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Cells with mutated autophosphorylation sites in the ABCDE cluster of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) are defective in the repair of ionising radiation-induced DSB, but show in an in vitro test the same DNA-PK activity as the cells possessing wild type enzyme. Nevertheless, the mutated DNA-PK is able to undergo ATP-dependent autophosphorylation and inactivation. This characteristics correspond well with the phenotypic features of the L5178Y-S (LY-S) cell line that is defective in DSB repair, shows a pronounced G1 phase radiosensitivity, but in which the level of DNA-PK activity present in total cell extracts is similar to that of its radioresistant counterpart L5178Y-R (LY-R) cell line. The purpose of this work was to examine the possible alterations in the sequence encoding the cluster of autophosphorylation sites in the DNA-dependent protein kinase in LY-S cells. Despite the presence of phenotypic features indicating the possibility of such alterations, no differences were found between the sequences coding for the autophosphorylation sites in L5178Y-R and L5178Y-S cells. In conclusion, the repair defect in LY-S cells is not related to the structure of the DNA-PK autophosphorylation sites (ABCDE casette).  相似文献   

The L5178Y (LY) murine lymphoma subline, LY-R, is more radioresistant and more sensitive to camptothecin (CPT, inhibitor of topisomerase I) than the second subline used in our investigation, LY-S. Post-irradiation treatment with 3 μM CPT enhanced the radiosensitivity of LY-S cells (D0 decrease from 0.52 to 0.34 Gy), but did not change it in LY-R cells. Treatment with 2 mM benzamide [BZ, inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribosylation)] before x-rays and CPT increased the radiosensitivity of LY-R cells (D0 decrease from 1.15 to 0.52) without further modification of radiosensitivity of LY-S cells. Activity of topoisomerase I was diminished 10 min after x-irradiation (5 Gy) in LY-S, but not in LY-R cells. The data on DNA damage (fluorescent halo or comet assays) showed that the ultimate fate of the cells did not depend on the DNA damage pattern estimated immediately after treatment (e. g. the damage was greater in x-rays plus CPT than in BZ plus x-rays plus CPT treated LY-R cells, although the radiosensitivity was less). Aphidicolin (inhibitor of DNA polymerases α and δ) applied concomitantly with CPT in cells not pre-treated with BZ prevented the increase in DNA damage in LY-R cells, but was without effect in LY-S cells. Taking into account the differential inhibition by x-rays of DNA synthesis in LY sublines and its reversion by BZ in LY-S but not in LY-R cells, we conclude that the pattern of DNA damage observed by the methods applied depended on the status of DNA replication. Received: 28 November 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 20 April 1996  相似文献   

The effects of UVC radiation (lambda = 254 nm, 85 J/m2) and/or 1-beta-D-arabino-furanosylcytosine (araC, 2 x 10(-3) M, 2 h) on two mouse lymphoma cell lines, UVC-sensitive and X-ray resistant L5178Y-R and UVC-resistant and X-ray sensitive L5178Y-S, were investigated. AraC treatment inhibited the semiconservative DNA replication to 1.4% and 3.8% in L5178Y-R and L5178Y-S cells, respectively, and decreased the sedimentation distance of nucleoids from the cells of both lines. The shortening of sedimentation distances induced by UVC and araC treatment was 8.1 mm for L5178Y-R cells and 11.8 mm for L5178Y-S, and indicated a higher number of DNA breaks in L5178Y-S cells. Assuming that such breaks are the result of the inhibition of DNA repair replication by araC, we conclude that L5178Y-S cells have a greater number of repaired sites than L5178Y-R cells.  相似文献   

To better understand the basis for the difference in radiosensitivity between the variant murine leukemic lymphoblast cell lines L5178Y-R (resistant) and L5178Y-S (sensitive), the production and repair of DNA damage after X irradiation were measured by the DNA alkaline and neutral elution techniques. The initial yield of single-strand DNA breaks and the rates of their repair were found to be the same in both cell lines by the DNA alkaline elution technique. Using the technique of neutral DNA elution, L5178Y-S cells exhibited slightly increased double-strand breakage immediately after irradiation, most significantly at lower doses (i.e., less than 10 Gy). Nevertheless, even at doses that yielded equal initial double-strand breakage of both cell lines, the survival of L5178Y-S cells was significantly less than that of L5178Y-R cells. When the technique of neutral DNA elution was employed to measure the kinetics of DNA double-strand break repair, both cell lines exhibited biphasic fast and slow components of repair. However, the double-strand repair rate was much lower in the radiosensitive L5178Y-S cells than in the L5178Y-R cells (T1/2 of 60 vs 16 min). This difference was more pronounced in the fast-repair component. These results suggest that the repair of double-strand DNA breaks is an important factor determining the radiosensitivity of L5178Y cells.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling ability was assayed following irradiation in two cell lines of differing radiosensitivity, L5178Y-S (LY-S) and L5178Y-R (LY-R). Cells treated with NaCl and Triton X-100 were exposed to increasing concentrations of the fluorescent, DNA-intercalating dye, propidium iodide (PI), and the diameter of the resulting fluorescent halo of DNA was measured. As the PI concentration was increased from 0.5 to 5 micrograms/ml, halo diameter increased from 20-25 to 45-55 microns due to the unwinding of the DNA supercoils. This process was similar for both cell lines under all conditions studied. As the PI concentration was increased to 50 micrograms/ml, the halo rewound to a diameter of 25-30 microns in unirradiated cells from both lines. However, following exposure to 3-12 Gy of 137Cs gamma rays, the ability of the DNA to be rewound was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. Rewinding inhibition was greater in LY-S cells than in LY-R cells. Since the induction of DNA damage (e.g., single-strand DNA breaks) appears to be the same for both cell lines, this result implies that a similar extent of damage results in a greater loss of topological constraints on the DNA loops in LY-S. Such a change might be related to the protein composition of the nucleoid cores. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that nucleoids from LY-S cells were missing a 55-kDa protein present in LY-R.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the response of L5178Y-S (radiosensitive, LY-S) and L517SY-R (radioresistant, LY-R) lymphoblasts to X-irradiation with concomittant treatment with divalent cation ionophore, A23187 (3 h or 5 h, 5 µg/ml). Cells treated with A23187 alone progressed through the cell cycle more slowly than the untreated cells and their cloning efficiency was reduced. In both cell strains the ionophore prolonged duration of the postirradiation mitotic delay. Radiation-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis was reversed by A23187 in LY-S but not in LY-R cells.Cells subjected to the ionophore treatment survived X-irradiation in almost the same way as untreated cells, as if the effect of A23187 treatment were reversed by irradiation. There was also a reversion in the ion content: A23187 caused a marked increase in Na+ content and a decrease in K+ content, irradiation itself did not change the ion content, whereas in the A23187-treated cells it restored almost the same pattern as that found in the control cells. We found less Mg2+ ions in LY-S cells after treatment with A23187 and A23187 + X than in LY-R cells, in relation to untreated (control) cells. These observations point to the possible importance of ion transport for recovery from radiation damage.  相似文献   

Heating L5178Y cells for 15 min at 43 degrees C caused a decrease in [3H]thymidine incorporation, which could be reversed by post-treatment with 0.75 mM caffeine in an L5178Y-S (radiation-sensitive, heat-resistant) but not in an L5178Y-R (radiation-resistant, heat-sensitive) strain. The reversal was accompanied by a sparing effect of the treatment: survival of L5178Y-S cells increased by a factor of 1.5. The effect of combined (heat + caffeine) treatment of L5178Y-R cells was cumulative.  相似文献   

Mouse lymphoma L5178 Y-S and Y-R cells differing in radiosensitivity by 1.5 times were treated with benzamide, an inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribosylation), for 24 h before and 18 h after X-irradiation, and incubated after irradiation at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. Clonogenic capacity of LY-S cells incubated at 25 degrees C exceeded that of the same cells incubated at 37 degrees C; the clonogenic capacity of LY-R cells did not vary with the postirradiation incubation temperature. Benzamide increased equally the radiosensitivity of LY-R cells incubated at both temperatures, whereas that of LY-S cells was only increased at 37 degrees C. Repair of potentially lethal damages to LY-S cells incubated at 25 degrees C was independent of the effectiveness of poly(ADP-ribosylation).  相似文献   

Summary We examined, by the fluorescent halo assay, alterations in the nucleoid structure (structure formed from cells under mild lysis conditions: in non-ionic detergent TritonX-100, 0.0005% and 1.5 mol/1 NaCl) of L5178Y (LY) cell sublines which had been untreated, treated with reducing/chelating agents (ß-mercaptoethanol or sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate (DDTC(Na))) or X-irradiated. These sublines differ in radiation sensitivity: LY-R is more resistant (D 0 = 1.1 Gy) and LY-S more sensitive (D 0 = 0.5 Gy). Halo diameters were measured after cell lysis in the presence of propidium iodide (PI)(0.5 to 50 µg/ml) at pH 6.9 or 9. The maximal DNA unwinding in PI was obtained at 7.5 µg/ml PI, at both pH 6.9 and 9 in both sublines; the maximal halo diameter was larger in LY-S than in LY-R cells. In nucleoids from both sublines DNA could be rewound at higher (10–50 µ/ml) PI concentrations both at pH 6.9 and 9. This ability was impaired by mercaptoethanol or DDTC(Na) (at pH 9) or by X-irradiation, indicating damage and/or alteration in the DNA superhelical structure. The susceptibility to reducing/chelating agents was greater in LY-S than in LY-R nucleoids, pointing to differences in chromatin structure between these sublines. The amount of X-ray-inflicted damage was higher, when measured at pH 9 than at pH 6.9 and was about twice larger in LY-S than in LY-R nucleoids, when the cells were irradiated with the same X-ray dose.From analogies between the behaviour of nucleoids under the above-described conditions and nucleoid type I and II sedimentation, as examined by Lebkowski and Laemmli (1982) we conclude that damage at two levels of DNA folding is measured at pH 6.9 and 9.  相似文献   



Efficient and correct repair of DNA damage, especially DNA double-strand breaks, is critical for cellular survival. Defects in the DNA repair may lead to cell death or genomic instability and development of cancer. Non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) is the major repair pathway for DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells. The ability of other repair pathways, such as homologous recombination, to compensate for loss of NHEJ and the ways in which contributions of different pathways are regulated are far from fully understood.  相似文献   

The activity of the mitosis-promoting kinase CDC2-cyclin B is normally suppressed in S phase and G2 by inhibitory phosphorylation at Thr14 and Tyr15. This work explores the possibility that these phosphorylations are responsible for the G2 arrest that occurs in human cells after DNA damage. HeLa cell lines were established in which CDC2AF, a mutant that cannot be phosphorylated at Thr14 and Tyr15, was expressed from a tetracycline-repressible promoter. Expression of CDC2AF did not induce mitotic events in cells arrested at the beginning of S phase with DNA synthesis inhibitors, but induced low levels of premature chromatin condensation in cells progressing through S phase and G2. Expression of CDC2AF greatly reduced the G2 delay that resulted when cells were X- irradiated in S phase. However, a significant G2 delay was still observed and was accompanied by high CDC2-associated kinase activity. Expression of wild-type CDC2, or the related kinase CDK2AF, had no effect on the radiation-induced delay. Thus, inhibitory phosphorylation of CDC2, as well as additional undefined mechanisms, delay mitosis after DNA damage.  相似文献   

Human and rodent cells proficient and deficient in non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) were irradiated with X rays, 70 keV/microm carbon ions, and 200 keV/microm iron ions, and the biological effects on these cells were compared. For wild-type CHO and normal human fibroblast (HFL III) cells, exposure to iron ions yielded the lowest cell survival, followed by carbon ions and then X rays. NHEJ-deficient xrs6 (a Ku80 mutant of CHO) and 180BR human fibroblast (DNA ligase IV mutant) cells showed similar cell survival for X and carbon-ion irradiation (RBE = approximately 1.0). This phenotype is likely to result from a defective NHEJ protein because xrs6-hamKu80 cells (xrs6 cells corrected with the wild-type KU80 gene) exhibited the wild-type response. At doses higher than 1 Gy, NHEJ-defective cells showed a lower level of survival with iron ions than with carbon ions or X rays, possibly due to inactivation of a radioresistant subpopulation. The G(1) premature chromosome condensation (PCC) assay with HFL III cells revealed LET-dependent impairment of repair of chromosome breaks. Additionally, iron-ion radiation induced non-repairable chromosome breaks not observed with carbon ions or X rays. PCC studies with 180BR cells indicated that the repair kinetics after exposure to carbon and iron ions behaved similarly for the first 6 h, but after 24 h the curve for carbon ions approached that for X rays, while the curve for iron ions remained high. These chromosome data reflect the existence of a slow NHEJ repair phase and severe biological damage induced by iron ions. The auto-phosphorylation of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunits (DNA-PKcs), an essential NHEJ step, was delayed significantly by high-LET carbon- and iron-ion radiation compared to X rays. This delay was further emphasized in NHEJ-defective 180BR cells. Our results indicate that high-LET radiation induces complex DNA damage that is not easily repaired or is not repaired by NHEJ even at low radiation doses such as 2 Gy.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper we described the properties of nucleoids analyzed with the fluorescent halo assay at pH 6.9 and 9, as well as in the presence of reducing and chelating agents and after X-irradiation. We found analogies between the properties of type I and II nucleoids, as examined by Lebkowski and Laemmli (1982), and nucleoids analyzed with the fluorescent halo assay. We concluded that radiation-inflicted damage at two levels of DNA folding is measured at pH 6.9 and 9. In this paper we examined repair of damage to the nucleoid structure as assayed by the fluorescent halo method in X-irradiated L5178Y (LY) sublines; R (radiation resistant,D 0=1.4 Gy) and S (radiation sensitive,D 0=0.5 Gy). Halo diameters were measured after cell lysis in the presence of propidium iodide (PI; 0.5 to 50 µg/ml) at pH 6.9 and 9. The ability of DNA to be rewound at 10–50 µg/ml of PI was impaired by X-irradiation and partly restored during 90-min post-irradiation incubation, indicating damage to the superhelical structure and its partial restoration. The exponential time constants for repair were 10.1 min (LY-S, 6 Gy), 11.2 min (LY-R, 12 Gy), and 20.3 min (LY-s, 12 Gy) when measured at pH 9. In X-irradiated (12 Gy) LY-S cells, slower restoration of DNA supercoiling was observed at pH 9 than at pH 6.9. The presence of labile lesions at pH 9 did not prevent restoration of the higher-order DNA structure, as estimated from DNA rewinding at pH 6.9 in LY-S cells.Work performed at SUNY-Health Science Center at Brooklyn  相似文献   

Chovanec M  Wilson TE 《DNA Repair》2007,6(12):1890-1893
Non-homologous end-joining is an important pathway for repairing DNA double-strand breaks. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two proteins, Nej1/Lif2 and Ntr1/Spp382, which play a role in restricting the activity of Dnl4-Lif1, the complex that executes the final ligation step of this process.  相似文献   

Reduction of radiation-induced G2 arrest by caffeine.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R Rowley 《Radiation research》1992,129(2):224-227
A large number of studies have been undertaken in an attempt to define the mechanism by which caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) reduces the duration of radiation-induced arrest of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. These studies are summarized and those agents which mimic the action of caffeine are listed in the order of their potency. This ranking does not match any activities of these agents described previously, but provides a comparison for future studies, which might profitably include measurement of the ability of these agents to inhibit protein kinases.  相似文献   

Topoisomerases class II (topoII) cleave and re-ligate the DNA double helix to allow the passage of an intact DNA strand through it. Chemotherapeutic drugs such as etoposide target topoII, interfere with the normal enzymatic cleavage/re-ligation reaction and create a DNA double-strand break (DSB) with the enzyme covalently bound to the 5'-end of the DNA. Such DSBs are repaired by one of the two major DSB repair pathways, non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination. However, prior to repair, the covalently bound topoII needs to be removed from the DNA end, a process requiring the MRX complex and ctp1 in fission yeast. CtIP, the mammalian ortholog of ctp1, is known to promote homologous recombination by resecting DSB ends. Here, we show that human cells arrested in G0/G1 repair etoposide-induced DSBs by NHEJ and, surprisingly, require the MRN complex (the ortholog of MRX) and CtIP. CtIP's function for repairing etoposide-induced DSBs by NHEJ in G0/G1 requires the Thr-847 but not the Ser-327 phosphorylation site, both of which are needed for resection during HR. This finding establishes that CtIP promotes NHEJ of etoposide-induced DSBs during G0/G1 phase with an end-processing function that is distinct to its resection function.  相似文献   


DNA double-strand breaks are highly toxic DNA lesions that cause genomic instability, if not efficiently repaired. RecQ helicases are a family of highly conserved proteins that maintain genomic stability through their important roles in several DNA repair pathways, including DNA double-strand break repair. Double-strand breaks can be repaired by homologous recombination (HR) using sister chromatids as templates to facilitate precise DNA repair, or by an HR-independent mechanism known as non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) (error-prone). NHEJ is a non-templated DNA repair process, in which DNA termini are directly ligated. Canonical NHEJ requires DNA-PKcs and Ku70/80, while alternative NHEJ pathways are DNA-PKcs and Ku70/80 independent. This review discusses the role of RecQ helicases in NHEJ, alternative (or back-up) NHEJ (B-NHEJ) and microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ) in V(D)J recombination, class switch recombination and telomere maintenance.  相似文献   

Clustered lesions are defined as two lesions within 20 bps and are generated in DNA by ionizing radiation. In vitro studies and work in bacteria have shown that attempted repair of two closely opposed lesions can result in the formation of double strand breaks (DSBs). Since mammalian cells can repair DSBs by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), we hypothesized that NHEJ would repair DSBs formed during the removal of clustered tetrahydrofurans (furans). However, two opposing furans situated 2, 5 or 12 bps apart in a firefly luciferase reporter plasmid caused a decrease in luciferase activity in wild-type, Ku80 or DNA-PKcs-deficient cells, indicating the generation of DSBs. Loss of luciferase activity was maximal at 5 bps apart and studies using siRNA implicate the major AP endonuclease in the initial cleavage. Since NHEJ-deficient cells had equivalent luciferase activity to their isogenic wild-type cells, NHEJ was not involved in accurate repair of clustered lesions. However, quantitation and examination of re-isolated DNA showed that damage-containing plasmids were inaccurately repaired by Ku80-dependent, as well as Ku80-independent mechanisms. This work indicates that not even NHEJ can completely prevent the conversion of clustered lesions to potentially lethal DSBs, so demonstrating the biological relevance of ionizing radiation-induced clustered damage.  相似文献   

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