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Jaquet  J. -M.  Nembrini  G.  Garcia  J.  Vernet  J. -P. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):323-340
The manganese pathways in Lac Léman have been investigated on the basis of chemical analyses undertaken on water, suspended solids, bottom sediments and interstitial water samples. The various modes of occurrence of Mn have been determined by means of visual examination using SEM and TEM (scanning and transmission electron microscopy), by microanalysis (EDAX) of various sediment fractions, by chemical analysis of the dissolved phase, and by chemical speciation and XRD of bottom sediments. Fluxes to and from the sediment have also been computed. The time-depth variations of Mn in the water column are characterized by (a) a very steep gradient of Mn sol. from the sediment interstitial water (15 mg l−1) to the overlying water, 2 m above the bottom(500 μg l−1), (b) an accumulation of Mn part. between 280 m and the interface at 310 m, consisting of mineralized colonies ofMetallogenium. The abundance ofMetallogenium colonies is inversely related to O2 concentration; the optimal value for the bacterium Mn fixation is around 1 mg l−1. Because of the quasi-anoxic state of the bottom sediments and overlying water, Mn diffuses from a ‘source layer’, 2–5 cm below the interface (a) upwards across the interface, before being taken up byMetallogenium, and (b) downwards to a ‘sink layer’, in which large amounts of Mn-carbonate precipitate. Particulate Mn sedimentation rates measured in traps show that downwards Mn flux due toMetallogenium settling approximately balances the upwards soluble flux due to diffusion. Quantitatively, the process of Mn cycling in Lac Léman is, therefore, limited to the lowermost part of the hypolimnion. Although Zn and Cd seem to follow the same cycle as Mn, Fe behaves in a different manner; it was not taken up byMetallogenium at the time of our study.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution and community composition of denitrifying bacteria in the stratified water column and at the sediment–water interface in lakes Plußsee and Schöhsee, and a near-shore site in the Baltic Sea in Germany. Although environmental changes induced by the stratification of the water column in marine environments are known to affect specific populations of denitrifying bacteria, little information is available for stratified freshwater lakes and brackish water. The aim of the present study was to fill this gap and to demonstrate specific distribution patterns of denitrifying bacteria in specific aquatic habitats using two functional markers for the nitrite reductase (nirK and nirS genes) as a proxy for the communities. The leading question to be answered was whether communities containing the genes nirK and nirS have similar, identical, or different distribution patterns, and occupy the same or different ecological niches. The genes nirK and nirS were analyzed by PCR amplification with specific primers followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and by cloning and sequence analysis. Overall, nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse than nirK-denitrifiers. Denitrifying communities in sediments were clearly different from those in the water column in all aquatic systems, regardless of the gene analyzed. A differential distribution of denitrifying assemblages was observed for each particular site. In the Baltic Sea and Lake Plußsee, nirK-denitrifiers were more diverse throughout the water column, while nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse in the sediment. In Lake Schöhsee, nirS-denitrifiers showed high diversity across the whole water body. Habitat-specific clusters of nirS sequences were observed for the freshwater lakes, while nirK sequences from both freshwater lakes and the Baltic Sea were found in common phylogenetic clusters. These results demonstrated differences in the distribution of bacteria containing nirS and those containing nirK indicating that both types of denitrifiers apparently occupy different ecological niches.  相似文献   

Effects of chironomids on sediment–water exchange of nutrients and their impact on the efficiency of Phoslock® (a lanthanum (La) modified clay for phosphorus (P) removal in freshwater systems) were tested during a 35 days incubation experiment with sediment cores from a Danish eutrophic Lake. Four different sediment treatments with increased or natural densities of chironomids in combination with Phoslock® were used: (1) Control + (2) Chironomids + (3) Phoslock + (4) Chironomids & Phoslock. Nutrients in the overlying water were followed during the incubation period. The treatments with Phoslock reduced P in the overlying water significantly compared to the control treatment. In addition, the chironomids significantly increased sediment nitrate uptake as well as sediment ammonium release. After the incubation period, a sequential extraction of P and La was conducted. The Phoslock treatment led to a reduction of the iron-bound P pool in the sediment and a higher HCl-extractable P pool. Also, most La was recovered in the HCl extract, indicating that P became strongly bound to La in the Phoslock matrix. Sequential extraction of pure Phoslock demonstrated that the bentonite matrix of Phoslock contained redox sensitive iron, and that ammonium might be released from Phoslock, when dispersed in water.  相似文献   

Phosphorus content in sediment, water and tissues of three macrophyte species growing in Myall Lake, Australia were studied from January to November, 2004. The sites investigated were North–West (NW), North–East (NE), South–West (SW) bays and Central deep area of the lake (CL). The objective of this study was to investigate how total phosphorus (TP) in plant tissues relate to phosphorus pools and the role played by the aquatic macrophyte species under investigation in phosphorus recycling in the lake. Of the four investigated sites of the lake, TP in plant tissues were significantly higher in North–West and South–West bays compared to the rest. Najas marina had significantly higher TP content (e.g., 1.55 and 1.44 mg/g dw.; P < 0.05) for NW and SW respectively, than the other two species. N. marina is a rooted macrophyte while charophytes (C. fibrosa and Nitella hyalina) are pseudo-rooted macrophytes. Total phosphorus in the sediment and water column were significantly higher in Central deep area of the lake compared to the other three bays (P < 0.05, n 5). Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in sediment pore water correlated significantly with phosphorus content in the tissue of N. marina ( ; ) as well as TP in sediment (␣ and ). Using the two-compartmental uptake model, it was observed that, sediment was the main compartment through which Ni. hyalina obtained phosphorus while for the other two species, water column was the uptake route for the phosphorus. These correlations suggest that, water column and sediments are important pathways for phosphorus uptake in plants.  相似文献   

Vernet  J. P.  Favarger  P. -Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):643-649

During the last glaciation, the Rhone glacier extended as far as the region of Lyon and covered Lakes Bourget, Annecy and Léman. Glacial retreat successively freed Lakes Bourget and Annecy, it reached Geneva around 14 000 B.P. and the head of Lake Léman at about 12 000 B.P. Deposits situated between Nyon and the foot of the Jura provide a complete palynological zonation and serve as a type section for the lake core studies. A palynological horizon (about 1 800 A.D.) has been found in Lake Bourget and wood has been dated at 3 230 ± 65 B.P. (14C) in a core from Lake Léman. Three 6 m cores from each lake were sampled together with many 0.5 m cores from Léman. The short Lake Léman cores have been dated by137Cs and provide a precise indication of changes in the basin during recent decades. Holocene climatic variations are evident in the Léman cores and are reflected by concentrations of carbonate and organic carbon which increase at the end of the Alleröd and reach a maximum in the Atlantic Period (climatic optimum). Human settlement on the shores of Lake Annecy is shown by increases in heavy metals; increased sedimentation rates suggest settlement at the beginning of the Christian era. All the cores show increases in the organic matter and nutrients; from the turn of the century in the Léman, and later for the other lakes where eutrophication started only a few decades ago. NAI-P shows a very recent increase, around 1965 in the Leman. Heavy metals (Hg, Cd and Pb) show increases at about 30 years ago in Annecy, at about the turn of the century in Lake Léman and in the mid-19th century in Lake Bourget.


Vernet  J. P.  Favarger  P. -Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):643-650
During the last glaciation, the Rhone glacier extended as far as the region of Lyon and covered Lakes Bourget, Annecy and Léman. Glacial retreat successively freed Lakes Bourget and Annecy, it reached Geneva around 14 000 B.P. and the head of Lake Léman at about 12 000 B.P. Deposits situated between Nyon and the foot of the Jura provide a complete palynological zonation and serve as a type section for the lake core studies. A palynological horizon (about 1 800 A.D.) has been found in Lake Bourget and wood has been dated at 3 230 ± 65 B.P. (14C) in a core from Lake Léman. Three 6 m cores from each lake were sampled together with many 0.5 m cores from Léman. The short Lake Léman cores have been dated by 137Cs and provide a precise indication of changes in the basin during recent decades. Holocene climatic variations are evident in the Léman cores and are reflected by concentrations of carbonate and organic carbon which increase at the end of the Alleröd and reach a maximum in the Atlantic Period (climatic optimum). Human settlement on the shores of Lake Annecy is shown by increases in heavy metals; increased sedimentation rates suggest settlement at the beginning of the Christian era. All the cores show increases in the organic matter and nutrients; from the turn of the century in the Léman, and later for the other lakes where eutrophication started only a few decades ago. NAI-P shows a very recent increase, around 1965 in the Leman. Heavy metals (Hg, Cd and Pb) show increases at about 30 years ago in Annecy, at about the turn of the century in Lake Léman and in the mid-19th century in Lake Bourget.
Résumé Lors de la dernière glaciation, le glacier du Rhône a atteint la région de Lyon et recouvert les lacs du Bourget, d'Annecy et le Léman. Son retrait a successivement libéré les lacs du Bourget, d'Annecy, puis le Léman de leur carapace de glace. Aux environs de 14 000 ans B.P. son front se trouvait au voisinage de Genéve, puis vers 12 000 B.P. à l'embouchure du Rhône en amont du Léman.La chronostratigraphie des grandes carottes (6 m) prélevées dans les trois lacs a été établie par la palynologie, sur la base des zonations obtenues dans un profil complet provenant d'un marais situé entre Nyon et le pied du Jura. Elles ont pu être contrôlées par un marqueur palynologique dans le lac du Bourget (150 B.P.) et la datation au 14C d'un fragment de bois dans le Léman (3 230 ± 65 B.P.). Une série de carottes de grand diamètre provenant de ce dernier lac, datés par le 137Cs, ont donné une image très précise du l'évolution du milieu durant les dernières décades. D'une facon générale, toutes les carottes montrent une augmentation des teneurs en matière organique, puis en nutrients, vers le fin du 19ème siècle pour le Léman et quelques dizaines d'années plus tard pour les lacs du Bourget et d'Annecy. Le début du l'etrophisation se situe beaucoup plus tard dans le Lémen avec l'accroissement des teneurs en phosphore, principalement de ses formes NAI-P et O-P, soit aux environs de 1965.

In shallow, wind exposed lakes, the light conditions, the cycling of nutrients, heavy metals and organic micro-pollutants and changes in the local composition of the sediment top layer can be dominated by resuspension/erosion of bottom sediment and sedimentation of suspended solids. A 2 dimensional model for Sediment Transport, Resuspension and Sedimentation in Shallow lakes (STRESS-2d), based on an existing transport model, is discussed. In the model, mass balance equations for the water compartment and the bottom sediment are solved numerically. Up to 7 sediment fractions can be taken into account, each having a specific set of resuspension/erosion and sedimentation parameter values. Several options for modelling the changes in the bottom sediment composition are available.A simulation experiment for Lake Veluwe (The Netherlands), in which model options with and without the distinction of sediment fractions were used, showed that using sediment fractions to account for the variability in the sediment composition leads to an improvement of the model results, particularly the simulated phosphorus sediment-water exchange fluxes. For Lake Ketel (The Netherlands) two options for modelling changes in the bottom sediment composition are compared. It is shown that an option in which a thin water-sediment layer on top of the more consolidated bottom sediment is simulated provides an improvement in the simulation of the suspended solids concentration.  相似文献   

To contribute to the question of the putative role of cystatins in Alzheimer disease and in neuroprotection in general, we studied the interaction between human stefin B (cystatin B) and amyloid-β-(1–40) peptide (Aβ). Using surface plasmon resonance and electrospray mass spectrometry we were able to show a direct interaction between the two proteins. As an interesting new fact, we show that stefin B binding to Aβ is oligomer specific. The dimers and tetramers of stefin B, which bind Aβ, are domain-swapped as judged from structural studies. Consistent with the binding results, the same oligomers of stefin B inhibit Aβ fibril formation. When expressed in cultured cells, stefin B co-localizes with Aβ intracellular inclusions. It also co-immunoprecipitates with the APP fragment containing the Aβ epitope. Thus, stefin B is another APP/Aβ-binding protein in vitro and likely in cells.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores sampled from a varzea (N 02°34′38′′, W 50°53′17′′) and mangrove area (N 02°35′59′′, W 50°52′08′′) in Amapá littoral, northern Brazil, were studied through pollen and spectrophotometric analysis in order to compare biological and chemical signals of mangrove vegetation recorded by sediments during the late Holocene. According to the pollen study, probably the core base (145–65 cm) of varzea vegetation accumulated sediments devoid of vegetation. Later, this site was dominated by herbaceous vegetation and it concluded with a varzea forest. Based on spectrophotometric analysis, this core did not present significant tannin concentrations. This is likely due to the mangrove absence during the vegetation development at this site. The core sampled from a mangrove area also presented a relationship between palaeovegetation and the sediment biogeochemistry. However, the mangrove core presented significant tannin content along the mangrove phases. Thus, this spectrophotometric method supported by the pollen data may be considered as a complementary tool to identify palaeomangrove deposits.  相似文献   

Viruses were found to be very abundant in the top layer of the sediments of Lac Gilbert, Québec. Viruses were extracted from the sediments using pyrophosphate buffer, and viruses from the diluted extracts were pelleted onto grids and enumerated using transmission electron microscopy. Viral abundance in the sediments ranged from 6.5 × 108 to 1.83 × 1010 ml–1, which is 10- to 1,000-fold greater than the number observed in the water column. This increase corresponds well with the 100- to 1,000-fold increase in bacterial abundance in the sediments. Viral abundance differed significantly among the surface sediment samples taken at different bottom depths and among samples taken at different depths of the water column. Viral abundance also varied significantly between the oxic and anoxic zones of the water column and the sediments. The virus-to-bacteria ratio varied greatly among the different sediment sites but not among depths in the water column. Viral abundance in the water column was related to bacterial abundance and chlorophyll concentration, whereas viruses in the sediments were most abundant in sediments with high organic matter content. Elevated viral abundance and their erratic distribution in the sediments suggest that viruses might play an important role in sediment microbial dynamics. Correspondence to: Roxane Maranger  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on a monoclonal antibody was used to determine microcystin (MC) concentrations in water supplies and water plant samples collected between November 1995 and October 1996, from five regions of Paraná, Brazil. In addition, the presence of Microcystis sp. was monitored. Of the 50 samples obtained, 12 were from an urban lake, 8 from human water supplies, 10 from recreational lakes, 13 from farm waters used for animal pasture and 7 from aquaculture facilities. M. aeruginosa was positive in all locations. MCs were positive (>50 pg ml(-1)) in 9 samples (2 samples from human water supplies, 5 from recreational lakes and 2 from animal pasture). Heavy contamination with MCs was observed in water samples collected in May 1996 from 2 recreation (swimming-fishing sites at Itaipu dam, 6380 and 10,000 pg ml(-1)) and human supplies (6627 pg ml(-1)) samples. At these sites, a large bloom of Microcystis sp. was detected. Treatment with 1 ppm Cl- reduced MCs levels, although 267 pg ml(-1) remained in the water plant samples. Our data showed frequent occurrence of Microcystis sp., which may be a hazard to humans and animals in the state of Paraná. More detailed investigations are required to evaluate the risk of natural MC contamination in the water supplied in this region.  相似文献   

In this work we consider the differential effect of Valinomycin used at different concentrations both on the protein synthesis of reticulocytes and on 42K exchange. We demonstrate that there is a two step action of this antibiotic. At 10(-6)M and below the drug has no effect on the 42K exchange, but it stops, however reversibly, protein synthesis. At 10(-5)M the drug has a very sharp action on the 42K exchange and stops protein synthesis in an irreversible way. Ribosomal population checked by two ways, sucrose gradient and direct counting on E.M. sections shows that at low concentrations of Valinomycin (10(-8)M to 10(-6)M) there is no breakdown of the polysomes which can be detected by either one of these methods. On the contrary, after short incubation with 10(-5)M of Valinomycin the breakdown of ribosomes is very clear, as evidenced by sucrose gradient analysis. By direct ribosomes clusters counting on E.M. sections this breakdown is seen only after long incubation.  相似文献   

We assessed seasonal changes in eelgrass (Zostera marina) functions, i.e., reduction of current velocity, buffering of sediment resuspension, and control of dissolved inorganic nitrogen flux between the sediments and the water column, using field observations and experiments in the Akkeshi-ko estuary, Hokkaido, Japan. We also analyzed the relationships between eelgrass traits and functions. The efficiency of the reduction in current velocity increased with the development of the eelgrass canopy. Sediment resuspension was inhibited from May to August, during which time the eelgrass canopy developed. Eelgrass controlled the NH4 + concentration of sediment porewater through root nutrient uptake, affecting NH4 + flux between the sediments and the water column. Fluctuations in eelgrass functions and coincident changes in dynamics resulted in seasonal changes in the eelgrass environment, which may in turn affect the dynamics of organisms inhabiting eelgrass beds, e.g., mysids and epiphytic algae. Moreover, the developed eelgrass canopy trapped a large amount of material during spring and summer, which was resuspended into the surrounding ecosystem in autumn when the canopy and its functions (i.e., reduction of current and sediment resuspension) diminished. These results suggest that seasonal changes in eelgrass functions also affect communities within marginal coastal ecosystems through the control of allochthonous resources. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Lateral root (LR) elongation rate of 7–8-day maize seedlings depends on the availability of NO 3 ? , NO 2 ? , and abscisic acid (ABA) in an environment. Four-hour exposure to 0.01–1.5 mM NO 2 ? increases the relative LR elongation rate; in the case of NO 2 ? , the stimulation occurs only at an NO 2 ? concentration equal to 0.01 mM. Exogenous ABA (10?6 M) inhibits the LR elongation process. In the case of a combined influence of NO 3 ? and ABA or NO 2 ? and ABA, the character of the response elongation reaction is different. The NO role in the regulation of LR elongation is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Uptake and elimination of lindane, 3,4-dichloroaniline, phenol and 4-nitrophenol by the zebrafish Brachydanio rerio were investigated in tap water and in water of the river Rhine.
  • 2.2. The differences in bioconcentration of chemicals between the two water types did not exceed a factor of 2.5.
  • 3.3. Elimination kinetics were comparable in tap and river water.
  • 4.4. It can be concluded that water of the river Rhine does not influence the kinetics of the investigated xenobiotics.

Short-term changes in phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass have occurred 1–3 times every summer for the past 5 years in the shallow and hypertrophic Lake Søbygård, Denmark. These changes markedly affected lake water characteristics as well as the sediment/water interaction. Thus during a collapse of the phytoplankton biomass in 1985, lasting for about 2 weeks, the lake water became almost anoxic, followed by rapid increase in nitrogen and phosphorus at rates of 100–400 mg N M–2 day–1 and 100–200 mg P m–1 day–1. Average external loading during this period was about 350 mg N m–2 day–1 and 5 mg P m–2 day–1, respectively.Due to high phytoplankton biomass and subsequently a high sedimentation and recycling of nutrients, gross release rates of phosphorus and nitrogen were several times higher than net release rates. The net summer sediment release of phosphorus was usually about 40 mg P m–2 day–1, corresponding to a 2–3 fold increase in the net phosphorus release during the collapse. The nitrogen and phosphorus increase during the collapse is considered to be due primarily to a decreased sedimentation because of low algal biomass. The nutrient interactions between sediment and lake water during phytoplankton collapse, therefore, were changed from being dominated by both a large input and a large sedimentation of nutrients to a dominance of only a large input. Nitrogen was derived from both the inlet and sediment, whereas phosphorus was preferentially derived from the sediment. Different temperature levels may be a main reason for the different release rates from year to year.  相似文献   

T. Ashley 《Genetica》1985,66(3):161-167
There has long been an assumption that normal disjunction of the sex chromosomes of all mammals is assured by synapsis of a region of homology between the X and Y and that an obligatory crossover with chiasmata formation follows. Evidence is presented here that much (if not all) observed synapsis between the X and Y in mouse and man is nonhomologous and that crossing over most likely does not occur as a normal event in these organisms. The X and Y have desynapsed to a mere terminal association by the time of pachytene DNA synthesis, generally considered to be associated with crossing over. Recombination nodules or bars observed on the X and Y of human spermatocytes are also present at the wrong substage of pachytene and are insufficient in frequency to accounf for an obligatory crossover between the X and Y and thus assure normal disjunction. Instead it is suggested that orientation and disjunction of the sex chromosomes is mediated in these species by an achiasmatic telomeric association.  相似文献   

The comparative responses of two young olive trees (Olea europaea L. ‘Chemlali’ and ‘Chetoui’) to drought stress were investigated during 1 month. Three-month-old own-rooted plants were subjected to two irrigation treatments: WW (well watered plants that were irrigated with fresh water to maintain a soil water content close to field capacity), and WS (water stressed plants by withholding water). Leaf water potential, gas exchange and leaf lipid composition were studied. ‘Chemlali’ was able to maintain higher leaf CO2 assimilation rate and leaf stomatal conductance throughout the drought cycle compared to ‘Chetoui’. Water stress induced a larger decrease in the total lipid content in ‘Chetoui’ than in ‘Chemlali’. Interestingly, the constitution of different lipid classes was highly altered in ‘Chetoui’. Lipid changes in Chemlali, a drought tolerant cultivar, revealed more stability of its cellular membranes to drought stress as compared to the drought susceptible olive cultivar, Chétoui. Furthermore, in comparison to the controls, drought stressed plants showed an increase in the degree of unsaturation of leaf lipids in the two olive cultivars. Moreover, the results observed in Chemlali showed that besides changes in lipids composition this cultivar may have an efficient defence strategy which can be related on antioxidative production against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Michel Lafont 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):179-187
Worms were measured and their biovolumes estimated. Measurements show that the biovolume (V) of Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was significantly correlated with the diameter of the segment XI (dXI):V = 13.553dXI 2.987 (r2 = 0.92). Production was estimated for L. hoffmeisteri and for a population of Tubificidae with hair setae where Potamothrix heuscheri dominated, using the Hynes method reviewed by Menzie (1980). The P/B ratios of L. hoffmeisteri and Tubificidae with hair setae were 4.9 and 5.4.  相似文献   

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