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The enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) catalyses the last step of purine degradation in the highest uricotelic primates as a rate-limiting enzyme in nucleic acid catabolism. Although XOR has been studied for more than a century, this enzyme continues to arouse interest because its involvement in many pathological conditions is not completely known. XOR is highly evolutionarily conserved; moreover, its activity is very versatile and tuneable at multiple-levels and generates both oxidant and anti-oxidant products. This review covers the basic information on XOR biology that is essential to understand its enzymatic role in human pathophysiology and provides a comprehensive catalogue of the experimental and human pathologies associated with increased serum XOR levels. The production of radical species by XOR oxidase activity has been intensively studied and evaluated in recent decades in conjunction with the cytotoxic consequences and tissue injuries of various pathological conditions. More recently, a role has emerged for the activity of endothelium-bound enzymes in inducing the vascular response to oxidative stress, which includes the regulation of pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic activities of endothelial cells. The possible physiological functions of circulating XOR and the products of its enzyme activity are presented here together with their implications in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species are generated by various biological systems, including NADPH oxidases, xanthine oxidoreductase, and mitochondrial respiratory enzymes, and contribute to many physiological and pathological phenomena. Mammalian xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) can be converted to xanthine oxidase (XO), which produces both superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide. Recent X-ray crystallographic and site-directed mutagenesis studies have revealed a highly sophisticated mechanism of conversion from XDH to XO, suggesting that the conversion is not a simple artefact, but rather has a function in mammalian organisms. Furthermore, this transition seems to involve a thermodynamic equilibrium between XDH and XO; disulfide bond formation or proteolysis can then lock the enzyme in the XO form. In this review, we focus on recent advances in our understanding of the mechanism of conversion from XDH to XO.  相似文献   

Summary Xanthine oxidoreductase is an enzyme which has the unusual property that it can exist in a dehydrogenase form which uses NAD+ and an oxidase form which uses oxygen as electron acceptor. Both forms have a high affinity for hypoxanthine and xanthine as substrates. In addition, conversion of one form to the other may occur under different conditions. The exact function of the enzyme is still unknown but it seems to play a role in purine catabolism, detoxification of xenobiotics and antioxidant capacity by producing urate. The oxidase form produces reactive oxygen species and, therefore, the enzyme is thought to be involved in various pathological processes such as tissue injury due to ischaemia followed by reperfusion, but its role is still a matter of debate. The present review summarizes information that has become available about the enzyme. Interpretations of contradictory findings are presented in order to reduce confusion that still exists with respect to the role of this enzyme in physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

The presence and properties of the enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) in peroxisomes from pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves were studied using biochemical and immunological methods. The activity analysis showed that, in leaf peroxisomes, the superoxide-generating XOR form, xanthine oxidase (XOD), was predominant over the xanthine dehydrogenase form (XDH), with a XDH/XOD ratio of 0.5. However, in crude extracts of pea leaves, the XDH form was more abundant, with a XDH/XOD ratio of 1.6. The native molecular mass of the peroxisomal XOR determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was 290kDa. Using western blot assays, we identified an immunoreactive band of 59kDa that was not affected by the reducing reagent DTT or endogenous proteases. The analysis of pea leaves by electron microscopy immunogold labeling with affinity-purified antibodies against rat XOD confirmed that this enzyme was localized in the matrix of peroxisomes, as well as in chloroplasts and cytosol. In pea plants subjected to abiotic stress by cadmium, the activity of the peroxisomal XOR was reduced, whereas its protein level expression increased. The results confirmed that leaf peroxisomes contain XOR, and suggest that this peroxisomal metalloflavoprotein enzyme is involved in the mechanism of response of pea plants to abiotic stress by heavy metals.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis plays an important role in controlling tissue development and maintaining normal tissue function. Dysregulated angiogenesis is implicated in the pathogenesis of a variety of diseases, particularly diabetes, cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders. As the major regulator of angiogenesis, the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family is composed of a group of crucial members including VEGF-B. While the physiological roles of VEGF-B remain debatable, increasing evidence suggests that this protein is able to protect certain type of cells from apoptosis under pathological conditions. More importantly, recent studies reveal that VEGF-B is involved in lipid transport and energy metabolism, implicating this protein in obesity, diabetes and related metabolic complications. This article summarizes the current knowledge and understanding of VEGF-B in physiology and pathology, and shed light on the therapeutic potential of this crucial protein.  相似文献   

The turkey liver xanthine dehydrogenase-catalysed oxidation of NADH by Methylene Blue, by ferricyanide or by O2 is not dependent on the integrity of the active-centre persulphide groups. By contrast, the NADH-dichlorophenol-indophenol oxidoreductase and NADH-trinitrobenzenesulphonate oxidoreductase activities are directly proportional to the content of functional enzyme. These findings help to identify the sites of egress of electrons to oxidizing substrates.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase (EC and xanthine dehydrogenase (EC 1.1.1. 204) are both members of the molybdenum hydroxylase flavoprotein family and represent different forms of the same gene product. The two enzyme forms and their reactions are often referred to as xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) activity. Physiologically, XOR is known as the rate-limiting enzyme in purine catabolism but has also been shown to be able to metabolize a number of other physiological compounds. Recent studies have also demonstrated its ability to metabolize xenobiotics, including a number of anticancer compounds, to their active metabolites. During the past 10 years, evidence has mounted to support a role for XOR in the pathophysiology of inflammatory diseases and atherosclerosis as well as its previously determined role in ischemia-reperfusion injury. While significant progress has recently been made in our understanding of the physiological and biochemical nature of this enzyme system, considerable work still needs to be done. This paper will review some of the more recent work characterizing the interactions and the factors that influence the interactions of XOR with various physiological and xenobiotic compounds.  相似文献   

4-hydroxynonenal from pathology to physiology   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) were toxic to B lymphoma-derived Raji cells (positive for 8A monoclonal antibody, mAb). The sensitivity of these malignant cells to the hypoxanthine/XOR system was higher than that observed in peripheral human lymphocytes. The understanding of the mechanisms of cytotoxicity induced by XOR-produced ROS is essential in view of a possible clinical application. Cell death mostly had the feature of apoptosis and post-apoptotic necrosis and depended on the activity of XOR. Catalase, but not superoxide dismutase, protected cells from the toxicity of XOR, thus indicating that cell damage depended on the production of hydrogen peroxide. The toxicity of ROS was selectively targeted to malignant Raji cells by antibody-XOR conjugation, either directly, with an 8A-XOR conjugate, or indirectly, with an 8A mAb plus an anti-mouse IgG-XOR. Both direct and indirect immunotoxins induced apoptotic death to target cells in a dose-dependent manner. These conjugates showed no aspecific cytotoxicity in conditions very similar to the ex vivo treatment of cell suspension for bone marrow transplantation. Moreover, the prevalence of apoptotic death over necrosis may reduce the in vivo inflammatory response and its local and systemic consequences, thus becoming relevant in the construction of immunotoxins with therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

A new route to peroxynitrite: a role for xanthine oxidoreductase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peroxynitrite, a potent oxidising, nitrating and hydroxylating agent, results from the reaction of nitric oxide with superoxide. We show that peroxynitrite can be produced by the action of a single enzyme, xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), in the presence of inorganic nitrite, molecular oxygen and a reducing agent, such as pterin. The effects of oxygen concentration on peroxynitrite production have been examined. The physiologically predominant dehydrogenase form of the enzyme is more effective than the oxidase form under aerobic conditions. It is proposed that XOR-derived peroxynitrite fulfils a bactericidal role in milk and in the digestive tract.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of xanthine oxidoreductase block conversion of xanthine to uric acid and are therefore potentially useful for treatment of hyperuricemia or gout. We determined the crystal structure of reduced bovine milk xanthine oxidoreductase complexed with oxipurinol at 2.0 A resolution. Clear electron density was observed between the N2 nitrogen of oxipurinol and the molybdenum atom of the molybdopterin cofactor, indicating that oxipurinol coordinated directly to molybdenum. Oxipurinol forms hydrogen bonds with glutamate 802, arginine 880, and glutamate 1261, which have previously been shown to be essential for the enzyme reaction. We discuss possible differences in the hypouricemic effect of inhibitors, including allopurinol and newly developed inhibitors, based on their mode of binding in the crystal structures.  相似文献   

Vascular calcifications are the consequence of several pathological conditions such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and chronic renal insufficiency. They are associated with risks of amputation, ischemic heart disease, stroke and increased mortality. A growing body of evidence indicates that vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) undergo chondrogenic commitment eventually leading to vascular calcification, by mechanisms similar to those governing ossification in the cartilage growth plate. Our knowledge of the formation of cartilage growth plate can therefore help us to understand why and how arteries calcify and, consequently, develop new therapeutic strategies. Reciprocally, thorough consideration of the events leading to ectopic chondrocyte differentiation appears crucial to further increase our understanding of growth plate formation. In this context, we will review the effects of known or suspected factors that promote chondrogenic differentiation in growth plate and arteries.  相似文献   

Reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide catalyzed by xanthine oxidoreductase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Xanthine oxidase (XO) was shown to catalyze the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide (NO), under anaerobic conditions, in the presence of either NADH or xanthine as reducing substrate. NO production was directly demonstrated by ozone chemiluminescence and showed stoichiometry of approximately 2:1 versus NADH depletion. With xanthine as reducing substrate, the kinetics of NO production were complicated by enzyme inactivation, resulting from NO-induced conversion of XO to its relatively inactive desulfo-form. Steady-state kinetic parameters were determined spectrophotometrically for urate production and NADH oxidation catalyzed by XO and xanthine dehydrogenase in the presence of nitrite under anaerobic conditions. pH optima for anaerobic NO production catalyzed by XO in the presence of nitrite were 7.0 for NADH and 相似文献   

Over the past several years, new modulators of feeding and body weight have been discovered, and our knowledge of the mechanisms and neurohumoral interactions between anorexigenic and orexigenic compounds has increased dramatically. This review aims to summarize the present knowledge of the role of leptin and several hypothalamic neuropeptides, such as neuropeptide Y (NPY), corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and melanocortins, in the regulation of appetite and body weight. It also presents the progress made in the design of interactions between leptin and hypothalamic peptides in the regulation of feeding. The role of these compounds in the pathogenesis of obesity in animals and humans, and their potential usefulness in the treatment of this disorder, are discussed.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) was purified in the presence of dithiothrietol from camel milk with yields of up to 22.2mg/l that were comparable to those obtained from bovine and human milk sources. On SDS-PAGE, the freshly purified camel milk XOR had a protein flavin (A280/A450) ratio of 5.3 +/- 0.4 and appeared homogenous with a single major band of approximately Mr 145.3 KDa. Surprisingly, in all the batches (n = 8) purified camel milk XOR showed no detectable activity towards xanthine or NADH. The molybdenum content of camel XOR was comparable to human and goat milk enzymes. After resulphuration, camel milk XOR gave a specific activity of 1.1 nmol/min/mg and 13.0 nmol/min/mg enzyme towards pterin (fluorimetric assay) and xanthine (spectrophotometric assay) respectively. This activity was markedly lower than that of human, bovine and goat enzymes obtained under the same conditions. These findings suggest that the molybdo-form of camel enzyme is totally under desulpho inactive form. It is possible that camel neonates are equipped with an enzymic system that reactivates XOR in their gut and consequently generates antibacterial reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Coding nucleotide sequence of rat liver malic enzyme mRNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The nucleotide sequence of the mRNA for malic enzyme ((S)-malate NADP+ oxidoreductase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating, EC from rat liver was determined from three overlapping cDNA clones. Together, these clones contain 2078 nucleotides complementary to rat liver malic enzyme mRNA. The single open reading frame of 1761 nucleotides codes for a 585-amino acid polypeptide with a calculated molecular mass of about 65,460 daltons. The cloned cDNAs contain the complete 3'-noncoding region of 301 nucleotides for the major mRNA species of rat liver and 16 nucleotides of the 5'-noncoding region. Amino acid sequences of seven tryptic peptides (67 amino acids) from the purified protein are distributed through the single open reading frame and show excellent correspondence with the translated nucleotide sequence. The putative NADP-binding site for malic enzyme was identified by amino acid sequence homology with the NADP-binding site of the enoyl reductase domain of fatty acid synthetase.  相似文献   

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