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The levels of noradrenaline and dopamine were determined in the homogenates of the hypothalamus of rats of either sex. The determinations were done in intact rats, after sham gonadectomy, 6 and 9 weeks after gonadectomy, and in gonadectomized rats receiving 6 weeks after gonadectomy one dose of oestradiol cypionate (females) or testosterone cypionate (males). Catecholamines were determined fluorimetrically. The changes of the determined catecholamines differed in the hypothalamic homogenates in males and females after gonadectomy. Following orchidectomy the noradrenaline level rose, while after ovariectomy the level of this catecholamine decreased. Contrary to this, in ovariectomized rats the dopamine level was significantly raised after the operation. This change was reversible as observed after administration of oestradiol cypionate. Orchidectomy and testosterone cypionate injection had no effect on the dopamine level in the hypothalamus. The role of these catecholamines in the processes connected with the regulation of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis is discussed.  相似文献   

The sleep disorder narcolepsy is now linked with a loss of neurons containing the neuropeptide hypocretin (also known as orexin). The hypocretin neurons are located exclusively in the lateral hypothalamus, a brain region that has been implicated in arousal based on observations made by von Economo during the viral encephalitic epidemic of 1916–1926. There are other neuronal phenotypes located in the lateral hypothalamus that are distinct and separate from the hypocretin neurons. Here the authors identify these neurons based on peptides and neurotransmitters that they express and review roles of these neurons in sleep. Given the heterogeneity of the neuronal phenotypes in the lateral hypothalamus, it is likely that hypocretin neurons, as well as other types of neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, influence sleep and provide state-dependent regulation of physiological functions.  相似文献   

A small dose of noradrenaline, which was ineffective in non-Ainu Japanese subjects, caused marked elevations in energy metabolism and plasma levels of FFA and total ketone bodies in the Ainu. The striking sensitivity to noradrenaline of the Ainu is assumed to indicate a characteristic feature of cold adaptability of this ethnic group.
Zusammenfassung Eine geringe Dosis Noradrenalin, die bei nicht-Ainu Japanern unwirksam war, bewirkte bei Ainus eine ausgeprägte Erhöhung des Stoffwechsels, des Plasmaspiegels, der freien Fettsäuren und der Gesamt-Ketonkörper. Die Noradrenalin-Empfindlichkeit der Ainus wird als Kennzeichen besonderer Kälteanpassungsfähigkeit erklärt, das für diesen Volksstamm kennzeichend ist.

Resume Une faible dose de noradrénaline, dose qui reste sans effet sur les Japonais n'appartenant pas à la race des Ainous, provoque au contraire une nette élévation du métabolisme énergétique chez les natifs de cette race. Cette élévation se signale notamment par le relèvement du taux des acides gras libres et des masses de kétone dans le sérum sanguin. L'extrême sensibilité des Ainous à la noradrénaline explique la facilité avec laquelle les gens de cette race s'adaptent au froid. Cette facilité d'adaptation est d'ailleurs une des caractéristiques de cette race.

This study was made as a part of J-IBP/HA.  相似文献   

Microionophoretic administration of melatonin into the perineuronal space of lateral hypothalamic neurons in WAG and Fischer-344 rats decreased the firing rate and regularized activity of the cells. Moreover, the effects of melatonin completely blocked the activation of neurons and changes in their pulse activity produced by norepinephrine. The effects of melatonin on neuronal activity in behaviorally active stress-resistant WAG rats were more pronounced than in behaviorally passive stress-predisposed Fischer-344 rats. These data suggest that stress-protective activity of melatonin is associated with inhibition of the pulse activity of neurons in emotiogenic structures of the brain and changes in neuronal sensitivity to norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline and dopamine injected into the lateral brain ventricle exerted a significant effect on the behavior of rats. Both amines caused a slight rise in the basic locomotor activity which was significantly increased in the animals with inhibited monoamine oxidase activity. Besides that, they suppressed the behavior of rats in the open-field test, inhibited the conditioned avoidance response, decreased body temperature and increased amphetamine-induced motor hyperactivity. Noradrenaline, in contrast to dopamine, changed the intensity of amphetamine-induced stereotypy and prolonged the action of hypnotics. The central action of both catecholamines (in higher doses especially) seemed to have a biphasic course: in the first phase after administration depression was observed which was more pronounced after noradrenaline administration, in the second phase a stimulating effect b  相似文献   

AimsThe major non-psychoactive component of Cannabis sativa, cannabidiol (CBD), displays a plethora of actions including wakefulness. In the present study, we addressed whether perfusing CBD via microdialysis into lateral hypothalamus (LH) during the lights-on period would modify the sleep-wake cycle of rats as well as the contents of dopamine (DA) collected from nucleus accumbens (AcbC). Additionally, we tested whether perfusion of CBD into LH would block the sleep rebound after a sleep deprivation period.Main methodsElectroencephalogram and electromyogram electrodes were implanted in rats as well as a guide-cannula aimed to LH or AcbC. CBD perfusion was carried out via cannulae placed into LH whereas contents of DA were collected from AcbC and analyzed using HPLC means.Key findingsWe found that microdialysis perfusion of CBD (30, 60, or 90 nM) into LH of rat enhances alertness and suppresses sleep. This effect was accompanied with an increase in DA extracellular levels collected from the AcbC. Furthermore, perfusion of CBD into LH after total sleep deprivation prevented the sleep rebound.SignificanceThese findings enhance the investigation about the neurobiological properties of CBD on sleep modulation.  相似文献   

The fluorescent histochemical technique was used to examine the presence of dopamine 1 h after injection into the lateral hypothalamus which had been depleted of catecholamines by repeated injections of 6-hydroxydopamine. There was considerably more fluorescence at the dopamine injection site which had been previously treated with 6-hydroxydopamine than at the contralateral site treated with saline. These results suggest that the destruction of catecholamine containing nerve fibres from the hypothalamus may impair the ability of brain tissue to remove amines which are produced endogenously during degeneration. This could explain why amine accumulation produced during degeneration of catecholamine-containing neurons can remain for several weeks after the parent cells, hypothesized to have produced the accumulating amine, have died.  相似文献   

Correlation of impulse activity of visual and sensorimotor neurons of both hemispheres in 10-s interval after self-stimulation of the right and left lateral hypothalamus was studied by plotting cross- and autocorrelation histograms. The number of cell pairs, in which sensorimotor neurons discharged after visual ones, increased after self-stimulation (from 24 +/- 6 to 44 +/- 7%). Frequencies of the alpha- and theta-range in crosscorrelograms increased; the alpha frequency increased mainly in the right hemisphere, while the theta frequency increased in the left hemisphere. The interhemispheric asymmetry in the interaction between cortical neurons was not associated with the side of hypothalamic stimulation.  相似文献   

Frequency and patterns of activity of 106 neurons in the lateral preoptic area of unanesthetized cats were studied under conditions of indolent head fixation. It was shown that this structure contains two somnogenic neuronal populations with different functions. Neurons increasing their discharge frequency during transition from active to quiet wakefulness and subsequent sleep development to the point of phasic stage of paradoxical sleep development are considered as elements of an anti-waking system, which is involved in the mechanisms of sleep onset and deepening by means of inactivation of the arousal system. Neurons displaying the highest firing rates during light slow-wave sleep and synchronization of discharges with sleep spindles are considered as elements of a slow-wave sleep network.  相似文献   

Using the axon degeneration method by R. Fink and L. Heimer, organization of intrathalamic connections between various areas of the lateral hypothalamus have been studied after unisided electrolitic lesion. At any location of the injury foci, similar patterns are observed in ipsilateral distribution of degenerating fibers along the whole lateral preoptico-hypothalamic area. The most massive degeneration is observed in the zone where the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) fibers run. The degenerating fibers spread forward--into the septal area, and backward--into the mesencephalic part of the brain. The rostral and caudal parts of the lateral hypothalamus, taking part in formation of the MFB collateralies towards the thalamus, are connected with various thalamic nuclei. Massive preterminal degeneration in the perifornical zone and single argerophile granules in the medial hypothalamus convincingly demonstrate an important role of the intermediate zone for connections of its medial and lateral parts with each other. The conclusion that the intrahypothalamic connections of the lateral hypothalamus are realized within the MFB system supports the modern notion on a close connection of the lateral hypothalamus with the system of longitudinal diffuse bundles of fibers of the medial anterocerebral pathway that run through it.  相似文献   

The prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss is increasing worldwide, mainly due to ageing, increased noise exposure and cardiovascular risk factors. Several papers dealt with the mechanisms underlying the primary causes of impaired hearing and eventual deafness, including the damage and loss of auditory hair cells; however, very little is known about the protective mechanisms that exist for hearing. Several recent investigations have implicated dopamine (DA) in a neuroprotective circuit for the cochlea. The lateral olivocochlear (LOC) efferents provide axonal innervation of the inner hair cell afferent synapses and release DA and other substances in response to different stimuli. Under ischemic conditions or during noise exposure, DA has been proven to play a neuroprotective role against glutamate excitotoxicity. This review summarises what is currently known about the modulation of DA release in the cochlea, using primarily in vitro experimental data. Based on recent knowledge, there could be two functional subgroups within the LOC fibres, i.e., the DA- and GABA-containing projections. In this review, we attempt to show the neurochemical interactions between these two subsystems. Other aspects of cochlear neurotransmission are also discussed to provide a complete picture of cochlear dopaminergic function in physiological and pathophysiological cases with particular reference to excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

Wistar male rats were implanted with bipolar electrodes in the lateral hypothalamus to study self-stimulation reaction in the Skinner box. Simultaneously, the microcanules were implanted into the central nucleus of the amygdala to inject the drugs studied (1 microl in volume for each injection). The blockade of CRF receptors (astressin 1 microg) or sodium influx ionic currents (xycaine, or lidocain 1 microg) by means of intrastructural administration of drugs into the amygdala descreased self-stimulation reaction of the lateral hypothalamus in rats by 29-55%. The inhibition of D2 and D2 dopamine receptors in the amygdala with SCH23390 (1 microg) or sulpiride (1 microg), respectively. reduced self-stimulation too, but in less degree. On the background of blockade of CRF (astressin) and dopamine (sulpiride) receptors, as well as sodium influx ionic currents (lidocain) in the amygdala neurons, psychomotor stimulant amphetamine (1 mg/kg) and barbiturate sodium ethaminal (5 mg/kg) supported their psychoactivating effect on self-stimulation (+30-37%), but fentanyl (0.1 mg/kg) had got no effect. Fentanyl activated self-stimulation moderately only after blockade D1 dopamine receptors with SCH23390. After blockade of CRF receptors, leu-enkephaline strengthened its depressant effect on self-stimulation reaction (-89%). Therefore, if the modulating influence of the amygdala on the hypothalamus is diminished, the reinforcing effects of opiated (fentanyl) and opioids (leuencephaline) will block, but there will be no effect for psychomotor stimulant amphetamine and barbiturate sodium ethaminal.  相似文献   

Summary This study presents evidence for a retinal projection to neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of the albino rat. In Golgi-Kopsch material dendrites from LHA-neurons are observed to extend through the supraoptic commissures into the optic tract. The presence of dendrites in the optic tract is confirmed by electron microscopy. Numerous axon terminals are observed forming asymmetric synaptic contacts with these dendritic profiles. Following bilateral enucleation, many of the preterminal axons and terminals in synaptic contact with dendrites in the optic tract demonstrate dark degeneration. After intraocular injection of horseradish peroxidase, there is marked labeling of preterminal axons and terminals in the optic tract. These observations indicate that LHA neurons receive a direct retinal projection from terminals making synaptic contact with dendrites of LHA-neurons extending into the optic tract.  相似文献   

The murine C1300 neuroblastoma tumor was found to secrete dopamine, noradrenaline and dopamine B-hydroxylase into the circulation of tumor-bearing A/J mice. The plasma levels of dopamine, noradrenaline and dopamine B-hydroxylase increased with the size of the tumor, and the increase in noradrenaline paralleled the increase in dopamine B-hydroxylase (r = 0.86). The vesicular storage of dopamine and noradrenaline in the tumor was evidenced by a decrease of the tissue content of dopamine and noradrenaline 24 hours after the administration of reserpine (5 micrograms/g) respectively to 17.6% and 7.8% of control values. A similar observation could be made for the levels of dopamine and noradrenaline in the plasma of reserpinized C1300 mice. The total activity of dopamine B-hydroxylase in the tumor and in plasma was unaffected by the reserpine treatment. Chronic administration of 6-hydroxydopamine (100 micrograms/g for 8 days) had no effect on the tissue contents of dopamine, noradrenaline or dopamine B-hydroxylase. The release of catecholamines and dopamine B-hydroxylase from the C1300 neuroblastoma was studied in vitro on superfused tumor slices. Stimulation of these slices with 56 mM KC1 or with 5.10(-5) M tyramine failed to induce the release of endogenous dopamine, noradrenaline or dopamine B-hydroxylase above the basal outflow levels. These results are suggestive for a non-exocytotic release of catecholamines and dopamine B-hydroxylase from the neuroblastoma tumor.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms -  相似文献   

We describe a new molecular mechanism of dopamine-induced membrane protein modulation that can tune neuronal oscillation frequency to attention-related gamma rhythm. This mechanism is based on the unique ability of D4 dopamine receptors (D4R) to carry out phospholipid methylation (PLM) that may affect the kinetics of ion channels. We show that by deceasing the inertia of the delayed rectifier potassium channel, a transition to 40 Hz oscillations can be achieved. Decreased potassium channel inertia shortens spike duration and decreases the interspike interval via its influence on the calcium-dependent potassium current. This mechanism leads to a transition to attention-related gamma oscillations in a pyramidal cell-interneuron network. The higher frequency and better synchronization is observed with PLM affecting pyramidal neurons only, and recurrent excitation between pyramidal neurons is important for synchronization. Thus dopamine-stimulated methylation of membrane phospholipids may be an important mechanism for modulating firing activity, while impaired methylation can contribute to disorders of attention. Action Editor: Upinder Bhalla  相似文献   

In the Rat, desensitization to noradrenaline induced by perfusion of large doses of noradrenaline (0.5 to 0.75 mug/mn/100 g), is not suppressed by indomethacine (1 to 5 mg/100 g). Synthesis and release of endogenous prostaglandins of the PGE group are not the cause of the desensitization.  相似文献   

On freely moving albino rats we demonstrated that, when fast food-procuring movements are performed, the mass electrical activity of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) is suppressed 1.6–2.0 sec before the movement beginning recorded with a photoelectrical device. Videorecording of the movements and recording of the spike activity of LH units showed that the latter are activated 1.0–0.1 sec before the movement initiation. The LH is considered a motivation-related structure, which serves as a source providing an increase in the excitability of the structures involved in the control of food-procuring movements and, further on, supporting this increased excitability. The LH is also a component of the mechanisms providing formation of the motor program. The role of the LH in the ensemble of motor centers, which organize and control voluntary movements, is discussed.  相似文献   

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