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The systematics and distribution of South American sigmodontine rodents a matter of continuous revision and debate. The silky mice, genus Eligmodontia Cuvier, 1837, are among the most specialized murid rodents endemic to South America and its diversification for desert existence is associated with the uplift of the Andes and the early development of arid landscapes. Aiming to clarify the systematics of the species of silky mice occurring in the driest portion of the temperate Monte Desert in Argentina, qualitative and quantitative external and cranial characters, cytogenetics and molecular relationships, were studied. We characterized three karyotypes of Eligmodontia; two of which are described for the first time, and allocated them to previously named species. E. moreni Thomas, 1896 (2n=52 and FN=50), E. typus Cuvier, 1837 (2n=44 and FN=44) and E. marica Thomas, 1918. The later shows the same diploid number of E. typus, but its X—chromosome is not METACENTRIC but ACROCENTRIC . A discriminant analysis of external and cranial data separates E. moreni from E. typus and E. marica. Whereas these last ones show some degree of overlap. The morphological and chromosomal differentiation of Eligmodontia is sustained by DNA distances. Phylogenetic analyses show two major clades. One formed by E. moreni, E. puerulus and E. hirtipes, sharing a high FN and a northern distribution, and THE other formed by E. typus, E. marica and E. morgani with low FN and a central-southern distribution. Two centers of diversification are proposed to explain the evolution of Eligmodontia.  相似文献   

A new species, Hypocrella panamensis, is described from collections and cultures obtained on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. In order to aid in placement of this fungus, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using LSU (rDNA) sequences. Hypocrella panamensis is characterized by possessing pulvinate stromata with a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state and superficial perithecia. Hypocrella panamensis consistently grouped in a clade containing Hypocrella nectrioides, H. phyllogena, and H. africana (100 % PP). Most species of Hypocrella possess Aschersonia or Hirsutella anamorphs. Hypocrella panamensis is unique in the genus Hypocrella in possession of a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state. In its biological habit Hypocrella panamensis is similar to other species in Hypocrella in that it infects and degrades the scale insect, then grows superficially on nutrients that emerge to the plant surface through the stylet wound.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic studies of the subfamily of cricetid rodents (Sigmodntinae) have validated the taxonomic classification at the tribal level of the Andean Clade. It is possible that some endemic species from Patagonian South America are part of this new tribe, but previous studies have not evaluated this hypothesis due to the difficulty of obtaining samples. In this study, we evaluate the phylogenetic relationships of Akodon markhami (Pine, 1973), a species endemic to the Chilean Patagonia, using individuals recently captured at the type locality of this taxon. Our results indicate that this form of Akodon corresponds to a subspecies of Abrothrix olivaceus, and should be incorporated into the Andean Clade as a geographic race of this widely distributed species on the South American continent. Based on a molecular clock calibration, we dated the origin of this geographic race during the last glacial cycles of the Quaternary, as the result of a vicariant process.  相似文献   

The evolutionary pattern of the molar morphology of the small caviomorph (Octodontidae) Neophanomys from the late Miocene Cerro Azul Formation of central Argentina is analyzed. Two new species (chronomorphs) are recognized, which constitute an anagenetically evolving lineage with a gradual and directional pattern of increasing molar hypsodonty. Dental changes related to increasing hypsodonty are comparable to those of the octodontid lineage Chasichimys also recovered from the Cerro Azul Formation. However, Neophanomys shows comparatively less variation in gross morphology and there are no evidences that this lineage achieved euhypsodonty. In contrast, important changes in enamel microstructure (schmelzmuster) are observed among different populations of Neophanomys, supporting the hypothesis that these changes can occur at least partially independently from modifications in dental gross morphology. The patterns of dental evolution detected in the Neophanomys and Chasichimys-Xenodontomys lineages and the unequivocal polarity of the changes involved, related to increasing hypsodonty, reinforce the hypothesis that chronological differences exist among late Miocene outcroppings of Cerro Azul Formation in central Argentina.  相似文献   

Species of Apiognomonia with their Discula anamorphic states in the Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales, are known throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere and cause diseases such as sycamore or plane tree anthracnose. The genus Apiognomonia was described based on A. veneta as the type species; however, there has been disagreement about whether or not A. veneta is a synonym of A. errabunda. Using morphological, ecological, and DNA sequence data we conclude that A. errabunda and A. veneta are different species, although very closely related; thus, A. veneta is the correct name for the type species of Apiognomonia. This conclusion is based on a combined analysis of sequences from the ITS regions of nuclear rDNA for 51 isolates from host plants of eight genera and intron regions from actin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor 1-alpha for over 25 isolates. The type species of the genus Discula is D. nervisequa, the earliest available epithet for D. platani, the lectotype of Discula. D. nervisequa is the anamorph of A. veneta. Based on an examination of the type specimen, we determined that the commonly used name for the anamorph of A. errabunda, D. umbrinella, refers to another species. A. veneta and A. errabunda including their anamorphs are described and illustrated. An account of all synonyms and excluded synonyms is presented.  相似文献   

Habitat preferences of the tree pipit (Anthus trivialis) and the meadow pipit (A. pratensis; Passeriformes: Motacillidae) were observed during the years 1998–1999 at three localities in the Czech Republic; two with one pipit species only, and a third with both species present. We investigated one of the possible mechanisms allowing syntopic coexistence—different habitat selection. We characterised territories of each pipit pair by the habitats present in the territory (defined by dominant plant composition) and by quantitative parameters (territory size, height and density of the vegetation, number of look-outs of different height categories, and proportion of wet ground). Tree pipits preferred significantly higher vegetation of lower density than meadow pipits, and there was generally a higher number of high look-outs in their territories. However, in some of the preferred territories at the allopatric locality of the tree pipit, steep hill slopes could well substitute for higher look-outs, which were almost absent. The two pipit species at the sympatric locality occupied very different habitats, which was also reflected in quantitative parameters of their territories. The available data of pipit habitat at different European localities show that the two species can occupy a much wider range of habitats. The habitat separation in sympatry might therefore be one of the mechanisms allowing syntopic coexistence of both species.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

通过标本检查,发现福贡银莲花(Anemone yulongshanica W.T.Wang var.glabrescens W.T.Wang)(毛茛科)与光叶银莲花(A.obtusiloba D.Don ssp.leiophylla W.T.Wang)没有本质区别,应属于同一分类实体,故将前者处理为后者的异名。  相似文献   

Despite the well-known fact that evolutionary patterns of single genes or sequences are not necessarily paralleled by organismic evolution, using mitochondrial sequence divergence for inferring phylogenetic relationships among hare species is not uncommon. Earlier studies reported interspecific introgression in the genus Lepus that may slur systematic conclusions drawn exclusively from mtDNA data. We examined pairwise divergence in partial mtHV-1 sequences and nuclear gene pools based on microsatellite and allozyme loci separately in a South and North African population of cape hares, Lepus capensis, and did not find significant correspondence on the individual level within either population. Also, the former population had a significantly higher level of mtHV-1 sequence divergence compared to the latter, but levels of individual nuclear gene pool divergence did not differ significantly between the two populations. Hence, the absence of correspondence between mtHV-1 sequence divergence and nuclear gene pool divergence among individuals within a population might be independent of the population-specific level of differentiation among individuals. Our results complement earlier findings in hares, and strongly recommend to include nuclear gene pool evidence for systematic inferences within this genus, even under the absence of mitochondrial introgression.  相似文献   

The brine shrimp Artemia is a well known animal extremophile adapted to survive in very harsh hypersaline environments. We compared the small stress proteins artemin and p26, and the chaperone hsc70 in encysted embryos (cysts) of the New World species, A. franciscana and A. persimilis. Cysts of the former, from San Francisco Bay, USA (SFB), were used essentially as a reference for these proteins, while both species were from locations in Chile where they occur in habitats at latitudinal extremes, the Atacama desert and Patagonia. These two species are phylogenetically distant, A. persimilis being closer to the Old World species, whilst A. franciscana is considered younger and undergoing evolutionary expansion. Using western blotting we found all three stress proteins in cysts from these five populations in substantial although variable amounts. The protein profiles revealed by Coomassie staining after electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) were similar qualitatively, in spite of marked differences in the habitats from which these populations originated, and the long time since they diverged. We interpret these findings as further evidence for the adaptive importance of these three conserved proteins in coping with the variable, but severe stresses these encysted embryos endure.  相似文献   

The morphology and toxicity of the four ubiquitous species belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia found in mixed blooms of phytoplankton from northern Chilean waters were studied. The phytoplankton samples and cultures obtained were identified by scanning electron microscopy, revealing the presence of Pseudo-nitzschia australis, P. calliantha, P. pseudodelicatissima and P. subfraudulenta. This is the first report of P. calliantha in northern Chile. Toxin analyses using the LC–MS method confirmed the presence of domoic acid in P. australis and P. calliantha. Domoic acid was not detected in cultures of P. subfraudulenta. This study therefore confirms P. australis and P. calliantha as an unequivocal source of domoic acid in Chilean waters. P. australis is probably the most important producer of amnesic shellfish toxin in view of its domoic acid content. However, more research is needed to evaluate the potential for toxin production in P. pseudodelicatissima.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among 23 individuals representing 14 species of underground hystricognath rodents of the genus Ctenomys were studied by analyzing variation of complete cytochrome b gene sequences. Maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and maximum likelihood analyses were performed, using the octodontine genera Octodon and Tympanoctomys as outgroups. Our analyses support previous studies based on chromosomes and skull morphology that suggested a clade comprised of Argentinean and Uruguayan populations of C. rionegrensis. This clade is closely related to one comprised of C. flamarioni and the C. mendocinus species complex. Our analyses provide evidence that the symmetric sperm morph, which is common to other South American hystricognath rodents, is the plesiomorphic character state in Ctenomys and in Hystricognathi. Our analyses do not support the hypothesis that the sperm morphs define two major lineages of tuco-tuco species, because species with asymmetric sperm are diphyletic on the basis of cytochrome b sequences, and this morphology appears to have evolved twice in Ctenomys.  相似文献   

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