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R L Low  J M Buzan    C L Couper 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(14A):6427-6445
Endonuclease activity identified in crude preparations of rat and human heart mitochondria has each been partially purified and characterized. Both the rat and human activities purify as a single enzyme that closely resembles the endonuclease of bovine-heart mitochondria (Cummings, O.W. et. al. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262:2005-2015). All three enzymes, for example elute similarly during gel filtration and DNA-cellulose chromatography, and exhibit similar enzymatic properties. Although the nucleotide sequences of the mtDNAs indicate that there has occurred an unusual degree of divergence in the displacement-loop region during mammalian evolution, the nucleotide specificities of the mt endonucleases appear highly conserved and show a striking preference for an evolutionarily-conserved sequence tract that is located upstream from the heavy (H)-strand origin of DNA replication (OriH).  相似文献   

The purified endonuclease of bovine heart mitochondria shows a remarkable preference for a specific site in bovine mtDNA. This site was identified using a recombinant DNA template which includes a 4.9-kilobase portion of the 16-kilobase bovine mitochondrial sequence encompassing all of the displacement loop region. The endonucleolytic target corresponds to an evolutionarily conserved sequence tract of 12 consecutive guanine residues that is found in an otherwise highly divergent domain of the mitochondrial displacement loop region. The preference for this site is several hundred-fold greater than other less favored sites. Unlike other less prominent cleavage loci, the conserved sequence tract is readily nicked in either or both DNA strands, even at 0 degrees C. These findings suggest that there is a specific interaction of the endonuclease with this site in vivo that may be important for mtDNA replication.  相似文献   

We present here the complete 16,338 nucleotide DNA sequence of the bovine mitochondrial genome. This sequence is homologous to that of the human mitochondrial genome (Anderson et al., 1981) and the genes are organized in virtually identical fashion. The bovine mitochondrial protein genes are 63 to 79% homologous to their human counterparts, and most of the nucleotide differences occur in the third positions of codons. The minimum rate of base substitution that accounts for the nucleotide differences in the codon third positions is very high: at least 6 × 10?9 changes per position per year. The bovine and human mitochondrial transfer RNA genes exhibit more interspecies variation than do their cytoplasmic counterparts, with the “TΨC” loop being the most variable part of the molecule. The bovine 12 S and 16 S ribosomal RNA genes, when compared with those from human mitochondrial DNA, show conserved features that are consistent with proposed secondary structure models for the ribosomal RNAs. Unlike the pattern of moderate-to-high homology between the bovine and human mitochondrial DNAs found over most of the genome, the DNA sequence in the bovine D-loop region is only slightly homologous to the corresponding region in the human mitochondrial genome. This region is also quite variable in length, and accounts for the bulk of the size difference between the human and bovine mitochondrial DNAs.  相似文献   

A specific segment of mitochondrial DNA from 18 people was examined by two methods of direct DNA sequencing. This segment includes a small noncoding region (V) shown before by restriction analysis to exhibit length polymorphism. All 11 of the human mtDNAs previously reported to have a deletion in this region proved to lack one of the two adjacent copies of a 9-base-pair sequence normally present in human mtDNAs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this deletion occurred only once during the evolution of modern types of human mtDNA and that it will be a valuable anthropological marker for peoples of East Asian origin. The one human mtDNA reported to have an addition in region V differs from the wild type by two mutations in the first copy of the 9-base-pair sequence: one transition and an addition of four cytosines, thereby producing a run of 11 cytosines. One of the direct DNA sequencing methods uses a single oligonucleotide primer to facilitate dideoxy sequencing from purified mtDNA templates. The second, more successful, method first amplifies this mtDNA segment enzymatically with two flanking primers (the "polymerase chain reaction") and then uses a third primer for DNA sequencing. This latter method, which works on the DNA extracted from small amounts of blood as well as on purified mtDNA, is shown to be a rapid means of defining sequence variants without purifying and cloning the same DNA segment from many individuals.  相似文献   

Merino EJ  Barton JK 《Biochemistry》2007,46(10):2805-2811
Sites of oxidative damage in mitochondrial DNA have been identified on the basis of DNA-mediated charge transport. Our goal is to understand which sites in mitochondrial DNA are prone to oxidation at long range and whether such oxidative damage correlates with cancerous transformation. Here we show that a primer extension reaction can be used to monitor directly oxidative damage to authentic mitochondrial DNA through photoreactions with a rhodium intercalator. The complex [Rh(phi)2bpy]Cl3 (phi = 9,10-phenanthrenequinone diimine) binds to DNA without sequence specificity and, upon photoactivation, either promotes strand breaks directly at the binding site or promotes one-electron oxidative damage; comparing the sites of base oxidation to direct strand breaks reveals the oxidative damage that arises from a distance through DNA-mediated charge transport. Significantly, base oxidation by charge transport overlaps with known mutational hot spots associated with cancers at nucleotides surrounding positions 263 and 303; the latter is known as conserved sequence block II and is vital to DNA replication. Since DNA base oxidation at conserved sequence block II should weaken the ability of damaged mitochondrial genomes to be replicated, DNA-mediated charge transport may provide a protection mechanism for excluding damaged DNA.  相似文献   

RNase MRP is a site-specific ribonucleoprotein endoribonuclease that cleaves mitochondrial RNA from the origin of leading-strand DNA synthesis contained within the displacement-loop region. Bovine mitochondrial DNA maintains the typical gene content and order of mammalian mitochondrial DNAs but differs in the nature of sequence conservation within this displacement-loop regulatory region. This markedly different sequence arrangement raises the issue of the degree to which a bovine RNase MRP would reflect the physical and functional properties ascribed to the enzymes previously characterized from mouse and human. We find that bovine RNase MRP exists as a ribonucleoprotein, with an RNA component of 279 nucleotides that is homologous to that of mouse or human RNase MRP RNA. Characterization of the nuclear gene for bovine RNase MRP RNA showed conservation of sequence extending 5 of the RNase MRP RNA coding sequence, including the presence of a cis-acting element known to be important for the expression of some mitochondrial protein-coding nuclear genes. Bovine or mouse RNase MRP cleaves a standard mouse mitochondrial RNA substrate in the same manner; each also cleaves a bovine mitochondrial RNA substrate identically. Since bovine and mouse RNase MRPs process both bovine and mouse substrates, we conclude that the structural features of the mitochondrial RNA substrate required for enzymatic cleavage have been well conserved despite significant overall primary sequence divergence. Inspection of the bovine RNA substrate reveals conservation of only the most critical portion of the primary sequence as indicated by earlier studies with mouse and human RNase MRPs. Interestingly, a principal cleavage site in the bovine mitochondrial RNA substrate is downstream of the promoter located at the leading-strand mitochondrial DNA replication origin. Correspondence to: D.J. Dairaghi  相似文献   

The centromere regions (CEN) of all eight chromosomes in Candida albicans have been characterized in terms of nucleotide sequence and size. The boundaries of each of the eight CEN DNA regions were mapped by chromatin immunoprecipitation-PCR using polyclonal rabbit antibodies generated against C. albicans centromere-specific protein CaCse4p (CENP-A homolog). A single 3–4.5 kb unique DNA sequence on each chromosome was found to be bound to CaCse4p. Sequence analysis revealed that the eight CEN regions in C. albicans lack any conserved DNA sequence motifs common to the group; all are quite different in overall DNA sequence. In contrast to centromeres in many organisms, the C. albicans centromeres are generally free of repeated DNA elements and transposons. However, a few small inverted repeats and long terminal repeats do occur in the centromeric and pericentric regions on a few chromosomes. We also characterized the CEN DNAs in four groups of phylogenetically divergent C. albicans strains, estimated to be separated from each other by 1–3 million years. The same eight different and unique 3–4.5 kb DNA sequences are utilized as centromeres in all of these strains. The chromosomal locations and the sizes of CEN DNAs have remained conserved, in agreement with the idea that CEN function in C. albicans is templated by heritable epigenetic mechanisms. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers EF062821–EF062835 and EF620874–EF620896.  相似文献   

Length and sequence heterogeneity in 5S rDNA of Populus deltoides.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 5S rRNA genes and their associated non-transcribed spacer (NTS) regions are present as repeat units arranged in tandem arrays in plant genomes. Length heterogeneity in 5S rDNA repeats was previously identified in Populus deltoides and was also observed in the present study. Primers were designed to amplify the 5S rDNA NTS variants from the P. deltoides genome. The PCR-amplified products from the two accessions of P. deltoides (G3 and G48) suggested the presence of length heterogeneity of 5S rDNA units within and among accessions, and the size of the spacers ranged from 385 to 434 bp. Sequence analysis of the non-transcribed spacer (NTS) revealed two distinct classes of 5S rDNA within both accessions: class 1, which contained GAA trinucleotide microsatellite repeats, and class 2, which lacked the repeats. The class 1 spacer shows length variation owing to the microsatellite, with two clones exhibiting 10 GAA repeat units and one clone exhibiting 16 such repeat units. However, distance analysis shows that class 1 spacer sequences are highly similar inter se, yielding nucleotide diversity (pi) estimates that are less than 0.15% of those obtained for class 2 spacers (pi = 0.0183 vs. 0.1433, respectively). The presence of microsatellite in the NTS region leading to variation in spacer length is reported and discussed for the first time in P. deltoides.  相似文献   

Role of conserved sequence elements in yeast centromere DNA.   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
Conserved sequence features in Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN DNA are confined to a region of approximately 120 bp. The highly conserved 8 bp at the left (PuTCACPuTG) constitute the left boundary of a functional CEN DNA as shown by the analysis of a series of Bal31 deletions. The right boundary of a functional CEN DNA lies within the conserved 25 bp at the right (TGT-T-TG--TTCCGAA-----AAA) or a few base pairs further outside of the 120-bp region. One mutant which just lacks the left conserved DNA element PuTCACPuTG can still assemble into a partially functional mitotic centromere and it assembles into a well functioning meiotic centromere. The sequences between the two conserved terminal DNA elements can be increased in length (+50%) or in GC content (from 6% to 12%) without measurable changes in mitotic and meiotic segregations of plasmids carrying such CEN mutations. The naturally occurring length and GC content of this centromere DNA sequence element is, therefore, not essential for centromere function. We discuss the possibility that it partly acts as a hinge region between two domains. Finally, we tested integrations of CEN DNA into the genome and found a toleration of wild-type CEN6 DNA when present 3' of the LYS2 gene.  相似文献   

DNA binding specificity of the RBP-J kappa protein was extensively examined. The mouse RBP-J kappa protein was originally isolated as a nuclear protein binding to the J kappa type V(D)J recombination signal sequence which consisted of the conserved heptamer (CACTGTG) and nonamer (GGTTTTTGT) sequences separated by a 23-base pair spacer. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay using DNA probes with mutations in various parts of the J kappa recombination signal sequence showed that the RBP-J kappa protein recognized the sequence outside the recombination signal in addition to the heptamer but did not recognize the nonamer sequence and the spacer length at all. Database search identified the best naturally occurring binding motif (CACTGTGGGAACGG) for the RBP-J kappa protein in the promoter region of the m8 gene in the Enhancer of split gene cluster of Drosophila. The binding assay with a series of m8 motif mutants indicated that the protein recognized mostly the GTGGGAA sequence and also interacted weakly with ACT and CG sequences flanking this hepta-nucleotide. Oligonucleotides binding to the RBP-J kappa protein were enriched from a pool of synthetic oligonucleotides containing 20-base random sequences by the repeated electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The enriched oligomer shared a common sequence of CGTGGGAA. All these data indicate that the RBP-J kappa protein recognizes a unique core sequence of CGTGGGAA and does not bind to the V(D)J recombination signal without the flanking sequence.  相似文献   

R A Butow  H Zhu  P Perlman  H Conrad-Webb 《Génome》1989,31(2):757-760
All mRNAs on the yeast mitochondrial genome terminate at a conserved dodecamer sequence 5'-AAUAAUAUUCUU-3'. We have characterized two mutants with altered dodecamers. One contains a deletion of the dodecamer at the end of the var1 gene, and the other contains two adjacent transversions in the dodecamer at the end of the reading frame of fit1, a gene within the omega+ allele of the 21S rRNA gene. In each mutant, expression of the respective gene is blocked completely. A dominant nuclear suppressor, SUV3-1, was isolated that suppresses the var1 deletion but is without effect on the fit1 dodecamer mutations. Unexpectedly, however, we found that SUV3-1 blocks expression of the wild-type fit1 allele by blocking processing at its dodecamer. SUV3-1 has pleiotropic effects on mitochondrial gene expression, affecting RNA processing, RNA stability, and translation. Our results suggest that RNA metabolism and translation may be part of a multicomponent complex within mitochondria.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of rat-liver mitochondrial DNA   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Two types of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be distinquished in an inbred strain of rats of the Wistar type. The population of DNA molecules of the liver of one single rat is homogeneous. This was shown for a number of 100 animals and confirms the data of other investigators. The two types of mitochondrial DNA, designated A and B, differ in their number of cleavage sites for the restriction endonucleases Eco RI (2sites), Hind II (1 site) and Hha I (1 site). No differences were found for the restriction enzymes Bam HI, Hap II, Hind III and Hpa I. The degree of sequence divergence of the two types of DNA is calculated to be roughly 5% on the basis of these observations. From 20 rats part of the liver was taken and the mtDNA was characterized. Heterologous and homologous crosses between type A and type B rats were made. Analysis of the offspring revealed strictly maternal inheritance of the A and B mtDNA traits. For purposes of base-sequence analysis and RNA.DNA hybridization the strain could easily be "purified" genetically.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the major noncoding region of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 95 human placentas have been determined. These sequences include at least a 482-bp-long region encompassing most of the D-loop-forming region. Comparisons of these sequences with those previously determined have revealed remarkable features of nucleotide substitutions and insertion/deletion events. The nucleotide diversity among the sequences is estimated as 1.45%, which is three- to fourfold higher than the corresponding value estimated from restriction-enzyme analysis of whole mtDNA genome. A hypervariable region has also been defined. In this 14-bp region, 17 different sequences were detected. More than 97% of the base changes are transitions. A significantly nonrandom distribution of nucleotide substitutions and sequence length variations were also noted. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that diversity among the negroids is much larger than that among the caucasoids or the mongoloids. In fact, part of the negroids first diverged from other humans in the phylogenetic tree. A striking finding in the phylogenetic analysis is that the mongoloids can be separated into two distinct groups. Divergence of part of the mongoloids follows the earliest divergence of part of the negroids. The remainder of the mongoloids subsequently diverged together with the caucasoids. This observation confirmed our earlier study, which clearly demonstrated, by the restriction-enzyme analysis, existence of two distinct groups in the Japanese.  相似文献   

R J Monnat  D T Reay 《Gene》1986,43(3):205-211
Recombinant DNA techniques have been used to search for mitochondrial (mt) nucleotide (nt) sequence differences between human tissues within an individual. mtDNA isolated from brain, heart, liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle of two different individuals was cleaved with SacI and XbaI, and then cloned in bacteriophage M13. Partial nt sequence determination of 121 independently isolated recombinant M13 clones containing either the cytochrome oxidase subunit III gene or the D-loop region of human mtDNA revealed base substitution differences between individuals, and between each individual and the published human mtDNA sequence. A majority of these base substitutions were transitions. No systematic nt sequence differences were identified between tissues within an individual, however. These results suggest that mtDNA sequence alterations do not accompany organogenesis, and that somatic mutations do not accumulate in the mtDNA of different human tissues to a level of greater than one nt substitution per molecule.  相似文献   

The base sequence homology between human and mouse mitochondrial DNA has been investigated by hybridization of highly labelled mitochondrial DNA probes with restriction fragments of mitochondrial DNA blotted according to the Southern technique. By this analysis, the homologous regions have been found to be widely distributed along the mitochondrial genome. Competition hybridization experiments with unlabelled HeLa mitochondrial RNAs have shown that most of the cross-hybridization involves the ribosomal and 4 S RNA genes.  相似文献   

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