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Putative intersubunit electrostatic interactions between charged amino acids on the surfaces of the dimer interfaces of leucine zippers (g-e'' ion pairs) have been implicated as determinants of dimerization specificity. To evaluate the importance of these ionic interactions in determining the specificity of dimer formation, we constructed a pool of > 65,000 GCN4 leucine zipper mutants in which all the e and g positions are occupied by different combinations of alanine, glutamic acid, lysine, or threonine. The oligomerization properties of these mutants were evaluated based on the phenotypes of cells expressing lambda repressor-leucine zipper fusion proteins. About 90% of the mutants do not form stable homooligomers. Surprisingly, approximately 8% of the mutant sequences have phenotypes consistent with the formation of higher-order (> dimer) oligomers, which can be classified into three types based on sequence features. The oligomerization states of mutants from two of these types were determined by characterizing purified fusion proteins. The Type I mutant behaved as a tetramer under all tested conditions, whereas the Type III mutant formed a variety of higher-order oligomers, depending on the solution conditions. Stable homodimers comprise less than 3% of the pool; several g-e'' positions in these mutants could form attractive ion pairs. Putative repulsive ion pairs are not found among the homodimeric mutants. However, patterns of charged residues at the e and g positions do not seem to be sufficient to predict either homodimer or heterodimer formation among the mutants.  相似文献   

Surface salt bridges stabilize the GCN4 leucine zipper.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We present a study of the role of salt bridges in stabilizing a simplified tertiary structural motif, the coiled-coil. Changes in GCN4 sequence have been engineered that introduce trial patterns of single and multiple salt bridges at solvent exposed sites. At the same sites, a set of alanine mutants was generated to provide a reference for thermodynamic analysis of the salt bridges. Introduction of three alanines stabilizes the dimer by 1.1 kcal/mol relative to the wild-type. An arrangement corresponding to a complex type of salt bridge involving three groups stabilizes the dimer by 1.7 kcal/ mol, an apparent elevation of the melting temperature relative to wild type of about 22 degrees C. While identifying local from nonlocal contributions to protein stability is difficult, stabilizing interactions can be identified by use of cycles. Introduction of alanines for side chains of lower helix propensity and complex salt bridges both stabilize the coiled-coil, so that combining the two should yield melting temperatures substantially higher than the starting species, approaching those of thermophilic sequences.  相似文献   

The effects of different salts (LiCl, NaCl, ChoCl, KF, KCl, and KBr) on the structural stability of a 33-residue peptide corresponding to the leucine zipper region of GCN4 have been studied by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. These experiments have allowed an estimation of the salt dependence of the thermodynamic parameters that define the stability of the coiled coil. Independent of the nature of the salt, a destabilization of the coiled coil is always observed upon increasing salt concentration up to a maximum of approximately 0.5 M, depending on the specific cation or anion. At higher salt concentrations, this effect is reversed and a stabilization of the leucine zipper is observed. The effect of salt concentration is primarily entropic, judging from the lack of a significant salt dependence of the transition enthalpy. The salt dependence of the stability of the peptide is complex, suggesting the presence of specific salt effects at high salt concentrations in addition to the nonspecific electrostatic effects that are prevalent at lower salt concentrations. The data is consistent with the existence of specific interactions between anions and peptide with an affinity that follows a reverse size order (F- > Cl- > Br-). Under all conditions studied, the coiled coil undergoes reversible thermal unfolding that can be well represented by a reaction of the form N2<==>2U, indicating that the unfolding is a two-state process in which the helices are only stable when they are in the coiled coil conformation.  相似文献   

The contribution of metal ion ligand type and charge to catalysis and regulation at the lower affinity metal ion site (n2 site) of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase (GS) was tested by mutagenesis and kinetic analysis. The 2 glutamate residues at the n2 site, E129 and E357, were changed to E129D, E129H, E357H, E357Q, and E357D, representing conservative and nonconservative alterations. Unadenylylated and fully adenylylated enzyme forms were studied. The Mn(2+)-KD values, UV-cis and fluorescence emission properties were similar for all mutants versus WTGS, except E129H. For kinetic determinations with both Mn2+ and Mg2+, nonconservative mutants (E357H, E129H, E357Q) showed lower biosynthetic activities than conservative mutants (E129D, E357D). Relative to WTGS, all the unadenylylated Mn(2+)-activated enzymes showed reduced kcat/Km values for ATP (> 7-fold) and for glutamate (> 10-fold). Of the unadenylylated Mg(2+)-activated enzymes, only E129D showed kinetic parameters competitive with WTGS, and adenylylated E129D was a 20-fold better catalyst than WTGS. We propose the n2-site metal ion activates ADP for departure in the phosphorylation of glutamate by ATP to generate gamma-glutamyl phosphate. Alteration of the charge density at this metal ion alters the transition-state energy for phosphoryl group transfer and may affect ATP binding and/or ADP release. Thus, the steady-state kinetic data suggest that modifying the charge density increases the transition-state energies for chemical steps. Importantly, the data demonstrate that each ligand position has a specialized spatial environment and the charge of the ligand modulates the catalytic steps occurring at the metal ion. The data are discussed in the context of the known X-ray structures of GS.  相似文献   

Using a dimeric bZIP protein, we have designed a leucine zipper that becomes more stable after a serine in the e position is phosphorylated by protein kinase A (delta delta GP = -1.4 kcal mol-1 dimer-1 or -0.7 kcal mol-1 residue-1). Mutagenesis studies indicate that three arginines form a network of inter-helical (i,i' + 5; i, i' + 2) and intra-helical (i, i + 4) attractive interactions with the phosphorylated serine. When the arginines are replaced with lysines, the stabilizing effect of serine phosphorylation is reduced (delta delta GP = -0.5 kcal mol-1 dimer-1). The hydrophobic interface of the leucine zipper needs a glycine in the d position to obtain an increase in stability after phosphorylation. The phosphorylated protein binds DNA with a 15-fold higher affinity. Using a transient transfection assay, we document a PKA dependent four-fold activation of a reporter gene. Phosphorylation of a threonine in the same e position decreases the stability by delta delta GP = +1.2 kcal mol-1 dimer-1. We present circular dichroism (CD) thermal denaturations of 15 bZIP proteins before and after phosphorylation. These data provide insights into the structural determinants that result in stabilization of a coiled coil by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of CYP3A4-substrate interactions has been investigated using a battery of techniques including cysteine scanning mutagenesis, photoaffinity labeling, and structural modeling. In this study, cysteine scanning mutagenesis was performed at seven sites within CYP3A4 proposed to be involved in substrate interaction and/or cooperativity. Photolabeled CYP3A4 peptide adducts were further characterized by mass spectrometric analysis for each mutant after proteolytic digestion and isolation of fluorescent photolabeled peptides. Among the tryptic peptides of seven tested mutants, three photolabeled peptides of the F108C mutant, ECYSVFTNR (positions 97-105), VLQNFSFKPCK (positions 459-469), and RPCGPVGFMK (positions 106-115) were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS and nano-LC/ESI QTOF MS. The site of modification was further localized to the substituted Cys-108 residue in the mutant peptide adduct RPCGPVGFMK (positions 106-115) by nano-LC/ESI QTOF MS/MS. In summary, we described a potentially useful method to study P450 active sites using a combination of cysteine scanning mutagenesis and photoaffinity labeling.  相似文献   

DNA binding by a 29-residue, monomeric, GCN4 basic region peptide, GCN4br, as well as by peptide br-C, a monomeric basic-region analogue that is helix stabilized at its C-terminal end by a Lys25. Asp29 side-chain lactam-bridged alanine-rich sequence, was studied at 25 C in an aqueous buffer containing 100 mm NaCl. Mixing of both peptides with duplex DNA containing the cAMP-responsive element (CRE) was accompanied by significant helix stabilization in the peptides, whereas mixing of the peptides with duplex DNA containing a scrambled CRE site was not. Peptide NBD-br-C was synthesized as a fluorescent probe to evaluate these peptide-DNA interactions further. Quantitative analysis of the fluorescence quenching of peptide NBD-br-C by CRE half-site DNA indicated the formation of a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant of 1.41 +/- 0.22 microm. Competitive displacement fluorescence assays of CRE half-site binding gave dissociation constants of 0.65 +/- 0.09 microm for peptide br-C and 3.9 +/- 0.5 microM for GCN4br, which corresponds to a free energy difference of 1.1 kcal/mol that is attributed to the helix stabilization achieved in peptide br-C. This result indicates that helix initiation by the alpha-helical leucine zipper dimerization motif in native bzip proteins, such as GCN4, contributes significantly to the affinity of basic region peptides for their recognition sites on DNA. Our fluorescence assay should also prove useful for determining dissociation constants for CRE binding by other GCN4 basic region analogues under equilibrium conditions and physiological salt concentrations.  相似文献   

The use of conformational ensembles provided by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments or generated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations has been regarded as a useful approach to account for protein motions in the context of pK(a) calculations, yet the idea has been tested occasionally. This is the first report of systematic comparison of pK(a) estimates computed from long multiple MD simulations and NMR ensembles. As model systems, a synthetic leucine zipper, the naturally occurring coiled coil GCN4, and barnase were used. A variety of conformational averaging and titration curve-averaging techniques, or combination thereof, was adopted and/or modified to investigate the effect of extensive global conformational sampling on the accuracy of pK(a) calculations. Clustering of coordinates is proposed as an approach to reduce the vast diversity of MD ensembles to a few structures representative of the average electrostatic properties of the system in solution. Remarkable improvement of the accuracy of pK(a) predictions was achieved by the use of multiple MD simulations. By using multiple trajectories the absolute error in pK(a) predictions for the model leucine zipper was reduced to as low as approximately 0.25 pK(a) units. The validity, advantages, and limitations of explicit conformational sampling by MD, compared with the use of an average structure and a high internal protein dielectric value as means to improve the accuracy of pK(a) calculations, are discussed.  相似文献   

Chi MC  Liu JS  Wang WC  Lin LL  Huang HB 《Biochimie》2008,90(5):811-819
Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) is an exopeptidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of amino acid residues from the amino terminus of proteins and peptides. Sequence alignment shows that the conserved Ala348 and Gly350 residues of Bacillus kaustophilus LAP (BkLAP) are located right next to a coordinated ligand. We further investigated the roles of these two residues by performing computer modeling and site-directed mutagenesis. Based on the modeling, the carbonyl group of Ala348 interacts with Asn345 and Asn435, and that of Gly350 with Ile353 and Leu354, where these interactions might maintain the zinc-coordinated residues at their correct positions. Replacement of Ala348 with Arg resulted in a dramatic reduction in LAP activity. A complete loss of the activity was also observed in A348E, A348V, and the Gly350 variants. Measurement of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence revealed alteration of the microenvironment of aromatic amino acid residues, while circular dichroism spectra were nearly identical for wild-type and all mutant enzymes. Protein modeling and site-directed mutagenesis suggest that residues Ala348 and Gly350 are essential for BkLAP in maintaining a stable active-site environment for the catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

It has been recently proposed that certain DNA binding proteins (including C/EBP, GCN4 and themyc, jun, andfos oncogene proteins) share a common structural motif based on helix-promoting regions containing heptad repeat sequences of leucines. It has been suggested that this structure is critical to the biological activity of these proteins, since it facilitates the formation of functional dimers held together by interdigitating leucine side-chains along the hydrophobic interfaces between long -helical regions of the polypeptide chains in a configuration termed the leucine zipper. In this paper, conformational energy analysis is used to determine the preferred three-dimensional structures of the leucine repeat regions of these proteins. The results indicate that, in all cases, the global minimum energy conformation for these regions is an amphipathic -helix with the leucine side-chains arrayed on one side in such a way to favor leucine zipper dimerization. Furthermore, amino acid substitutions in these regions (such as Pro for Leu), that are known to inhibit dimer formation and prevent DNA binding, are found to produce significant conformational changes that disrupt the amphipathic helical structure. Thus, these results provide support for the proposed leucine zipper configuration as a critical structural feature of this class of DNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

Although the three-dimensional structure of the dimeric class 3 rat aldehyde dehydrogenase has recently been published (Liu ZJ et al., 1997, Nature Struct Biol 4:317-326), few mechanistic studies have been conducted on this isoenzyme. We have characterized the enzymatic properties of recombinant class 3 human stomach aldehyde dehydrogenase, which is very similar in amino acid sequence to the class 3 rat aldehyde dehydrogenase. We have determined that the rate-limiting step for the human class 3 isozyme is hydride transfer rather than deacylation as observed for the human liver class 2 mitochondrial enzyme. No enhancement of NADH fluorescence was observed upon binding to the class 3 enzyme, while fluorescence enhancement of NADH has been previously observed upon binding to the class 2 isoenzyme. It was also observed that binding of the NAD cofactor inhibited the esterase activity of the class 3 enzyme while activating the esterase activity of the class 2 enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis of two conserved glutamic acid residues (209 and 333) to glutamine residues indicated that, unlike in the class 2 enzyme, Glu333 served as the general base in the catalytic reaction and E209Q had only marginal effects on enzyme activity, thus confirming the proposed mechanism (Hempel J et al., 1999, Adv Exp Med Biol 436:53-59). Together, these data suggest that even though the subunit structures and active site residues of the isozymes are similar, the enzymes have very distinct properties besides their oligomeric state (dimer vs. tetramer) and substrate specificity.  相似文献   

We examined the enzymatic function of recombinant CYP2C19 in enantiomeric hexobarbital (HB) 3'-hydroxylation, and searched the roles of amino acid residues, such as Phe-100, Phe-114, Asp-293, Glu-300, and Phe-476 of CYP2C19 in the stereoselective HB 3'-hydroxylation, using a yeast cell expression system and site-directed mutagenesis method. CYP2C19 wild-type exerted substrate enantioselectivity of (R)-HB>(S)-HB and metabolite diastereoselectivity of 3'(R)<3'(S) in 3'-hydroxylation of HB enantiomers. The substitution of Asp-293 by alanine failed to yield an observable peak at 450 nm in its reduced carbon monoxide-difference spectrum. CYP2C19-E300A and CYP2C19-E300V with alanine and valine, respectively, in place of Glu-300 exerted total HB 3'-hydroxylation activities of 45 and 108%, respectively, that of the wild-type. Interestingly, these two mutants showed substrate enantioselectivity of (R)-HB<(S)-HB, which is opposite to that of the wild-type, while metabolite diasteroselectivity remained unchanged. The replacement of Phe-476 by alanine increased total HB 3'-hydroxylation activity to approximately 3-fold that of the wild-type. Particularly, 3'(S)-OH-(S)-HB-forming activity elevated to 7-fold that of the wild-type, resulting in the reversal of the substrate enantioselectivity. In contrast, the substitution of phenylalanine at positions 100 and 114 by alanine did not produce a remarkable change in the total activity or the substrate enantioselectivity. These results indicate that Glu-300 and Phe-476 are important in stereoselective oxidation of HB enantiomers by CYP2C19.  相似文献   

Four mutants of the human cap binding protein (hCBP), in which Trp-102, Glu-103, Asp-104 or Glu-105 was changed to the aliphatic Leu or Ala, were prepared, and their cap binding abilities were examined. Cap binding abilities of two mutants. W102L (Trp-102→Leu) and E105A (Glu-105→Ala), were significantly decreased in comparison with the wild-type hCBP. This result suggest that Trp-102 and Glu-105 are both necessary for the cap binding, and the most probable binding mode with the m7G of cap structure is the combination of the stacking by Trp-102 and the hydrogen-bond pairing by Glu-105, as was already proposed from the model studies.  相似文献   

DNA:m(5)C MTases comprise a catalytic domain with conserved residues of the active site and a strongly diverged TRD with variable residues involved in DNA recognition and binding. To date, crystal structures of 2 DNA:m(5)C MTases complexed with the substrate DNA have been obtained; however, for none of these enzymes has the importance of the whole set of DNA-binding residues been comprehensively studied. We built a comparative model of M.NgoPII, a close homologue and isomethylomer of M.HaeIII, and systematically analyzed the effect of alanine substitutions for the complete set of amino acid residues from its TRD predicted to be important for DNA binding and target recognition. Our data demonstrate that only 1 Arg residue is indispensable for the MTase activity in vivo and in vitro, and that mutations of only a few other residues cause significant reduction of the activity in vitro, with little effect on the activity in vivo. The identification of dispensable protein-DNA contacts in the wild-type MTase will serve as a platform for exhaustive combinatorial mutagenesis aimed at the design of new contacts, and thus construction of enzyme variants that retain the activity but exhibit potentially new substrate preferences.  相似文献   

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