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Murine cauda epididymal sperm contain sites on the plasma membrane over the apical portion of the acrosome that recognize proteinase inhibitors and the homologous zona pellucida. Ten times more of the component can be extracted from cauda and ductus sperm than from equal numbers of caput and corpus sperm. Likewise, few sperm from the upper epididymal regions are able to bind seminal inhibitor, while the majority of sperm from the cauda and ductus do bind. Cauda epididymal and ductus sperm lose little of their ability to bind inhibitor after a 4-hour in vitro incubation in either a capacitating or a noncapacitating medium. The percentage of naturally inseminated sperm with the seminal inhibitor bound to their surface decreases to about 10 after 4 hours in utero. Approximately 80% of these sperm show positive fluorescence when given the opportunity to rebind the inhibitor, and these sperm do have an intact plasma membrane over the apical portion of the acrosome. Furthermore, after 4 hours in utero, the inhibitor bound in the same region of the sperm head as it did on freshly ejaculated sperm. The seminal inhibitor inhibits the binding of sperm to the zona if added during the first 15 minutes of incubation but has no effect on attachment. The data indicate that sperm gain the ability to bind the seminal inhibitor during the epididymal sojourn. Furthermore, this binding capacity is not lost during in vitro or in utero incubation. The site is not involved in sperm-zona attachment but does participate in the binding of sperm to the zona.  相似文献   

The unique finding of normal proalbumin in human plasma provides an insight into the mechanism of propeptide cleavage. Proalbumin, present as 1–5% of the total albumin, was found in a boy whose prime problem was the presence of a mutant proteinase inhibitor, α1-antitrypsin Pittsburgh (358Met→Arg) [2]. The infeerred structure of human proalbumin was confirmed as ArgGlyValPheArgArgAlb. On incubation with various enzymes (trypsin, tryptase, thrombin, chymotrypsin, chymase and cathepsin B), only trypsin was capable of converting proalbumin to albumin. There was no conversion when proalbumin was incubated with whole blood, plasma or serum. However, intravenous injection of proalbumin into a rat resulted in complete conversion to albumin, the half-life of this process being 6 h. We conclude that propeptide cleavage is dependent on a serine proteinase which is inhibited intracellularly, by the mutant inhibitor, and that all the albumin in the boy was secreted as proalbumin, but was subjected to a separate cleavage process after export from the hepatocyte.  相似文献   

The indirect immunofluorescent technique was used to localize a proteinase inhibitor isolated from murine seminal vesicles. The inhibitor was found in the lumen and in the apical epithelium of the seminal vesicle but not in the testes, epididymides, ductus deferens or Cowper's glands. It was also associated with the anterior acrosomal region of ejaculated sperm and sperm recovered from the female tract within 5 min of coitus. The inhibitor is removed from uterine sperm between 2 to 4 h postcoitus, however sperm recovered from the uterus 2 h postcoitus will rebind inhibitor. The inhibitor is not normally associated with epididymal or ductus sperm although these sperm will bind purified inhibitor in vitro.  相似文献   

In the nanomolar enzyme and inhibitor concentration range, 1 mol of mucus proteinase inhibitor (MPI) inhibits 1 mol of neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. In the micromolar concentration range, the enzyme:inhibitor binding stoichiometry is still 1:1 for elastase but shifts to 2:1 for the three other proteinases. These data could be confirmed by three nonenzymatic methods: (i) fluorescence anisotropy measurements of mixtures of proteinases with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonylated or fluoresceinylated MPI, (ii) absorption spectrocospy of fluorescein-MPI-proteinase complexes isolated by gel filtration, (iii) analytical ultracentrifugation which showed that the molecular mass of the MPI-chymotrypsin complex is 56 kDa, whereas that of the MPI-elastase complex is 39 kDa. The binary MPI-elastase complex is unable to inhibit trypsin or cathepsin G. On the other hand, 1 mol of elastase displaces 2 mol of trypsin or cathepsin G from their ternary complexes with MPI.  相似文献   

Two extraction procedures of non-purulent sputum for the isolation of human mucus proteinase inhibitor (MPI) in its free and bound forms have been assayed. The dissociating procedure involved sputum homogenization in 1M NaCl and 4% (w/v) trichloroacetic treatment. When the soluble material was applied to a CM-Trisacryl column, a non-negligible, MPI-related inhibitory activity was recovered with the highly glycosylated constituents not retained on the column; the amount of MPI released in a free form was retained and eluted from the column according to the basic character of this inhibitor. The non-dissociating procedure consisted in a high water dilution (1:12) of sputum, known to bring into solution the macromolecular, fibrillar constituents, which was followed by ultrafiltration on selected Mr cut-off membranes. All the inhibitory activity was recovered with the high Mr (greater than 100,000) fraction which was shown on SDS-PAGE to be essentially composed of strongly glycosylated material; on electrophoretic analysis under non-reducing conditions, the MPI activity was visualized as three bands which corresponded to the inhibitor released from this high Mr fraction in the presence of SDS. As mucin-type molecules are the major, highly glycosylated constituents of bronchial secretions, it is suggested that they are responsible for the entrapping of MPI within their macromolecular network; it would appear that, as well as for lysozyme, electrostatic interactions occur between the acid charges of mucins and the basic charges of MPI. The possible in vivo consequences of these interactions on MPI activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Murine sperm bind a proteinase inhibitor of seminal vesicle origin at ejaculation. The inhibitor binds in the acrosomal region of the sperm head and is removed during in utero or in vitro incubation. Adding inhibitor to sperm reduces their ability to bind zonae, while adding the purified inhibitor binding site to cumulus-free, zona-intact oocytes reduces the ability of the oocytes to bind sperm. Immuno-aggregation of the inhibitor binding site results in exocytosis of the acrosome. These observations suggest that the inhibitor binding site may participate in zona binding and the acrosome reaction. If the inhibitor binding site binds both the zona and the seminal inhibitor, then these components should compete with each other for that site on the sperm. We show that purified seminal inhibitor, as well as other proteinase inhibitors, block zona-induced acrosome reactions. Likewise, zona glycopeptides block inhibitor/anti-inhibitor-induced acrosome reactions in a concentration-dependent fashion. The inhibitor/anti-inhibitor-induced acrosome reaction is sensitive to pertussis toxin and proteinase inhibitor and thus is similar to zona-induced reactions. These findings support the suggestion that the trypsin inhibitor binding site on the head of the sperm functions to insure sperm-zona binding and induction of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Potato proteinase inhibitor II (PI2) is a serine proteinase inhibitor composed of two domains that are thought to bind independently to proteinases. To determine the activities of each domain separately, various inactive and active domain combinations were constructed by substituting amino acid residues in the active domains by alanines. These derivatives were expressed as soluble protein inEscherichia coli and exposed on M13 phage as fusions to gene 3 in a phagemid system for monovalent phage display. Inactivation of both active domains by Ala residues reduced binding of phage to trypsin and chymotrypsin by 95%. Ten times more phage were bound to proteinases by domain II compared to domain I, while a point mutation (Leu5 Arg) altered the binding specificity of domain I of PI2 phage from chymotrypsin to trypsin. The mutants were used to show that functional PI2 phage mixed with nonfunctional PI2 phage could be enriched 323 000-fold after three rounds of panning. Thus, these results open up the possibility to use phage display for the selection of engineered PI2 derivatives with improved binding characteristics towards digestive proteinases of plants pests.The nucleotide sequence data reported will appear in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession number L37519 (p303.51).  相似文献   



Heme is a unique prosthetic group of various hemoproteins that perform diverse biological functions; however, in its free form heme is intrinsically toxic in vivo. Due to its potential toxicity, heme binding to plasma proteins is an important safety issue in regard to protein therapeutics derived from human blood. While heme binding by hemopexin, albumin and α1-microglobulin has been extensively studied, the role of other plasma proteins remains largely unknown.


We examined two acute-phase plasma proteins, haptoglobin (Hp) and alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (α1-PI) for possible interactions with heme and bilirubin (BR), the final product of heme degradation, using various techniques: UV/Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), and surface plasmon resonance (SPR).


According to our data, Hp exhibits a very weak association with both heme and BR; α1-PI's affinity to BR is also very low. However, α1-PI's affinity to heme (KD 2.0 × 10− 8 M) is of the same order of magnitude as that of albumin (1.26 × 10− 8 M). The data for α1-PI binding with protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) suggest that the elimination of the iron atom from the porphyrin structure results in almost 350-fold lower affinity (KD 6.93 × 10− 6 M), thus indicating that iron is essential for the heme coordination with the α1-PI.


This work demonstrates for the first time that human α1-PI is a heme binding protein with an affinity to heme comparable to that of albumin.

General significance

Our data may have important implications for safety and efficacy of plasma protein therapeutics.  相似文献   

In mature sperm the normal nucleosomal packaging of DNA found in somatic and meiotic cells is transformed into a highly condensed form of chromatin which consists mostly of nucleoprotamines. Although sperm DNA is highly condensed it is nevertheless packaged into a highly defined nuclear architecture which may be organized by the heterochromatic chromocenter. One major component of heterochromatin is the heterochromatin protein 1 which is involved in epigenetic gene silencing. In order to investigate the possible involvement of heterochromatin protein in higher order organization of sperm DNA we studied the localization of the murine homologue of heterochromatin protein 1, M31, during chromatin reorganization in male germ cell differentiation. Each cell type in the testis showed a unique distribution pattern of M31. Colocalization to the heterochromatic regions were found in Sertoli cells, in midstage pachytene spermatocytes, and in round spermatids in which M31 localizes to the centromeric chromocenter. M31 cannot be detected in elongated spermatids or mature spermatozoa immunocytologically, but could be detected in mature spermatozoa by Western blotting. We suggest that M31, a nuclear protein involved in the organization of chromatin architecture, is involved in higher order organization of sperm DNA.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitors are among the most promising candidates for expression by transgenic plants and consequent protection against insect predation. However, some insects can respond to the threat of the proteinase inhibitor by the production of enzymes insensitive to inhibition. Inhibitors combining more than one favorable activity are therefore strongly favored. Recently, a known small Kunitz trypsin inhibitor from Prosopis juliflora (PTPKI) has been shown to possess unexpected potent cysteine proteinase inhibitory activity. Here we show, by enzyme assay and gel filtration, that, unlike other Kunitz inhibitors with dual activities, this inhibitor is incapable of simultaneous inhibition of trypsin and papain. These data are most readily interpreted by proposing overlapping binding sites for the two enzymes. Molecular modeling and docking experiments favor an interaction mode in which the same inhibitor loop that interacts in a canonical fashion with trypsin can also bind into the papain catalytic site cleft. Unusual residue substitutions at the proposed interface can explain the relative rarity of twin trypsin/papain inhibition. Other changes seem responsible for the relative low affinity of PTPKI for trypsin. The predicted coincidence of trypsin and papain binding sites, once confirmed, would facilitate the search, by phage display for example, for mutants highly active against both proteinases.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture of rapidly frozen, untreated plant cells reveals terminal complexes on E-fracture faces and intramembrane particle rosettes on P-fracture faces. Terminal complexes and rosettes are associated with the ends of individual microfibril impressions on the plasma membrane. In addition, terminal complexes and rosettes are associated with the impressions of new orientations of microfibrils. These structures are sparse within pit fields where few microfibril impressions are observed, but are abundant over adjacent impressions of microfibrils. It is proposed that intramembrane rosettes function in association with terminal complexes to synthesize microfibrils. The presence of a cellulosic microfibril system in Zea mays root segments is confirmed by degradation experiments with Trichoderma cellulase.  相似文献   

Heme binding to murine erythroleukemia cells. Evidence for a heme receptor   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Friend virus transformed murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells are known to take up heme from the surrounding medium and to incorporate it into newly synthesized hemoglobin (Granick, J. L., and Sassa, S. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 5402-5406), but the mechanism of its uptake is unknown. We hypothesized the existence of a specific receptor for heme in the plasma membrane. Using [55Fe]heme, we examined the characteristics of its interaction with MEL cells at 4 degrees C. [55Fe]heme binding reached equilibrium within 4 h, was 80% dissociable by 16 h, and was independent of pH over the range 7.0-8.2. Specific heme binding was linear with cell number, and competitive binding studies with various heme analogues, such as free protoporphyrin IX, metal-substituted protoporphyrin IX, Fe-mesoporphyrin IX, and Fe-deuteroporphyrin IX, revealed significant stereospecificity for Fe-protoporphyrin IX. The dissociation constant of the interaction was 0.03 nM-1 with no evidence of cooperativity or multiple classes of sites. The average number of sites/cell was approximately 10,300. Reduction of binding following preincubation with trypsin, in conjunction with the above data, suggests that this cell type may display a receptor for heme which is comprised, as least in part, of protein.  相似文献   

A family of protease inhibitors (of which one was shown to be homogeneous and one nearly so by ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, disc electrophoresis, and amino-terminal analysis) was obtained from navy beans. Amino acid analysis demonstrated the inhibitors to be similar in composition and size to the Bowman-Birk and other low-molecular-weight inhibitors from plants. Interaction with trypsin was monitored by examining enzyme-inhibitor complex formation and inhibitor modification in acrylamide gels after pH 8 and pH 4 preincubation with varying concentrations of trypsin. Specific inhibiting capacities, determined with seven substrates after preincubation at the above pH values, varied greatly with different substrates and were less after low pH preincubation.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. A cysteine proteinase and cysteine proteinase inhibitor have been purified from Tetrahymena.
  • 2.2. The proteinase was purified by ammonium sulphate fractionation, gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography, and appeared homogeneous by gel filtration and electrophoresis (mol. wt approx 28,000). It hydrolysed BAPNA, degraded azocasein, and converted 80S ribosomes to subunits. Thiol reagents inhibited these activities.
  • 3.3. The inhibitor was purified by heat treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation and ion exchange chromatography, and appeared homogeneous by gel filtration and electrophoresis (mol. wt approx 12.500). The inhibitor was heat stable and it inhibited papain, as well as the Tetrahymena proteinase.

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