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位点特异重组系统由重组酶和相应的重组酶识别位点组成,通过两者间的相互作用,实现外源基因精确整合与切除等一系列遗传操作.主要可分为Cre/lox系统、FLP/frt系统、R/RS系统和Gin/gix系统.目前,研究最充分应用最广泛的位点特异重组系统为Cre/lox系统.此系统为位点特异重组系统家族中的一员,由38.5kDCre重组酶和34bplox位点组成,最早被应用于动物转基因研究,包括基因敲除、基因激活、基因易位等.近年来,随着研究的深入,Cre/lox系统被逐步应用到植物研究中,并在诸多领域取得重大进展.本文总结归纳了Cre/lox系统在定点整合、定点切除以及叶绿体转化等方面的最新研究成果,旨在为利用Cre/lox系统构建环境安全和高效表达的植物遗传转化体系提供参考.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination has been extensively studied in bacteria, yeast, and more recently in animal cells, but little is known about this process in plants. We present here an analysis of meiotic and somatic chromosomal recombination between closely linked inverted duplications located on a single chromosomal region in tobacco. Transgenic tobacco lines were constructed by Agrobacterium transformation with plasmid vectors containing a functional hygromycin phosphotransferase (hyg) selectable marker flanked by a pair of defective neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) genes positioned as inverted repeats. As each neo gene is mutated in a different site, recombination between the two defective genes can be detected following selection for kanamycin-resistant plant cells. The recombination substrates were designed to allow investigation into the nature of molecular events underlying homologous recombination by restriction endonuclease analysis. Chromosomal recombination was studied in mitotically dividing cells (cultured leaf mesophyll cells) and after meiosis (germinated seedlings). Spontaneous somatic recombinants were recovered at frequencies between ~3 x 10-5 to 10-6 events per cell. Low dose [gamma] irradiation of somatic cells resulted in a threefold maximum increase in the recovery of recombinants. Recombinants were also detected at low frequency when transgenic T3 seeds were germinated under kanamycin selection. DNA gel blot analyses demonstrated that homologous recombination occurred mainly as gene conversion unassociated with reciprocal exchange, although a variety of other events including gene coconversion were also observed.  相似文献   

Complementation and Genetic Recombination in Candida lipolytica   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Nutritional requirements were introduced into wild-type, heterothallic strains of Candida lipolytica by exposing the cells to X rays. Complementing hybrids were recovered from mixtures of the auxotrophic strains, and genetic recombination was observed in individually isolated ascospores from the hybrid strains.  相似文献   

Recombination and Complementation of Albino Mutants in Neurospora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
P. C. Huang 《Genetics》1964,49(3):453-469

利用FLP/frt重组系统产生无选择标记的转基因烟草植株   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在植物转基因植株产生过程中,对转化细胞进行抗性筛选是通用程序,转化细胞的抗性一般是抗生素抗性或除草剂抗性,将赋予转化细胞抗性的选择标记基因删除是提高转基因植物生物安全性的重要措施。来自于啤酒酵母的FLP/frt位点特异性重组系统可有效删除同向定点重组位点frt之间的基因。通过多步骤重组,建立了可在植物中广泛应用的FLP/frt位点特异性重组系统。该系统包括含有frt位点的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300-betA-frt-als-frt和含有由热诱导启动子hsp启动的FLP重组酶基因的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300-hsp-FLP-hpt。利用二次转化的方式将二者先后转入烟草植株,热激处理后,热诱导型启动子hsp调控的重组酶FLP基因的表达催化位于选择标记基因als两侧同向frt位点间的重组反应,有效地删除了选择标记基因als。41%的经热激处理的二次转化植株发生了选择标记基因的删除,表明该系统在获得无选择标记基因的转基因植株中有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Hong Gao  Marcus W. Feldman 《Genetics》2009,182(1):251-263
Coinfection in RNA virus populations results in two important phenomena, complementation and recombination. Of the two, complementation has a strong effect on selection against deleterious mutations, as has been confirmed in earlier studies. As complementation delays the purging of less-fit mutations, coinfection may be detrimental to the evolution of a virus population. Here we employ both deterministic modeling and stochastic simulation to explore the mechanisms underlying the interactions between complementation and other evolutionary factors, namely, mutation, selection, and epistasis. We find that strong complementation reduces slightly the overall fitness of a virus population but substantially enhances its diversity and robustness, especially when interacting with selection and epistasis.  相似文献   

转基因植物环境安全性研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着转基因植物在全球范围内的广泛种植,其环境安全性问题也日益受到重视。对转基因植物的环境安全性问题进行了综述,主要从转基因植物的杂草化、基因漂移、对非靶标和靶标生物的影响等方面阐述了转基因植物对生态环境的影响。  相似文献   

The majority of recently emerging infectious diseases in humans is due to cross-species pathogen transmissions from animals. To establish a productive infection in new host species, viruses must overcome barriers to replication mediated by diverse and rapidly evolving host restriction factors such as protein kinase R (PKR). Many viral antagonists of these restriction factors are species specific. For example, the rhesus cytomegalovirus PKR antagonist, RhTRS1, inhibits PKR in some African green monkey (AGM) cells, but does not inhibit human or rhesus macaque PKR. To model the evolutionary changes necessary for cross-species transmission, we generated a recombinant vaccinia virus that expresses RhTRS1 in a strain that lacks PKR inhibitors E3L and K3L (VVΔEΔK+RhTRS1). Serially passaging VVΔEΔK+RhTRS1 in minimally-permissive AGM cells increased viral replication 10- to 100-fold. Notably, adaptation in these AGM cells also improved virus replication 1000- to 10,000-fold in human and rhesus cells. Genetic analyses including deep sequencing revealed amplification of the rhtrs1 locus in the adapted viruses. Supplying additional rhtrs1 in trans confirmed that amplification alone was sufficient to improve VVΔEΔK+RhTRS1 replication. Viruses with amplified rhtrs1 completely blocked AGM PKR, but only partially blocked human PKR, consistent with the replication properties of these viruses in AGM and human cells. Finally, in contrast to AGM-adapted viruses, which could be serially propagated in human cells, VVΔEΔK+RhTRS1 yielded no progeny virus after only three passages in human cells. Thus, rhtrs1 amplification in a minimally permissive intermediate host was a necessary step, enabling expansion of the virus range to previously nonpermissive hosts. These data support the hypothesis that amplification of a weak viral antagonist may be a general evolutionary mechanism to permit replication in otherwise resistant host species, providing a molecular foothold that could enable further adaptations necessary for efficient replication in the new host.  相似文献   

Climate change can profoundly alter species’ distributions due to changes in temperature, precipitation, or seasonality. Migratory monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) may be particularly susceptible to climate-driven changes in host plant abundance or reduced overwintering habitat. For example, climate change may significantly reduce the availability of overwintering habitat by restricting the amount of area with suitable microclimate conditions. However, potential effects of climate change on monarch northward migrations remain largely unknown, particularly with respect to their milkweed (Asclepias spp.) host plants. Given that monarchs largely depend on the genus Asclepias as larval host plants, the effects of climate change on monarch northward migrations will most likely be mediated by climate change effects on Asclepias. Here, I used MaxEnt species distribution modeling to assess potential changes in Asclepias and monarch distributions under moderate and severe climate change scenarios. First, Asclepias distributions were projected to extend northward throughout much of Canada despite considerable variability in the environmental drivers of each individual species. Second, Asclepias distributions were an important predictor of current monarch distributions, indicating that monarchs may be constrained as much by the availability of Asclepias host plants as environmental variables per se. Accordingly, modeling future distributions of monarchs, and indeed any tightly coupled plant-insect system, should incorporate the effects of climate change on host plant distributions. Finally, MaxEnt predictions of Asclepias and monarch distributions were remarkably consistent among general circulation models. Nearly all models predicted that the current monarch summer breeding range will become slightly less suitable for Asclepias and monarchs in the future. Asclepias, and consequently monarchs, should therefore undergo expanded northern range limits in summer months while encountering reduced habitat suitability throughout the northern migration.  相似文献   

H Liu  Y Fu  J Xie  J Cheng  SA Ghabrial  G Li  X Yi  D Jiang 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e42147
Genome sequence of viruses can contribute greatly to the study of viral evolution, diversity and the interaction between viruses and hosts. Traditional molecular cloning methods for obtaining RNA viral genomes are time-consuming and often difficult because many viruses occur in extremely low titers. DsRNA viruses in the families, Partitiviridae, Totiviridae, Endornaviridae, Chrysoviridae, and other related unclassified dsRNA viruses are generally associated with symptomless or persistent infections of their hosts. These characteristics indicate that samples or materials derived from eukaryotic organisms used to construct cDNA libraries and EST sequencing might carry these viruses, which were not easily detected by the researchers. Therefore, the EST databases may include numerous unknown viral sequences. In this study, we performed in silico cloning, a procedure for obtaining full or partial cDNA sequence of a gene by bioinformatics analysis, using known dsRNA viral sequences as queries to search against NCBI Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) database. From this analysis, we obtained 119 novel virus-like sequences related to members of the families, Endornaviridae, Chrysoviridae, Partitiviridae, and Totiviridae. Many of them were identified in cDNA libraries of eukaryotic lineages, which were not known to be hosts for these viruses. Furthermore, comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of these newly discovered virus-like sequences with known dsRNA viruses revealed that these dsRNA viruses may have co-evolved with respective host supergroups over a long evolutionary time while potential horizontal transmissions of viruses between different host supergroups also is possible. We also found that some of the plant partitiviruses may have originated from fungal viruses by horizontal transmissions. These findings extend our knowledge of the diversity and possible host range of dsRNA viruses and offer insight into the origin and evolution of relevant viruses with their hosts.  相似文献   

Selectable marker genes that usually encode antibiotic or herbicide resistances are widely used for the selection of transgenic plants, but they become unnecessary and undesirable after transformation selection. An important strategy to improve the transgenic plants' biosafety is to eliminate the marker genes after successful selection. In the FLP/frt site-specific system of 2-μm plasmid from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the FLP enzyme efficiently catalyzes recombination between two directly repeated FLP recombination target (frt) sites, eliminating the sequence between them. By controlled expression of the FLP recombinase and specific allocation of the frt sites within transgenic constructs, the system can be applied to eliminate the marker genes after selection. Through a series of procedures, the plant FLP/frt site-specific recombination system was constructed, which included the frt-containing vector pCAMBIA1300-betA-frt-als-frt and the FLP expression vector pCAMBIA1300-hsp-FLP-hpt. The FLP recombinase gene was introduced into transgenic (betA-frt-als-frt) tobacco plants by re-transformation. In re-transgenic plants, after heat-shock treatment, the marker gene als flanked by two identical orientation frt sites could be excised by the inducible expression of FLP recombinase under the control of hsp promoter. Excision of the als gene was found in 41 % re-transgenic tobacco plants, which indicated that this system could make a great contribution obtaining the marker-free transgenic plants.  相似文献   

转基因植物中报道基因GUS的活性检测及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
GUS基因是目前转基因植物中应用最为广泛的报道基因。GUS基因在转基因植物中的活性检测方法有组织化学定位法、分光光度法、荧光分析法、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶原位分析法等。  相似文献   



Viral small RNAs (vsiRNAs) in the infected host can be generated from viral double-stranded RNA replicative intermediates, self-complementary regions of the viral genome or from the action of host RNA-dependent RNA polymerases on viral templates. The vsiRNA abundance and profile as well as the endogenous small RNA population can vary between different hosts infected by the same virus influencing viral pathogenicity and host response. There are no reports on the analysis of vsiRNAs of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), a segmented negative stranded RNA virus in the family Bunyaviridae, with two of its gene segments showing ambisense gene arrangement. The virus causes significant economic losses to numerous field and horticultural crops worldwide.

Principal Findings

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)-specific vsiRNAs were characterized by deep sequencing in virus-infected experimental host Nicotiana benthamiana and a commercial, susceptible host tomato. The total small (s) RNA reads in TSWV-infected tomato sample showed relatively equal distribution of 21, 22 and 24 nt, whereas N. benthamiana sample was dominated by 24 nt total sRNAs. The number of vsiRNA reads detected in tomato was many a magnitude (~350:1) higher than those found in N. benthamiana, however the profile of vsiRNAs in terms of relative abundance 21, 22 and 24 nt class size was similar in both the hosts. Maximum vsiRNA reads were obtained for the M RNA segment of TSWV while the largest L RNA segment had the least number of vsiRNAs in both tomato and N. benthamiana. Only the silencing suppressor, NSs, of TSWV recorded higher antisense vsiRNA with respect to the coding frame among all the genes of TSWV.


Details of the origin, distribution and abundance of TSWV vsiRNAs could be useful in designing efficient targets for exploiting RNA interference for virus resistance. It also has major implications toward our understanding of the differential processing of vsiRNAs in antiviral defense and viral pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Active oxygen species have been postulated to perform multiple functions in plant defense, but their exact role in plant resistance to diseases is not fully understood. We have recently demonstrated H2O2-mediated disease resistance in transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants expressing a foreign gene encoding glucose oxidase. In this study we provide further evidence that the H2O2-mediated disease resistance in potato is effective against a broad range of plant pathogens. We have investigated mechanisms underlying the H2O2-mediated disease resistance in transgenic potato plants. The constitutively elevated levels of H2O2 induced the accumulation of total salicylic acid severalfold in the leaf tissue of transgenic plants, although no significant change was detected in the level of free salicylic acid. The mRNAs of two defense-related genes encoding the anionic peroxidase and acidic chitinase were also induced. In addition, an increased accumulation of several isoforms of extracellular peroxidase, including a newly induced one, was observed. This was accompanied by a significant increase in the lignin content of stem and root tissues of the transgenic plants. The results suggest that constitutively elevated sublethal levels of H2O2 are sufficient to activate an array of host defense mechanisms, and these defense mechanisms may be a major contributing factor to the H2O2-mediated disease resistance in transgenic plants.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 43 recessive mutations reducing meiotic intragenic recombination in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. These mutations were isolated by a screen for reduced plasmid-by-chromosome recombination at the ade6 locus. Sixteen of the mutations define 10 new complementation groups, bringing to 17 the number of genes identified to be involved in meiotic recombination. The mutations were grouped into three discrete classes depending on the severity of the recombination deficiency in crosses involving the ade6-M26 recombination hotspot. Class I mutations caused at least a 1000-fold reduction in M26-stimulated intragenic recombination at the ade6 locus. Class II mutations reduced M26-stimulated recombination approximately 100-fold. Class III mutations caused a 3-10-fold reduction in either M26-stimulated or non-hotspot recombination. We obtained multiple alleles of class I and class II mutations, suggesting that we may be nearing saturation for mutations of this type. As a first step toward mapping, we used mitotic segregation to assign fourteen of the rec genes to chromosomes. Mutations in the six rec genes tested also caused a decrease in intragenic recombination at the ura4 locus; five of these mutations also reduced intergenic recombination between the pro2 and arg3 genes. These results indicate that these multiple rec gene products are required for high level meiotic recombination throughout the S. pombe genome.  相似文献   

转基因植物近年来得到迅猛发展。本文综述了转基因植物 ,特别是转基因林木的的发展现状。并从单基因位点孟德尔遗传 ,多基因位点孟德尔遗传以及非孟德尔式遗传三个方面介绍了外源基因在转基因植物后代中遗传分离的研究进展。并就影响外源基因遗传分离的因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Generation of transgenic tobacco plants, producing double-stranded RNA with no homology to tobacco genome sequences is reported. The RNA synthesis is mediated by a construct containing an inverted repeat of the pBR322 tetracycline-resistance gene fragment under control of the 35S CaMV promoter. Analysis of the resistance of transgenic plants to the tobacco mosaic virus revealed the changes in the protein spectra of the infected plants. The 25- and 30-kDa proteins found were not detected in the extracts of normal plants. Amino acid sequencing of the 30-kDa peptide with subsequent computer database search revealed the homology of this protein to the hydrolases belonging to the group of plant -glucanases. The role of the novel polypeptides in an increase of the resistance of transgenic plants to TMV, and also the possibility of the regulation of their expression by nonhomologous dsRNA are discussed.  相似文献   

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