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The rapid senescence of the etiolated leaves of dark-grown barley seedlings in the dark is accompanied by the loss of those lipids associated with the plastids. The linolenate content of the plastid glycerolipids rapidly decreased whereas it tended to increase in the extraplastidic phospholipids. Kinetin treatment slowed down the loss of the plastid lipids and their constituent fatty acids. The hormone treatment brought about increased linolenate, particularly in phosphatidylcholine and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol. The senescing leaf attempts to adapt to ageing by increased membrane synthesis and/or membrane repair. Kinetin appears to control the sequential desaturation of oleate to linolenate.  相似文献   

The red light-stimulated component of unrolling in sections from 7-d-old dark-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves is inhibited by ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetracetic acid (EGTA). A free-Ca2+ activity of less than 40 M restores the ability to respond to red light, but only if supplied within 1 h of red light. Magnesium ions are an ineffective substitute. At least two processes in unrolling appear to be Ca2+-sensitive.Fluence-response measurements indicate that the levels of the far-red-absorbing from of phytochrome (Pfr) still present 4 h after red-light treatment should be above saturation for the unrolling response; consequently, loss of Pfr does not explain the loss in effectiveness of Ca2+ during prolonged EGTA treatment. However, if a further red-light treatment is given simultaneously with Ca2+ addition 4 h after the initial light stimulus, then full unrolling occurs in EGTA-treated sections. These data indicate that, under normal circumstances, a functional change in the properties of Pfr must occur, uncoupling it from the transduction chain.Abbreviations EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethylether)-N,N,N,N,-tetracetic acid - FR far-red light - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic, acid - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

Laevulinic acid (Lev) was used to control the rate of protocholorophyllide (PChl) regeneration in the leaves of dark-grown seedlings of barley (Hordeum vulgare) after a brief light treatment. In the leaves given Lev, at concentrations that severely block the resynthesis of protochlorophyllide, there was a massive overproduction of delta-aminolaevulinic acid (AmLev) that was well in excess of that required for the regeneration of PChl observed in the control leaves. Lev, at low concentrations, slightly delayed regeneration and held up, rather than inhibited, the utilization of the AmLev, which accumulated in the tissues. The overproduction and uncontrolled formation of AmLev also occurred in dark-grown leaves treated with a high concentration of Lev and given a light treatment of just sufficient energy to photoreduce only small quantities of the endogenous PChl. Experiments in which a high level of free PChl was induced by incubating the leaves in AmLev indicated that the active species of PChl was that associated with, and bound to, the PChl reductase protein. The results strongly demonstrate a close relationship between the PChl-protein complex and the ability of the leaves to synthesize AmLev.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic line 2 (CL2) has been previously reported as a cytoplasmically inherited chlorophyll-deficient mutant selected from a chloroplast-mutator genotype of barley. It was characterized by a localized effect on the upper part of the first-leaf blade. At emergence the CL2 seedlings-phenotype varied from a grainy light green to an albino color. They gradually greened during the following days, starting from the base of the blade and extending to cover most of its surface when it was fully grown. The present results, from both light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), confirmed the previously described positional and time-dependent expression of the CL2 syndrome along the first-leaf blade. During the first days after emergence, light microscopy showed a normally developed chloroplast at the middle part of the CL2 first-leaf blade, meanwhile at the tip only small plastids were observed. TEM showed that the shapes and the internal structure of the small plastids were abnormal, presenting features of proplastids, amyloplasts and/or senescent gerontoplasts. Besides, they lack plastid ribosomes, contrasting with what was observed inside chloroplasts from normal tips, which presented abundant ribosomes. Phenotypic observations and spectrophotometric analysis of seedlings produced by mother plants that had been grown under different temperatures indicated that higher temperatures during seed formation were negatively associated with pigment content in CL2 seedlings. In contrast, higher temperatures during the growth of CL2 seedlings have been associated with increased pigment content. Aqueous solution with kanamycin and streptomycin, which are antibiotics known to interfere with plastid gene translation, were used for imbibition of wild-type and CL2 seeds. Antibiotic treatments differentially reduced the chlorophyll content in the upper part of the first-leaf blade in CL2, but not in wild-type seedlings. These results suggest that in the wild-type, plastid-gene proteins which are necessary for chloroplast development and chlorophyll synthesis in the upper part of the first-leaf blade are usually synthesized during embryogenesis. However, under certain circumstances, in CL2 seedlings, they would be synthesized after germination. In addition, a shortening of the sheath has been observed in association with pigment decrease suggesting the existence of plastid factors affecting the expression of some nuclear genes. We consider the CL2 mutant a unique experimental material useful to study biological phenomena and external factors regulating plastid, and nuclear gene expression during embryogenesis and early seedling development.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Unrolling of sections from dark grown barley leaves ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Klages) was stimulated by red irradiation. The unrolling started after a lag phase of 6-8 h and was completed after 24 h. The effect of several keto and amino acids on leaf unrolling was compared with their effect on coleoptile segment expansion growth. Of the substances tested δ-aminolevulinic acid had the most inhibitive effect on leaf unrolling and the least inhibitive effect on coleoptile segment expansion growth. Prolonged treatment caused a strong inhibition of the unrolling but with a short tretment, a stimulation of the unrolling occurred. The inhibitive effect of δ-aminolevulinic acid was only found if the treatment started within 6-8 h after the red irradiation. Kinetin and gibberellic acid could decrease the inhibitory effect of δ-aminolevulinic acid. A possible role for δ-aminolevulinic acid working as a triggering substance for leaf unrolling is discussed.  相似文献   

In most higher plants, mature dry seeds have no chloroplasts but etioplasts. Here we show that in a hydrophyte, lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), young chloroplasts already exist in shoots of mature dry seeds and that they give rise to mature chloroplasts during germination, even in darkness. These shoots contain chlorophyll and chlorophyll-binding proteins CP1 and LHCP. The unique features of chloroplast formation in N. nucifera suggest a unique adaptive strategy for seedling development correlated with the plant's habitat.  相似文献   

Phytochrome was spectrophotometrically determined to be differentially concentrated among separated tissues of dark-grown, norflurazon-treated barley l  相似文献   

The chloroplasts in dark-grown, 5-day-old seedlings of Piceaabies contained doubly stacked primary thylakoid membranes connectedwith prolamellar bodies. The photo-system II reaction centerand photosystem II-associated electron transfer were assembledin the primary thylakoid membranes, but the oxygen-evolvingsystem remained latent unless the seedlings were exposed tolight. The photoactivation of this system was strongly dependenton temperature during pre-illumination. This implies that somethermal process, in addition to the photoprocess, is involvedin the photoactivation of the oxygen-evolving system. 1Laboratory of Plant Physiology, The Institute of Physical andChemical Research, Wako-shi, Saitama 351, Japan. 2Department of Biology, Fukuoka Dental College, Fukuoka 814,Japan. (Received June 22, 1977; )  相似文献   

Seedlings imbibed for 48 hr in aqueous solutions of the pre-emergent herbicide Sandoz 6706, or its presumably active conversion product Norflurazon, grow into albino plants in white light. Neither herbicide has any effect on PAL in dark grown barley shoots. In white light, however, pretreatment with 100 μM herbicide causes an increase in barley shoot PAL of about 50% over that found in untreated plants. Barley root PAL is stimulated by 0.1 μM Sandoz 6706 but inhibited by higher concentrations. Mung bean primary leaves show dose responses similar to barley roots. The herbicides have no effect in continuous red light, yet blue light is as effective as white light in eliciting PAL responses. The results are discussed in relation to the subcellular distribution of PAL.  相似文献   

Excitation kinetics based on feedback regulation of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence of leaves measured with the chlorophyll fluorometer, FluoroMeter Modul (FMM), are presented. These kinetics showed the variation of excitation light (laser power, LP) regulated by the feedback mechanism of the FMM, an intelligent Chl fluorometer with embedded computer, which maintains the fluorescence response constant during the 300-s transient between the dark- and lightadapted state of photosynthesis. The excitation kinetics exhibited a rise of LP with different time constants and fluctuations leading to a type of steady state. The variation of excitation kinetics were demonstrated using the example of primary leaves of etiolated barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Barke) during 48 h of greening in the light with gradual accumulation of Chl and development of photosynthetic activity. The excitation kinetics showed a fast rise followed by a short plateau at ca. 30 s and finally a slow constant increase up to 300 s. Only in the case of 2 h of greening in the light, the curve reached a stable steady state after 75 s followed by a slight decline. The final LP value (at 300 s of illumination) increased up to 12 h of greening and decreased with longer greening times. The active feedback mechanism of the FMM adjusted the excitation light during the measurement to the actual photosynthetic capacity of the individual leaf sample. In this way, the illumination with excessive light was avoided. The novel excitation kinetics can be used to characterize health, stress, disease, and/or product quality of plant material.  相似文献   

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