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MOTIVATION: Computationally, in silico experiments in biology are workflows describing the collaboration of people, data and methods. The Grid and Web services are proposed to be the next generation infrastructure supporting the deployment of bioinformatics workflows. But the growing number of autonomous and heterogeneous services pose challenges to the used middleware w.r.t. composition, i.e. discovery and interoperability of services required within in silico experiments. In the IRIS project, we handle the problem of service interoperability by a semi-automatic procedure for identifying and placing customizable adapters into workflows built by service composition. RESULTS: We show the effectiveness and robustness of the software-aided composition procedure by a case study in the field of life science. In this study we combine different database services with different analysis services with the objective of discovering required adapters. Our experiments show that we can identify relevant adapters with high precision and recall.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Bioinformatics requires Grid technologies and protocols to build high performance applications without focusing on the low level detail of how the individual Grid components operate. RESULTS: The Discovery Net system is a middleware that allows service developers to integrate tools based on existing and emerging Grid standards such as web services. Once integrated, these tools can be used to compose reusable workflows using these services that can later be deployed as new services for others to use. Using the Discovery Net system and a range of different bioinformatics tools, we built a Grid based application for Genome Annotation. This includes workflows for automatic nucleotide annotation, annotation of predicted proteins and text analysis based on metabolic profiles and text analysis.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The (my)Grid project aims to exploit Grid technology, with an emphasis on the Information Grid, and provide middleware layers that make it appropriate for the needs of bioinformatics. (my)Grid is building high level services for data and application integration such as resource discovery, workflow enactment and distributed query processing. Additional services are provided to support the scientific method and best practice found at the bench but often neglected at the workstation, notably provenance management, change notification and personalisation. RESULTS: We give an overview of these services and their metadata. In particular, semantically rich metadata expressed using ontologies necessary to discover, select and compose services into dynamic workflows.  相似文献   

The availability of bioinformatics web-based services is rapidly proliferating, for their interoperability and ease of use. The next challenge is in the integration of these services in the form of workflows, and several projects are already underway, standardizing the syntax, semantics, and user interfaces. In order to deploy the advantages of web services with locally installed tools, here we describe a collection of proxy client tools for 42 major bioinformatics web services in the form of European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (EMBOSS) UNIX command-line tools. EMBOSS provides sophisticated means for discoverability and interoperability for hundreds of tools, and our package, named the Keio Bioinformatics Web Service (KBWS), adds functionalities of local and multiple alignment of sequences, phylogenetic analyses, and prediction of cellular localization of proteins and RNA secondary structures. This software implemented in C is available under GPL from and GitHub repository . Users can utilize the SOAP services implemented in Perl directly via WSDL file at (RPC Encoded) and (Document/literal).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Progress in the modeling of biological systems strongly relies on the availability of specialized computer-aided tools. To that end, the Taverna Workbench eases integration of software tools for life science research and provides a common workflow-based framework for computational experiments in Biology. RESULTS: The Taverna services for Systems Biology (Tav4SB) project provides a set of new Web service operations, which extend the functionality of the Taverna Workbench in a domain of systems biology. Tav4SB operations allow you to perform numerical simulations or model checking of, respectively, deterministic or stochastic semantics of biological models. On top of this functionality, Tav4SB enables the construction of high-level experiments. As an illustration of possibilities offered by our project we apply the multi-parameter sensitivity analysis. To visualize the results of model analysis a flexible plotting operation is provided as well. Tav4SB operations are executed in a simple grid environment, integrating heterogeneous software such as Mathematica, PRISM and SBML ODE Solver. The user guide, contact information, full documentation of available Web service operations, workflows and other additional resources can be found at the Tav4SB project's Web page: http://bioputer.mimuw.edu.pl/tav4sb/. CONCLUSIONS: The Tav4SB Web service provides a set of integrated tools in the domain for which Web-based applications are still not as widely available as for other areas of computational biology. Moreover, we extend the dedicated hardware base for computationally expensive task of simulating cellular models. Finally, we promote the standardization of models and experiments as well as accessibility and usability of remote services.  相似文献   

The Dundee Resource for Sequence Analysis and Structure Prediction (DRSASP; http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/drsasp.html ) is a collection of web services provided by the Barton Group at the University of Dundee. DRSASP's flagship services are the JPred4 webserver for secondary structure and solvent accessibility prediction and the JABAWS 2.2 webserver for multiple sequence alignment, disorder prediction, amino acid conservation calculations, and specificity‐determining site prediction. DRSASP resources are available through conventional web interfaces and APIs but are also integrated into the Jalview sequence analysis workbench, which enables the composition of multitool interactive workflows. Other existing Barton Group tools are being brought under the banner of DRSASP, including NoD (Nucleolar localization sequence detector) and 14‐3‐3‐Pred. New resources are being developed that enable the analysis of population genetic data in evolutionary and 3D structural contexts. Existing resources are actively developed to exploit new technologies and maintain parity with evolving web standards. DRSASP provides substantial computational resources for public use, and since 2016 DRSASP services have completed over 1.5 million jobs.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics activities are growing all over the world, with proliferation of data and tools. This brings new challenges: how to understand and organize these resources and how to provide interoperability among tools to achieve a given goal. We defined and implemented a framework to help meet some of these challenges. Four issues were considered: the use of Web services as a basic unit, the notion of a Semantic Web to improve interoperability at the syntactic and semantic levels, and the use of scientific workflows to coordinate services to be executed, including their interdependencies and service orchestration.  相似文献   

Modern biological and chemical studies rely on life science databases as well as sophisticated software tools (e.g., homology search tools, modeling and visualization tools). These tools often have to be combined and integrated in order to support a given study. SIBIOS (System for the Integration of Bioinformatics Services) serves this purpose. The services are both life science database search services and software tools. The task engine is the core component of SIBIOS. It supports the execution of dynamic workflows that incorporate multiple bioinformatics services. The architecture of SIBIOS, the approaches to addressing the heterogeneity as well as interoperability of bioinformatics services, including data integration are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

We have conducted a study on the long-term availability of bioinformatics Web services: an observation of 927 Web services published in the annual Nucleic Acids Research Web Server Issues between 2003 and 2009. We found that 72% of Web sites are still available at the published addresses, only 9% of services are completely unavailable. Older addresses often redirect to new pages. We checked the functionality of all available services: for 33%, we could not test functionality because there was no example data or a related problem; 13% were truly no longer working as expected; we could positively confirm functionality only for 45% of all services. Additionally, we conducted a survey among 872 Web Server Issue corresponding authors; 274 replied. 78% of all respondents indicate their services have been developed solely by students and researchers without a permanent position. Consequently, these services are in danger of falling into disrepair after the original developers move to another institution, and indeed, for 24% of services, there is no plan for maintenance, according to the respondents. We introduce a Web service quality scoring system that correlates with the number of citations: services with a high score are cited 1.8 times more often than low-scoring services. We have identified key characteristics that are predictive of a service's survival, providing reviewers, editors, and Web service developers with the means to assess or improve Web services. A Web service conforming to these criteria receives more citations and provides more reliable service for its users. The most effective way of ensuring continued access to a service is a persistent Web address, offered either by the publishing journal, or created on the authors' own initiative, for example at http://bioweb.me. The community would benefit the most from a policy requiring any source code needed to reproduce results to be deposited in a public repository.  相似文献   



Very often genome-wide data analysis requires the interoperation of multiple databases and analytic tools. A large number of genome databases and bioinformatics applications are available through the web, but it is difficult to automate interoperation because: 1) the platforms on which the applications run are heterogeneous, 2) their web interface is not machine-friendly, 3) they use a non-standard format for data input and output, 4) they do not exploit standards to define application interface and message exchange, and 5) existing protocols for remote messaging are often not firewall-friendly. To overcome these issues, web services have emerged as a standard XML-based model for message exchange between heterogeneous applications. Web services engines have been developed to manage the configuration and execution of a web services workflow.  相似文献   

EBI databases and services   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The EMBL Outstation-European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) is a center for research and services in bioinformatics. It serves researchers in molecular biology, genetics, medicine, and agriculture from academia, and the agricultural, biotechnology, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. The Institute manages and makes available databases of biological data including nucleic acid, protein sequences, and macromolecular structures. It provides to this community bioinformatics services relevant to molecular biology free of charge over the Internet. Some of these databases and services are described in this review. For more information, visit the EBI Web server at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-MS) is evolving more quickly than ever. A wide range of different instrument types and experimental setups are commonly used. Modern instruments acquire huge amounts of data, thus requiring tools for an efficient and automated data analysis. Most existing software for analyzing HPLC-MS data is monolithic and tailored toward a specific application. A more flexible alternative consists of pipeline-based tool kits allowing the construction of custom analysis workflows from small building blocks, e.g., the Trans Proteomics Pipeline (TPP) or The OpenMS Proteomics Pipeline (TOPP). One drawback, however, is the hurdle of setting up complex workflows using command line tools. We present TOPPAS, The OpenMS Proteomics Pipeline ASsistant, a graphical user interface (GUI) for rapid composition of HPLC-MS analysis workflows. Workflow construction reduces to simple drag-and-drop of analysis tools and adding connections in between. Integration of external tools into these workflows is possible as well. Once workflows have been developed, they can be deployed in other workflow management systems or batch processing systems in a fully automated fashion. The implementation is portable and has been tested under Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. TOPPAS is open-source software and available free of charge at http://www.OpenMS.de/TOPPAS .  相似文献   

This paper proposes a system named AWSCS (Automatic Web Service Composition System) to evaluate different approaches for automatic composition of Web services, based on QoS parameters that are measured at execution time. The AWSCS is a system to implement different approaches for automatic composition of Web services and also to execute the resulting flows from these approaches. Aiming at demonstrating the results of this paper, a scenario was developed, where empirical flows were built to demonstrate the operation of AWSCS, since algorithms for automatic composition are not readily available to test. The results allow us to study the behaviour of running composite Web services, when flows with the same functionality but different problem-solving strategies were compared. Furthermore, we observed that the influence of the load applied on the running system as the type of load submitted to the system is an important factor to define which approach for the Web service composition can achieve the best performance in production.  相似文献   

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