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Waller P. J., Dash K. M. and Major G. W. 1979. Observations on the Occurrence of crystal-like structures in nematode parasites of sheep and cattle. Internationl Journal for Parasitology9: 147–151. Intracellular rod-like inclusions were found in a high percentage of inhibited fourth-stage larvae of H. contortus in sheep with naturally acquired infections. Artificial infections showed inclusions occurred in developing as well as inhibited fourth-stage larvae. The presence of these structures was associated with degenerative changes of the parasites and serial worm counts showed that larvae with large numbers of inclusions failed to persist within the host.Large refractive hexagonal crystals were observed in the gut lumen of fourth-stage and adult O. ostertagi acquired by previously worm-free lambs grazed on cattle pastures. The crystals tended to accumulate in the posterior gut region where they may cause gut blockage and lead to early mortality of the parasites in the abnormal host. No inclusions or crystals were observed in O. ostertagi from cattle or goats, or in O. circumcincta from sheep.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase activity has been studied in the ameba Mayorella palestinensis. Optimum activity of the enzyme was found to be at a pH of 3.2. The enzyme is inhibited by fluoride ion, but is not sensitive to Mg++. The activity was found to be correlated with age of culture. Two maxima have been obtained, one from cultures in the logarithmic phase, and the other during the period of maximal cell encystation. These results suggest that acid phosphatase play an important role in cell metabolism during growth and differentiation processes of this ameba.  相似文献   

Certain anti-sheep L antisera stimulated active potassium transport in cattle red cells. All cattle red cells tested (red cells from 21 Jersey cows) which had an internal K level of less than 70 mmol/1 were stimulated but those with more than 75 mmol/1 of K (red cells from 7 Jersey cows) were not stimulated. Cattle S-system reagents and isoimmune cattle sera produced by injecting red cells of low-potassium type into cows with cells of high-potassium type failed to stimulate active potassium transport in either cattle or sheep red cells.  相似文献   

Rumen anaerobic fungi of cattle and sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A system for the large-scale production and purification of mouse mammary tumor virus in the absence of detectable endogenous murine leukemia virus is described. By utilizing the Mm5mt/c1 cell line established from an adenocarcinoma of a C3H mouse, the continuous production of over 25,000 liters of mouse mammary tumor virus-containing tissue culture fluids has been achieved. By the strict adherence to well-defined tissue culture conditions, mammary tumor virus production was accomplished without the expression of murine leukemia virus. Various biochemical and immunological systems were established for the rapid and precise detection of the endogenous leukemia virus, the expression of which could be enhanced under conditions of culture stress.  相似文献   

Osmotic characteristics of sheep and cattle embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ten minutes of exposure to increasing concentrations of sucrose caused a proportional decrease in the volume of sheep late morulae, their relative volume changed as a linear function of the reciprocal of the osmolality of the medium. Day 6 sheep and Day 7 cattle embryos responded to the addition of permeating cryoprotectants by an initial shrinkage which was followed by gradual reexpansion. After 1.25 min exposure the relative volumes of sheep and cattle embryos respectively were 20 and 25% smaller in glycerol than in ethylene glycol. The volumes of cattle and sheep embryos remained smaller in glycerol than in ethylene glycol up to the final observation at 30 min. The osmotic response of sheep late morulae to 2.0 M propylene glycol was intermediate between their response to 2.0 M glycerol and to 2.0 M ethylene glycol. These results indicate that Day 6 sheep and Day 7 cattle embryos are more permeable to ethylene glycol than to glycerol.  相似文献   

Switzerland is one of the few countries where high fertility rates have been reported in cattle hydatid cysts and where the cattle/dog cycle is the most important for the maintenance of Echinococcus granulosus. The developmental and morphological characteristics of E. granulosus of Swiss cattle origin were studied and compared with that of E. granulosus of domestic animal origin from Great Britain and Australia, countries where bovine hydatid cysts are usually sterile and cattle play little role in the life-cycle of the parasite. Adult E. granulosus of Swiss cattle origin differed markedly in its developmental characteristics compared to other isolates, particularly in its rate of maturation in dogs, producing eggs as early as 35 days post-infection. The morphology of E. granulosus of Swiss cattle origin was characteristic and it could be easily distinguished from other isolates of the parasite. Further, E. granulosus of Swiss cattle origin was found to closely resemble that occurring in cattle in South Africa where high fertility rates have also been reported in bovine hydatid cysts. It is concluded that a strain of E. granulosus exists which is adapted to cattle and that further studies are required to determine whether this strain warrants formal taxonomic status as the species E. ortleppi which was originally described for the parasite of South African cattle origin.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of alkaline phosphatase in sheep brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The purpose of this study was to determine serum Cu, Zn, Mn, K, and Mg levels before and during pregnancy and during the lactation period of sheep and cattle and to determine the relationships between periods. For this purpose, blood samples of 14 healthy, pregnant Brown Swiss cows fed under normal condition and 36 Karakaş (İvesi × Akkaraman) sheep were used. Blood samples were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. There were significant differences between before pregnancy and during pregnancy, and during pregnancy and the lactation period for serum Zn concentration; also before pregnancy and during pregnancy, and before pregnancy and the lactation period for serum K concentration in cows (p<0.05). There were significant differences between before pregnancy and the lactation period for serum Cu concentration, and before pregnancy and during pregnancy for serum K concentration; also pregnancy and the lactation period for serum Mg concentration in sheep (p<0.05).  相似文献   

角属于动物颅骨附属物,为反刍动物所特有。牛(Bos taurus)、绵羊(Ovis aries)角的表型包括野生型两角表型、人工驯化的无角表型、畸形角等多种。牛和绵羊是阐明角的质量性状和数量性状之间的关系以及质量性状的多基因调控机制等方面的理想动物模型。近年来,对角性状研究不断深入,在阐明新器官起源进化、自然选择、性别选择和人工选择对角表型的影响等方面取得了一系列进展。本文详细介绍了角的研究概况、多角表型遗传定位、无角位点基因遗传定位和畸形角等,并对目前牛和绵羊角的遗传机制及存在的问题进行了分析,以期为反刍动物角性状和其他特异性性状遗传机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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