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During the course of an investigation on the Pythiaceous oomycetes occurring in the Burgundian vineyards, some species of Pythium possessing mainly hypogynous antheridia were found. These had been classified as oomycetes belonging to the "Pythium rostratum" group for a long time. Three of these isolates, having similar structures and growth, are very closely related to a recently described species, Pythium bifurcatum Paul. A close look at these, however, underlines some fundamental differences with the latter. Not all of them produce zoospores but have very large sporangia. The type specimen is F-1200 (B 76a) which is a medium-slow growing saprophyte. The sequence of the ITS region of the rDNA also shows a very close relationship with P. bifurcatum. On the basis of morphological and molecular analysis, we now describe this species as Pythium longisporangium sp. nov. Morphological features of this new species, the sequences of the ITS region of its nuclear ribosomal DNA, and its comparison with related species are discussed.  相似文献   

During the course of investigation on pythiaceous fungi occurring in the Burgundian vineyards, a new species of Pythium has been isolated. This oomycete is characterized by its nonproliferating and nonsporulating, spherical to cylindrical type of sporangia (hyphal bodies) germinating through germ tubes, smooth-walled oogonia that are supplied with hypogynous, monoclinous or rarely diclinous antheridia, and smooth-walled oospores. The antheridial cells are very prominent and are reminiscent of Pythium bifurcatum, Pythium segnitium and Pythium longandrum described previously by the author. The internal transcribed spacer region of the rRNA of this new species is composed of 883 bases, which is quite different from that of the closest relatives. Morphological and molecular features of this new species, named as Pythium burgundicum , are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Nine anamorphic, ascomycetous yeast strains belonging to the Pichia anomala clade were recovered from forest soil in 2006 in Taiwan. The nine yeast strains represent four novel yeast species based on the sequences of their D1/D2 domain of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene and their physiological characteristics. The scientific names of Candida dajiaensis sp. nov., Candida yuanshanicus sp. nov., Candida jianshihensis sp. nov., and Candida sanyiensis sp. nov. are proposed for these novel yeast species. The type strains are C. dajiaensis SM11S03(T) (=CBS 10590(T)=BCRC 23099(T)), C. yuanshanicus SY3S02(T) (=CBS 10589(T)=BCRC 23100(T)), C. jianshihensis SM8S04(T) (=CBS 10591(T)=BCRC 23096(T)), and C. sanyiensis SA1S06(T) (=CBS 10592(T)=BCRC 23094(T)). Sequence analysis of the D1/D2 of the LSU rRNA gene revealed that the three species, C. dajiaensis, C. yuanshanicus and Pichia onychis, shared a separate branch in the phylogenetic tree, C. jianshihensis is phylogenetically related to Candida ulmi and Pichia alni, and the phylogenetically closest relative of C. sanyiensis is Pichia populi.  相似文献   

Sixteen Pythium isolates from diverse hosts and locations, which showed similarities in their morphology and sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of their rRNA gene, were investigated. As opposed to the generally accepted view, within single isolates ITS sequence variations were consistently found mostly as part of a tract of identical bases (A-T) within ITS1, and of GT or GTTT repeats within the ITS2 sequence. Thirty-one different ITS sequences obtained from 39 cloned ITS products from the 16 isolates showed high sequence and length polymorphisms within and between isolates. However, in a phylogenetic analysis, they formed a cluster distinct from those of other Pythium species. Additional sequencing of two nuclear genes (elongation factor 1 alpha and beta-tubulin) and one mitochondrial gene (nadh1) revealed high levels of heterozygosity as well as polymorphism within and between isolates, with some isolates possessing two or more alleles for each of the nuclear genes. In contrast to the observed variation in the ITS and other gene areas, all isolates were phenotypically similar. Pythium mercuriale sp. nov. (Pythiaceae) is characterized by forming thin-walled chlamydospores, subglobose to obovoid, papillate sporangia proliferating internally and smooth-walled oogonia surrounded by multiple antheridia. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses based on both ITS and beta-tubulin sequence data place P. mercuriale in a clade between Pythium and Phytophthora.  相似文献   

Two monospecific genera of marine benthic dinoflagellates, Adenoides and Pseudadenoides, have unusual thecal tabulation patterns (lack of cingular plates in the former; and no precingular plates and a complete posterior intercalary plate series in the latter) and are thus difficult to place within a phylogenetic framework. Although both genera share morphological similarities, they have not formed sister taxa in previous molecular phylogenetic analyses. We discovered and characterized a new species of Pseudadenoides, P. polypyrenoides sp. nov., at both the ultrastructural and molecular phylogenetic levels. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA sequences demonstrated a close relationship between P. polypyrenoides sp. nov. and Pseudadenoides kofoidii, and Adenoides and Pseudadenoides formed sister taxa in phylogenetic trees inferred from LSU rDNA sequences. Comparisons of morphological traits, such as the apical pore complex (APC), demonstrated similarities between Adenoides, Pseudadenoides and several planktonic genera (e.g. Heterocapsa, Azadinium and Amphidoma). Molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA sequences also demonstrated an undescribed species within Adenoides.  相似文献   

在大湄公河次区域的水生真菌调查中,从中国云南和西藏的沉水腐木中分离得到4个菌株。基于LSU、SSU、ITS、TEF1-α和RPB2序列进行多基因系统发育分析,表明4个菌株属于菩提科香港霉属真菌。系统发育分析结果显示4个菌株聚集在一起,并与泰国香港霉形成姐妹支。基于形态学及分子系统学研究,将这4个菌株鉴定为新种棕孢香港霉。棕孢香港霉是香港霉属的第二个有性型物种,它因子囊果的孔口处有棕色至黑色的刚毛,且子囊孢子呈梭形,孢子两端逐渐变窄且钝圆,红棕色至暗棕色,具有多个隔膜而区别于另一个有性型物种泰国香港霉。本研究提供了该真菌新种的描述及图版并比较了该种与其他物种的形态差异。  相似文献   

A new species, Pythium bifurcatum, isolated from soil samples taken from a wheat field in Lille in northern France is described here. The oomycete occurred thrice out of 50 samples. The type specimen is F-91, which is a slow-growing saprophyte living on vegetable debris and which can be recognised by its antheridial as well as oogonial characteristics, which are different from other known species of Pythium. When grown together with Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of the grey mould disease of the grapevine, Pythium bifurcatum shows a pronounced antagonism and suppresses its growth. Morphological features of this new species, its antagonism to B. cinerea, the sequences of the ITS region of its nuclear ribosomal DNA, and its comparison with related species are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

李伟  郭林 《菌物研究》2013,(4):239-241
在安徽省发现了隔担菌属1新种——双圆蚧隔担菌(Septobasidium diaspidioti)。该种与双圆蚧属蚧壳虫共生,其模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Identification of Cladophora species is challenging due to conservation of gross morphology, few discrete autapomorphies, and environmental influences on morphology. Twelve species of marine Cladophora were reported from North Carolina waters. Cladophora specimens were collected from inshore and offshore marine waters for DNA sequence and morphological analyses. The nuclear‐encoded rRNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) were sequenced for 105 specimens and used in molecular assisted identification. The ITS1 and ITS2 region was highly variable, and sequences were sorted into ITS Sets of Alignable Sequences (SASs). Sequencing of short hyper‐variable ITS1 sections from Cladophora type specimens was used to positively identify species represented by SASs when the types were made available. Secondary structures for the ITS1 locus were also predicted for each specimen and compared to predicted structures from Cladophora sequences available in GenBank. Nine ITS SASs were identified and representative specimens chosen for phylogenetic analyses of 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences to reveal relationships with other Cladophora species. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that marine Cladophorales were polyphyletic and separated into two clades, the Cladophora clade and the “Siphonocladales” clade. Morphological analyses were performed to assess the consistency of character states within species, and complement the DNA sequence analyses. These analyses revealed intra‐ and interspecific character state variation, and that combined molecular and morphological analyses were required for the identification of species. One new report, Cladophora dotyana, and one new species Cladophora subtilissima sp. nov., were revealed, and increased the biodiversity of North Carolina marine Cladophora to 14 species.  相似文献   

Polyangium belongs to Polyangiaceae family of Myxococcales, a taxonomic group well-known for their extraordinary social lifestyle and diverse novel gene clusters of secondary metabolites. A yellow-golden strain, designated SDU3-1T, and two rose pink strains, designated SDU13 and SDU14T, were isolated from a soil sample. These three strains were aerobic, mesophilic, not salt-tolerant and were able to prey on living microorganisms. SDU13 and SDU14T formed solitary sporangioles under starvation conditions, while SDU3-1T had no fruiting body structures. They showed 95.9–97.0% (SDU3-1T) or 98.7–98.9% (SDU13 and SDU14T) 16S rRNA gene similarity with the type strains of Polyangium, but were phylogenetically separate from them based on the 16S rRNA gene and genome sequences. Their genomes were 12.3 Mbp (SDU3-1T), 13.9 Mbp (SDU13) and 13.8 Mbp (SDU14T) with the G + C content range of 68.3–69.4 mol%. The average nucleotide identity and DNA-DNA hybridization analyses of genomes further indicated that these three strains belonged to two new species in Polyangium. Their major fatty acids were C18:1ω9c, C16:0 and C18:0. The polyphasic taxonomic characterization suggest that the three strains represent two novel species in the genus Polyangium, for which the names Polyangium aurulentum sp. nov. and Polyangium jinanense sp. nov. are proposed, and the type strains are SDU3-1T (=CGMCC 1.16875T = KCTC 72136T) and SDU14T (=CCTCC AB 2021123T = KCTC 82625T), respectively.  相似文献   

本研究报道了丝膜菌属的一个新种:李玉丝膜菌,该种采自中国吉林省蒙古栎林中,其主要特征为担子体小型、幼时具蓝紫色调,菌盖强水浸状、具条纹,担孢子近球形。该种在系统发育树中形成一个独立的分支,与斑丝膜菌组形成姐妹关系,但遗传关系较远,属于新组李玉丝膜菌组。本文对新分类单元进行了详细描述,并对其系统发育上相近的物种进行了比较。  相似文献   

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