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F plasmid TraM, an autoregulatory homotetramer, is essential for F plasmid bacterial conjugative transfer, one of the major mechanisms for horizontal gene dissemination. TraM cooperatively binds to three sites (sbmA, -B, and -C) near the origin of transfer in the F plasmid. To examine whether or not tetramerization of TraM is required for autoregulation and F conjugation, we used a two-plasmid system to screen for autoregulation-defective traM mutants generated by random PCR mutagenesis. A total of 72 missense mutations in TraM affecting autoregulation were selected, all of which also resulted in a loss of TraM function during F conjugation. Mutational analysis of TraM defined three regions important for F conjugation, including residues 3-10 (region I), 31-53 (region II), and 80-121 (region III); in addition, residues 3-47 were also important for the immunoreactivity of TraM. Biochemical analysis of mutant proteins indicated that region I defined a DNA binding domain that was not involved in tetramerization, whereas regions II and III were important for both tetramerization and efficient DNA binding. Mutations in region III affected the cooperativity of binding of TraM to sbmA, -B, and -C. Our results suggest that tetramerization is important for specific DNA binding, which, in turn, is essential for traM autoregulation and F conjugation. These findings support the hypothesis that TraM functions as a "signaling" factor that triggers DNA transport during F conjugation.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium about 80% of the dUMP used for dTMP synthesis is derived from deamination of dCTP. The dCTP deaminase produces dUTP that subsequently is hydrolyzed by dUTPase to dUMP and diphosphate. The dCTP deaminase is regulated by dTTP that inhibits the enzyme by binding to the active site and induces an inactive conformation of the trimeric enzyme. We have analyzed the role of residues previously suggested to play a role in catalysis. The mutant enzymes R115Q, S111C, S111T and E138D were all purified and analyzed for activity. Only S111T and E138D displayed detectable activity with a 30- and 140-fold reduction in kcat, respectively. Furthermore, S111T and E138D both showed altered dTTP inhibition compared to wild-type enzyme. S111T was almost insensitive to the presence of dTTP. With the E138D enzyme the dTTP dependent increase in cooperativity of dCTP saturation was absent, although the dTTP inhibition itself was still cooperative. Modeling of the active site of the S111T enzyme indicated that this enzyme is restricted in forming the inactive dTTP binding conformer due to steric hindrance by the additional methyl group in threonine. The crystal structure of E138D in complex with dUTP showed a hydrogen bonding network in the active site similar to wild-type enzyme. However, changes in the hydrogen bond lengths between the carboxylate and a catalytic water molecule as well as a slightly different orientation of the pyrimidine ring of the bound nucleotide may provide an explanation for the reduced activity.  相似文献   

B Said  J R Cole    M Nomura 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(22):10529-10545
The L11 ribosomal protein operon of Escherichia coli contains the genes for L11 and L1 and is feedback regulated by the translational repressor L1. Both the L1 binding site on 23S rRNA and the L1 repressor target site on L11 operon mRNA share similar proposed secondary structures and contain some primary sequence identity. Several site-directed mutations in the binding region of 23S rRNA were constructed and their effects on binding were examined. For in vitro analysis, a filter binding method was used. For in vivo analysis, a conditional expression system was used to overproduce a 23S rRNA fragment containing the L1 binding region, which leads to specific derepression of the synthesis of L11 and L1. Changes in the shared region of the 23S rRNA L1 binding site produced effects on L1 binding similar to those found previously in analysis of corresponding changes in the L11 operon mRNA target site. The results support the hypothesis that r-protein L1 interacts with both 23S rRNA and L11 operon mRNA by recognizing similar features on both RNAs.  相似文献   

Genes encoding proteins with unrelated functions can be cotranscribed, and this may be used by cells to coordinate different metabolic pathways during growth. We describe a gene, designated sms, which is downstream from the serine biosynthetic gene serB in Escherichia coli but does not appear to be involved in amino acid (aa) biosynthesis. The sms gene is 1380 bp long. The Sms product migrates at 55 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)-polyacrylamide gels and has a M(r) of 49472 (460 aa residues) calculated from the nucleotide sequence. The deduced Sms aa sequence shares regions of similarity with two ATP-dependent proteases, Lon and RecA, and contains two motifs: a C-x(2)-C-x(n)-C-x(2)-C motif, which is found in some nucleic acid binding proteins, and an ATP/GTP binding site motif. Insertional inactivation of sms led to increased sensitivity to the alkylating agent methylmethane sulfonate, but not to a requirement for serine or other metabolites. Several promoter mutations were isolated and characterized, which suggest that serB has a typical promoter recognized by sigma 70. After the serB coding sequence there is a 48-bp region with no obvious promoter sequence preceding the sms translation start codon. Analyses using sms'-lacZ fusions cloned downstream from wild-type and mutant serB promoters showed that sms is cotranscribed with serB.  相似文献   

The fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins of the Dr family mediate the adherence of uropathogenic and diarrhoea-associated Escherichia coli to decay-accelerating factor (DAF) present on erythrocytes and other cell types. The Dr haemagglutinin binds type IV collagen and, unlike other members of the Dr family, mediates an adherence inhibited in the presence of chloramphenicol. We examined the ability of other members of the Dr family—AFAI, AFAIII, and F1845—to bind to type IV collagen, and demonstrated that the collagen-binding phenotype was unique to the Dr haemagglutinin. We employed site-directed mutagenesis to demonstrate the requirement of a negatively charged amino-acid at position 54 of the Dr haemagglutinin subunit for chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding. Mutations at position 32, 40, 54, 90, and 113 differently affected type IV collagen binding and chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding, while retaining DAF-binding capability. These results suggest the existence of a conformational receptor-binding domain in the major structural subunit of Dr family adhesins and demonstrate that chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding and adherence to type IV collagen were independent and separable phenotypes. Finally, we showed that the two conserved cysteine residues of Dr family structural subunits form a disulphide bond and that mutations of these residues abolish haemagglutination and binding to type IV collagen.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of the arginine repressor of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arginine biosynthesis in Escherichia coli is negatively regulated by a hexameric repressor protein, encoded by the gene argR and the corepressor arginine. By hydroxylamine mutagenesis two types of argR mutants were isolated and mapped. The first type is transdominant. In heterodiploids, these mutant polypeptides reduce the activity of the wild-type repressor, presumably by forming heteropolymers. Four mutant repressor proteins were purified. Two of these map in the N-terminal half of the protein. Gel retardation experiments showed that they bind poorly to DNA, but they could be precipitated by l -arginine at the same concentration as the wild-type repressor. The other two mutant repressors map in the C-terminal half of the protein. They are poorly precipitated by L-arginine and they bind poorly to DNA. In addition, one of these mutants appears to exist as a dimer. The second type of argR mutant repressor consists of super-repressors. Such mutants behave as arginine auxotrophs as a result of hyper-repression of arginine biosynthetic enzymes. They map at many locations throughout the argR gene. Three arginine super-repressor proteins were purified, in comparison with the wild-type repressor, two of them were shown to have a higher DNA-binding affinity in the absence of bound arginine, while the third was shown to have a higher DNA-binding affinity when bound to arginine.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was performed on several areas of MutH based on the similarity of MutH and PvuII structural models. The aims were to identify DNA-binding residues; to determine whether MutH has the same mechanism for DNA binding and catalysis as PvuII; and to localize the residues responsible for MutH stimulation by MutL. No DNA-binding residues were identified in the two flexible loop regions of MutH, although similar loops in PvuII are involved in DNA binding. Two histidines in MutH are in a similar position as two histidines (His-84 and His-85) in PvuII that signal for DNA binding and catalysis. These MutH histidines (His-112 and His-115) were changed to alanines, but the mutant proteins had wild-type activity both in vivo and in vitro. The results indicate that the MutH signal for DNA binding and catalysis remains unknown. Instead, a lysine residue (Lys-48) was found in the first flexible loop that functions in catalysis together with the three presumed catalytic amino acids (Asp-70, Glu-77, and Lys-79). Two deletion mutations (MutHDelta224 and MutHDelta214) in the C-terminal end of the protein, localized the MutL stimulation region to five amino acids (Ala-220, Leu-221, Leu-222, Ala-223, and Arg-224).  相似文献   

In a previous report it had been suggested that the tyrP gene of Escherichia coli may be expressed from two separate promoters. We have endeavored to confirm this suggestion by primer extension studies and the separate subcloning of each of these promoters. In these studies, we found a single promoter whose expression was repressed by TyrR protein in the presence of tyrosine and activated by TyrR protein in the presence of phenylalanine. Two adjacent TYR R boxes, with the downstream one overlapping the tyrP promoter, are the likely targets for the action of TyrR protein. Mutational analysis showed that both TYR R boxes were required for tyrosine-mediated repression but that only the upstream box was required for phenylalanine-mediated activation. In vitro DNase protection studies established that whereas in the absence of tyrosine TyrR protein protected the region of DNA represented by the upstream box, at low TyrR protein concentrations both tyrosine and ATP were required to protect the region of DNA involving the downstream box and overlapping the RNA polymerase binding site.  相似文献   

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