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DNA vaccination has been widely explored to develop new, alternative and efficient vaccines for cancer immunotherapy. DNA vaccines offer several benefits such as specific targeting, use of multiple genes to enhance immunity and reduced risk compared to conventional vaccines. Rapid developments in molecular biology and immunoinformatics enable rational design approaches. These technologies allow construction of DNA vaccines encoding selected tumor antigens together with molecules to direct and amplify the desired effector pathways, as well as highly targeted vaccines aimed at specific epitopes. Reliable predictions of immunogenic T cell epitope peptides are crucial for rational vaccine design and represent a key problem in immunoinformatics. Computational approaches have been developed to facilitate the process of epitope detection and show potential applications to the immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer. In this review a number of different epitope prediction methods are briefly illustrated and effective use of these resources to support experimental studies is described. Epitope-driven vaccine design employs these bioinformatics algorithms to identify potential targets of vaccines against cancer. In this paper the selection of T cell epitopes to develop epitope-based vaccines, the need for CD4(+) T cell help for improved vaccines and the assessment of vaccine performance against tumor are reviewed. We focused on two applications, namely prediction of novel T cell epitopes and epitope enhancement by sequence modification, and combined rationale design with bioinformatics for creation of new synthetic mini-genes. This review describes the development of epitope-based DNA vaccines and their antitumor effects in preclinical research against B-cell lymphoma, corroborating the usefulness of this platform as a potential tool for cancer therapy. Achievements in the field of DNA vaccines allow to overcome hurdles to clinical translation. In a scenario where the vaccine industry is rapidly changing from a mostly empirical approach to a rational design approach, these new technologies promise to discover and develop high-value vaccines, creating a new opportunity for future markets.  相似文献   

Conventional treatment of recurrent and metastasized prostate cancer (CaP) remains inadequate; this fact mandates development of alternative therapeutic modalities, such as specific active or passive immunotherapy. Previously, we reported the identification of a novel highly immunogenic HLA-A*0201-restricted Prostatic Acid Phosphatase-derived peptide (PAP-3) by a two-step in vivo screening in an HLA-transgenic (HHD) mouse system. In the present study we aimed at elucidating the efficiency of PAP-3-based vaccine upon active antitumor immunization. To this end we established preventive and therapeutic carcinoma models in HHD mice. The 3LL murine Lewis lung carcinoma clone D122 transduced to express HLA-A*0201 and PAP served as a platform for these models. The HLA-A*0201–PAP-3 complex specific recombinant single chain scFV-PAP-3 antibodies were generated and used to confirm an endogenous PAP processing resulting in PAP-3 presentation by HLA-A*0201. PAP-3 based vaccines significantly decreased tumor incidence in a preventive immunization setting. Therapeutic vaccination of HHD mice with PAP-3 led to rejection of early established tumors and to increase of mouse survival. These results strongly support a therapeutic relevance of the identified CTL epitope upon active antitumor immunization. The newly established carcinoma model presented herein might be a useful tool for cancer vaccine design and optimization.  相似文献   

The generation of immunocompetent lymphocytes is a complex process that utilizes a multitude of cell surface receptors and intracellular signaling pathways. Moreover, specific cell-cell interactions and specialized microenvironments are required, so that purely in vitro experimental systems are limited in their ability to explain the complexity of T-cell development. In vivo models have been used extensively in the study of T-cell development. In the present review we summarize but a few of the seminal discoveries that have been made in this field using transgenic and knockout mouse models. In addition to demonstrating the wealth of information that can be gained, we also discuss some of the present limitations of this technology. Novel advances that allow the conditional and inducible modification of the genome and knock-in mutations promise to lead to an even more rapid advancement in our knowledge of T-cell development.  相似文献   

Since CD8+ T cell response is crucial to combat intracellular infections and cancer, identification of class I HLA binding peptides is of immense clinical value. The experimental identification of such peptides is protracted and laborious. Exploiting in silico tools to discover such peptides is an attractive alternative. However, this approach needs a thorough assessment before its elaborate application. We have adopted a reverse approach to evaluate the reliability of eight different servers (inclusive of 55 predictors) by exploiting experimentally proven data. A comprehensive data set of more than 960 peptides was employed to test the efficacy of the programs. We have validated commonly used strategies to predict peptides that bind to seven most prevalent HLA class I alleles. We conclude that four of the eight servers are more adept in predictions. Although the overall predictions for class I MHC binders were superior to class II MHC binders, individual predictors for different alleles belonging to the same program were highly variable in their efficiencies. We have also addressed whether a consensus approach can yield better prediction efficiency. We observed that combining the results from different in silico programs could not increase the efficiency significantly.  相似文献   

Although per-base sequencing costs have decreased during recent years, library preparation for targeted massively parallel sequencing remains constrained by high reagent cost, limited design flexibility, and protocol complexity. To address these limitations, we previously developed Hi-Plex, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) massively parallel sequencing strategy for screening panels of genomic target regions. Here, we demonstrate that Hi-Plex applied with hybrid adapters can generate a library suitable for sequencing with both the Ion Torrent and the TruSeq chemistries and that adjusting primer concentrations improves coverage uniformity. These results expand Hi-Plex capabilities as an accurate, affordable, flexible, and rapid approach for various genetic screening applications.  相似文献   

The relationship between germ cells and pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells is of particular interest, together with approaches to generate primordial germ cell (PGCs) from ES cells. A critical requirement in these experiments is the ability to unambiguously detect PGCs with the use of, for example, reporter genes. The currently available transgenic reporters do not show exclusive expression in PGCs at their earliest developmental stages. Here we describe the use of germline-restricted expression of stella, which is currently the best marker gene for PGCs. We generated two stella-GFP reporters and show that both transgenes surpass other reporters in terms of timing and specificity of expression in PGCs. Additionally, we demonstrate the usefulness of stella-GFP during the derivation of PGCs from ES cells.  相似文献   

Our epidemiologic studies on invasive Group A Streptococci (GAS) infections identified specific HLA class II haplotypes/alleles conferring high-risk or protection from streptococcal toxic shock syndrome with a strong protection conferred by the DRB1*15/DQB1*06 haplotype. We used HLA-transgenic mice to provide an in vitro and in vivo validation for the direct role of HLA class II allelic variation in streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. When splenocytes from mice expressing the protective HLA-DQB1*06 (DQ6) allele were stimulated with a mixture of streptococcal superantigens (SAgs), secreted by the prevalent M1T1 strain, both proliferative and cytokine responses were significantly lower than those of splenocytes from mice expressing the neutral DRB1*0402/DQB1*0302 (DR4/DQ8) alleles (p < 0.001). In crisscross experiments, the presentation of SAgs to pure T cells from either the DQ6 or the DR4/DQ8 mice resulted in significantly different levels of response depending on the HLA type expressed on the APCs. Presentation by HLA-DQ6 APCs elicited significantly lower responses than the presentation by HLA-DR4/DQ8 APCs. Our in vitro data were supported by in vivo findings, as the DQ6 mice showed significantly longer survival post-i.v. infection with live M1T1 GAS (p < 0.001) and lower inflammatory cytokine responses as compared with the DR4/DQ8 mice (p < 0.01). The data presented here provide evidence for a direct role of HLA class II molecules in modulating responses to GAS SAgs and underscore the dominant role of HLA class II allelic variation in potentiating the severity of GAS systemic infections.  相似文献   

Studies of intestinal stem cells using normal, chimeric, and transgenic mice.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The mouse intestinal epithelium represents a continuous developmental system. Its four principal differentiated cell types--enterocytes, goblet, enteroendocrine, and Paneth cells--are derived from a common multipotent stem cell located near the base of monoclonal crypts. Members of these four lineages undergo rapid and perpetual renewal along an anatomically well-defined pathway. The gut epithelium provides a unique mammalian model for studying the biological features of stem cells (e.g., their ability to undergo asymmetric division, their enormous proliferative potential, their capacity for functional anchorage in a niche), examining how stem cell hierarchies are established and maintained in renewing cell populations, analyzing the relationships between passage through the cell cycle and lineage allocation (commitment), and defining the mechanisms that give stem cells a "positional address" along the cephalocaudal axis, allowing them to generate regional differences in the differentiation programs of their derived lineages (axial pattern formation).  相似文献   

Public concern and metabolic drain were the main driving forces for the development of a selectable marker-free transformation system. We demonstrated here the production of transgenic tobacco plants using a non-selection approach by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. A. tumefaciens-infected leaf explants were allowed to produce shoots on a shoot induction medium (SIM) containing no selective compounds. Up to 35.1% of the A. tumefaciens-infected leaf explants produced histochemically GUS+ shoots, 3.1% of regenerated shoots were GUS+, and 72% of the GUS+ shoots were stably transformed by producing GUS+ T1 seedlings. When polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to screen the regenerated shoots, 4% of the shoots were found to be PCR+ for the transgene and 65% of the PCR+ shoots were stable transformants. Also, generation of PCR+ escapes decreased linearly as the number of subculture increased from one to three on SIM containing the antibiotic that kills the Agrobacterium. Twenty-five to 75% of the transformants were able to transmit transgene activity to the T1 generation in a Mendelian 3:1 ratio, and a transformation efficiency of 2.2–2.8% was achieved for the most effective binary vector. These results indicated that majority of the GUS+ or PCR+ shoots recovered under no selection were stable transformants, and only one-third of them were chimeric or escapes. Transgenes in these transgenic plants were able to transmit the transgene into progeny in a similar fashion as those recovered under selection.  相似文献   

Microinjection of DNA constructs into fertilized mouse oocytes typically results in random transgene integration at a single genomic locus. The resulting transgenic founders can be used to establish hemizygous transgenic mouse lines. However, practical and experimental reasons often require that such lines be bred to homozygosity. Transgene zygosity can be determined by progeny testing assays which are expensive and time-consuming, by quantitative Southern blotting which is labor-intensive, or by quantitative PCR (qPCR) which requires transgene-specific design. Here, we describe a zygosity assessment procedure based on fluorescent in situ hybridization (zyFISH). The zyFISH protocol entails the detection of transgenic loci by FISH and the concomitant assignment of homozygosity using a concise and unbiased scoring system. The method requires small volumes of blood, is scalable to at least 40 determinations per assay, and produces results entirely consistent with the progeny testing assay. This combination of reliability, simplicity and cost-effectiveness makes zyFISH a method of choice for transgenic mouse zygosity determinations.  相似文献   

Zm-p60.1 is maize cDNA coding cytokinin-glucoside specific beta-glucosidase. Indigogenic method was used for histochemical localization of Zm-p60.1 beta-glucosidase activity in various developmental stages of transgenic tobacco anthers. Expression of Zm-p60.1 cDNA in T7 tobacco plants is controlled by the CaMV 35S promoter. Another type of tobacco transformant expresses Zm-p60.1 under the control of LAT 52 promoter. Histochemical detection has proved different patterns of beta-glucosidase activity during tobacco pollen development in these two types of transformants. Zm-p60.1 beta-glucosidase activity had not direct influence on pollen germinability.  相似文献   

It is obvious that there is a critical need for an efficient malaria vaccine to accelerate malaria eradication. Currently, recombinant subunit vaccination against malaria using proteins and peptides is gaining attention. However, one of the major drawbacks of this approach is the lack of an efficient and durable immune response. Therefore, subunit vaccines require adjuvants to make the vaccine sufficiently immunogenic. Considering the history of the RTS,S vaccine, it seems likely that no single adjuvant is capable of eliciting all the protective immune responses required in many malarial subunit vaccines and the use of combination adjuvants will be increasingly important as the science of malaria vaccines advances. In light of this, it appears that identifying the most effective mixture of adjuvants with minimal adverse effects offers tremendous opportunities in improving the efficacy of vaccines against malaria. Owing to the importance of a multi-adjuvanted approach in subunit malaria vaccine development, this review paper outlines some of the best known combination adjuvants used in malaria subunit vaccines, focusing on their proposed mechanisms of action, their immunological properties, and their notable results. The aim of the present review is to consolidate these findings to aid the application of these combination adjuvants in experimental malaria vaccines.  相似文献   

Transgenic maize (Zea mays) plants were generated with a construct harboring a maize caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT) cDNA in the antisense (AS) orientation under the control of the maize Adh1 (alcohol dehydrogenase) promoter. Adh1-driven beta-glucuronidase expression was localized in vascular tissues and lignifying sclerenchyma, indicating its suitability in transgenic experiments aimed at modifying lignin content and composition. One line of AS plants, COMT-AS, displayed a significant reduction in COMT activity (15%-30% residual activity) and barely detectable amounts of COMT protein as determined by western-blot analysis. In this line, transgenes were shown to be stably integrated in the genome and transmitted to the progeny. Biochemical analysis of COMT-AS showed: (a) a strong decrease in Klason lignin content at the flowering stage, (b) a decrease in syringyl units, (c) a lower p-coumaric acid content, and (d) the occurrence of unusual 5-OH guaiacyl units. These results are reminiscent of some characteristics already observed for the maize bm3 (brown-midrib3) mutant, as well as for COMT down-regulated dicots. However, as compared with bm3, COMT down-regulation in the COMT-AS line is less severe in that it is restricted to sclerenchyma cells. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an AS strategy has been applied to modify lignin biosynthesis in a grass species.  相似文献   

ObjectivesPeri-implantitis is a destructive inflammatory process that affects the soft and hard tissues around dental implants. porphyromonas gingivalis, an anaerobic gram-negative bacterium, appears to be the main culprit. Since there is no efficient and specific vaccine to treat peri-implantitis, the goal of our research has been to develop a multi-epitope vaccination utilizing an immunoinformatics approach that targeted P. gingivalis type I fim A.Materials and methodsP. gingivalis peptides 6JKZ and 6KMF are suitable for vaccine development. B- and T-cell epitopes from 6KMF and 6JKZ were detected and evaluated based on critical factors to produce a multi-epitope vaccine construct. It was assessed based on allergenicity, antigenicity, stability. The vaccine's dual major histocompatibility complex (MHC-I and MHC-II) binding epitopes allowed it to reach a larger population. P. gingivalis fimbriae induce immune subversion through TLR -CXCR4 receptor complex pathway. The ClusPro 2.0 server was used to do the molecular docking using TLR2 - CXCR4 and vaccine epitopes as receptor and ligand respectively.ResultsThe designed vaccine was non-allergenic and had a high antigenicity, solubility, and stability. The 3D structure of the vaccine revealed strong interaction with CXCR4(TLR2) using molecular docking. The vaccine-CXCR4 interface was more consistent, possibly because the vaccination has a higher affinity for the CXCR4-TLR2 complex.ConclusionThis study details the vaccine's distinct and sustained interaction with the CXCR4(TLR2) immunological receptor and its consistent and effective utterance in the bacterial system. As a result, our vaccine formulation will evoke a significant memory response and induce an adaptive immune response against P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

Several rodent assays are capable of monitoring germline mutation. These include traditional assays, such as the dominant lethal (DL) assay, the morphological specific locus (SL) test and the heritable translocation (HT) assay, and two assays that have been developed more recently--the expanded simple tandem repeat (ESTR) and transgenic rodent (TGR) mutation assays. In this paper, we have compiled the limited amount of experimental data that are currently available to make conclusions regarding the comparative ability of the more recently developed assays to detect germline mutations induced by chemical and radiological agents. The data suggest that ESTR and TGR assays are generally comparable with SL in detecting germline mutagenicity induced by alkylating agents and radiation, though TGR offered less sensitivity than ESTR in some cases. The DL and HT assays detect clastogenic events and are most susceptible to mutations arising in post-spermatogonial cells, and they may not provide the best comparisons with TGR and ESTR instability. The measurement of induced ESTR instability represents a relatively sensitive method of identifying agents causing germline mutation in rodents, and may also be useful for bio-monitoring exposed individuals in the human population. Any future use of the TGR and ESTR germline mutation assays in a regulatory testing context will entail more robust and extensive characterization of assay performance. This will require substantially more data, including experiments measuring multiple endpoints, a greatly expanded database of chemical agents and a focus on characterizing stage-specific activity of mutagens in these assays, preferably by sampling epididymal sperm exposed at defined pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic stages of development.  相似文献   

The developmental alterations in metallothionein (MT) proteins and zinc (Zn) were investigated in brains of two transgenic strains of mice. MT protein was measured by a cadmium binding assay and Zn by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. MT proteins were expressed at birth (day 1) both in MT-I overexpressing transgenic mouse (MT-I*) and MT-null (expressing only brain specific isoform, MT-III) transgenic mouse. MT proteins level (mainly MT-I) in MT-I* was 16.1 Μ-g/g at birth, and thereafter increased with age to a maximal adult level of 55.3 Μg/g (day 60). Zn level in MT-I* also increased from 8.43 Μg/g (day 1) to 20.7 Μg/g (day 60) with age. MT protein (MT-III) in MT-null mouse was 9.71 Μg/g at birth and remained relatively unchanged during development. Zn level in MT-null mouse at birth was 9.46 Μg/g and also remained unchanged during development. The similar alterations in MT isoforms and Zn in brain during development suggest that MT isoforms may act as a Zn binding protein.  相似文献   

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