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A 30-kDa fragment of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (30K-CaMKII) is a constitutively active protein Ser/Thr kinase devoid of autophosphorylation activity. We have produced a chimeric enzyme of 30K-CaMKII (designated CX40-30K-CaMKII), in which the N-terminal 40 amino acids of Xenopus Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I (CX40) were fused to the N-terminal end of 30K-CaMKII. Although CX40-30K-CaMKII exhibited essentially the same substrate specificity as 30K-CaMKII, it underwent significant autophosphorylation. Surprisingly, its autophosphorylation site was found to be Tyr-18 within the N-terminal CX40 region of the fusion protein, although it did not show any Tyr kinase activity toward exogenous substrates. Several lines of evidence suggested that the autophosphorylation occurred via an intramolecular mechanism. These data suggest that even typical Ser/Thr kinases such as 30K-CaMKII can phosphorylate Tyr residues under certain conditions. The possible mechanism of the Tyr residue autophosphorylation is discussed.  相似文献   

We surveyed genome sequences from the basidiomycetous mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea and isolated a cDNA homologous to CMKA, a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) in Aspergillus nidulans. We designated this sequence, encoding 580 amino acids with a molecular weight of 63,987, as CoPK02. CoPK02 possessed twelve subdomains specific to protein kinases and exhibited 43, 35, 40% identity with rat CaMKI, CaMKII, CaMKIV, respectively, and 40% identity with CoPK12, one of the CaMK orthologs in C. cinerea. CoPK02 showed significant autophosphorylation activity and phosphorylated exogenous proteins in the presence of Ca2+/CaM. By the CaM-overlay assay we confirmed that the C-terminal sequence (Trp346-Arg358) was the calmodulin-binding site, and that the binding of Ca2+/CaM to CoPK02 was reduced by the autophosphorylation of CoPK02. Since CoPK02 evolved in a different clade from CoPK12, and showed different gene expression compared to that of CoPK32, which is homologous to mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase, CoPK02 and CoPK12 might cooperatively regulate Ca2+-signaling in C. cinerea.  相似文献   

The paired helical filaments (PHF) found in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain are composed mainly of the hyperphosphorylated form of microtubule-associated protein tau (PHF-tau). It is well known that tau is a good in vitro substrate for Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II). To establish the phosphorylation sites, the longest human tau (hTau40) was bacterially expressed and phosphorylated by CaM kinase II, followed by digestion with lysyl endoprotease. The digests were subjected to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. We found that 5 of 22 identified peptides were phosphorylated. From the tandem mass spectrometry, two phosphorylation sites (serines 262 and 356) were identified in the tubulin binding sites. When tau was phosphorylated by CaM kinase II, the binding of tau to taxol-stabilized microtubules was remarkably impaired. As both serines 262 and 356 are reportedly phosphorylated in PHF-tau, CaM kinase II may be involved in hyperphosphorylation of tau in AD brain.  相似文献   

Using a standard patch-clamp technique in the perforated patch configuration, we studied the effect of a highly specific membrane-permeable inhibitor of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-KII), KN-93, on fast outward A-type potassium current in isolated smooth-muscle cells (SMCs) of an epididymal region of the rat vas deferens. This inhibitor significantly changed the dynamics of the studied current; in particular, it increased the rate of inactivation and considerably slowed down the recovery after inactivation. In the presence of 5 μM KN-93, we observed a moderate (nearly by 20%) decrease in the peak amplitude of fast A-type current. Based on the data obtained, we conclude that voltage-sensitive fast A-type potassium current in SMCs of the epididymal part of the rat vas deferens can be significantly regulated by the activity of CaM-KII. Therefore, by influencing the kinetic characteristics of the above current, this enzyme can be indirectly involved in the control of electrical activity in SMCs. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 419–422, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), the most abundant kinase at the postsynaptic density (PSD), is expected to be involved in activity-induced regulation of synaptic properties. CaMKII is activated when it binds calmodulin in the presence of Ca2+ and, once autophosphorylated on T-286/7, remains active in the absence of Ca2+ (autonomous form). In the present study we used a quantitative mass spectrometric strategy (iTRAQ) to identify sites on PSD components phosphorylated upon CaMKII activation. Phosphorylation in isolated PSDs was monitored under conditions where CaMKII is: (1) mostly inactive (basal state), (2) active in the presence of Ca2+, and (3) active in the absence of Ca2+. The quantification strategy was validated through confirmation of previously described autophosphorylation characteristics of CaMKII. The effectiveness of phosphorylation of major PSD components by the activated CaMKII in the presence and absence of Ca2+ varied. Most notably, autonomous activity in the absence of Ca2+ was more effective in the phosphorylation of three residues on SynGAP. Several PSD scaffold proteins were phosphorylated upon activation of CaMKII. The strategy adopted allowed the identification, for the first time, of CaMKII-regulated sites on SAPAPs and Shanks, including three conserved serine residues near the C-termini of SAPAP1, SAPAP2, and SAPAP3. Involvement of CaMKII in the phosphorylation of PSD scaffold proteins suggests a role in activity-induced structural re-organization of the PSD.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKPase) dephosphorylates and regulates multifunctional Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs). One of the prominent features of CaMKPase is stimulation of phosphatase activity by polycations such as poly-L-lysine (poly(Lys)). Using various polycations, basicity and molecular weight of the polymer proved to be important for the stimulation. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis showed that CaMKIV(T196D), which mimics CaMKPase substrate, and CaMKPase could form tight complexes with poly(Lys). Pull-down binding experiments suggested that the formation of a tightly associated ternary complex consisting of CaMKPase, poly(Lys), and phosphorylated CaMKIV is essential for stimulation. Dilution experiments also supported this contention. Poly(Lys) failed to stimulate a CaMKPase mutant in which a Glu cluster corresponding to residues 101-109 in the N-terminal domain was deleted, and the mutant could not interact with poly(Lys) in the presence of Mn(2+). Thus, the Glu cluster appeared to be the binding site for polycations and to play a pivotal role in the polycation stimulation of CaMKPase activity.  相似文献   

The cardiac Na(+) channel Na(V)1.5 current (I(Na)) is critical to cardiac excitability, and altered I(Na) gating has been implicated in genetic and acquired arrhythmias. Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is up-regulated in heart failure and has been shown to cause I(Na) gating changes that mimic those induced by a point mutation in humans that is associated with combined long QT and Brugada syndromes. We sought to identify the site(s) on Na(V)1.5 that mediate(s) the CaMKII-induced alterations in I(Na) gating. We analyzed both CaMKII binding and CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of the intracellularly accessible regions of Na(V)1.5 using a series of GST fusion constructs, immobilized peptide arrays, and soluble peptides. A stable interaction between δ(C)-CaMKII and the intracellular loop between domains 1 and 2 of Na(V)1.5 was observed. This region was also phosphorylated by δ(C)-CaMKII, specifically at the Ser-516 and Thr-594 sites. Wild-type (WT) and phosphomutant hNa(V)1.5 were co-expressed with GFP-δ(C)-CaMKII in HEK293 cells, and I(Na) was recorded. As observed in myocytes, CaMKII shifted WT I(Na) availability to a more negative membrane potential and enhanced accumulation of I(Na) into an intermediate inactivated state, but these effects were abolished by mutating either of these sites to non-phosphorylatable Ala residues. Mutation of these sites to phosphomimetic Glu residues negatively shifted I(Na) availability without the need for CaMKII. CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of Na(V)1.5 at multiple sites (including Thr-594 and Ser-516) appears to be required to evoke loss-of-function changes in gating that could contribute to acquired Brugada syndrome-like effects in heart failure.  相似文献   

We show that Ca2+/calmodulin(CaM)-dependent protein kinase I (CaMKI) is directly inhibited by its S-glutathionylation at the Cys179. In vitro studies demonstrated that treatment of CaMKI with diamide and glutathione results in inactivation of the enzyme, with a concomitant S-glutathionylation of CaMKI at Cys179 detected by mass spectrometry. Mutagenesis studies confirmed that S-glutathionylation of Cys179 is both necessary and sufficient for the inhibition of CaMKI by diamide and glutathione. In transfected cells expressing CaMKI, treatment with diamide caused a reversible decrease in CaMKI activity. Cells expressing mutant CaMKI (179CV) proved resistant in this regard. Thus, our results indicate that the reversible regulation of CaMKI via its modification at Cys179 is an important mechanism in processing calcium signal transduction in cells.  相似文献   

Diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP) produces organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN) in humans and sensitive animal species, e.g., adult chicken. The chickens were sacrificed 18 days after a single dose of DFP (1.7 mg/kg, sc.), which produced severe ataxia or paralysis in 10–14 days. We studied Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent in vitro neurofilament phosphorylation by the brain subcellular fractions of control and DFP-treated hens. There was enhanced phosphorylation of all three NF subunits by the brain supernatant of treated hens. This was accompanied by enhanced autophosphorylation of both Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-kinase II) subunits and increased calmodulin binding using either125I-CaM or biotinylated calmodulin to only subunit without concomitant increase in the amount of this enzyme. This enhanced phosphorylation of neurofilament subunits was completely and partially inhibited by mastoparan and KN-62, respectively. There was no alteration in the distribution of CaM-kinase II activity in treated hens and the activity was not related to its concentration in different subcellular fractions. The difference in125I-CaM binding to CaM-kinase II subunit in the brain supernatants of control and DFP-treated hens was not altered by its phosphorylation or dephosphorylation. The increased CaM-kinase II activity in the soluble fraction of DFP-treated hen brain may be involved in the aberrant phosphorylation of axonal neurofilaments, and thus play a role in OPIDN.Abbreviations CaM calmodulin - CaM-kinase II Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II - DFP diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate - ECL enhanced chemiluminescence - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - MAP-2 microtubule-associated protein-2 - MBP myelin basic protein - OPIDN organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neurotoxicity - PIPES 1,4-piperazinediethanesulfonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

The promoter activity of the rat Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II gene was analyzed using the luciferase reporter gene in neuronal and non-neuronal cell lines. Neuronal cell type-specific promoter activity was found in the 5′-flanking region of α and β isoform genes of the kinase. Silencer elements were also found further upstream of promoter regions. A brain-specific protein bound to the DNA sequence of the 5′-flanking region of the gene was found by gel mobility shift analysis in the nuclear extract of the rat brain, including the cerebellum, forebrain, and brainstem, but not in that of non-neuronal tissues, including liver, kidney and spleen. The luciferase expression system and gel shift analysis can be used as an additional and better index by which to monitor gene expression in most cell types. Published: April 12, 2002  相似文献   

A human cDNA clone encoding the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK) was isolated by RT-PCR amplification of the fragment corresponding to the conserved kinase catalytic domain followed by rapid amplification of cDNA ends and cDNA library screening. Compilation of nucleotide sequencing data yielded a consensus cDNA sequence of 1.9 kb with an open reading frame of 1,251 nucleotides in length which translates to a polypeptide of 417 amino acids (47 kd). It showed significant homology to the rat brain CaMKK isozymes. The human CaMKK, which was expressed as a Flag-tagged protein in human non-small cell lung cancer H-1299 cells followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-Flag antibody, was shown to phosphorylate recombinant human CaMK I in a calcium/CaM-dependent fashion. Northern blot analysis revealed that human CaMKK is ubiquitously expressed, with brain showing the highest level of expression. The CaMKK gene is localized to human chromosome 12. The presence of cDNA clones with divergent 3' terminal sequences suggests a family of CaMKK variants which may arise from alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase alpha (CaMKKalpha) plays critical roles in the modulation of neuronal cell survival as well as many other cellular activities. Here we show that 14-3-3 proteins directly regulate CaMKKalpha when the enzyme is phosphorylated by protein kinase A on either Ser74 or Ser475. Mutational analysis revealed that these two serines are both functional: the CaMKKalpha mutant with a mutation at either of these residues, but not the double mutant, was inhibited significantly by 14-3-3. The mode of regulation described herein differs the recently described mode of 14-3-3 regulation of CaMKKalpha.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaM-kinase IV) phosphorylated calmodulin (CaM), which is its own activator, in a poly-L-Lys [poly(Lys)]-dependent manner. Although CaM-kinase II weakly phosphorylated CaM under the same conditions, CaM-kinase I, CaM-kinase kinase alpha, and cAMP-dependent protein kinase did not phosphorylate CaM. Polycations such as poly(Lys) were required for the phosphorylation. The optimum concentration of poly(Lys) for the phosphorylation of 1 microM CaM was about 10 microg/ml, but poly(Lys) strongly inhibited CaM-kinase IV activity toward syntide-2 at this concentration, suggesting that the phosphorylation of CaM is not due to simple activation of the catalytic activity. Poly-L-Arg could partially substitute for poly(Lys), but protamine, spermine, and poly-L-Glu/Lys/Tyr (6/3/1) could not. When phosphorylation was carried out in the presence of poly(Lys) having various molecular weights, poly(Lys) with a higher molecular weight resulted in a higher degree of phosphorylation. Binding experiments using fluorescence polarization suggested that poly(Lys) mediates interaction between the CaM-kinase IV/CaM complex and another CaM. The 32P-labeled CaM was digested with BrCN and Achromobacter protease I, and the resulting peptides were purified by reversed-phase HPLC. Automated Edman sequence analysis of the peptides, together with phosphoamino acid analysis, indicated that the major phosphorylation site was Thr44. Activation of CaM-kinase II by the phosphorylated CaM was significantly lower than that by the nonphosphorylated CaM. Thus, CaM-kinase IV activated by binding Ca2+/CaM can bind and phosphorylate another CaM with the aid of poly(Lys), leading to a decrease in the activity of CaM.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKP) is a member of the serine/threonine protein phosphatases and shares 29% sequence identity with protein phosphatase 2Calpha (PP2Calpha) in its catalytic domain. To investigate the functional domains of CaMKP, mutational analysis was carried out using various recombinant CaMKPs expressed in Escherichia coli. Analysis of N-terminal deletion mutants showed that the N-terminal region of CaMKP played important roles in the formation of the catalytically active structure of the enzyme, and a critical role in polycation stimulation. A chimera mutant, a fusion of the N-terminal domain of CaMKP and the catalytic domain of PP2Calpha, exhibited similar substrate specificity to CaMKP but not to PP2Calpha, suggesting that the N-terminal region of CaMKP is crucial for its unique substrate specificity. Point mutations at Arg-162, Asp-194, His-196, and Asp-400, highly conserved amino acid residues in the catalytic domain of PP2C family, resulted in a significant loss of phosphatase activity, indicating that these amino acid residues may play important roles in the catalytic activity of CaMKP. Although CaMKP(1-412), a C-terminal truncation mutant, retained phosphatase activity, it was found to be much less stable upon incubation at 37 degrees C than wild type CaMKP, indicating that the C-terminal region of CaMKP is important for the maintenance of the catalytically active conformation. The results suggested that the N- and C-terminal sequences of CaMKP are essential for the regulation and stability of CaMKP.  相似文献   

A multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin dependent protein kinase was purified approximately 650 fold from cytosolic extract of Candida albicans. The purified preparation gave a single band of 69 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with its native molecular mass of 71 kDa suggesting that the enzyme is monomeric. Its activity was dependent on calcium, calmodulin and ATP when measured at saturating histone IIs concentration. The purified Ca2+/CaMPK was found to be autophosphorylated at serine residue(s) in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin and enzyme stimulation was strongly inhibited by W-7 (CaM antagonist) and KN-62 (Ca2+/CaM dependent PK inhibitor). These results confirm that the purified enzyme is Ca2+/CaM dependent protein kinase of Candida albicans. The enzyme phosphorylated a number of exogenous and endogenous substrates in a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent manner suggesting that the enzyme is a multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase of Candida albicans.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ transport ATPase (SERCA) of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) plays an important role in muscle cytosolic signaling, as it stores Ca2+ in intracellular membrane bound compartments, thereby lowering cytosolic Ca2+ to induce relaxation. The stored Ca2+ is in turn released upon membrane excitation to trigger muscle contraction. SERCA is activated by high affinity binding of cytosolic Ca2+, whereupon ATP is utilized by formation of a phosphoenzyme intermediate, which undergoes protein conformational transitions yielding reduced affinity and vectorial translocation of bound Ca2+. We review here biochemical and biophysical evidence demonstrating that release of bound Ca2+ into the lumen of SR requires Ca2+/H+ exchange at the low affinity Ca2+ sites. Rise of lumenal Ca2+ above its dissociation constant from low affinity sites, or reduction of the H+ concentration by high pH, prevent Ca2+/H+ exchange. Under these conditions Ca2+ release into the lumen of SR is bypassed, and hydrolytic cleavage of phosphoenzyme may yield uncoupled ATPase cycles. We clarify how such Ca2+pump slippage does not occur within the time length of muscle twitches, but under special conditions and in special cells may contribute to thermogenesis.  相似文献   

We isolated cDNA clones for novel protein kinases by expression screening of a cDNA library from the basidiomycetous mushroom Coprinus cinereus. One of the isolated clones was found to encode a calmodulin (CaM)-binding protein consisting of 488 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 53,906, which we designated CoPK12. The amino acid sequence of the catalytic domain of CoPK12 showed 46% identity with those of rat Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) I and CaMKIV. However, a striking difference between these kinases is that the critical Thr residue in the activating phosphorylation site of CaMKI/IV is replaced by a Glu residue at the identical position in CoPK12. As predicted from its primary sequence, CoPK12 was found to behave like an activated form of CaMKI phosphorylated by an upstream CaMK kinase, indicating that CoPK12 is a unique CaMK with different properties from those of the well-characterized CaMKI, II, and IV. CoPK12 was abundantly expressed in actively growing mycelia and phosphorylated various proteins, including endogenous substrates, in the presence of Ca2+/CaM. Treatment of mycelia of C. cinereus with KN-93, which was found to inhibit CoPK12, resulted in a significant reduction in growth rate of mycelia. These results suggest that CoPK12 is a new type of multifunctional CaMK expressed in C. cinereus, and that it may play an important role in the mycelial growth.  相似文献   

Ovulated rat oocytes are activated spontaneously soon after recovery from the oviducts. To investigate the kinetics and mechanism of rat oocyte spontaneous activation (OSA), we investigated the effect of aging in oviducts, hyaluronidase treatment, and extracellular and intracellular calcium, and examined the activity of CaMKII and the effect of its inhibitor on OSA. Oocyte aging in oviducts and hyaluronidase did not affect OSA. However, OSA was significantly decreased in calcium-free medium and in calcium-containing medium containing L-type calcium channel blocker and IP(3)R inhibitor. Moreover, significantly lower OSA was shown with an inhibitor of CaMKII. There was a significant increase of CaMKII activity at 30min after oocyte recovery and constitutively active CaMKII was located near the meiotic spindle in freshly recovered oocytes. Therefore, CaMKII is one of the upstream signals to activate rat oocytes spontaneously after recovery and rat oocytes respond very sensitively to extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

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