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Freshwater finfish biodiversity and conservation: an asian perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspects on biodiversity and conservation of the ichthyofauna in the Asian region, in comparison to that of Africa, Europe and North America have been relatively less documented. This paper attempts to evaluate the above aspects in the East, and South and Southeast Asia based on available information in the literature. The familial diversity in inland waters in Asia (121 families) is considerably higher than in African and Latin American. Also, the finfish faunal diversity of 21 major river basins in East, and South and Southeast Asian indicate that species diversity is not necessarily related to familial diversity. The fish fauna in the region considered presently is highly diverse with an estimated cumulative total of 7447 species. Amongst the freshwater fishes the dominant groups are cyprinids (Cyprinidae, about 1000 species), loaches (about 400 species) of the families Balitoridae and Cobitiidae, gobids (Gobiidae, 300 species), catfishes (Bagridae, about 100 species), and the Osphronemidae (85 species). In the region, 462 freshwater finfish species are reckoned to be threatened, accounting for 17.5% of the all finfish species in this status in the world. In the region there are 66 species that are critically endangered and/or endangered, of which 32 are cyprinids, 14 of which are endemic to Lake Lanao, Mindano Island, Philippines. The diversity of freshwater fish species in the region was significantly related to the land area of the different countries in the following manner:
. In addition, the fish species diversity in the major river basins of the region was also found to be positively related to the basin area:
. Based on above relationship, the predicted fish species richness did not necessarily correlate to river basin size, and rivers with small basins were shown to have high indices. The paper also attempts to evaluate the reasons affecting fish species diversity in the region and suggests mitigating measures.  相似文献   

Ethnobotany is a relatively new discipline but its social and scientific roles are becoming more consistently defined and its importance as a tool for complimenting management and conservation strategies at local and regional levels is now well recognized by the scientific community throughout the world. In the present work we have collected information from four years of ethnobotanical study in an area of caatinga vegetation in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil with the goal of defining a model for conservation and management actions in the region. Drawing on ethnobotanical and ecological information obtained through traditional techniques of ethnobotanical and vegetation surveys, we discuss the uses of 166 native and exotic plant species and suggest specific actions and specific groups of species for conservation and sustainable use programs. We also discuss the limitations of our approach and indicate what information must still be collected in order to construct robust and workable plans of action.  相似文献   



The boreal forest of Canada is home to several hundred thousands Aboriginal people who have been using medicinal plants in traditional health care systems for thousands of years. This knowledge, transmitted by oral tradition from generation to generation, has been eroding in recent decades due to rapid cultural change. Until now, published reviews about traditional uses of medicinal plants in boreal Canada have focused either on particular Aboriginal groups or on restricted regions. Here, we present a review of traditional uses of medicinal plants by the Aboriginal people of the entire Canadian boreal forest in order to provide comprehensive documentation, identify research gaps, and suggest perspectives for future research.


A review of the literature published in scientific journals, books, theses and reports.


A total of 546 medicinal plant taxa used by the Aboriginal people of the Canadian boreal forest were reported in the reviewed literature. These plants were used to treat 28 disease and disorder categories, with the highest number of species being used for gastro-intestinal disorders, followed by musculoskeletal disorders. Herbs were the primary source of medicinal plants, followed by shrubs. The medicinal knowledge of Aboriginal peoples of the western Canadian boreal forest has been given considerably less attention by researchers. Canada is lacking comprehensive policy on harvesting, conservation and use of medicinal plants. This could be explained by the illusion of an infinite boreal forest, or by the fact that many boreal medicinal plant species are widely distributed.


To our knowledge, this review is the most comprehensive to date to reveal the rich traditional medicinal knowledge of Aboriginal peoples of the Canadian boreal forest. Future ethnobotanical research endeavours should focus on documenting the knowledge held by Aboriginal groups that have so far received less attention, particularly those of the western boreal forest. In addition, several critical issues need to be addressed regarding the legal, ethical and cultural aspects of the conservation of medicinal plant species and the protection of the associated traditional knowledge.  相似文献   

In vitro techniques are very useful for conserving plant biodiversity, including (a) genetic resources of recalcitrant seed and vegetatively propagated species, (b) rare and endangered plant species and (c) biotechnology products such as elite genotypes and genetically engineered material. Explants from recalcitrant seed and vegetatively propagated species can be efficiently collected under field conditions using in vitro techniques. In vitro culture techniques ensure the production and rapid multiplication of disease-free material. Medium-term conservation is achieved by reducing growth of plant material, thus increasing intervals between subcultures. For long-term conservation, cryopreservation (liquid nitrogen, −196°C) allows storing plant material without modification or alteration for extended periods, protected from contaminations and with limited maintenance. Slow growth storage protocols are routinely employed for a large number of species, including numerous endangered plants, from temperate and tropical origin. Cryopreservation is well advanced for vegetatively propagated species, and techniques are ready for large-scale experimentation in an increasing number of cases. Research is much less advanced for recalcitrant species due to their seed characteristics, viz., very high sensitivity to desiccation, structural complexity and heterogeneity in terms of developmental stage and water content at maturity. However, various technical approaches should be explored to develop cryopreservation techniques for a larger number of recalcitrant seed species. A range of analytical techniques are available, which allow understanding physical and biological processes taking place in explants during cryopreservation. These techniques are extremely useful to assist in the development of cryopreservation protocols. In comparison with crop species, only limited research has been performed on cryopreservation of rare and endangered species. Even though routine use of cryopreservation is still limited, an increasing number of examples where cryopreservation is used on a large scale can be found both in genebanks for crops and in botanical gardens for endangered species.  相似文献   

Grassy woodland, grassy shrubland, grassy sedgeland, tussock grassland and grassland are extensive on basalt, limestone and fine-textured Quaternary deposits, are occasional on dolerite, granite and fine-grained sedimentary rocks, but are absent from the siliceous mountains of Tasmania. With the exception of limestone lithosols, the grassy communities are confined to relatively deep soils with a low surface rock cover. Much of the area of the grassy communities below the climatic treeline has clearly been forest in the recent past, although some of the higher subalpine plains seem likely to have been grassy at least since the peak of the Last Glacial. The first axis of an ordination of floristic data from 190 quadrats had at one extreme the grassy communities which most resembled in their species composition the sedgelands and sclerophyll shrub woodlands of the west of Tasmania, and at the other extreme the grassy woodlands on relatively fertile, well drained sites in the centre and east of Tasmania. The second axis was correlated with altitude, probably inversely reflecting the growing season. The third axis was related most closely to a soil drainage index. Many of the 15 communities recognized from a polythetic divisive classification of the quadrats have highly local distributions. Six of the communities are totally unreserved and four are poorly reserved. An iterative method is used to develop a minimum reservation strategy involving seven areas.  相似文献   

A survey of plant biodiversity and ethnobotanical studies was conducted in southern Ethiopia using an integrated approach of botanical collections, group discussions, interviews and questionnaires. Species richness, growth forms and uses of native wild plants are described. Borana pastoralists distinguished and named 86% of the plant species identified. A total of 327 plant species distributed among 197 genera and 69 families are documented: 40% are trees/shrubs, 30% forbs (non-woody plants other than grasses and sedges), 16% grasses, 10% climbers, 2% sedges and 2% succulents. Based on richness of species and usefulness, the most important families are Poaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae and Asteraceae. Two hundred forty-eight species (76%) are used by Borana pastoralists, out of which 42% have multiple uses. Indigenous knowledge of pastoralists on use and management of their plant resources is a valuable source of information for conservation and sustainable utilization of the plant biodiversity and, hence, conservation based on indigenous knowledge is recommended.  相似文献   

Wetland conservation and management are generally only based on present-day studies, without integrating historical considerations. However, wetlands contain palaeoecological archives that can provide accurate records of their own history. Our study aims at reconciling this paradox in the central French Alps, by reconstructing the past wetland diversity/richness and the controls of Holocene hydroseral dynamics, and by discussing on this historical basis their conservation, management and restoration. Previously published data, complemented by the palaeoecological study of a sedge mire, reveal three main stages in the regional hydroseral succession: initial aquatic plant communities (Nymphaea alba, Nuphar cf. lutea, Menyanthes trifoliata), carrs (Alnus glutinosa/incana, Salix spp., Thelypteris palustris), then sedge meadows (Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Lythrum salicaria…). This dynamic comprises (1) a classical evolution from open water bodies to treed wet communities, controlled by the relationships between sedimentation processes and climate, and (2) an unexpected return to herbaceous wet habitats mainly triggered by Subatlantic human-induced managements. Such recent changes induced in the studied region the decline of Alnus cf. glutinosa, the disappearance of Thelypteris palustris, and the extinction of the carr communities they constituted. The historically-based assessment of community naturalness and resilience appears critical for defining conservation priorities, refining management actions, and identifying baseline conditions for restoration initiatives. The main implications of our results are to reinforce conservation measures on the less impacted habitats and to increase the diversity/richness of isolated lowland mires, notably by restoring alder communities in some of them.  相似文献   

The altitudinal distribution of plants is restricted by various environmental factors, with climatic conditions being one of the primary constraints. Here, we investigate what limits the altitudinal range of the introduced species Erigeron annuus in the Swiss Alps. We planted offspring of E. annuus plants originating from different altitudes into two common gardens, one located at an altitude representing the main area of distribution (400 m) and the other close to the current altitudinal limit of E. annuus in Switzerland (1000 m). In both common gardens all established plants survived and grew vigorously during the growing season. However, there was high winter mortality of seedlings at 1000 m. Furthermore, plant phenology was delayed and reproductive output was reduced at 1000 m, although the seeds produced were larger. The general lack of adaptation to altitude and only moderate levels of plasticity suggest that there is little potential for E. annuus to persist beyond its current altitudinal limit in the Swiss Alps. However, climate warming might promote the upward range expansion of E. annuus by reducing winter mortality and by increasing the chance of producing seeds within the growing season.  相似文献   

In summer 2003 we recorded the presence and abundance of alien plant species at 232 sites (107 railway stations and 125 road sites) along mountain passes in the Swiss Alps. The altitudinal distribution of species was related to the current abundance of the species in Switzerland and time since introduction. A total of 155 alien taxa were recorded. Numbers of species per site declined exponentially with altitude, and only a few species were found in the alpine zone (>2000 m). In contrast, species richness among comparable native taxa appeared to be nearly independent of altitude over the range investigated. Maximum altitude reached by alien species was related positively to both total area occupied in Switzerland and to time since introduction. A comparison of the results with earlier records suggests that many species, particularly those previously restricted to low or intermediate altitudes, have advanced their altitudinal limits over the past few decades. Various hypotheses are presented to explain the declining abundance of alien species with altitude: low-altitude filter effects, low propagule pressure, and genetic swamping of peripheral populations at higher altitudes. However, at present we do not have sufficient evidence to determine the relative importance of these effects. We conclude that invasion into mountain areas such as the Swiss Alps tends to proceed rather slowly, though the process may be accelerated by climatic warming. For this reason, further research to investigate the processes determining how plants invade mountain areas is urgently needed. And more generally, investigations into the distribution of alien species along strong altitudinal gradients may provide valuable insights into the mechanisms driving the spread of alien organisms.  相似文献   

黄娇丽  黄珂  唐健民  曹明  苏仕林 《广西植物》2021,41(11):1827-1838
植物崇拜是人类崇尚自然、敬畏生命这一朴素理念的基本体现。为了解百色地区民族民间植物崇拜文化内涵及其对生物多样性保护和管理的影响,该文采用民族植物学方法调查了百色地区民族民间植物崇拜文化及其文化特征,从自然崇拜、传统节日文化、生命礼俗和传统医药等方面探讨了百色地区民族民间植物文化对生物多样性保护的作用。结果表明:百色地区民族民间植物文化内涵丰富,具有丰富的生物多样性。百色地区民族民间崇拜植物分属53个种、47个属、28个科。其中,蔷薇科和豆科种类最多,分别为5种; 其次是桑科和禾本科,分别为4种。从生活型的组成来看,乔木植物占绝对优势,有39种,占总种数的73.58%; 草本11种,占总种数的20.75%; 灌木3种,占总种数的5.67%。其中,有4种植物在中国珍稀濒危植物信息系统中被列为国家Ⅱ级名录(闽楠、蚬木、格木、红椿),有5种植物被列为各省市区(地方)保护野生植物名录(红楠、广西青冈、桃金娘、苏木、黄檀)。这些植物形成了多样的植物群落,对百色地区植物多样性保护具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

植物崇拜是人类崇尚自然,敬畏生命朴素理念的基本体现。为了解百色民间植物崇拜文化内涵以及其对生物多样性保护作用和管理的影响,采用民族植物学方法调查了百色地区民间崇拜植物文化及其文化特征,从自然崇拜、传统节日文化、生命礼俗和传统医药等几个方面探讨百色民间植物文化对生物多样性保护的作用。百色民间植物文化内涵丰富,并表现了丰富的生物多样性。百色民间崇拜植物分属53个种,47个属,28个科,其中蔷薇科和豆科种类最多,分别为5种,其次是桑科和禾本科,分别为4种。从生活型的组成来看,乔木植物占绝对优势,有39种,占总种数的73.58%,草本11种,占总种数的20.75%;灌木3种,占总种数的5.67%。其中有4种植物在中国珍稀濒危植物信息系统中被列为国家Ⅱ级名录(闽楠、蚬木、格木、红椿),有5种植物被列为各省市区(地方)保护野生植物名录(红楠、广西青冈、桃金娘、苏木、黄檀)。这些植物形成了多样的植物群落,对百色地区植物多样性保护具有重要促进作用。  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation, exacerbated by projected climate change, present the greatest threats to preservation of global biodiversity. As increasing habitat fragmentation and isolation of residual fragments exceeds the dispersal capacity of species, there is the growing need to address connectivity to maintain diversity. Traditionally, habitat corridors have been proposed as a solution. But, the concept of corridors (barriers) is poorly understood; typically they are defined as linear habitats linking up habitat patchwork, and are advocated without a detailed understanding of the elements making up species’ habitats and the cost-effectiveness of alternative solutions. Yet, landscapes comprise an enormous range of ‘linear’ structures that can function in different ways to promote species’ persistence and diversity. In this review, a functional definition of corridor (barrier) is developed to give prominence to connectivity as opposed to ad hoc structures purported to advance connectivity. In developing the concept, urgency to accommodate environmental changes compels a growing emphasis on organism diversity rather than a preoccupation with single species conservation. The review, in focusing on butterflies to address the issue of corridors for patchwork connectivity, draws attention to fundamental divisions among organisms in any taxon: generalists and specialists. Both groups benefit from large patches as these necessarily house species with specialist resources as well as generalists with very different resource types. But, generalists and specialists require very different solutions for connectivity, from short-range habitat corridors and gateways for specialists to habitat and resource stepping stones (nodes, surfaces) for generalists. Connectivity over extensive areas is most critical for moderate generalists and their conservation requires emphasis being placed on space–time resource heterogeneity; landscape features, of whatever dimensionality and structure, provide a vital framework for developing the variety of suitable conditions and resources for enhancing their diversity.  相似文献   

During the formative period of ethnobotanical studies in the Southwest, Edward Palmer established a standard for reporting useful plants that continues today and Frank. H. Cushing wrote a classic ethnobotany from an anthropological perspective,Z uni Breadstuff. Since these beginnings single tribal studies and, more recently, archaeobotanical investigations have received emphasis. Linguistic studies of plant names and their classification have lagged and synthetic summaries and interpretative explanations of plant use are still demanded. Anthropology’s unique contribution to Southwestern ethnobotany is relating socially shared plant taxonomies and cultural rules for behaving with plants to explain why certain plants are used and others are ignored.  相似文献   

Marine biodiversity: patterns, threats and conservation needs   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Marine biodiversity is higher in benthic rather than pelagic systems, and in coasts rather than the open ocean since there is a greater range of habitats near the coast. The highest species diversity occurs in the Indonesian archipelago and decreases radially from there. The terrestrial pattern of increasing diversity from poles to tropics occurs from the Arctic to the tropics but does not seem to occur in the southern hemisphere where diversity is high at high latitides. Losses of marine diversity are highest in coastal areas largely as a result of conflicting uses of coastal habitats. The best way to conserve marine diversity is to conserve habitat and landscape diversity in the coastal area. Marine protected areas are only a part of the conservation strategy needed. It is suggested that a framework for coastal conservation is integrated coastal area management where one of the primary goals is sustainable use of coastal biodiversity.  相似文献   

探索青藏高原生物多样性分布格局与保育途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2018,26(2):107-238
正位于北纬25°–40°之间的青藏高原是世界上面积最大、平均海拔最高、最年轻的高原,号称"世界屋脊"和"世界第三极"。青藏高原寒冷、氧分压低、降水稀少、紫外线辐射强烈,许多地区不适合人类居住甚至是生命禁区,是亚洲人口最稀少的地区,是世界上名列南极、格陵兰岛之后的第三人口稀少地区。2014年,欧盟联合研究中心(Joint Research Centre,JRC)以到达下一座50万人口城市的时间为  相似文献   

Very little research has been conducted in the Himalayan and Karakorum Highlands of northern Pakistan on the aspects of biodiversity and conservation. The present research was carried out within the scope of the Pakistan–German Research Project, Culture Area Karakorum which aims to highlight the Problems and Prospects of High-Mountain Research in northern Pakistan. Naltar Valley, IUCN Management Category no. 4, located in the western Karakorums, is a remote area with difficult access. The current venture is two-fold; first, it describes the floral biodiversity of this remote area in northern Pakistan and second, discusses its exploitation by various entities with certain management implications to follow. Collection of species, their preservation and dialogue with the local, rural communities offered information on the plant biodiversity, providing the first extensive list of flora at the primary-valley level including their altitude range, habit and month of occurrence. In total, 153 plant species belonging to 38 families and 113 genera have been recorded after extensive field research in the area. Dominance has been observed for Asteraceae, Polygonaceae, Saxifragaceae and Rosaceae. Twenty-four plant species from Naltar emerged as ethnobotanically important for local medicinal uses and some commercial uses. Indeed, Thymus serpyllum, Gentiana tianshanica, Stellaria graminea, Geranium wallichianum and Capparris spinosa are the most important medicinal plants and their demand has increased, leading to over-exploitation. Cedrus deodara has completely disappeared from Naltar and Willow Salix sp. has almost been eradicated, except in the sub-alpine belts. The diversity of plant species within this remote area is very important for its obvious contribution to a sound mountain ecosystem. Prior to the present venture, not much was known about the floral aspects of this mountainous region of northern Pakistan. Many species are new additions to the plant list in this area. The species are distributed within the altitude range of 1,700–4,000 m and above, and are further explored for their ethnobotanical uses. It is recorded that some species are extensively used by the indigenous communities, some plant collectors from the lowlands and foreigners as well. Extensive grazing, uprooting of plants and soil-slope erosion intensify the environmental problems. A few species are further used for curing diseases through direct usage or marketing in the lowlands. Unfortunately, due to minor local conflicts, the area has been given low priority for its inclusion in the development and conservation programmes going on in other parts of these mountains. On the other hand, hospitable populations have a greater potential for the success of conservation and the wise usage of programmes. Concerted efforts are required to broaden our understanding of the dynamics of floral values as well as local concepts in this remote part of the world, and to check species decline. For sustainable use, in situ and ex situ conservation, controlled harvesting and aforestation may be the solution. Further extensive field conservation/management research is needed.  相似文献   

Phytosociological attributes of plant species and associated environmental factors were measured in order to identify the environmental gradients of major plant communities in the Naran Valley, Himalayas. The valley occupies a distinctive geographical setting on the edge of the Western Himalaya near the Hindukush range and supports a high biodiversity; pastoralism is the main land use. There have been no previous quantitative ecological studies in this region. This study was undertaken to (i) analyze and describe vegetation using classification and ordination techniques, (ii) identify environmental gradients responsible for plant community distributions and (iii) assess the anthropogenic pressures on the vegetation and identify priorities for conservation. Phytosociological characteristics of species were measured alongside environmental variables. A total of 198 species from 68 families were quantified at 144 stations along 24 transects across an elevation range of 2450–4100 m. Correspondence Analysis techniques i.e., Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) were used to determine vegetation–environment relationships. Results show vegetation changes with altitude from moist-cool temperate communities characterized by woody species, to more dry-cold subalpine and alpine herbaceous communities. Plant species diversity is optimal at middle altitudes (2800–3400 m); at lower altitudes (2400–2800 m) it is reduced by anthropogenic impacts and at higher altitudes (3400–4100 m) by shallow soils and high summer grazing pressure. A large number of plant species of conservation concern were identified in the study and an assessment made of the main threats to their survival.  相似文献   

In an age of Anthropocene, the urban landscapes are recognised as the ‘hotspots’ of human-mediated alien species introductions. As the cities provide an ideal natural experimental system to investigate the patterns of alien plant diversity in urban landscapes, the present study aimed to unravel the taxonomic, biogeographic and ecological patterns of alien flora of Srinagar—one of the largest urban centres in the Himalayan biodiversity hotspot. The alien flora of Srinagar comprises 325 species, constituting ca.35% of total flora of the city. Out of the 325 alien species documented, 157 species (43%) were recorded to be under cultivation, while 168 species (57%) were growing in the wild (i.e., outside cultivation); those growing in the wild, in turn, comprised 110 cultivation escapes and 58 accidentally introduced plant species. Biogeographically, two-third of the alien plant diversity reported from Srinagar is native to Asia-Temperate. This indicates that climatic similarity between Asia-Temperate and Kashmir Himalayas facilitate in flourishing similar floristic diversity. The study highlights a relatively higher proportion of herbaceous growth form in the aliens growing in the wild (80%) than those under cultivation (43%). Similarly, 82% of the alien species under cultivation had a perennial life span, but those growing in the wild were dominated by annuals (44%). Currently, 45 species are growing as casuals and 124 species are naturalised (including 105 naturalised non-invasive and 19 naturalised invasive). Along the continuum of casual-naturalised-invasive categories, the contribution of cultivation escapes and accidently introduced aliens contrastingly shows decreasing and increasing trends respectively. Interestingly, the results revealed that the human practice of stopping cultivation of alien escapes increased rapidly as we move along the continuum. Thus, the present study has investigated the patterns of alien plant diversity in the urban landscape of Srinagar, and the results obtained offer scientific insights toward better scientific understanding and management of plant invasions in this Himalayan city, with wider policy implications for neighbouring urbanised landscapes in the Himalayas and other mountainous regions across the world.  相似文献   

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