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Environmental temperature strongly affects physiology of ectotherms. Small ectotherms, like Drosophila, cannot endogenously regulate body temperature so must rely on behavior to maintain body temperature within a physiologically permissive range. Here we review what is known about Drosophila thermal preference. Work on thermal behavior in this group is particularly exciting because it provides the opportunity to connect genes to neuromolecular mechanisms to behavior to fitness in the wild.  相似文献   

Despite its tropical origin, the Asian house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) is currently invading higher latitudes around the world. In this study, we investigated whether the introduced geckos in the subtropical/temperate region of southeastern Australia have shifted their thermal biology to cope with colder temperatures. In the lab, we measured the body temperatures of geckos from Thailand and Australia in a cost-free thermal gradient. Native H. frenatus from Thailand displayed a diel pattern of thermoregulation. Geckos maintained higher body temperatures during mid-afternoon and at dusk but selected cooler temperatures during the night. Introduced geckos showed a similar pattern of thermoregulation, but selected lower body temperatures in summer (mean = 28.9 °C) and winter (mean = 25.5 °C) than native geckos (mean = 31.5 °C). While the Asian house geckos from Thailand did not alter their body temperatures after feeding, their conspecifics from southeastern Australia selected body temperatures that were 1.6–3.1 °C higher after feeding. In conclusion, our study shows that invasive house geckos in Australia have shifted their preferred body temperatures downwards relative to their native conspecifics in Thailand, presumably as a result of plasticity or natural selection. Our findings suggest that these tropical geckos have adapted to colder regions, and thus, they may spread much further than expected for a tropical ectotherm.  相似文献   

We investigate the thermoregulatory behaviors of larvae of four species of Drosophila (D. melanogaster, D. subobscura, D. pseudoobscura, and D. mojavensis), a thermotolerant strain of Drosophila melanogaster (T strain) known to differ in thermal biology, and two mutant stocks of D. melanogaster that have (as adults) defective thermoregulatory behavior. We describe and evaluate new techniques to measure two indices of maximum voluntary temperature of insect larvae. Both measures were highly repeatable within lines (species, strains, or mutants). One measure (temperature at which larvae stood upright) differed among lines consistent with expectations based on adult thermal ecology, suggesting that this measure will be useful measures of thermoregulatory set-points of larvae. The second measure (temperature of emergence from media) is less discriminatory.  相似文献   

Temperature is a primary determinant for species geographic ranges. In the context of global warming, most attention focuses upon the potential effects of heat stress on the future distribution of ectothermic species. Much less attention has, however, been given to cold thermal stress although it also sets species thermal window limits, hence distribution ranges. This study was conducted in winter on a South-Australian rocky shore in order to investigate the potential thermal benefits of the aggregation behavior observed in the dominant gastropod Nerita atramentosa. Thermal imaging was used to measure the body temperatures of 3681 aggregated individuals and 226 solitary individuals, and surrounding substratum temperature. N. atramentosa aggregates and solitary individuals were significantly warmer than their surrounding substratum. The temperature deviation between aggregates and substratum was, however, ca. 2 °C warmer than the one observed between solitary individuals and substratum. This result is critical since a body temperature increase of only a few degrees might enhance individual performance, hence organismal fitness, and could potentially drive changes in interspecific relationships. Besides, the potential higher thermal inertia of aggregates might increase the snail adaptive ability to abrupt environmental changes. We further investigate the potential thermal heterogeneity within an aggregate in order to identify any thermally advantageous position. Patch centers are significantly warmer than their edges, hence snails experience greater thermal advantages in the aggregate center. Finally, we examined the potential effect of aggregate size on snail temperature and thermal spatial heterogeneity. We identified an aggregate size threshold (216 individuals) beyond which all snails had equal thermal benefits, regardless of their spatial positions within an aggregate. While the determinism of this aggregate size threshold requires further investigations, the present work uniquely identified the thermal benefits of aggregation behavior for intertidal ectotherms under cold weather conditions. The implications of the present finding are discussed in the general framework of the ability of ectothermic populations to face environmental changes.  相似文献   

Effective thermoregulation and the ability to select preferred temperature is an important factor influencing fitness in hatchling and juvenile turtles. Six-month-old Glyptemys insculpta acclimated to 20 °C selected the warmest temperature available and avoided the coldest temperature available in a gradient of 12–27 °C. Turtles visited fewer chambers and switched chambers in the gradient tank less frequently when the gradient was present than during control tests. Mean selection of chambers differed between control and gradient tests across all temperatures except at 21 °C, the temperature closest to the acclimation and control temperature (20 °C).  相似文献   

The Nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) has a high potential to be used as a model in neuroscience studies. In the present study, the preference of the Nile tilapia between a gravel-enriched (GEE), a shelter-enriched (SEE) or a non-enriched (NEE) environment was determined, for developing a place preference model. Nile tilapia had an initial preference for GEE, but after 1 day of observation, the fish stabilized their frequency of visits among compartments. Hence, any stimulus motivating tilapia increase in compartment visiting indicates a positively reinforcing effect. This feature is very useful for the development of new behavioural paradigms for fish in tests using environmental discrimination, such as the conditioning place preference test.  相似文献   

The persistence of reptile populations in a specific location is influenced by individuals’ capacity to regulate their body temperatures, among other factors. Anthropogenic climate change may pose a risk to the survival of ectothermic animals due to their dependence on external heat sources to thermoregulate. In this study, we calculated indices of thermal habitat quality, thermoregulatory precision, and thermoregulatory effectiveness for the endemic spiny-tailed iguana Ctenosaura oaxacana. We evaluated these indices and the thermoregulatory behavior of the iguanas in the four types of vegetation that provide the most favorable conditions for thermoregulation. We also performed our experiments during both the wet and dry seasons to capture the full range of thermal conditions available to C. oaxacana over the course of a year. Finally, we evaluated the potential niche for the iguana in the years 2020, 2050, and 2080. Thermoregulation depends on both seasonal and environmental factors in this species. We found that thermoregulation effectiveness in both wet and dry seasons depends not only on the thermal conditions of the immediate environment, but also on the cover vegetation and habitat structure available across the range of habitats the species uses. Thus, heterogeneous habitats with dispersed vegetation may be most suitable for this species’ thermoregulatory strategy. Likewise, niche modeling results suggested that suitable habitat for our study species may continue to be available for the next few decades, despite global warming tendencies, as long as cover vegetation remains unaltered. Our results suggest that thermoregulation is a complex process that cannot be generalized for all ectothermic species inhabiting a given region. We also found that temperature changes are not the only factor one must consider when estimating the risk of species loss. To understand the necessary thermal conditions and extinction risk for any ectothermic species, it is necessary to focus studies on the species’ general ecology.  相似文献   

Habitat use in marine invertebrates is often influenced by multiple abiotic and biotic factors. Substratum composition is one factor known to have a dramatic effect on habitat selection. The Australasian burrowing isopod (Sphaeroma quoianum, H. Milne Edwards 1840) is a common introduced species in many estuaries on the Pacific coast of North America. S. quoianum burrows into a variety of firm substrata including marsh banks (composed of peat, clay, and/or mud), wood, friable rock, and Styrofoam floats. In some areas, isopods achieve high densities and may accelerate the rate of shoreline erosion and damage marine structures; thus, understanding the substratum preference of this species may be important for conservation and management efforts. Field experiments were conducted in Coos Bay, Oregon to examine substratum preference, burrowing rates, and the life stage of colonizers. In three experimental trials (Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006), replicates of four intertidal substrata (marsh banks, decayed wood, sandstone, Styrofoam) were deployed near intertidal populations of S. quoianum. The numbers of burrows created in each substratum were enumerated weekly or daily (depending on trial). After the trials were completed, the total numbers of isopods inhabiting each substratum were counted. In weeks, S. quoianum extensively burrowed the substrata but exhibited a distinct preference for decayed wood. Significantly more isopods were present in wood than the other substrata at the end of the experiments and rates of burrowing were greatest in wood, although significance varied across time in one trial. Nearly 90% of colonizing isopods were under 5 mm in length suggesting that juvenile isopods primarily colonize intertidal substrata. Differences between burrow densities measured in the field and the results from these preference trials may indicate other factors, such as relative availability of substrata, recruitment and dispersal limitations, and possible gregarious behavior also influence local isopod densities.  相似文献   

Regression lines of development rate on temperature appeared significantly different between long (22 h) and short (12 h) day conditions and intersected each other at 23.8 °С. Thus, the rate of growth and development was higher at temperatures below the intersection point under short-day but above the intersection point it was higher under long day. Ecological relevance of this effect seems as follows: in autumn, as nights become longer and average daily temperature decreases, larvae have to speed up their development because it is only imago that overwinters. Conversely, midsummer offers long days and usually higher temperature, so again it is advantageous to develop as fast as possible in order to have at least one more generation per year. These results are compared with other studies showing interactions between photoperiod and temperature, and some possible general patterns are outlined. The lower thermal threshold for larval development depended on photoperiodic conditions; therefore rate isomorphy must be violated in this species. Development at higher temperatures generally resulted in smaller adults, as is usual with ectotherms according to the “temperature-size rule”, but body weight depended significantly on temperature only under short day. Our estimates of the lower temperature thresholds for growth and development in both cases did conform to the generalization made previously by Walters and Hassall (2006) in spite of another formula used by us. We briefly discuss this phenomenon and argue that relative position of these thresholds can be explained mathematically and per se may lack any biological sense.  相似文献   

In the western Baltic Sea, the highly competitive blue mussel Mytilus edulis tends to monopolize shallow water hard substrata. In many habitats, mussel dominance is mainly controlled by the generalist predator Carcinus maenas. These predator-prey interactions seem to be affected by mussel size (relative to crab size) and mussel epibionts.There is a clear relationship between prey size and predator size as suggested by the optimal foraging theory: Each crab size class preferentially preys on a certain mussel size class. Preferred prey size increases with crab size.Epibionts on Mytilus, however, influence this simple pattern of feeding preferences by crabs. When offered similarly sized mussels, crabs prefer Balanus-fouled mussels over clean mussels. There is, however, a hierarchy of factors: the influence of attractive epibiotic barnacles is weaker than the factor ‘mussel size’. Testing small mussels against large mussels, presence or absence of epibiotic barnacles does not significantly alter preferences caused by mussel size. Balanus enhanced crab predation on mussels in two ways: Additional food gain and, probably more important, improvement in handling of the prey. The latter effect is illustrated by the fact that artificial barnacle mimics increased crab predation on mussels to the same extent as do live barnacles.We conclude that crab predation preferences follows the optimal foraging model when prey belong to different size classes, whereas within size classes crab preferences is controlled by epibionts.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Plestiodon (Scincidae; formerly Eumeces) is widespread in North America and Asia, but the thermal biology of only a few species has been studied.  相似文献   

The body wall musculature of a Drosophila larva is composed of an intricate pattern of 30 segmentally repeated muscle fibers in each abdominal hemisegment. Each muscle fiber has unique spatial and behavioral characteristics that include its location, orientation, epidermal attachment, size and pattern of innervation. Many, if not all, of these properties are dictated by founder cells, which determine the muscle pattern and seed the fusion process. Myofibers are then derived from fusion between a specific founder cell and several fusion competent myoblasts (FCMs) fusing with as few as 3-5 FCMs in the small muscles on the most ventral side of the embryo and as many as 30 FCMs in the larger muscles on the dorsal side of the embryo. The focus of the present review is the formation of the larval muscles in the developing embryo, summarizing the major issues and players in this process. We have attempted to emphasize experimentally-validated details of the mechanism of myoblast fusion and distinguish these from the theoretically possible details that have not yet been confirmed experimentally. We also direct the interested reader to other recent reviews that discuss myoblast fusion in Drosophila, each with their own perspective on the process [1], [2], [3] and [4]. With apologies, we use gene nomenclature as specified by Flybase (http://flybase.org) but provide Table 1 with alternative names and references.  相似文献   

Whole-organism performance of ectotherms depends on body temperature, which is tightly linked to environmental temperatures. Individuals attempting to optimize fitness must thus select appropriate temperatures. The thermal coadaptation hypothesis posits that To for traits closely linked to fitness should match temperatures selected by a species (Tset) and should coevolve with Tset. To may mismatch Tset if the thermal reaction norm for fitness is asymmetric. In this study, we examined six traits related to fitness in red and in confused flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum, respectively), including longevity, lifetime reproductive success, reproductive rate, and development time at four temperatures between 23 and 32 °C. For reproductive traits, To matched Tset whereas for longevity To was lower than Tset. Tribolium species have a strongly r-selected life history strategy, therefore reproductive traits are likely more tightly linked to fitness than longevity due to high predation rates at early life stages. We therefore provide support for the thermal coadaptation hypothesis for reproductive traits that are tightly linked to fitness. Our results highlight the importance of knowing the relationships of traits to fitness when studying thermal physiology.  相似文献   

The body wall muscles in the Drosophila larva arise from interactions between Duf/Kirre and Irregular chiasm C-roughest (IrreC-rst)-expressing founder myoblasts and sticks-and-stones (SNS)-expressing fusion competent myoblasts in the embryo. Herein, we demonstrate that SNS mediates heterotypic adhesion of S2 cells with Duf/Kirre and IrreC-rst-expressing S2 cells, and colocalizes with these proteins at points of cell contact. These properties are independent of their transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, and are observed quite readily with GPI-anchored forms of the ectodomains. Heterotypic interactions between Duf/Kirre and SNS-expressing S2 cells occur more rapidly and to a greater extent than homotypic interactions with other Duf/Kirre-expressing cells. In addition, Duf/Kirre and SNS are present in an immunoprecipitable complex from S2 cells. In the embryo, Duf/Kirre and SNS are present at points of contact between founder and fusion competent cells. Moreover, SNS clustering on the cell surface is dependent on Duf/Kirre and/or IrreC-rst. Finally, although the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of SNS are expendable for interactions in culture, they are essential for fusion of embryonic myoblasts.  相似文献   

The study of thermal behavior of fishes provides useful data to enable predictions of the effect of climatic change on populations so as to ensure good management of fisheries. The Pacific sardine has a complex population dynamics; three subpopulation have been proposed (cold, temperate and warm).We exposed Sardinops sagax caeruleus (temperate sub-population) to two different thermal cycles, which were chosen to be consistent with the temperatures reported in two distant places Cedros Island (CIc: 18–23 °C) and San Pedro (SPc: 13–18 °C).The thermal behavior of the SPc and CIc sardines was affected by acclimation treatment: the interval of thermal preference was 17.1–19.9 and 16.0–18.8 °C, while the lethal temperatures interval (LT50) was 7.7–25.6 and 6.9–24.3 °C, and the critical limits CTMax and CTMin were 7.1–32.2 and 5.5–30.4 °C, respectively.The results of thermal behavior showed that sardines of the temperate subpopulation are more tolerant to cold; this might suggest that they would be more able to survive in California and Oregon than in Baja California Sur and the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

植食性昆虫对寄主植物的选择适应性是研究昆虫和植物协同进化关系的核心内容之一。评估寄主植物对植食性昆虫种群的适合度,需要综合分析昆虫对寄主的产卵选择性和寄主对昆虫的取食适合性。以桔小实蝇和番石榴实蝇为研究对象,分别测定了这两种实蝇对6种寄主果实:番石榴、香蕉、杨桃、木瓜、甜橙、番茄的产卵选择性以及幼虫取食后对其生长发育的影响。寄主产卵选择性实验分别采用完整寄主果实直接供试产卵和块状寄主果实气味引诱产卵两种处理方式;在生长发育适应性实验中,以幼虫和蛹的存活和生长发育等相关参数作为评价指标。实验结果表明,寄主的供试方式不同,两种实蝇的选择性均有明显差异;对寄主气味选择性强的寄主更适合于两种实蝇后代的生长发育。两种实蝇对6种寄主果实的产卵选择性和后代发育适合性两者相关性不显著,与许多文献报道单一地采用发育适合性(如发育历期、存活率或蛹重等)作为评价寄主选择性的结果不一致。两种实蝇之间对6种寄主果实的产卵选择和幼虫取食适合性既具相似性也具差异性,表明这两种实蝇在寄主生态位上既有重叠性又有分化性。  相似文献   

Antennapedia is one of the homeotic selector genes required for specification of segment identity in Drosophila. Dominant mutations that ectopically express Antennapedia cause transformation of antenna to leg. Loss-of-function mutations cause partial transformation of leg to antenna. Here we examine the role of Antennapedia in the establishment of leg identity in light of recent advances in our understanding of antennal development. In Antennapedia mutant clones in the leg disc, Homothorax and Distal-less are coexpressed and act via spineless to transform proximal femur to antenna. Antennapedia is negatively regulated during leg development by Distal-less, spineless, and dachshund and this reduced Antennapedia expression is needed for the proper development of distal leg elements. These findings suggest that the temporal and spatial regulation of the homeotic selector gene Antennapedia in the leg disc is necessary for normal leg development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

1. We compared the mean, limits and breadth of the preferred thermal range (PTR) of two Iberian populations of the lizard Psammodromus algirus separated by 700 m altitude in May and July.  相似文献   

The teashirt gene encodes a protein with three widely spaced zinc finger motifs that is crucial for specifying trunk identity in Drosophila embryos. Here, we describe a gene called tiptop, which encodes a protein highly similar to Teashirt. We have analyzed the expression patterns and functions of these two genes in the trunk of the embryo. Initially, teashirt and tiptop expressions are detected in distinct domains; teashirt in the trunk and tiptop in parts of the head and tail. In different mutant situations, we show that, in the trunk and head, they repress each other's expression. Unlike teashirt, we found that deletion of tiptop is homozygous viable and fertile. However, embryos lacking both gene activities display a more severe trunk phenotype than teashirt mutant embryos alone. Ectopic expression of either gene produces an almost identical phenotype, indicating that Teashirt and Tiptop have, on the whole, common activities. We conclude that Teashirt and Tiptop repress each other's expression and that Teashirt has a crucial role for trunk patterning that is in part masked by ectopic expression of Tiptop.  相似文献   

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