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Distribution of fiber types in locomotory muscles of dogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The distribution of Type I and Type II fibers, as determined from histochemical estimation of myofibrillar ATPase activity, was studied within and among the locomotory muscles of the forelimb, trunk, and hindlimb of three mongrel dogs. All Type II fibers had high oxidative capacities as estimated from the histochemical assay for reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase, so they were not further divided into subpopulations. Furthermore, Type I and Type II fibers had similar oxidative potentials as indicated by both histochemistry and biochemistry. Type I fiber populations ranged between 14% and 100% in the muscles sampled. The highest percentages of Type I fibers were found in deep muscles of physiological extensor groups in the arm and thigh that serve to resist gravity (antigravity muscles) when the dog is in the quadrupedal standing position. More superficial muscles in these same groups had fewer Type I fibers. The patterns of Type I fiber distribution among muscles in the antigravity groups of the forearm and leg were the opposite of those in the arm and thigh, with the more superficial muscles of the distal limb segments having more Type I fibers than the deeper muscles. In all limb segments, muscle groups that do not serve to resist gravity did not show as much intermuscular variation. Type I fiber populations in these muscles did not exceed 50%. A stratification of fiber types also existed within muscles, both in extensor and flexor groups, with the deeper portions of the muscles having more Type I fibers than the more superficial portions.  相似文献   

The activity of inspiratory and expiratory motor units (MU) has been studied. The statistical data indicate that the recruitment of expiratory motoneurons is slower and more uniform than the recruitment of the inspiratory motoneurons. Most of the expiratory motoneurons showed inhibition shortly before the start of the inspiratory phase. Data are given on other characteristics of the activity and segmental location of both groups of motoneurons. It is postulated that the changes in the MU activity at the beginning and the end of the respiratory period and the coincidence in the extremal activity values of the antagonistic groups are attributable to supraspinal influences.Information Transmission Problems Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 289–295, May–June, 1970.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional organization of the motor end plates in the red, white and intermediate striated muscle fibers of the rat intercostal muscle was observed under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope after removal of connective tissue components by HCl hydrolysis.The motor endplate of the white fiber had terminal branches (or axon terminals), which were large, long and thin, and small but numerous nerve swellings (or terminal boutons). The motor endplate of the red fiber had terminal branches, which were small, short and thick, and had large but fewer nerve swellings. The motor endplate of the intermediate fiber was intermediate in size and structure between these two. In detached nerve-ending preparations, primary synaptic grooves with slit-like openings of the junctional folds appeared on the surface of the muscle fibers. The primary synaptic grooves were more developed in the white fiber than in the red fiber, and they were intermediate in the intermediate fiber. The numerical ratio of slit-like openings was 11.83.5 in the red, intermediate and white fiber, respectively.The Schwann cells and their processes were observed on the surface of the motor endplate, with the processes covering the upper orifices of the primary synaptic grooves and sealing the terminal branches. The number of Schwann cells was usually three in the white fiber, two in the intermediate fiber and one in the red fiber.  相似文献   

Summary We used the histochemical stain for ATPase to compare the fiber-type composition of rat internal and external intercostal muscles from thoracic (T) segments 2–5, 8, and 11. At each level, type II fibers were more numerous than type I fibers, type II B fibers were more numerous than II A fibers, and type I fibers were more numerous in external than in internal intercostals. However, fiber type composition varied from segment to segment. For example, the proportion of type II A fibers increased in a rostrocaudal gradient in internal but not external intercostals, and type I fibers were more prevalent at rostral and caudal than at intermediate levels in both internal and external intercostals. These results provide a basis for interpreting previous physiological and molecular studies which have compared intercostal muscles from different segmental levels.  相似文献   

Cross-reinnervation studies performed ex ovo with newly hatched chicks demonstrate that peripheral motor neurons control the phenotypic characteristics of avian muscles. The present experiments were designed to determine whether or not nerves play a similar role during the initial expression of muscle fiber types. Previous experiments indicated that differentiation of specific fiber types occurs during the first week of embryogenesis, temporally coincident with the penetration of nerves within muscle masses. These observations suggested that peripheral nerves may be associated with the initial differentiation of fiber types. To test this hypothesis directly, anterior limb buds of the chick embryo were rendered aneurogenic by deletion of the brachial segment of the neural tube. To ensure a completely aneurogenic environment for developing brachial muscles, surgery was performed at day 2 in ovo before the exit of ventral root fibers. Experimental and control embryos from Stage (St) 25 (4.5 d) through St 45 (19d) were analyzed histochemically by a silver-cholinesterase reaction to detect nerves and by the myosin ATPase reaction, following alkali and acid preincubation, to determine the fiber type composition of the muscles. In addition, the total volume of aneurogenic and control muscles was compared. Results demonstrate that the characteristic myosin ATPase profiles of individual aneurogenic and innervated (control) muscles were identical throughout the entire period analyzed. Therefore, we conclude that these enzymic profiles are endogenously expressed and are not under neuronal control during early embryogenesis. Furthermore, the entire sequence of events from the migration of myogenic cells to the anterior limb bud through the division of the primary muscle masses to form individual brachial muscles proceeded on schedule in the absence of nerves. Since the growth of aneurogenic muscles was impaired, we conclude that during embryogenesis peripheral motor nerves are necessary initially for the proper growth of muscles and ultimately, for their survival. They are not involved, however, with either the initial formation or initial differentiation of individual brachial muscles.  相似文献   

1. A histochemical study using myosin ATPase, succinate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase reactions and a morphometric analysis with image analyser, was carried out in sartorius and gastrocnemius muscles of two anuran species, Rana perezi and Bufo calamita, that show different locomotor activities. 2. Four types of muscle fiber were found. There were interspecific variations in their proportions, with a predominance of oxidative muscle fibers in Bufo calamita. 3. These results agree with those obtained previously for the metabolic profile of several tissues from both species and point to a clear metabolic basis for the differences in locomotor activities between these two species.  相似文献   

The differentiation of distinct myotube fiber types in chick limb muscle development is coincident with innervation. The role of motoneurons in influencing fiber type differentiation was analyzed by causing chick hind limb muscles to be innervated by inappropriate motoneurons and then examining experimental muscles for changes in the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types. Motoneuron innervation of limb muscles was altered by performing either limb shifts, limb reversals, or large spinal cord reversals on early neural tube or limb bud stage chick embryos. The distribution of fiber types was then analyzed in muscles from stage 36 (E10) to stage 45 (E20) embryos after processing hind limb sections for myosin ATPase histochemistry. In the majority of experimental muscles examined (267/312), the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types was unaltered. In the remaining experimental muscles (14%), alterations in the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types occurred, indicating that in some cases, foreign innervation may alter the developmental program of differentiating myotubes. The results suggest that myotubes differentiate myosin ATPase staining characteristics according to an intrinsic program and that these differentiating myotubes are selectively innervated by motoneurons of the appropriate type under most conditions including normal development. Under exceptional circumstances of motoneuron-muscle fiber type mismatch, embryonic motoneurons can alter fiber type expression.  相似文献   

Patterns of intercostal muscle activity in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coordination of activity of inspiratory intercostal muscles in conscious human subjects was studied by means of an array of electromyograph (EMG) electrodes. Bipolar fine wire electrodes were placed in the second and fourth parasternal intercostal muscles and in two or three external intercostal muscles in the midaxillary line from the fourth to eighth intercostal spaces. Subjects breathed quietly or rebreathed from a bag containing 8% CO2 in O2 in both supine and upright postures. Respiration was monitored by means of flow, volume, and separate rib cage and abdominal volumes. Onset of EMG activity in each breath was found near the beginning of inspiration in the uppermost intercostal spaces but progressively later in inspiration in lower spaces, indicating that activity spreads downward across the rib cage through inspiration. At higher ventilation stimulated by CO2, activity spread further and faster downward. In voluntary deep breathing, external intercostal muscles tended to be recruited earlier in inspiration than in CO2-stimulated breathing. The change from supine to sitting resulted in small and inconsistent changes. There was no lung volume or rib cage volume threshold for appearance of EMG activity in any of the spaces.  相似文献   

Distribution of myosin isoenzymes among skeletal muscle fiber types.   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
Using an immunocytochemical approach, we have demonstrated a preferential distribution of myosin isoenzymes with respect to the pattern of fiber types in skeletal muscles of the rat. In an earlier study, we had shown that fluorescein-labeled antibody against "white" myosin from the chicken pectoralis stained all the white, intermediate and about half the red fibers of the rat diaphragm, a fast-twitch muscle (Gauthier and Lowey, 1977). We have now extended this study to include antibodies prepared against the "head" (S1) and "rod" portions of myosin, as well as the alkali- and 5,5'dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB)-light chains. Antibodies capable of distinguishing between alkali 1 and alkali 2 type myosin were also used to localize these isoenzymes in the same fast muscle. We observed, by both direct and indirect immunofluorescence, that the same fibers which had reacted previously with antibodies against white myosin reacted with antibodies to the proteolytic subfragments and to the low molecular-weight subunits of myosin. These results confirm our earlier conclusion that the myosins of the reactive fibers in rat skeletal muscle are sufficiently similar to share antigenic determinants. The homology, furthermore, is not confined to a limited region of the myosin molecule, but includes the head and rod portions and all classes of light chains. Despite the similarities, some differences exist in the protein compositions of these fibers: antibodies to S1 did not stain the reactive (fast) red fiber as strongly as they did the white and intermediate fibers. Non-uniform staining was also observed with antibodies specific for A2 myosin; the fast red fiber again showed weaker fluorescence than did the other reactive fibers. These results could indicate a variable distribution of myosin isoenzymes according to their alkali-light chain composition among fiber types. Alternatively, there may exist yet another myosin isoenzyme which is localized in the fast red fiber. Those red fibers which did not react with any of the antibodies to pectoralis myosin, did react strongly with an antibody against myosin isolated from the anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD), a slow red muscle of the chicken. The myosin in these fibers (slow red fibers) is, therefore, distinct from the other myosin isoenzymes. In the rat soleus, a slow-twitch muscle, the majority of the fibers reacted only with antibody against ALD myosin. A minority, however, reacted with antiboddies to pectoralis as well as ALD myosin, which indicates that both fast and slow myosin can coexist within the same fiber of a normal adult muscle. These immunocytochemical studies have emphasized that a wide range of isoenzymes may contribute to the characteristic physiological properties of individual fiber types in a mixed muscle.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of motoneurons innervating specific types of muscle fibers in the levator scapulae superior (LSS) muscle complex of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) were studied by retrograde labelling with cholera toxin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (CT-HRP). The LSS muscle complex in both of these amphibians has a segregated pattern of muscle-fiber types (tonic; fast oxidative-glycolytic twitch [FOG]; fast glycolytic twitch [FG]) along an anteroposterior axis. The entire motor pool was labelled by injection of CT-HRP into the whole LSS muscle complex. The motoneurons innervating specific fiber types were labelled by injection of CT-HRP into certain muscle regions. The organization of the motoneuron pool of the LSS complex of both species was arranged in two columns—one ventrolateral and one medial. In bullfrogs, the ventrolateral column contains motoneurons innervating FG and tonic fiber types and the medial column contains motoneurons innervating FOG fiber types. In tiger salamanders, the ventrolateral column contains motoneurons innervating FG fiber types and the medial column contains motoneurons innervating FOG and tonic fiber types. The different motoneuron types also have different soma sizes and patterns of dendritic arborization. In both species, FG motoneurons are the largest, whereas FOG motoneurons are intermediate in size and tonic motoneurons are the smallest. In bullfrogs, the main dendrites of FG motoneurons extend into the dorsolateral and the ventrolateral gray matter of the spinal cord, whereas the dendrites of FOG motoneurons extend into the ventral and medial cord. In the tiger salamander, dendrites of FG motoneurons extend into the ventrolateral spinal cord and dendrites of the FOG motoneurons extend more generally into the ventral cord. Dendrites of tonic motoneurons in both amphibians were small and short, and difficult to observe. These results establish that motoneurons innervating different types of muscle fibers in the LSS muscle complex are segregated spatially and display consistent morphological differences. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We used the histochemical stain for ATPase to compare the fiber-type composition of rat internal and external intercostal muscles from thoracic (T) segments 2-5, 8, and 11. At each level, type II fibers were more numerous than type I fibers, type II B fibers were more numerous than II A fibers, and type I fibers were more numerous in external than in internal intercostals. However, fiber type composition varied from segment to segment. For example, the proportion of type II A fibers increased in a rostrocaudal gradient in internal but not external intercostals, and type I fibers were more prevalent at rostral and caudal than at intermediate levels in both internal and external intercostals. These results provide a basis for interpreting previous physiological and molecular studies which have compared intercostal muscles from different segmental levels.  相似文献   

On 15 skeletal muscles with different functional profile (flexors and extensors, trunk muscles and muscles of the head) and different embryonic origin (somatic and visceral), it has been shown that muscles of R. temporaria are mixed. Muscle fibers are divided into three groups which differ in the content of lipids, the activity of succinic dehydrogenase and localization of myofibrils on a cross section. On the basis of the data obtained and those in literature, these fiber groups are qualified as phasic, tonic and transitional (slow phasic) ones. Both phasic and tonic fiber groups are uniform, whereas transitional fibers form a broad specturm. Most of the muscles studied contain all the three types of fibers. In muscles of the extremities (especially in flexors), tonic fibers together with transitional ones usually form more or less compact bundles. The highest content of tonic and transitional fibers was found in muscles which do not directly participate in locomotion. If muscles contain only two types of fibers (phasic and transitional ones), these fibers form a mosaic structure.  相似文献   

Infant suckling is a complex behavior that includes cycles of rhythmic sucking as well as intermittent swallows. This behavior has three cycle types: 1) suck cycles, when milk is obtained from the teat and moved posteriorly into the valleculae in the oropharynx; 2) suck-swallow cycles, which include both a rhythmic suck and a pharyngeal swallow, where milk is moved out of the valleculae, past the larynx, and into the esophagus; and 3) postswallow suck cycles, immediately following the suck-swallow cycles. Because muscles controlling these behaviors are active in all three types of cycles, we tested the hypothesis that different patterns of electromyographic (EMG) activity in the mylohyoid, hyoglossus, stylohyoid, and thyrohyoid muscles of the pig characterized each cycle type. Anterior mylohyoid EMG activity occurred regularly in every cycle and was used as a cycle marker. Thyrohyoid activity, indicating the pharyngeal swallow, was immediately preceded by increased stylohyoid and hyoglossus activity; it divided the suck-swallow cycle into two phases. Timed from the onset of the suck-swallow cycle, the first phase had a relatively fixed duration while the duration of the second phase, timed from the thyrohyoid, varied directly with cycle duration. In short-duration cycles, the second phase could have a zero duration so that thyrohyoid activity extended into the postswallow cycle. In such cycles, all swallowing activity that occurred after the thyrohyoid EMG and was associated with bolus passage through the pharynx fell into the postswallow cycle. These data suggest that while the activity of some muscles, innervated by trigeminal and cervical plexus nerves, may be time locked to the cycle onset in swallowing, the cycle period itself is not. The postswallow cycle consequently contains variable amounts of pharyngeal swallowing EMG activity. The results exemplify the complexity of the relationship between rhythmic sucking and the swallow.  相似文献   

The cat hindlimb contains several long, biarticular strap muscles composed of parallel muscle fascicles that attach to short tendons. Three of these muscles--sartorius, tenuissimus, and semitendinosus--were studied by dissecting individual gold-stained fibers and determining the surface distribution of acetylcholinesterase-stained end-plate zones. In each muscle, fascicles were composed of muscle fibers that ran only part of the fascicle length and tapered to end as fine strands that interdigitated with other tapering fibers within the muscle mass. Most muscle fibers measured 2-3 cm in length. Fascicles of muscle fibers were crossed by short transverse bands of endplates (1 mm wide by 1-5 mm long) that were spaced at fairly regular intervals from the origin to the insertion of the muscle. The endplate pattern suggested that the fiber fascicles were organized into multiple longitudinal strips. In the sartorius, the temporospatial distribution of electromyographic (EMG) activity evoked by stimulating fine, longitudinal branches of the parent nerve confirmed that each strip was selectively innervated by a small subset of the motor axons. These axons appeared to distribute their endings throughout the entire length of the fascicles, providing for synchronous activation of their in-series fibers.  相似文献   

It is envisaged that the motor control of the intercostal musculature--an assembly of mobile structures--can be characterized in terms of a conceptual spatially continuous control function, that underlies the discretely distributed muscular activity and reflects an inferred global dynamic control of the thoracic cage during breathing. The global control function is estimated by the spatio-temporal pattern obtained by averaging in time and space and interpolation of multichannel simultaneous intercostal EMG recording in the anaesthetized cat. Different examples of the experimental preparation in the presence of stimuli of different kinds are analysed. The resultant signal patterns are found to be self-consistent and capable of exhibiting systematically differing features in systematically differing experimental conditions, thus supporting the validity of the analysis and the choice of the estimator. It is concluded that a more detailed analysis of the requirements of this approach is then warranted. Such requirements are discussed, and, specifically, results that bear on the adequacy of spatial sampling rate are presented. It is suggested that such methods offer a promising approach in the study of motor control strategies of the respiratory apparatus.  相似文献   

In the present study, we measured fiber types and fiber diameters in canine respiratory muscles and examined regional variation within the diaphragm. Samples of eight diaphragm regions, internal intercostals, external intercostals, transversus abdominis, and triceps brachii were removed from eight adult mongrel dogs, frozen, and histochemically processed for standard fiber type and fiber diameter determinations. The respiratory muscles were composed of types I and IIa fibers; no IIb fibers were identified. Fiber composition differed between muscles (P less than 0.0001). Normal type I percent (+/- SE) were: diaphragm 46 +/- 2, external intercostal 85 +/- 6, internal intercostals 48 +/- 3, transversus abdominis 53 +/- 1, and triceps 33 +/- 7. The diaphragm also contained a type I subtype [6 +/- 1% (SE)] previously thought only to occur in developing muscle. Fiber composition varied between diaphragm regions (P less than 0.01). Most notably, left medial crus contained 64% type I fibers. Fiber size also varied systematically among muscles (P less than 0.025) and diaphragm regions (P less than 0.0005). External intercostal fiber diameter was largest (47-50 microns) and diaphragm was smallest (34 microns). Within diaphragm, crural fibers were larger than costal (P less than 0.05). We conclude that there are systematic differences in fiber composition and fiber diameter of the canine respiratory muscles.  相似文献   

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