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为研究应用PCR技术进行家蚕核型多角体病毒广东株的敏感性检验以及探讨不同地理株系的基因水平的相互关系,本文通过对家蚕核型多角体病毒BmNPV广东株的人工繁殖与纯化,引用了一对根据多角体蛋白基因设计的引物phy35/phy36,对BmNPV的基因组模板DNA进行了PCR扩增,并对其产物进行测序分析.结果显示,PCR技术均可扩增检测出3×108个/mL至3×102个/mL不同浓度的BmNPV模板DNA,特异目标片段大小约为680 bp,且扩增带的亮度随着病毒液浓度的降低而减弱,说明应用引物phy35/phy36进行PCR方法可以有效地应用于检测BmNPV病毒感染的家蚕.同时,测序获得了BmNPV广东株多角体蛋白polyhedrin基因674 bp大小的片段,GC含量为46.4%.经过BLAST比对分析,与BmNPV泰国株的相似性为99%,暗示家蚕BmNPV广东株与泰国株的BmNPV (登录号AY779044)亲缘关系非常相近,两者可能属于BmNPV的不同地理株系.通过系统发育树的进一步分析发现,家蚕核型多角体病毒广东株polyhedrin基因部分序列与家蚕NPV分离株S9多角体蛋白基因(DQ231336)关系很近.  相似文献   

报道了将乙型肝炎病毒(adr亚型)S区基因(共681nt)克隆于家蚕核型多角体病毒的基因组中,并将其导入家蚕细胞,通过多轮筛选得到纯的重组家蚕杆状病毒,用该病毒接种家蚕,初步证明能够得到乙肝表面抗原的高效表达,在家蚕幼虫的血淋巴和蛹体中其用PRHA法检测的滴度可达1∶4096。  相似文献   

家蚕核型多角体病毒水平转移基因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Duan HR  Qiu DB  Gong CL  Huang ML 《遗传》2011,33(6):636-647
为了探讨杆状病毒基因组的遗传进化模式,文章利用家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)和其宿主家蚕全基因组数据,进行了全基因组的同源性搜索和系统进化分析,结果显示,BmNPV的几丁质酶(Chi)基因、凋亡抑制蛋白3(IAP3)基因和尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖转移酶(UGT)基因为水平转移基因。这3个基因都来源于其宿主昆虫。通过核苷酸组成、密码子偏好性、选择压力等基因特征分析,发现BmNPV水平转移基因与其基因组序列存在明显差异,进一步验证水平转移基因的外源性。对3个水平转移基因的功能分析发现它们有利于杆状病毒在宿主昆虫中的侵染与繁殖,并提高杆状病毒在昆虫中的生存能力。  相似文献   

本研究工作用空斑技术纯化了遗传上均一的家蚕核型多角体病毒大方块包涵体株—NPVmt,而且用这种方法可以精确的进行病毒定量。通过病理学、血清学、电镜、核酸呈色反应以及NPVmt-DNA的核酸内切酶EcoRI、XbaI、BamHI的分析,在同条件下与Bm SNPV作了比较,表明NPVmt不仅包涵体突变成大方块形,而且在基因组的结构水平上与Bm SNPV有显著差异。  相似文献   

家蚕核型多角体病毒(Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus,BmNPV)bm47基因普遍存在于已测序的鳞翅目核型多角体病毒基因组中,是杆状病毒的核心基因之一,但其在病毒复制及转录过程中的具体功能尚未可知。本研究利用Red重组技术在大肠杆菌BW25113中构建了BmNPV的bm47基因缺失型病毒bm47-ko-Bacmid,并利用Bac-to-Bac系统构建了bm47基因的补回型病毒bm47-re-Bacmid。然后利用TCID50病毒滴度测定法和荧光定量PCR等方法研究了缺失bm47基因对病毒复制、转录及蛋白表达的影响。结果表明,bm47基因缺失后对病毒基因组的复制水平没有明显的影响;在病毒转染BmN细胞后48h和72h两个时相,bm47基因的缺失导致病毒早期基因lef3、晚期基因vp39以及极晚期基因p10的转录水平均有一定程度的下降。本研究工作将为深入研究BmNPV bm47在病毒复制和基因转录过程中的生物学功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

家蚕核型多角体病毒egt基因的结构和功能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以苜宿银纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)的egt基因作探针,从家蚕核型多角体病毒镇江株(BmNPV ZJ-8)基因组中克隆了egt基因及其旁侧序列,作了该片段的酶切图谱;测定了BmNPV ZJ-8egt基因序列。与AcMNPV的egt基因相比同源性为95%;基因大小都为1518bp。利用egt基因旁侧序列构建了转移载体pUDegt,以绿色荧色光蛋白基因(EGFP)作报告基因取代egt基因,构建  相似文献   

根据棉铃虫单核衣壳核多角体病毒(HasNPV)基因组全序列,设计引物,用PCR的方法扩增得到bro-a、bro-b和bro-c三个全长基因。将这三个基因的片段分别克隆至原核表达载体pProExHTb,经IFTG诱导,在E.coliDH50菌株中得到了目的基因的高效表达。表达的目的蛋白大小分别为32kDa、64kDa和58kDa,经SDS-PAGE分离纯化,免疫新西兰大白兔制备了多克隆抗体。抗体经1:2500倍稀释后用于Westem Blot分析,获得特异性显色信号,所制备的三种抗体适合用作bro基因的功能的进一步研究。  相似文献   

刘艳荷  方继朝 《昆虫学报》2008,51(8):817-823
研究SpltMNPV不同分离株及SpltMNPV分离株与SpliNPV间基因序列的同源性,为SpltMNPV分离株的利用提供理论基础。根据已发表的斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(SpltMNPV)中国株(Zh)基因组全序列(AF527603)和海灰翅夜蛾核型多角体病毒(SpliNPV)Not I-D片段序列(AF527603)设计引物,PCR方法扩增得到SpltMNPV日本福冈株(Fu)、埃及株(Eg)和小笠原株(Og)的ORF39~ORF42和ORF119~ORF124编码区全序列。SpltMNPV不同分离株及SpltMNPV分离株与SpliNPV间基因序列的相似性比较, Zh株和Og株,Eg株、Fu株和SpliNPV的相似性高,而Zh株和Eg株、Fu株或SpliNPV,Og株和Eg株、Fu株或SpliNPV的相似性都比较低。亦即SpltMNPV 3种基因型,B型和C型的同源性高,A型与B型或C型的同源性比较低,但A型与SpliNPV的同源性高;同一基因型内不同分离株(Eg株和Fu株)的同源性高。ETG分子进化分析表明Eg株、Fu株和SpliNPV处于一个分支,而Eg株、Fu株和SpliNPV与Zh株和Og株则处于不同的分支。因此推断Eg株和Fu株为SpliNPV的分离株,而Og株为SpltMNPV的分离株。  相似文献   

家蚕核型多角体病毒的基因组结构及其表达模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴小锋 《病毒学报》2006,22(4):324-328
Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus(BmNPV)是家蚕(Bombyx mori)的重要病原,属于杆状病毒。20世纪80年代后期发展了基于杆状病毒作为载体的昆虫杆状病毒表达系统技术。由于家蚕可以规模化饲养,利用重组的BmNPV以家蚕作为“生物工厂”生产重组蛋白因具有低成本、适合产业化的优点而受到高度重视。BmNPV的分子生物学研究以及作为表达载体的应用在过去十几年间得到了较快发展,本文主要就近年来关于BmNPV的基因组结构及其基因表达模式的研究作一概述。  相似文献   

The blood pathogens of grasserie caused by Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus BmNPV have a serious impact on the sericulture industry. To understand the genetic status of BmNPV endemic strains in the Yunnan sericulture region, the structure and complete genome sequence of BmNPV isolated from Baoshan city of Yunnan Province were described and compared to known strains. The BmNPV-Baoshan isolate was a nucleopolyhedrovirus parasitized in silkworm larvae. Its genome has 128, 452 bp with a G + C content of 40.4%. Phylogenetic analysis clustered the virus with China BmNPV isolates; BmNPV-Baoshan was closely related to BomaNPV-S1 (both strains originated from the same ancestor). BmNPV-Baoshan strain has bro-b gene deletion, hr1 missing 4 repeat units of 30-bp palindrome structure compared to BmNPV-T3 strain. The aim of this study was to elucidate the evolution of the virus further and provide insights for the protection of virus-induced hematologic sepsis.  相似文献   

根据棉铃虫单核衣壳核多角体病毒(HaSNPV)基因组全序列,设计引物,用PCR的方法扩增得到bro-a、bro-b和bro-c三个全长基因.将这三个基因的片段分别克隆至原核表达载体pProExHTb,经IPTG诱导,在E.coli DH50菌株中得到了目的基因的高效表达.表达的目的蛋白大小分别为32kDa、64kDa和58kDa,经SDS-PAGE分离纯化,免疫新西兰大白兔制备了多克隆抗体.抗体经12500倍稀释后用于WestemBlot分析,获得特异性显色信号,所制备的三种抗体适合用作bro基因的功能的进一步研究.  相似文献   

Viruses including baculoviruses are obligatory parasites, as their genomes do not encode all the proteins required for replication. Therefore, viruses have evolved to exploit the behavior and the physiology of their hosts and often eoevolved with their hosts over millions of years. Recent comparative analyses of complete genome sequences of baculoviruses revealed the patterns of gene acquisitions and losses that have occurred during baculovirus evolution. In addition, knowledge of virus genes has also provided understanding of the mechanism of baculovirus infection including replication, species-specific virulence and host range. The Bm8 gene of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) and its homologues are found only in group I NPV genomes. The Autographa californica NPV Acl6 gene is a homologue of Bm8 and, encodes a viral structural protein. It has been shown that Bm8/Ac 16 interacts with baculoviral and cellular proteins. Bm8/Ac 16 interacts with baculoviral IE1 that is facilitated by coiled coil domains, and the interaction with IE1 is important for Bin8 function. Ac16 also forms a complex with viral FP25 and cellular actin and associates with membranes via palmitoylation. These data suggested that this gene family encodes a multifunctional protein that accomplishes specific needs of group INPVs.  相似文献   

王昌河  蒋平  曹林  郭聪 《四川动物》2004,23(4):368-373
目前,家蚕生物反应器的研究和开发主要是以BmNPV为载体,在家蚕体液中表达多种有用蛋白,其表达量比其它生化微生物高出许多倍;但是家蚕绢丝腺细胞表达外源蛋白比家蚕BmNPV表达系统有着更大的优越性。本文综述了家蚕BmNPV表达系统的研究现状及家蚕丝腺反应器表达外源基因的开发前景。  相似文献   

家蚕作为模式生物和鳞翅目昆虫的典型代表,性别决定的分子机制是近年来的研究热点,其分子机制的阐明将为家蚕的雄蚕饲养和害虫的生物防治打下基础.主要对国内外家蚕性别决定、性染色体、家蚕性别决定基因的研究进展进行了综述,并对家蚕性别调控研究中存在的问题进行了分析和展望.  相似文献   

N6-methyladeosine (m6A) plays an important role in virus infection and replication. Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis is caused by Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) infection. Expression levels of m6A-modification-related genes after the infection of BmNPV were detected at first. Then, expression levels of BmNPV nucleocapsid protein gene VP39 and envelope fusion protein gene GP64 after knockdown of METTL3in vitro were quantified to identify the effect of m6A modification on BmNPV. BmNPV firstly infects the larval midgut in case of oral infection. Subsequently, to clarify the relationship between m6A modification and resistance of the silkworm to BmNPV, we detected the expression levels of m6A-modification-related genes invivo before and after infection of BmNPV. The results indicated that low METTL3 level hindered the proliferation of BmNPV to some extent, and silkworm strain with low METTL3 level showed stronger resistance against BmNPV. This study will accumulate new experimental data for elucidating the resistance mechanism of silkworm against BmNPV.  相似文献   

To construct the Bac-to-Bac expression system of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus(BmNPV),a transfer vector was constructed which contained an Escherichia coli(E.coli)mini-F replicon and a lacZ:attTN7:lacZ cassette within the upstream and downstream regions of the BmNPV polyhedrin gene.B.mori larvae were cotransfected with wild-type BmNPV genomic DNA and the transfer vector through subcutaneous injection to generate recombinant viruses by homologous recombination in vivo.The genomic DNA of budded viruses extracted from the hemolymph of the transfected larvae was used to transform E.coli DH10B.Recombinant bacmids were screened by kanamycin resistance,PCR and restriction enzyme(REN)digestion.One of the bacmid colonies,BmBacJS13,which had similar REN profiles to that of wild-type BmNPV,was selected for further research.To investigate the infectivity of BmBacJS13,the polyhedrin gene was introduced into the bacmid and the resultant recombinant(BmBacJS13-ph)was transfected to BmN cells.The budded viruses were collected from the supernatant of the transfected cells and used for infecting BmN cells.Growth curve analysis indicated that BmBacJS13-ph had a similar growth curve to that of wild-type BmNPV.Bio-assays indicated that BmBacJS13-ph was also infectious to B.mori larvae.  相似文献   

Baculovirus-encoded chitinases (V-CHIAs) were first proposed to be acquired from a bacterium via horizontal gene transfer. However, we have recently reported that lepidopteran hosts also encode v-chiA orthologs. Here we describe comparative studies of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) chitinase and its host ortholog, BmChi-h. We constructed recombinant BmNPVs in which native and modified forms of BmChi-h were driven under the polyhedrin promoter and the authentic v-chiA was deleted. Western blot analysis indicated that BmCHI-h was rapidly secreted from virus-infected BmN cells whereas BmNPV CHIA was localized within the virus-infected cells; probably because of the presence of a C-terminal endoplasmic reticulum retention motif on BmNPV CHIA. Enzymological studies showed that BmNPV CHIA was able to retain much higher chitinolytic activity under alkaline conditions. For B. mori larvae infected with v-chiA-deleted BmNPV, the terminal liquefaction of dead larvae and the activation of baculovirus-encoded cysteine protease were not observed, and the introduction of BmChi-h did not rescue these defects. Our findings show that BmNPV chiA possesses unique features that are not shared by host orthologs, which may reflect functional specialization of baculovirus chitinases.  相似文献   

To construct the Bac-to-Bac expression system of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV), a transfer vector was constructed which contained an Escherichia coli (E. coli) mini-F replicon and a lacZ: attTN7: lacZ cassette within the upstream and downstream regions of the BmNPV polyhedrin gene. B. mori larvae were cotransfected with wild-type BmNPV genomic DNA and the transfer vector through subcutaneous injection to generate recombinant viruses by homologous recombination in vivo. The genomic DNA of budded viruses extracted from the hemolymph of the transfected larvae was used to transform E. coli DH10B. Recombinant bacmids were screened by kanamycin resistance, PCR and restriction enzyme (REN) digestion. One of the bacmid colonies, BmBacJS13, which had similar REN profiles to that of wild-type BmNPV, was selected for further research. To investigate the infectivity of BmBacJS13, the polyhedrin gene was introduced into the bacmid and the resultant recombinant (BmBacJS13-ph) was transfected to BmN cells. The budded viruses were collected from the supernatant of the transfected cells and used for infecting BmN cells. Growth curve analysis indicated that BmBacJS13-ph had a similar growth curve to that of wild-type BmNPV. Bio-assays indicated that BmBacJS13-ph was also infectious to B. mori larvae.  相似文献   

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