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Preparation of tissues for DNA flow cytometric analysis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A method for measuring DNA in tissue cells by flow cytometry utilizing a one step combination nuclear isolation-DNA fluorochrome staining procedure is described. A variety of cells and tissues, both in vivo and in vitro, was used to illustrate the universal nature of this technique. These included murine bone marrow, liver testicle, sarcoma brain tumor, rat pancreatic islets, human peripheral blood, colon mucosa, colon cancer, sarcoma and brain tumor tissues. A special nuclear isolation medium, which contained either of the DNA fluorochromes, 4',6-diamidino-2 phenylindole-2 HCl or propidium iodide, was utilized successfully to isolate single suspensions of DNA fluorochrome stained nuclei in a rapid (5-10 min), consistent manner from a variety of tissues and cells. Multiple sampling of the same tissue or comparison between whole tissues and their single cell isolates showed that a representative sample was being obtained.  相似文献   

In order to provide a basis for quantitative studies of murine spermatogenesis, we performed a DNA flow cytometric analysis on the mouse seminiferous tubules isolated at defined stages of the epithelial cycle by transillumination-assisted microdissection. Accurate stage identification was performed by examining spermatids in the adjacent tubule segments by phase-contrast microscopy. For flow cytometry, suspension of nuclei of spermatogenic cells was obtained by detergent treatment of isolated seminiferous tubules, and fresh samples were stained with propidium iodide. DNA histograms of the 12 stages of the mouse seminiferous epithelial cycle varied in a stage-specific manner. DNA histograms of stages I-VIII of the cycle were characterized by a hypofluorescent haploid peak, the location of which changed with the decreasing DNA dye (propidium iodide)-binding capacity of elongated spermatids. The absence of the hypohaploid peak and the high ratio of the cells with 4C amount of DNA to the cells with 1C amount of DNA characterized stages IX-XI of the cycle. Stage XII showed a high 2C peak, owing to a large population of secondary spermatocytes arisen from the first meiotic division. By using fluorescent beads as an internal volume standard cell numbers in defined stages were determined. These data provide a basis for quantitative studies of mouse spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

A solution containing citric acid buffered saline (CABS) and 99% ethanol (E) 1:1 was used for preserving cells for flow cytometric DNA analysis. DNA histograms obtained from fine needle biopsy aspirates and preserved in CABS+E had a similar mean coefficient of variation (CV) as was obtained from aspirates taken in CABS (3.3 vs. 3.4%) and a clearly smaller mean CV than was obtained from aspirates preserved in 50% ethanol (mean 4.8%, P less than .0001). Aspirates taken in CABS more often contained a small (less than 3,000) number of cells as compared with aspirates preserved either in CABS+E or ethanol (P less than .0001). Since preservation of cells in CABS+E allows long-term storage of samples and results in a decreased number of insufficient samples as compared with buffered saline and in an enhanced resolution as compared with 50% ethanol, CABS+E is recommended for preservation of cytological samples to be analyzed for DNA content with flow cytometry.  相似文献   

DNA mapping of gastric cancers using flow cytometric analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although numerous studies of gastric cancers on DNA ploidy have been reported, differences in the degree of aneuploidy (DNA index, DI) during progression have not been identified. We attempted to chart the differences in DIs during progression to clarify the role of aneuploidy in gastric cancers. We classified the gastric cancers examined into intestinal (n = 88) and diffuse (n = 48) types, and then analyzed 136 gastric cancers (intramucosal cancer, 42; submucosal cancer, 39; advanced cancer, 55) by flow cytometry using multiple sampling. In addition, we examined the DNA ploidy pattern of mucosal and submucosal lesions using the same submucosal cancers to study the tumor progression in individual cancers. Intratumoral DNA differences in DNA ploidy were observed in both types of gastric cancers. In intestinal-type cancers, multiple subclones indicated by a different DI occurred during the early stage of gastric cancers, whereas in diffuse-type cancers, multiple subclones were found primarily in advanced cancers. Although the DI varied widely in early intestinal-type cancers between 1.0 and 2.0, in early diffuse-type cancers, the DI tended to be less than 1.2. However, in advanced stage gastric cancers, the DI distribution was similar for both histological types. In intestinal-type cancers, high DI (>1.3) aneuploidy was frequently found in mucosal lesions. In contrast, only low DI (<1.2) aneuploid clones were observed in mucosal lesions of diffuse-type cancers. The present results suggest that high DI aneuploid tumor clones in intramucosal cancers acquire invasive ability when they progress to submucosal cancers, whereas DNA aneuploidy itself plays an important role in submucosal invasion of diffuse-type cancers.  相似文献   

H Danielsen  T Lindmo  A Reith 《Cytometry》1986,7(5):475-480
A method is presented for determining ploidy distributions in mouse liver from image analysis with stereological estimations of nuclear size in tissue sections. Nuclear profile distributions obtained from profile measurements were subjected to a mathematical unfolding procedure in order to obtain the nuclear size distributions. Based on the assumption that nuclear size increases monotonically with nuclear DNA content, flow cytometric DNA analysis of suspensions of liver cell nuclei was used to calibrate the method, thus yielding the mean nuclear size of each ploidy class, i.e., diploid, tetraploid, and octaploid nuclei. After the size interval for each of the ploidy classes was determined, the method allowed determination of ploidy distributions in mouse liver by stereological image analysis alone. The method was established from combined stereological and flow cytometric measurements on liver tissue representing two different stages of liver regeneration after two-thirds partial hepatectomy, and it was tested against an independent set of data representing a marked increase in the portion of S-phase cells.  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA content, the ploidy levels, and the percentages of different cell types present in small and large mouse mammary tumors as well as in young and old mouse livers by using absorption and flow cytometry. Absorption cytometry data indicated a significant increase in the proportion of transformed G0/G1 cells in the tumors as compared to that of the stromal G0/G1 cells with progressive tumor growth. This increase was not detected by flow cytometry. In both young and old mouse livers, a small number of cells of higher ploidy (8C and 16C) were detected by absorption cytometry but were not apparent in histograms obtained by flow cytometry. Furthermore, changes in the proportions of liver cells of different ploidy with age were apparent in absorption cytometry data but not in flow cytometry data. In one mouse liver experiment, a 6C cell peak appeared in the flow cytometry histogram, but a direct measurement of DNA content by absorption cytometry failed to detect cells with such a peak. We therefore believe that some caution may be warranted in the use of flow cytometry alone for evaluation of DNA distributions and of the proportions of different types of cells in complex solid tissues.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry and DNA binding-specific fluorescent reagents were used to compare the total DNA, G-C, and A-T content of the epimastigote and trypomastigote stages of Trypanosoma cruzi stocks. Significant total DNA differences of 2-12% between epimastigotes and trypomastigotes were found in three of six stocks studied. The epimastigote G-C content of five of six stocks was 4-8% higher than trypomastigotes, whereas the trypomastigote A-T content was 2.5-13% higher than the epimastigote A-T content. Although no obvious developmental stage association between total DNA and base composition was found, intrastage associations do exist. These observations were unaffected by nucleoprotein extraction implying that the observed differences between trypomastigotes and epimastigotes are not a consequence of nucleoprotein interference with DNA-binding fluorochromes. The nuclei and kinetoplasts of four T. cruzi stocks were isolated and analyzed. Developmental stage differences in nuclear and kinetoplast DNA are stock-dependent and base composition-dependent; both organelles contribute to the observed differences in DNA of intact cells. We found a nearly linear association between the percentage of total kinetoplast DNA, G-C, and A-T content. During metacyclogenesis, the G-C content decreases by approximately 7% as epimastigotes transform into metacyclic trypomastigotes. The decrease in G-C content precedes changes in morphology or in complement resistance. If the DNA changes are causally connected to developmental stage transformations in T. cruzi remains to be determined. However, our results could facilitate studies of the molecular genetic processes the parasite uses to successfully complete various phases of its life cycle and, consequently, the disease process it evokes.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibilities of flow cytometry (FCM) for the analysis of DNA polyploidy in human heart tissue. Suspensions of single nuclei were prepared with the detergent-trypsin procedure and stained with propidium iodide. A mathematical correction procedure was developed to correct for background and clumping. For diploid model populations of chicken and trout red blood cells this correction reduced artifactual fractions in the FCM DNA profile to less than 0.5%, indicating that interference by background and clumping was almost completely overcome by this correction procedure. FCM DNA profiles were obtained from 12 hypertrophic and 7 normal human adult hearts. Clear differences were found between DNA profiles from the normal and the hypertrophic hearts, the latter showing a higher degree of polyploidization. From the corrected DNA profiles, six different polyploidization parameters were computed, all of which showed a significant correlation with at least three out of four different parameters for heart hypertrophy. FCM appears to be a reliable method for the measurement of polyploidization in heart tissue, provided background and clumping are corrected for.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibilities of flow cytometry (FCM) for the analysis of DNA polyploidy in human heart tissue. Suspensions of single nuclei were prepared with the detergenttrypsin procedure and stained with propidium iodide. A mathematical correction procedure was developed to correct for background and clumping. For diploid model populations of chicken and trout red blood cells this correction reduced artifactual fractions in the FCM DNA profile to less than 0.5%, indicating that interference by background and clumping was almost completely overcome by this correction procedure. FCM DNA profiles were obtained from 12 hypertrophic and 7 normal human adult hearts. Clear differences were found between the DNA profiles from the normal and the hypertrophic hearts, the latter showing a higher degree of polyploidization. From the corrected DNA profiles, six different polyploidization parameters were computed, all of which showed a significant correlation with at least three out of four different parameters for heart hypertrophy. FCM appears to be a reliable method for the measurement of polyploidization in heart tissue, provided background and clumping are corrected for.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analysis of paraffin-embedded solid tumors has permitted review of large series of archival tissue in attempts to relate abnormal DNA content to prognosis. Limitations of the technique include: 1) a laborious, time-consuming procedure; 2) variation in technique between laboratories; and 3) lack of an objective method of computing DNA indices. Critical evaluation of our technique has shortened the time involved in dewaxing and rehydration, selectively utilized patient's own normal tissue as the internal standard, proved reproducibility of stored specimens, standardized DNA index computation, and developed a statistical analysis to confirm aneuploidy. These technical improvements and the development of a statistical analysis provide a way to shorten the procedure time and standardize the data generated from flow cytometric DNA analysis so as to improve the quality of retrospective reviews of paraffin-embedded tumors and accelerate the definition of flow cytometry's role as a prognostic indicator.  相似文献   

The mechanism of postlarval fish myotomal growth was investigated in trout (Salmo gairdneri) by means of morphometric and cytofluorometric analysis. The mechanism by which new fibres are added during postlarval growth (hyperplasia) is not fully understood. In histological cross sections these new fibres have a small diameter which give the muscle a "mosaic" appearance. One hypothesis suggested that they could be derived from the proliferative activity of satellite cells. DNA cytofluorometric analysis of nuclei suspensions obtained from trout white myotomal muscle during different developmental stages (eleutherembyronic; alevin; yearling and adult) showed a consistently low S-cytometric phase during all stage in which myofibres of small diameters were present. The percentage of such small fibres, determined by morphometric analysis, suggested that satellite cells are the proliferative population. In fact, their percentages, as determined by morphometric analysis in histological section, bear a linear relationship with the S-cytometric phase percent nuclei (R = 0.927). Only in adults (67 cm in size) there was a significant decrease in the S-cytometric phase. At this stage, in histological sections, the myotomal muscle no longer had a "mosaic" appearance because of the disappearance of the small fibres. It may, therefore, be supposed that in the cm 67 adult specimens, the proliferative population is entering the G0 phase. It is known, in fact, that muscle growth proceeds only by fibre hypertrophy in trout longer than 70 cm in length (Stickland, 1983).  相似文献   

Flow cytometric measurements of nuclear DNA content often involve the calculation of a DNA index, which compares the DNA fluorescence from two different populations. Such DNA indices have been used to classify aneuploid peaks from tumour tissue into different categories relative to normal diploid cells. This report describes a correction based on the channel for unstained particles that is required if DNA index values are to give a true and reproducible indication of relative DNA content.  相似文献   

G2 arrest, binucleation, and single-parameter DNA flow cytometric analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One important facet of flow cytometry involves the effects of pharmacological agents on cell cycle progression. Comparative G2 fraction perturbations were examined: effects of sodium butyrate on articular chondrocytes, effects of an antineoplastic agent (SOAZ) and an antirheumatic drug (D-penicillamine) on HeLa cells. Even though DNA flow cytometric analysis detects preferentially an induction of G2 arrest, the mode of action of these agents on the cell cycle is different. Sodium butyrate and D-penicillamine lead to an increase of binucleate cells due to cytokinesis perturbation. Because of similar fluorescence intensity, distinguishing G2 from binucleate GO/1 cells is not easily possible using DNA content measurement and reflects a failure of flow cytometry in the detection of binucleate cells. Rapid cell cycle analysis of single cells should contribute greatly to the study of pharmacological interactions, but DNA flow cytometric measurements obtained from cultured cells exposed to certain agents must be cautiously interpreted because those may interact on cytokinesis and induce artefacts in histogram interpretation.  相似文献   

The authors discuss various aspects of a recently developed method permitting a detailed flow cytometric analysis of the individual cell karyotypes such as instrumentation, histochemistry, data proceeding algorithms. Possible drawbacks of the method and the ways of their overcoming are considered. Results of analysis of the Chinese hamster cells are presented that illustrate the possibilities of the method, including the metaphase chromosome distribution according to their fluorescence intensity, the analysed cell distribution according to their chromosomes number, the table in which the individual cell karyotypes are distributed according to their fluorescence. The results obtained show that the developed method may be successfully used for investigating chromosomal iNstability and heterogeneity of the mammalian cells.  相似文献   

An automatic procedure for recovering the DNA content distribution of mouse irradiated testis cells from flow cytometric histograms is presented. First, a suitable mathematical model is developed, to represent the pattern of DNA content and fluorescence distribution in the sample. Then a parameter estimation procedure, based on the maximum likelihood approach, is constructed by means of an optimization technique. This procedure has been applied to a set of DNA histograms relative to different doses of 0.4-MeV neutrons and to different time intervals after irradiation. In each case, a good agreement between the measured histograms and the corresponding fits has been obtained. The results indicate that the proposed method for the quantitative analysis of germ cell DNA histograms can be usefully applied to the study of the cytotoxic and mutagenic action of agents of toxicological interest such as ionizing radiations.  相似文献   

Summary Some parameters that influence the analysis in situ of DNA sensitivity to digestion with nuclease S1 have been studied in isolated HeLa nuclei with flow cytometry. DNA staining with the intercalating fluorochrome propidium iodide allowed the nucleolytic activity on double-stranded (ds) DNA to be determined by monitoring the relative reduction in nuclear fluorescence intensity. Nuclei isolated in buffer at low ionic strength in order to decondense chromatin fibres, showed a lower fluorescence intensity than nuclei with native chromatin, after digestion with nuclease S1 under identical conditions. Nuclei prepared with dispersed chromatin and digested with increasing amounts of enzyme showed a decrease in fluorescence intensity that reached a limit value at about 50% of the value of undigested control samples. On the other hand, in nuclei with native chromatin, fluorescence intensity decreased only about 18%. The NaCl concentration in the reaction buffer strongly influenced the DNA sensitivity to S1 nuclease. By increasing salt molarity from 5 mM to 200 mM, the digestion of dsDNA was significantly reduced as also shown by the amount of released nucleotides from purified calf thymus DNA. The detection of DNA sensitivity to nuclease S1, as assessed by the cytometric method, was shown to be more sensitive than a biochemical technique involving hydrolysis of purines. These results indicate that both the procedure for nuclei isolation and the digestion conditions have to be carefully controlled when evaluating in situ the presence of S1-sensitive sites.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric study of DNA and protein contents was performed on cell suspensions obtained from 73 adult patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Bivariate analysis identified a second subpopulation, not revealed by DNA determination, in 25% of the tumors. Protein heterogeneity was more frequently observed in diffuse than in nodular histology according the Rappaport classification and in high-grade than in low-grade malignancy tumors by the Kiel classification and the Working Formulation, but it was not related to ploidy or cell proliferative rate. The presence of an additional subpopulation, detected by protein analysis, defined as monoclonal by DNA analysis, could adversely affect clinical outcome in terms of response to treatment and overall survival.  相似文献   

Some parameters that influence the analysis in situ of DNA sensitivity to digestion with nuclease S1 have been studied in isolated HeLa nuclei with flow cytometry. DNA staining with the intercalating fluorochrome propidium iodide allowed the nucleolytic activity on double-stranded (ds) DNA to be determined by monitoring the relative reduction in nuclear fluorescence intensity. Nuclei isolated in buffer at low ionic strength in order to decondense chromatin fibres, showed a lower fluorescence intensity than nuclei with native chromatin, after digestion with nuclease S1 under identical conditions. Nuclei prepared with dispersed chromatin and digested with increasing amounts of enzyme showed a decrease in fluorescence intensity that reached a limit value at about 50% of the value of undigested control samples. On the other hand, in nuclei with native chromatin, fluorescence intensity decreased only about 18%. The NaCl concentration in the reaction buffer strongly influenced the DNA sensitivity to S1 nuclease. By increasing salt molarity from 5 mM to 200 mM, the digestion of dsDNA was significantly reduced as also shown by the amount of released nucleotides from purified calf thymus DNA. The detection of DNA sensitivity to nuclease S1, as assessed by the cytometric method, was shown to be more sensitive than a biochemical technique involving hydrolysis of purines. These results indicate that both the procedure for nuclei isolation and the digestion conditions have to be carefully controlled when evaluating in situ the presence of S1-sensitive sites.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analysis using the anti-cytokeratin antibody was carried out in order to estimate more reliable measurement in single cell suspension obtained from solid tumors. It was difficult to detect a DNA aneuploidy with DI of 2.0 by one parameter analysis of DNA. Whereas it could be detected easily by using dual parameter analysis of cytokeratin and DNA. And also, the pattern of DNA multiploidy could be selected for cytokeratin positive cell population by gate analysis.  相似文献   

Microcell production by means of Colcemid-induced micronucleation and subsequent enucleation with the density gradient technique was adjusted for use with the murine T-lymphoma line ESb-M. Modification of the standard protocol for a cell type on which no experiments had previously been performed required careful monitoring of the multiple steps in the procedure in order to optimize the final microcell yield. Traditional microscopic verification may sometimes be ambiguous, due to the lack of a clear cutoff point between small whole cells and cell fragments; in these conditions, the level of variability increases, thus impairing quantitative estimations. Flow cytometric (FCM) analysis of DNA content and size of donor cells and microcells was therefore applied in parallel to provide additional quantitative information. The FCM results supplemented the microscopic data in assessing which fraction recovered from the gradient has the lowest percentage of contaminant whole cells; however, FCM analysis may provide more statistically significant data due to the large size of the sample examined. Moreover, FCM is of prospective use in providing the basis for subsequent sorting of either pure microcells or specific subpopulations of defined DNA content and size.  相似文献   

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