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Summary Sympathetic cells (adrenergic neurons, SIF cells and chromaffin cells) and enteric neurons differentiate from migratory cells derived from the neural crest. The development of these cell types was studied in chorio-allantoic membrane (CAM) grafts, using combinations of tissues from domestic fowl embryos. Neural anlagen (neural tube and crest) of the vagal, cervico-thoracic and lumbo-sacral axial levels were equally capable of sympathetic differentiation, but this required somitic tissue for its significant expression. However, the vagal somites possessed only slight sympathogenic activity, thereby accounting for the negligible contribution of the vagal neural crest to the sympathetic nervous system.The same three levels of the neural anlage could furnish enteric neurons when combined directly with the aneuronal colo-rectum. However, the scale of this line of differentiation varied with the level of origin of the neural anlage, in contrast to the apparent equivalence in the ability to diffentiate as sympathetic cells. The density of enteric neurons in combinations with the vagal neural anlage was estimated as 60 times greater than the neuron density in combinations with the cervico-thoracic neural anlage. The lumbo-sacral neural anlage gave results similar to those of the cervico-thoracic level. Moreover, neural crest-derived pigment cells, positioned ectopically in the wall of the colo-rectum, were rare in combinations with the vagal neural anlage, but common in grafts with the other levels.When tested physiologically, the colo-rectum grown with the vagal neural anlage showed non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic inhibitory nervous activity in addition to the expected cholinergic excitatory responses. The neurons derived directly from vagal neural anlagen were similar to those that had reached the colo-rectum via their normal migratory pathways, when studied in terms of histological appearance, density of distribution and physiological responses.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to identify pancreatic islet cells emitting formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF), the pancreatic islets of the domestic fowl were studied by combined fluorescence, ultrastructural, silver-impregnation and immunohistochemical methods in the same section or in consecutive semi-thin and ultra-thin sections. The results indicate that islet cells emitting intense FIF exhibit a strongly argyrophil reaction with the Grimelius' silver method and also immunohistochemical reaction with anti-glucagon serum, but not with anti-5-HT serum. Therefore, the fowl islet A cell, a peptide hormone-producing cell, stores simultaneously catecholamine as biogenic amine. The islet B and D cells did not display any FIF, any argyrophil reaction with the Grimelius' silver method, or any immunoreactivity with anti-glucagon or anti-5-HT sera. The fluorescent but non-argyrophil cells dispersed in the exocrine acinus may well be PP cells.  相似文献   

Acute exposure of Oreochromis aureus to cadmium or lead resulted in different tissue accumulation profiles. Trunk kidney accumulated the highest lead concentrations of all tissues analysed after 24-h or 1-week exposure to 0.1 mg l–1 lead as PbCl2 while exposure to 0.1 mg l –1 cadmium as CdCl2 for 24 h or 1 week resulted in the highest accumulations of cadmium in the intestine. Caudal muscle consistently accumulated the lowest levels of lead or cadmium after a 1-week exposure period.  相似文献   

Summary Chick embryos at developmental stages up to primitive streak formation were fixed in a mixture of tannic acid and glutaraldehyde. A basal lamina was present in the unincubated embryo and consisted of a lucent lamina interna and a lamina densa. At the primitive streak stage the lamina densa showed a periodicity of stained elements. Densely stained materials were present on the cell surfaces lining the cavity between the epiblast and endoblast, and on the mesoderm cells within this cavity. Considerable amounts of extracellular material were observed in the cavity. Hyaluronidase treatment removed the cell surface and extracellular material, indicating that hyaluronic acid is a major component. This enzyme disrupted the basal lamina, leaving a fibrillar remnant with no periodic structure. It is therefore suggested that the dense periodicities consist of glycosaminoglycan built on an enzyme-resistant framework which is probably collagen. Enzyme-resistant fibrils, presumably collagen precursors, are present elsewhere within the tissue spaces.  相似文献   

Summary Thyroid glands of 7 to 21 day-old chick embryos were examined by electron microscopy using freeze-fracture and thin-section preparations. The primitive follicle lumen first appears between two adjacent epithelial cells in 8 day-old embryos, and is formed in the region of a focal tight junction (macula occludens). The focal tight junction develops into the zonula occludens when the primitive follicle lumen first forms.The zonula occludens is, at first, composed of 4.6 ± 2.45 strands, but with increasing embryonic age the number of strands increases to 5.9 ± 1.41 in 13 day-old, and 8.0 ± 1.75 in 19 day-old embryos.Thyroglobulin stored within the embryonic gland lumina is isolated from the mesenchymal tissue even at the first appearance of these follicle cavities.Well developed gap junctions already occur in the thyroid gland of the 7 day-old embryo, so that an intimate relationship and communication between these cells already exists at the time of their functional differentiation.This study was supported by a grant from the Japan Ministry of Education  相似文献   

This fate-mapping study reveals that the progenitors of all major parts of the embryonic gut are already present in endoderm of the early-head-fold to early-somite stage (1-9 somites) mouse embryo. The anterior endoderm contributes primarily to the anterior intestinal portal of the early-organogenesis stage (16-19 somites) embryo. Endoderm cells around and lateral to the node are allocated to the open “midgut” region of the embryonic gut. The posterior (post-nodal) endoderm contributes not only to the posterior intestinal portal but also the open “midgut”. Descendants of the posterior endoderm span a length of the gut from the level of the 3rd-5th somites to the posterior end of the embryonic gut. The formation of the anterior and posterior intestinal portals is accompanied by similar repertoires of morphogenetic tissue movement. We also discovered that cells on contralateral sides of the anterior endoderm are distributed asymmetrically to the dorsal and ventral sides of the anterior intestinal portal, heralding the acquisition of laterality by the embryonic foregut.  相似文献   

Administration of melatonin to advance the breeding season in sheep has been widely used, since this hormone conveys the photoperiodic signal to the reproductive neuroendocrine axis. An increased lambing percentage has been reported following such treatment during anoestrus, which could be mediated through a higher rate of embryonic survival, either by an improvement in luteal function or by a reduction in the antiluteolytic mechanisms. The aim of this article is to review the body of knowledge on the effect of melatonin on the ovine ovary, the embryo and the establishment of pregnancy. Some studies using synchronized ewes have found that melatonin treatments during anoestrus do not improve ovulation rate by modifying the timing of follicle emergence, but increasing the number of ovulatory follicles by decreasing the atresia of medium and large follicles. On the other hand, the addition of melatonin to the in vitro maturation medium does not improve oocyte maturation rate in oocytes from sheep ovaries recovered either in anoestrus or in the breeding season. However, a luteotrophic effect of melatonin at either short or medium term has been reported. We have recently observed that melatonin implants tend to improve the survival of embryos collected from ewes after superovulation in anoestrus. More specifically, melatonin induced a significant reduction of the number and rate of non-viable (degenerate and retarded) embryos. Preliminary data from our laboratory suggest that the uterine sensitivity to progesterone - in terms of progesterone receptor expression - of superovulated ewes could be reduced by melatonin treatment. It can be concluded that the success of exogenous melatonin as a means to improve lamb production of sheep is due, at least in part, to an improvement of luteal support and embryonic survival.  相似文献   

Summary The disintegration of spermatozoa in the infundibular sperm-host glands of the fowl was investigated by electron microscopy. After the 15th day following artificial insemination, secretory granules in the epithelial cells of the sperm-host glands increase in number and size, and subsequently the contents of the granules are released into the glandular lumen, so that the electron density of the lumen increases. At this stage, spermatozoa stored in the glands begin to undergo degenerative changes starting from the head. The heads become distended and chromatin of the nucleus begins to disperse as small masses, simultaneously with the destruction of the acrosome. As the dispersion of chromatin progresses, mitochondria of the middle piece become distended and irregular in shape, and then disintegrate. At the last stage, most of the organelles have disappeared, but the fibrous sheath and axial-filament complex are still identified.The authors are greatly indebted to Assoc. Prof. Osamu Koga for his invaluable advice. The authors also wish to thank Mr. Takayuki Möri for his helpful suggestions and technical advice. This investigation was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan (156185)  相似文献   

The development and distribution of the cranial neural crest in the rat embryo   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary The head region of rat embryos was investigated by scanning electron microscopy after removal of the surface ectoderm with adhesive tape. Observations were made in embryos from 6-somite to 11-somite stages of development, in order to determine: (1) the sequence of emigration of neural crest cells from the different regions of the future brain; (2) the appearance of crest cells before, during, and after their conversion from an epithelial to a mesenchymal form; (3) the migration pathways.Emigration occurs first from the midbrain, and next from the rostral hindbrain; crest cells from these two regions migrate into the first visceral arch. Subsequently cells emigrate from the caudal hindbrain, but not in a rostrocaudal sequence. At the time of crest cell emigration, the neural fold morphology varies from a slightly convex, widely open plate (midbrain) to a closed tube (caudal hindbrain). Thus the timing of emigration is related neither to age (as reflected in rostrocaudal levels) nor to morphology of the neural epithelium.  相似文献   

Selection of the best quality embryo is the key for a faithful implantation in in vitro fertilization (IVF) practice. However, the process of evaluating numerous images captured by time-lapse imaging (TLI) system is time-consuming and some important features cannot be recognized by naked eyes. Convolutional neural network (CNN) is used in medical imaging yet in IVF. The study aims to apply CNN on day-one human embryo TLI. We first presented CNN algorithm for day-one human embryo segmentation on three distinct features: zona pellucida (ZP), cytoplasm and pronucleus (PN). We tested the CNN performance compared side-by-side with manual labelling by clinical embryologist, then measured the segmented day-one human embryo parameters and compared them with literature reported values. The precisions of segmentation were that cytoplasm over 97%, PN over 84% and ZP around 80%. For the morphometrics data of cytoplasm, ZP and PN, the results were comparable with those reported in literatures, which showed high reproducibility and consistency. The CNN system provides fast and stable analytical outcome to improve work efficiency in IVF setting. To conclude, our CNN system is potential to be applied in practice for day-one human embryo segmentation as a robust tool with high precision, reproducibility and speed.  相似文献   

In the presence of either methyl xanthines or adenosine deaminase, isoproterenol elicited large dramatic increases in accumulation of cyclic AMP. In contrast, cyclic AMP accumulation in response to epinephrine or norepinephrine was not potentiated by either methyl xanthines or by adenosine deaminase. Blocking the alpha adrenergic activity of norepinephrine and epinephrine with phentolamine established synergism between these catecholamines and methyl xanthines and adenosine deaminase. The activity of the particulate phosphodiesterase was not influenced by norepinephrine suggesting that the lack of synergism between the catecholamines norepinephrine and epinephrine and methyl xanthines is unrelated to this enzyme. The data are interpreted to suggest that the alpha adrenergic activity of catecholamines prevents the potentiation of cyclic AMP accumulation that occurs when the action of endogenously produced adenosine is interfered with, either by its degradation with adenosine deaminase or by receptor blockade with methyl xanthine. Because a major action of adenosine on fat cells is to inhibit adenylate cyclase it is suggested that alpha adrenergic receptor activation limits the extent to which the enzyme adenylate cyclase can be activated in a fashion similar to that of adenosine.  相似文献   

In developing vertebrates, the neural tube forms from a sheet of neural ectoderm by complex cell movements and morphogenesis. Convergent extension movements and the apical constriction along with apical-basal elongation of cells in the neural ectoderm are thought to be essential for the neural tube closure (NTC) process. In addition, it is known that non-neural ectoderm also plays a crucial role in this process, as the neural tube fails to close in the absence of this tissue in chick and axolotl. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which it functions in NTC are as yet unclear. We demonstrate here that the non-neural superficial epithelium moves in the direction of tensile forces applied along the dorsal-ventral axis during NTC. We found that this force is partly attributable to the deep layer of non-neural ectoderm cells, which moved collectively towards the dorsal midline along with the superficial layer. Moreover, inhibition of this movement by deleting integrin β1 function resulted in incomplete NTC. Furthermore, we demonstrated that other proposed mechanisms, such as oriented cell division, cell rearrangement and cell-shape changes have no or only minor roles in the non-neural movement. This study is the first to demonstrate dorsally oriented deep-cell migration in non-neural ectoderm, and suggests that a global reorganization of embryo tissues is involved in NTC.  相似文献   

Summary The granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle of the rat and the domestic fowl have been studied with the light and electron microscope. The nuclei of the granulosa cells were irregular with indentations and large in proportion to the cytoplasm of the cell. The mitochondria had a dense, dark matrix with only few cristac. The Golgi apparatus was moderately developed, located towards the oocyte in a juxtanuclear position. The endoplasmic reticulum was rather sparse. Lipid droplets were only occasionally encountered. Microtubules were regularly observed. The functions of the granulosa cells are discussed. Compared with the steroid-producing cells of the theca interna of the same follicles, the granulosa cells primarily are the nursing cells for the growing oocyte and mainly have the characteristics of protein forming cells.  相似文献   

Cells and tissues in the vegetative sporophytes of early land plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary The fine structure of granulosa cells of the domestic fowl as seen after administration of steroids is described. Diaethylstilboestrol, estradiol and hydroxy-progesterone were given as intramuscular injections for a 28-days period. The main cytoplasmic changes of the granulosa cells were an increase in the number of mitochondria and dense bodies. The Golgi apparatus became enlarged, and occupied a large portion of the cell. The nucleus was found located adjacent to the oocyte, and there was an increase in number of the annular desmosomes. The investigation has demonstrated that even if steroids in high dosages induce atrophic alterations of the ovary, they stimulated proliferation of the granulosa cells of the small follicles. Apparently the small follicles with the granulosa cells retain the ability to regain development, which may be to some importance when steroids are used therapeutically (gynecologic disorders, contra-ception).  相似文献   

Summary The myotome of early chick embryos was investigated histochemically by means of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) reaction.Light-microscopically, at the cervical level, the myotome was first recognized and AChE activity demonstrated at stage 13 (2 day-old embryo). Subsequently, the myotome elongated ventro-laterally along the inner surface of the dermomyotome and reached the ventro-lateral end of the dermomyotome at stage 17 to 18 (3 day-old embryo). AChE activity in the myotome showed subsequent increase in intensity during the course of development. The myotome consisted mainly of AChE-positive cells displaying enzymatic activity along the nuclear membrane and within the cytoplasm. In contrast, almost all cells of the dermomyotome and the interstitial cells were AChE-negative.Electron-microscopically, the myotome cells of the 2 day-old embryo and the cells in the dorso-medial portion of the myotome of the 3 day-old embryo were morphologically undifferentiated; AChE activity was detected in the nuclear envelope and in single short profiles of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). On the other hand, in the 3 day-old embryo the cells in the ventro-lateral portion of the myotome showed AChE activity in the nuclear envelope, numerous profiles of the ER and some Golgi complexes. These AChE-positive cells were regarded as developing myogenic cells based on their morphological characteristics.The present findings indicate (i) that the appearance of AChE activity in the cytoplasm is the first sign of the differentiation of myogenic cells, and (ii) that in these myogenic cells the increase in AChE activity is based on the development of the ER.  相似文献   

Summary The fate of spermatozoa that do not participate in fertilization was investigated by electron microscopy. After artificial insemination, we observed several spermatozoa between the fibers of the outer layer of the vitelline membrane of the ovum. One or more spermatozoa were also found in a phagocytic vesicle of macrophages located in the intercellular space of the mucosal epithelium of the infundibulum or in the outer layer of the vitelline membrane.From these observations, we assume that the superfluous spermatozoa in the lumen of the anterior part of the oviduct might be removed by inclusion into the outer layer of the vitelline membrane and by phagocytosis by macrophages.The authors are greatly indebted to Assoc. Prof. Osamu Koga for his invaluable advice. The authors also wish to thank Mr. Takayuki Mri for his helpful suggestions and technical advice. This investigation was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan (156185)  相似文献   

Development of antioxidant capacity in tissues of the chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The concentrations of vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium, reduced glutathione and the activities of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were determined in the yolk, yolk sac membrane, liver and brain of the developing chick embryo. The changes in the concentrations of vitamins E and A in the yolk and liver during development were consistent with the occurrence of a preferential transfer of vitamin A from the yolk to the embryo before day 14 of incubation, whereas the main period of vitamin E transfer occurred later, during the last week of incubation. The concentrations of reduced glutathione in the yolk sac membrane, liver and brain were similar at all developmental stages studied. However, the levels of the other measured antioxidant systems were very much higher in the liver than in the brain. Thus, in the newly hatched chick, the levels of vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were, respectively, 58.0-, 174.7-, 3.6-, 4.0- and 4.7- fold higher in the liver than in the brain when expressed on the basis of tissue fresh weight.  相似文献   

Mechanism of morphogenesis of caudal neural tube in the chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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