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Three different mAb directed against beta 2 microglobulin (two IgG1 and one IgG2a) were tested for their ability to activate human platelets. Although all three antibodies bound to platelets, only one of them, B2.62.2, of the IgG1 subclass, induced platelet activation. This activation is similar to the activation by SYB-1, a CD9 antibody of the same subclass previously described as activating platelets through platelet Fc gamma R. These similarities include serotonin secretion, a lag time preceding aggregation and the induction of a strong intracellular calcium mobilization from storage pools. As with CD9 antibodies, the F(ab')2 fragments of B2.62.2 did not induce activation but blocked the activation by the native antibody, by preventing the binding to beta 2 microglobulin. Also, this activation was inhibited by pretreating the platelet with IV-3, a mAb that blocks the Fc binding site of the FcR. Inasmuch as the same antibody does not prevent the binding of B2.62.2 on platelets, we conclude that the activation by B2.62.2 is mediated by the FcR. Nevertheless, there were differences with the activation by SYB-1. B2.62.2 activation was more dependent on thromboxane A2 formation and no cytoplasmic alkalinization was detected. Finally, contrary to SYB-1, B2.62.2 activation proved to be sensitive to platelet count, suggesting that it involves the formation of immune complexes consisting of antibodies and platelets, that activate nearby platelets.  相似文献   

Calpastatin, the inhibitor protein acting specifically on calpain (EC; Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteinase), is known to be widely distributed in mammalian and avian cells. Two different molecular species of calpastatin were isolated and purified to homogeneity from pig heart muscle and from pig erythrocytes, and shown to be of 107 kDa and 68 kDa respectively on SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Both calpastatins had very similar amino acid compositions when expressed as mol per cent of the residues, differed by only 0.1 pH unit in their isoelectric points, and showed immunological cross-reactivity. One molecule of the 107 kDa species could bind approx. 8 calpain molecules, whereas the 68 kDa inhibitor could bind approx. 5 calpain molecules. These findings suggest similar protein structures of the 107 kDa and 68 kDa calpastatins, each being composed of extended multidomains, with unit inhibitor domains aligned along the polypeptide chain of the molecule. The present study does not conclude, however, whether or not the 68 kDa calpastatin found in erythrocytes is a derived product from the 107 kDa species, which is present as such in heart muscle.  相似文献   

We previously described a non-classical mechanism that arrests FcγRIIa signaling in human neutrophils once engaged by immune complexes or opsonized pathogens. The engagement of FcγRIIa leads to its ubiquitination by the ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl and degradation by the proteasome. Herein, we further examined some of the events regulating this novel pathway. The adaptor protein CIN85 was described in other systems to be involved in the regulation of the c-Cbl-dependent pathway. We found that CIN85 is expressed in human neutrophils and that it translocates like c-Cbl from the cytosol to the plasma membrane following receptor cross-linking. CIN85 was also recruited to the same subset of high density detergent-resistant membrane fractions in which stimulated FcγRIIa partitioned with c-Cbl. The integrity of these microdomains is essential to the FcγRIIa degradation process because the cholesterol-depleting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin inhibits this event. Silencing the expression of CIN85 by siRNA in dibutyryl cyclic AMP-differentiated PLB 985 cells prevented FcγRIIa degradation and increased IgG-mediated phagocytosis. Confocal microscopy revealed that the presence of CIN85 is essential to the proper sorting of FcγRIIa during endocytosis. We also provide direct evidence that CIN85 is a substrate of serine/threonine kinase PKCs. Classical PKCs positively regulate FcγRIIa ubiquitination and degradation because these events were inhibited by Gö6976, a classical PKC inhibitor. We conclude that the ubiquitination and degradation of stimulated FcγRIIa mediated by c-Cbl are positively regulated by the adaptor protein CIN85 in a PKC-dependent manner and that these events contribute to the termination of FcγRIIa signaling.  相似文献   

The majority of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected individuals progress from acute to chronic disease, despite the presence of a strong humoral immune response to the envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2. When expressed in mammalian cells, E1 and E2 form both noncovalently linked E1E2 heterodimers, believed to be properly folded, and disulfide-linked, high-molecular-weight aggregates that are misfolded. Previously, we identified 10 human monoclonal antibodies (HMAbs) that bind E2 glycoproteins from different genotypes. Here we demonstrate that one of these HMAbs, CBH-2, is unique in its ability to distinguish between properly folded and misfolded envelope proteins. This HMAb recognizes HCV-E2 only when complexed with E1. The E1E2 complexes recognized by CBH-2 are noncovalently linked heterodimers and not misfolded disulfide-linked, high-molecular-weight aggregates. The E1E2 heterodimers seen by CBH-2 no longer associate with the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone calnexin and are likely to represent the prebudding form of the HCV virion.  相似文献   

The various cell types involved in fish phagocytic defence have not been properly established because of the morphological heterogeneity of leucocytes and the lack of appropriate cell-surface markers. In this study, we report the production and characterisation of a monoclonal antibody, G7, which specifically recognises gilthead seabream acidophilic granulocytes, as assayed by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The antibody reacted with 40%-50% of head-kidney and peritoneal exudate leucocytes and 10%-20% of spleen and peripheral blood leucocytes. More importantly, G7(+) acidophils constituted 85% of the head-kidney leucocytes showing phagocytic activity towards the fish pathogenic bacterium Vibrio anguillarum. The results are discussed in relation to the role played by this cell type in fish immune responses.  相似文献   

HMGB1 and HMGB2 are abundant nonhistone chromosomal proteins in eukaryotic organisms. Their respective primary sequences are highly conserved. Our previous studies showed that these proteins are novel autoantigens of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in sera from patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), rheumatic disease and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). In the present paper, we showed that anti-HMGB1 and HMGB2 antibodies in sera of patients with UC do not recognize HMGB1 in neutrophils while they recognize the protein in lymphocytes. Anti-HMGB2 monoclonal antibody FBH7, recognizing HMGB1 in lymphocytes, showed a similar profile to the antibodies in the patients' sera. In order to elucidate the difference in immunoreactivity to HMGB1 between neutrophils and lymphocytes, we mapped the epitope for FBH7 by means of several methods. The results showed that FBH7 recognizes the intact conformation composed of 52-56 residues of HMGB1 in lymphocytes. This suggested that HMGB1 in neutrophils is conformationally changed in the epitope or the peripheral structure of the epitope from the protein in lymphocytes. The apparent conformational change of HMGB1 between neutrophils and lymphocytes will be important for understanding the functional difference of HMGB1 in these cells.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of GTP-binding proteins and the associated cyclic AMP- and calcium-related transduction mechanisms in the regulation of capping in human neutrophils. Pertussis toxin (PT), a probe for the GTP-binding protein Ni, abolished capping induced by fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated concanavalin A (Con-A), whereas cholera toxin, a probe for the GTP-binding protein Ns, was without effect. Consistent with the latter finding, ligands acting at receptors associated with the Ns protein, namely the prostaglandin E1 and beta-adrenergic agonists, were without effect on the capping reaction. The possible role of mobilization of internal calcium was evaluated by using Quin2-loaded cells. Calcium mobilization was observed at concentrations of Con-A which yielded optimal capping (10 micrograms/ml). Treatment with PT, phorbol myristrate acetate or 8-(NN-diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8) abolished both calcium mobilization and capping. Colchicine, which substantially enhanced capping, had no effect on calcium mobilization. At concentrations of the lectin above those required for capping, superoxide generation and enzyme release were noted. These reactions were less susceptible to inhibition by PT, effects being observed only on the Kact. for Con-A-mediated superoxide generation with little effect on the Vmax. The degree of PT-mediated inhibition for enzyme release with Con-A was much lower than that observed with fMet-Leu-Phe. Our results imply that a step involving Ni-mediated calcium mobilization, sensitive to phorbol myristate acetate, is essential to the regulation of capping; a distinct mechanism may be involved in colchicine-mediated enhancement of capping; and Ni may play a relative minor role in the regulation of lectin-mediated exocytosis.  相似文献   

Following the immunization of BALB/c mice with B. pertussis toxin, monoclonal antibodies (McAb) to the antigens of human epithelium, both dermal (the basal, superbasal or all epidermis levels) and thymic (the epithelium of the medullary zone, the cortical and medullary epithelium around Hassall's corpuscles), have been obtained. McAb have been obtained as the result of the polyclonal activation of autoreactive B-cells with B. pertussis toxin. McAb thus obtained can be used for the determination of the corresponding antigens in the epithelial tissues of the thymus and other organs in man, as well as for the diagnosis of tumors, histogenetically related to integumentary tissues of the epidermal genesis.  相似文献   

A hybridoma cell line that produces a monoclonal antibody (MAb) to cell surface C1q receptor (C1qR) has been produced by fusion of the P3 X 63-Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cell line with the spleen cells of a CD-1 mouse that had been hyperimmunized with viable Raji cell suspensions (5 X 10(7) cells/inoculum). This MAb, designated II1/D1, is an IgM antibody with lambda-light chain specificity. Radiolabeled or unlabeled, highly purified II1/D1 was used to determine that: this antibody competes for C1q binding sites on C1qR-bearing cells; the molecule recognized by this MAb is the C1qR; and cells that are known to bind C1q also bind II1/D1 in a specific manner. Western blot analysis of solubilized Raji, or U937 cell membranes, showed that the 125I-MAb detected a major protein band of approximately 85,000 m.w. in its unreduced state, indicating that the C1qR is similar, if not identical, in both types of cells. Analyses of 125I-II1/D1 binding experiments revealed that the antibody bound to Raji cells or U937 cells in a specific manner. Uptake of the antibody was saturable, with equilibrium virtually attained within 35 min. Scatchard analysis of the binding data using the intact MAb suggests that the affinity constant KD is 2.9 X 10(-10) M, and at apparent saturation, 24.6 ng of the antibody were bound per 2 X 10(6) cells, giving an estimated 7.8 X 10(3) antibody molecules bound per cell. That the II1/D1 antibody is specifically directed to the C1q was further evidenced by an ELISA in which the ability of C1qR-bearing cells to bind the MAb was abrogated by c-C1q in a specific and dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that the II1/D1 is a specific antibody directed against the C1q and can be a useful tool in studying the biologic interaction of human C1q with its receptors on a variety of cells.  相似文献   

Several investigators have now confirmed our original report demonstrating the myelopoietic suppressive activity of lactoferrin (LF) in vitro. In order to further clarify this activity, we used the recently produced and purified neutralizing antibody (II 2C) to LF to set up an immunoradiometric assay specific for LF and to affinity purify LF from lysates of peripheral blood polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) obtained from healthy donors. Iron-saturated purified PMN LF was as active as iron-saturated affinity purified milk LF as a suppressor of the release of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors (GM-CSF) from mononuclear human peripheral blood leukocytes. The activities of both the PMN LF and milk LF were inactivated by preincubation with monoclonal anti-LF antibody (II 2C). In order to evaluate the methods of iron saturation of LF in vitro as measures of their functional activities, milk LF was iron saturated by four different methods, including ferric citrate, ferric ammonium sulphate, ferric chloride with nitriloacetate, and ferric chloride alone. The functional characteristics of all four preparations of LF saturated with iron in vitro were relatively equal and were more active than native LF. Resident mouse peritoneal macrophages separated into subpopulations of GM-CSF-producing cells by velocity sedimentation were evaluated for their LF-receptor binding capacity and for sensitivity to the suppression of GM-CSF release by LF. Iron saturated LF suppressed release of GM-CSF from only those fractions containing LF-receptor bearing cells, although not all fractions containing cells bearing receptors for LF responded to the suppressive activity of LF. These studies provide further evidence for the myelopoietic regulatory activity in vitro of PMN-derived LF, which is mediated through populations of mononuclear phagocytes having receptors for LF.  相似文献   

Rat glioma C6 BU1 cells contain a pertussis toxin substrate of 40 kDa which does not appear to be identical with Gi,Go or transducin. The GTP analogue, GTP[gamma S], inhibited the rate of pertussis toxin-catalysed ADPribosylation of this protein, while the GDP analogue GDP[beta S] stimulated this reaction. A protein of the same kDa value was ADPribosylated by cholera toxin in the absence of added guanine nucleotides. It is suggested that this 40 kDa protein can be a substrate for both cholera and pertussis toxins under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a rapidly growing drug class for which great efforts have been made to optimize certain molecular features to achieve the desired pharmacokinetic (PK) properties. One approach is to engineer the interactions of the mAb with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) by introducing specific amino acid sequence mutations, and to assess their effect on the PK profile with in vivo studies. Indeed, FcRn protects mAbs from intracellular degradation, thereby prolongs antibody circulation time in plasma and modulates its systemic clearance. To allow more efficient and focused mAb optimization, in vitro input that helps to identify and quantitatively predict the contribution of different processes driving non-target mediated mAb clearance in vivo and supporting translational PK modeling activities is essential. With this aim, we evaluated the applicability and in vivo-relevance of an in vitro cellular FcRn-mediated transcytosis assay to explain the PK behavior of 25 mAbs in rat or monkey. The assay was able to capture species-specific differences in IgG-FcRn interactions and overall correctly ranked Fc mutants according to their in vivo clearance. However, it could not explain the PK behavior of all tested IgGs, indicating that mAb disposition in vivo is a complex interplay of additional processes besides the FcRn interaction. Overall, the transcytosis assay was considered suitable to rank mAb candidates for their FcRn-mediated clearance component before extensive in vivo testing, and represents a first step toward a multi-factorial in vivo clearance prediction approach based on in vitro data.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin (PT), the major toxin produced by Bordetella pertussis, has been reported both to enhance and to suppress immune responsiveness. These findings suggested that PT contributes to the virulence of B. pertussis through mechanisms involving immune regulation. We report that PT suppressed both the primary and the secondary cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses of mouse spleen cells cultured against two different allogeneic stimulator spleen cells in vitro. This suppression was dependent on the dose of PT used. PT must be present during the initial stages (within the first 24 hr) of CTL generation. Soluble factor(s) obtained from spleen cells preexposed to PT did not suppress the CTL response. Suppression of the CTL response observed was not due to depletion of the antigen by PT. The cytotoxic activity of CTL clones could not be suppressed by PT. The analysis of responder spleen cells, fractionated by anti-immunoglobulin panning techniques, provided evidence that L3T4-, Lyt 2+ cells mediate the PT-induced immunosuppression. We propose that suppression of the CTL response by PT is generated through the activation of L3T4-, Lyt 2+ suppressor T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

 2B1 is a bispecific murine monoclonal antibody (bsmAb) targeting the c-erbB-2 and CD16 (FcγRIII) antigens. c-erbB-2 is over-expressed by a variety of adenocarcinomas, and CD16, the low-affinity Fcγ receptor for aggregated immunoglobulins, is expressed by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), natural killer (NK) cells and differentiated mononuclear phagocytes. 2B1 potentiates the in vitro lysis of c-erbB-2 over-expressing tumors by NK cells and macrophages. In this report, the interactions between 2B1 and PMN were investigated to assess the impact of these associations on in vitro 2B1-promoted tumor cytotoxicity by human NK cells. The peak binding of 2B1 to PMN was observed at a concentration of 10 μg/ml 2B1. However, 2B1 rapidly dissociated from PMN in vitro at 37°C in non-equilibrium conditions. This dissociation was not caused by CD16 shedding. When PMN were labeled with 125I-2B1 and incubated at 37°C and the supernatants examined by HPLC analysis, the Fab regions of dissociated 2B1 were not complexed with shed CD16 extracellular domain. While most of the binding of 2B1 to PMN was solely attributable to Fab-directed binding to FcγRIII, PMN-associated 2B1 also bound through Fcγ-domain/FcγRII interactions. 2B1 did not promote in vitro PMN cytotoxicity against c-erbB-2-expressing SK-OV-3 tumor cells. When PMN were coincubated with peripheral blood lymphocytes, SK-OV-3 tumor and 2B1, the concentration of 2B1 required for maximal tumor lysis was lowered. Although PMN may serve as a significant competitive binding pool of systemically administered 2B1 in vivo, the therapeutic potential of the targeted cytotoxicity properties of this bsmAb should not be compromised. Received: 3 May 1995 / Accepted: 6 February 1996  相似文献   

Rituxan (Rituximab) is a chimeric mAb with human IgG1 constant domains used in the therapy of non-Hodgkin's B cell lymphomas. This Ab targets B cells by binding to the cell-surface receptor, CD20. In our investigation of the mechanism of B cell depletion mediated by Rituximab, we first constructed mutants of Rituximab defective in complement activation but with all other effector functions intact. Our results demonstrate that the previously described C1q binding motif in murine IgG2b constituting residues E318, K320, and K322 is not applicable to a human IgG1 when challenged with either human, rabbit, or guinea pig complement. Alanine substitution at positions E318 and K320 in Rituximab had little or no effect on C1q binding and complement activation, whereas alanine substitution at positions D270, K322, P329, and P331 significantly reduced the ability of Rituximab to bind C1q and activate complement. We have also observed that concentrations of complement approaching physiological levels are able to rescue >60% of the activity of these mutant Abs with low affinity for C1q. These data localize the C1q binding epicenter on human IgG1 and suggest that there are species-specific differences in the C1q binding site of Igs.  相似文献   

Several CD4 mAbs have entered the clinic for the treatment of autoimmune diseases or transplant rejection. Most of these mAbs caused CD4 cell depletion, and some were murine mAbs which were further hampered by human anti-mouse Ab responses. To obviate these concerns, a primatized CD4 mAb, clenoliximab, was generated by fusing the V domains of a cynomolgus macaque mAb to human constant regions. The heavy chain constant region is a modified IgG4 containing two single residue substitutions designed to ablate residual Fc receptor binding activity and to stabilize heavy chain dimer formation. This study compares and contrasts the in vitro properties of clenoliximab with its matched IgG1 derivative, keliximab, which shares the same variable regions. Both mAbs show potent inhibition of in vitro T cell responses, lack of binding to complement component C1q, and inability to mediate complement-dependent cytotoxicity. However, clenoliximab shows markedly reduced binding to Fc receptors and therefore does not mediate Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity or modulation/loss of CD4 from the surface of T cells, except in the presence of rheumatoid factor or activated monocytes. Thus, clenoliximab retains the key immunomodulatory attributes of keliximab without the liability of strong Fcgamma receptor binding. In initial clinical trials, these properties have translated to a reduced incidence of CD4+ T cell depletion.  相似文献   

Treatment of human neutrophils with pertussis toxin (PT) abolishes chemotaxis in response to either platelet-activating factor (PAF) or f-Met-Leu-Phe (FMLP), and capping induced via the concanavalin A (Con A) receptor. These functional effects are accompanied by the inhibition of calcium mobilization by PAF, FMLP and Con A. The agent phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) also inhibits chemotaxis and capping as well as calcium mobilization by these receptors. In sharp contrast, neither PT, cholera toxin (CT), nor PMA, inhibits the phagocytosis of non-opsonized and opsonized Candida albicans, sheep erythrocytes or fluorescent latex beads. Our results suggest that receptor-initiated chemotaxis and capping involve a step that is sensitive to PT and PMA, and that phagocytosis is not regulated in a similar fashion.  相似文献   

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