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F Volpe  M Dyer  J G Scaife  G Darby  D K Stammers  C J Delves 《Gene》1992,112(2):213-218
We describe the cloning of a multifunctional folic acid synthesis (fas) gene from Pneumocystis carinii. The nucleotide sequence contains an open reading frame interrupted by three introns, that encodes a protein of 740 amino acids with an Mr of 97,278. The predicted Fas protein has homology to two enzyme domains, dihydropteroate synthase and 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase, both of which are involved in folate synthesis, and at least one other region of unknown function.  相似文献   

Triterpene skeletons are produced by oxidosqualene cyclases (OSCs). The genome sequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed the presence of thirteen OSC homologous genes including At1g78950, which has been revised recently as two independent ORFs, namely At1g78950 and At1g78955. The cDNA corresponding to the revised At1g78950 was obtained by RT-PCR, ligated into Saccharomyces cerevisiae expression vector pYES2, and expressed in a lanosterol synthase deficient S. cerevisiae strain. LC-MS and NMR analyses of the accumulated product in the host cells showed that the product of At1g78950 is β-amyrin, indicating that At1g78950 encodes a β-amyrin synthase (EC 5.4.99.-).  相似文献   

In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, cytosolic thioredoxins h (TRXh) are encoded by a multigenic family of eight genes. Genomic studies have revealed that a number of these genes are duplicated genes originating from a common ancestor. This multiplicity of thioredoxin h genes raises questions of the specificity of plant thioredoxins and the function of such a large multigenic family in plant. The results from studies using northern blots, semi-quantitative RT-PCR and transgenic promoter–GUS fusions provide strong evidence that the members of the AtTRXh gene family show expression levels that vary among different plant organs. Moreover, distinct AtTRXh genes are induced in response to pathogenic elicitors. Together, our data suggest that the members of the multigenic family of AtTRXh may not have redundant functions.  相似文献   

Plants exposed to stress pass the memory of exposure to stress to the progeny. Previously, we showed that the phenomenon of transgenerational memory of stress is of epigenetic nature and depends on the function of Dicer-like (DCL) 2 and DCL3 proteins. Here, we discuss a possible role of DNA methylation and function of small RNAs in establishing and maintaining transgenerational responses to stress. Our new data report that memory of stress is passed to the progeny predominantly through the female rather than male gamete. Possible evolutionary advantages of this mechanism are also discussed.Key words: transgenerational response to stress, Arabidopsis thaliana, maternal inheritance, methylation changes, homologous recombination frequency, genome instability, adaptive response, dcl2, dcl3Plants are sedentary organisms and thus can not respond to rapidly changing growth conditions by escaping to new environments as animals usually do. Moreover, since seed dispersal is rather limited in the vast majority of plants, the progeny is very likely to grow under the same environmental growth conditions as its parents did. The memory of pre-existing growth conditions can be advantageous for plant survival. The environmental experience of parents can be recorded in the form of induced epigenetic modifications that occur in somatic cell lineages. The very late, almost at the end of plant development, separation of germline cells from somatic tissues enables incorporation of acquired epigenetic changes in the gametes. Indeed, previous reports suggested that the progeny of exposed plants might have an advantage while growing in the same environment as its parents.13 Despite a growing number of experimental evidences that support the existence of the phenomenon of memory of stress, the data on adaptive changes in the progeny of stressed plants are scarce.Parental exposure to stress may not only lead to adaptive effects in progeny but also introduce a certain degree of changes in genome stability.49 Our early report showed that the progeny of tobacco plants infected with tobacco mosaic virus had an increased meiotic recombination frequency.8 A more recent report demonstrated that these progeny plants had a higher frequency of rearrangements at the loci carrying the homology to N-gene-like R-gene loci, allowing speculations about a possible role of these rearrangements in pathogen resistance evolution.9 Similarly, a study of Molinier et al. (2006) showed that the progeny of plants exposed to UVC or flagellin had an increased frequency of somatic homologous recombination events (HRF).4 The authors demonstrated that an increase in HRF triggered by a single exposure to UVC was maintained for five consecutive generations in the absence of stress. In contrast, our most recent reports demonstrated that maintaining an increase in HRF caused by ancestral exposure to heat, cold, flood, UVC or salt required exposure to stress in subsequent generations: if F1 plants were propagated for one more generation without stress, the effect diminished and HRF returned back to the level observed in the progeny of untreated plants.6,7 This scenario seems to be more probable from an evolutionary point of view. Within a given environmental niche, plants establish certain genetic and epigenetic traits needed to cope with the expected growth conditions. Drastic environmental changes or new unusual stresses may trigger a cascade of gene expression changes in attempt to survive and adapt to new conditions. Some of these potentially advantageous changes are most probably recorded in the form of DNA methylation and chromatin modifications and are passed to progeny as memory of stress exposure.It can be further hypothesized that if these new environmental conditions are no longer present during the lifespan of future generations, the newly established methylation patterns and chromatin organization will return to the original epigenetic landscape that was the most adequate fit for this environmental niche. If the same new stresses occur in consecutive generations, the newly established epigenetic changes will be maintained and possibly stabilized after many generations of exposure.  相似文献   

During Arabidopsis embryogenesis, procambial cells undergo coordinated, asymmetric cell divisions, giving rise to vascular precursor cells (protophloem and protoxylem precursors). After germination, these cells terminally differentiate into specialized conducting cells, referred to as protophloem and protoxylem cells. Few readily identifiable markers of the onset of specification and differentiation are available, hampering the molecular genetic analysis of protophloem development. Confocal microscopy was used to investigate the patterning and differentiation of phloem cells during early plant development. Longitudinal divisions of phloem initials allowed the identification of protophloem precursor cells and adjacent metaphloem initials along the length of the plant. During germination, protophloem differentiation was observed at two independent locations, in the cotyledons and the hypocotyl. In both locations, differentiation was concomitant with cell elongation. We identified five gene-trap lines (PD1-PD5) with marker gene expression in immature protophloem elements. The spatio-temporal marker expression pattern of the lines divides them into two groups. The early specification markers PD4 and PD5 were expressed in developing organs before procambium formation and then became restricted to phloem initial cells. The protophloem precursor markers PD1-PD3 were expressed in differentiating protophloem cells at different stages of their development. All markers were expressed transiently and iteratively during the differentiation of protophloem in newly formed organs. Flanking genes were identified for four out of five gene-trap insertion lines. The possible function of these genes with respect to phloem differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Tetrahydrofolate is a ubiquitous C(1) carrier in many biosynthetic pathways in bacteria, importantly, in the biosynthesis of formylmethionyl tRNA(fMet), which is essential for the initiation of translation. The final step in the biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolate is carried out by the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). A search of the complete genome sequence of Helicobacter pylori failed to reveal any sequence that encodes DHFR. Previous studies demonstrated that the H. pylori dihydropteroate synthase gene folP can complement an Escherichia coli strain in which folA and folM, encoding two distinct DHFRs, are deleted. It was also shown that H. pylori FolP possesses an additional N-terminal domain that binds flavin mononucleotide (FMN). Homologous domains are found in FolP proteins of other microorganisms that do not possess DHFR. In this study, we demonstrated that H. pylori FolP is also a dihydropteroate reductase that derives its reducing power from soluble flavins, reduced FMN and reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide. We also determined the stoichiometry of the enzyme-bound flavin and showed that half of the bound flavin is exchangeable with the soluble flavins. Finally, site-directed mutagenesis of the most conserved amino acid residues in the N-terminal domain indicated the importance of these residues for the activity of the enzyme as a dihydropteroate reductase.  相似文献   

Within their natural habitat plants are subjected to a combination of different abiotic stresses, each with the potential to exacerbate the damage caused by the others. One of the most devastating stress combinations for crop productivity, which frequently occurs in the field, is drought and heat stress. In this study we conducted proteomic and metabolic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana plants subjected to a combination of drought and heat stress. We identified 45 different proteins that specifically accumulated in Arabidopsis in response to the stress combination. These included enzymes involved in reactive oxygen detoxification, malate metabolism, and the Calvin cycle. The accumulation of malic enzyme during the combined stress corresponded with enhanced malic enzyme activity, a decrease in malic acid, and lower amounts of oxaloacetate, suggesting that malate metabolism plays an important role in the response of Arabidopsis to the stress combination. Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 (APX1) protein and mRNA accumulated during the stress combination. When exposed to heat stress combined with drought, an APX1-deficient mutant (apx1) accumulated more hydrogen peroxide and was significantly more sensitive to the stress combination than wild type. In contrast, mutants deficient in thylakoid or stromal/mitochondrial APXs were not more sensitive to the stress combination than apx1 or wild type. Our findings suggest that cytosolic APX1 plays a key role in the acclimation of plants to a combination of drought and heat stress.  相似文献   

The indolic compound auxin regulates virtually every aspect of plant growth and development, but its role in embryogenesis and its molecular mechanism of action are not understood. We describe two mutants of Arabidopsis that define a novel gene called AUXIN-RESISTANT6 (AXR6) which maps to chromosome 4. Embryonic development of the homozygous axr6 mutants is disrupted by aberrant patterns of cell division, leading to defects in the cells of the suspensor, root and hypocotyl precursors, and provasculature. The homozygous axr6 mutants arrest growth soon after germination lacking a root and hypocotyl and with severe vascular pattern defects in their cotyledons. Whereas previously described mutants with similar developmental defects are completely recessive, axr6 heterozygotes display a variety of morphological and physiological alterations that are most consistent with a defect in auxin physiology or response. The AXR6 gene is likely to be important for auxin response throughout the plant, including early development.  相似文献   

AT1G78690, a gene found in Arabidopsis thaliana, has been reported to encode a N-acyltransferase that transfers an acyl chain from acyl-CoA to the headgroup of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to form N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine (N-acyl-PE). Our investigation suggests that At1g78690p is not a PE-dependent N-acyltransferase but is instead a lysoglycerophospholipid O-acyltransferase. We overexpressed AT1G78690 in Escherichia coli, extracted the cellular lipids, and identified the accumulating glycerophospholipid as acylphosphatidylglycerol (acyl-PG). Electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) analysis yielded [M - H](-) ions, corresponding by exact mass to acyl-PG rather than N-acyl-PE. Collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry (MS/MS) yielded product ions consistent with acyl-PG. In addition, in vitro enzyme assays using both (32)P- and (14)C-radiolabeled substrates showed that AT1G78690 acylates 1-acyllysophosphatidylethanolamine (1-acyllyso-PE) and 1-acyllysophosphatidylglycerol (1-acyllyso-PG), but not PE or phosphatidylglycerol (PG), to form a diacylated product that co-migrates with PE and PG, respectively. We analyzed the diacylated product formed by AT1G78690 using a combination of base hydrolysis, phospholipase D treatment, ESI-MS, and MS/MS to show that AT1G78690 acylates the sn-2-position of 1-acyllyso-PE and 1-acyllyso-PG.  相似文献   

The three aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan are synthesized in the plastids of higher plants. There is, however, biochemical evidence that a cytosolic isoform exists of the enzyme catalysing the first step of that branch of the pathway which is specific for the synthesis of phenylalanine and tyrosine, i.e. chorismate mutase (CM). We now report on the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding a cytosolic CM isozyme from Arabidopsis thaliana that was identified by complementing a CM-deficient Escherichia coli strain. The deduced amino acid sequence of this isozyme was 50% identical to that of a previously isolated plastidic CM, and 41% identical to that of yeast CM. The organ-specific expression patterns of the two CM genes were rather similar, but only the gene encoding the plastidic isozyme was elicitor- and pathogen-inducible. The plastidic CM expressed in E. coli was activated by tryptophan and inhibited by phenylalanine and tyrosine, whereas the cytosolic isozyme was insensitive. The existence of a cytosolic CM isozyme implies that either a cytosolic pathway (partial or complete) for the biosynthesis of phenylalanine and tyrosine exists, or that prephenate, originating from chorismate in the cytosol, is utilized for the synthesis of metabolites other than these two aromatic amino acids.  相似文献   

cDNA corresponding to a flavonol synthase gene from Arabidopsis thaliana was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein was purified to near-homogeneity and the catalytic properties of the enzyme were studied in vitro. Together with kaempferol and apigenin the recombinant protein synthesised the (2R,3S)-cis- and (2S,3S)-trans-isomers of dihydrokaempferol from the (2S)- and (2R)-isomers of naringenin, respectively. Flavanones and dihydroflavanols differing in degree of A- or B-ring hydroxylation were also accepted as substrates.  相似文献   

We isolated a cDNA clone from Arabidopsis thaliana encoding the TCA cycle enzyme, citrate synthase. The plant enzyme displays 48% and 44% amino acid residue similarity with the pig, and yeast polypeptides, respectively. Many proteins, including citrate synthase, which are destined to reside in organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, are the products of the nucleocytoplasmic protein synthesizing machinery and are imported post-translationally to the site of function. We present preliminary investigations toward the establishment of an in vitro plant mitochondrial import system allowing for future studies to dissect this process in plants where the cell must differentiate between mitochondria and chloroplast and direct their polypeptides appropriately.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are common colorants in plants and have long-established biomedicinal properties. Anthocyanidin synthase (ANS), a 2-oxoglutarate iron-dependent oxygenase, catalyzes the penultimate step in the biosynthesis of the anthocyanin class of flavonoids. The crystal structure of ANS reveals a multicomponent active site containing metal, cosubstrate, and two molecules of a substrate analog (dihydroquercetin). An additional structure obtained after 30 min exposure to dioxygen is consistent with the oxidation of the dihydroquercetin to quercetin and the concomitant decarboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate to succinate. Together with in vitro studies, the crystal structures suggest a mechanism for ANS-catalyzed anthocyanidin formation from the natural leucoanthocyanidin substrates involving stereoselective C-3 hydroxylation. The structure of ANS provides a template for the ubiquitous family of plant nonhaem oxygenases for future engineering and inhibition studies.  相似文献   

  • Abiotic stress is one of the key parameters affecting plant productivity. Drought and soil salinity, in particular, challenge plants to activate various response mechanisms to withstand these adverse growth conditions. While the molecular events that take place are complex and to a large extent unclear, the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is considered a major player in mediating the adaptation of plants to stress.
  • Here we report the identification of an ABA‐insensitive mutant from Arabidopsis thaliana. A combination of molecular, genetic and physiology approaches were implemented, to characterise the AtRASD1 locus (A BA D ROUGHT 相似文献   

Cytosolic HPPK/DHPS (cytHPPK/DHPS) in Arabidopsis is a functional enzyme with activity similar to its mitochondrial isoform. Genomic complementation of the cytHPPK/DHPS knockout mutant with the wild type gene led to a complete rescue of the stress sensitive mutant phenotype in seed germination tests under abiotic stress conditions. Moreover, over-expression of the gene resulted in higher germination rate under stress as compared to the wild-type, confirming its role in stress resistance. Analysis of folates in seedlings, inflorescence and dry seeds showed unchanged levels in the wild-type, mutant and over-expressor line, upon stress and normal conditions, suggesting a role for cytHPPK/DHPS distinct from folate biosynthesis and a folate-independent stress resistance mechanism. This apparently folate-independent mechanism of stress resistance points towards a possible role of pterins, since the product of HPPK/DHPS is dihydropteroate.  相似文献   

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