstat 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):342-347
Summary This study has two objections: (1) to compare transfers of phosphorus (32P) with nitrogen (15N) from undefoliated and defoliated mycorrhizal P-rich plants to an adjacent mycorrhizal plant and (2) to determine whether the improved nutrient status of a plant growing with a nutrient-rich plant is due primarily to movement of nutrients from roots of its nutrient-rich neighbor (= nutrient transfer) or to reduced nutrient uptake by its nutrient-rich neighbor (=shift in competition). Two plants of Plantago lanceolata were grown in a three-pot unit in which each of their root systems were split, with part in the central shared pot and part by themselves in an outside pot. There were three treatments: (1) no added P; (2) P added in the outer pot to only plant, termed the donor plant, since it might provide P to the companion plant, acting as a receiver; and (3) as in the previous treatment but the P-fertilized donor plant was also clipped. To encourage the formation of hyphal links between roots of the different plants, transfers were determined when root length densities were high (90 to 130 cm cm-3 soil) and when 56 to 85% of the root length was infected with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae. Phosphorus fertilization enhanced P but not N movement within donor plants. Regardless of treatment, N transfer from donor to receiver plants was an order of magnitude greater than P transfer and in amounts that could potentially affect plant nutrition in very infertile soils. Phosphorus transfer was very small in any of the treatments. Although P fertilization and clipping improved P status of receiver plants, P transfer was not indicated as the main reason for the improved nutrition. A shift in competition between donor and receiver plants was likely the major factor in the shift in nutrition of the receiver plants.  相似文献   

Scent is used across taxa to communicate information about signaler identity. Eurasian otters Lutra lutra are mainly solitary and thought to use scent as their primary means of communication. Little is known, however, about what information otters communicate through scent or what social function this performs. Headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to sample and analyze volatile organic compounds from anal scent gland secretion from 158 otters of differing sex, age, and female reproductive status. Univariate and multivariate differences were clear between adult and juvenile otters. Complex sex differences were apparent in adult otters but not in younger individuals, suggesting the use of this scent secretion in mate attraction. The scent of pregnant and lactating females was highly differentiated from male and juvenile scent, but anecdotal reports suggest females avoid communication during these times.  相似文献   

Human heterosexual mating preferences have been shown to conform to predictions drawn from evolutionary theory, with men and women adopting broadly distinct strategies. Attempts to reconcile sexual selection theory with homosexual behavior have been less consistent, however, and have largely focussed on addressing two alternative perspectives: (i) that gay men and lesbians display phenotypic traits in common with opposite sex heterosexual individuals or (ii) that homosexual individuals display sex-typical, or exaggerated sex-typical phenotypes. Testing these hypotheses is complicated by sampling issues involved in the study of human sexual orientation, since obtaining standardized and comparable samples of heterosexual and non-heterosexual mating preferences is a prerequisite to analysis. Here we present a comparison of homosexual and heterosexual mating strategies in men and women using a sample of 1733 personal (‘lonely hearts’) adverts gathered from a single source. We used principal components analysis in order to expose underlying structure of the advertisements, and identify three components involving relative emphasis placed on resources, physical attractiveness and personality when offering or seeking mate characteristics. While homosexual individuals are shown to resemble their own-sex heterosexual counterparts in terms of emphasis placed on partner physical attractiveness relative to partner personality, no clear pattern emerges in other aspects of advertisement strategy. Nevertheless, there we find no evidence in support of the hypothesis that homosexual men and women are intrinsically opposite-sex typical in terms of mate preferences.  相似文献   

In order to test the effect of calorie information on fast food choices, we conducted a questionnaire employing two types of stated preferences methods (the best-worst-scaling and intentional questions) and a follow-up randomized field experiment in a sample of 119 participants. This combined approach allowed us to test the internal validity of preferences for fast food meals across elicitation scenarios. The results showed that calorie information reduces the probability of selecting high calorie meals only in the questionnaire, while it did not have any significant impact on actual purchasing behavior in the field experiment. Thus, the findings show that there is a clear difference between the role of calorie information on immediate stated preference choices, and the relatively low level of responsiveness in real choices in a restaurant. We believe that the current results are quite suggestive, indicating the limits of predicting actual fast food behavior, and may open the way to using data sources that combine stated methods with field experiments.  相似文献   

Yotsumoto Y  Watanabe T  Sasaki Y 《Neuron》2008,57(6):827-833
Perceptual learning is regarded as a manifestation of experience-dependent plasticity in the sensory systems, yet the underlying neural mechanisms remain unclear. We measured the dynamics of performance on a visual task and brain activation in the human primary visual cortex (V1) across the time course of perceptual learning. Within the first few weeks of training, brain activation in a V1 subregion corresponding to the trained visual field quadrant and task performance both increased. However, while performance levels then saturated and were maintained at a constant level, brain activation in the corresponding areas decreased to the level observed before training. These findings indicate that there are distinct temporal phases in the time course of perceptual learning, related to differential dynamics of BOLD activity in visual cortex.  相似文献   


Several studies have focused on determining the effect of chronotype and learning approach on academic achievement separately indicating that morning types have an academic advantage over the evening types and so have the deep learners over the surface learners. But, surprisingly none have assessed the possible relationship between chronotype and learning approach. So, the current study aimed to evaluate this association and their individual influence on academic performance as indicated by the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as well as the effect of their interaction on academic performance. The study included 345 undergraduate medical students who responded to reduced Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire and Biggs Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire. Morning types indulged in deep learning while evening types in surface learning. Morning and evening types did not differ on academic performance but deep learners had better academic outcomes than their counterparts. The interaction between chronotype and learning approach was significant on determining academic achievement. Our findings gave the impression that chronotype could have an impact on academic performance not directly but indirectly through learning approaches.  相似文献   

Intellectual performance, race, and socioeconomic status   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In primates, faces provide information about several characteristics of social significance, including age, physical health, and biological sex. However, despite a growing literature on face processing and visual attention in a number of primate species, preferences for same‐ or opposite‐sex faces have not yet been examined. In the current study, we explore the role of conspecific sex on visual attention in two groups of capuchin monkeys. Subjects were shown a series of image pairs on a Tobii Pro TX300 eye tracker, each depicting an unfamiliar male and an unfamiliar female face. Given the behavioral evidence of mate choice in both sexes, we hypothesized that capuchins would preferentially attend to images of unfamiliar conspecifics of the opposite sex. Our alternative hypothesis was that capuchins would preferentially attend to same‐sex individuals to assess potential competitors. Our results provide support for our alternative hypothesis. When comparing attention to each stimuli type across sexes, females spent significantly larger percentages of time than males looking at female photos, whereas males spent significantly larger percentages of time than females looking at male photos. Within each sex, females looked for significantly larger percentages of time to female versus male images. Males also looked for larger percentages of time to same‐sex images, though not significantly. To our knowledge, these data are the first to demonstrate significant sex‐biased attentional preferences in adult primates of any species, and suggest that, for capuchins, potential competitors garner more attention than potential mates. In addition, our findings have implications for studies of visual attention and face processing across the primate order, and suggest that researchers need to control for these demographic factors in their experimental designs.  相似文献   

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