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Female rats express a conditioned place preference (CPP) for a context paired with mating. During a mating encounter, the female rat is exposed to several different types of stimuli, including, but not limited to, vaginocervical stimulation and social contact. The present experiment tested the hypothesis that two components of the mating interaction, vaginocervical stimulation or social contact, each induce a CPP in female rats. During conditioning rats received nonpaced mating, artificial vaginocervical stimulation, social interaction or a control treatment. Rats expressed a CPP for the context paired with nonpaced mating or artificial vaginocervical stimulation whereas social interaction and the control treatment did not induce a CPP. The present findings highlight the important role that vaginocervical stimulation plays in the reinforcing effects of mating in female rats.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior is a natural reward for many rodent species, and it often includes chemosensory-directed components. Chemosensory stimuli themselves may also be rewarding. Conditioned place preference (CPP) is one paradigm frequently used to test the rewarding properties of a range of stimuli. Males and females of several rodent species show a CPP for sexual behavior; however, it is currently unknown whether sexual behavior can induce a CPP in male Syrian hamsters. As male Syrian hamsters are an animal model commonly used for investigation of the neurobiology of sexual behavior, understanding the rewarding components of sexual stimuli will better direct future research on brain regions and neurotransmitters involved in these behaviors. Experiment 1 tested the prediction that male hamsters show a CPP for sexual behavior. Female chemosensory stimuli are essential for the display of sexual behavior in male hamsters; however, the rewarding properties of female chemosensory stimuli contained in vaginal secretions (VS) are uncertain. Therefore, experiment 2 tested the prediction that male hamsters show a CPP for VS. This study is the first demonstration that both sexual behavior and VS induce a CPP in male hamsters. Thus, female chemosensory stimuli are a natural reward in a species that is dependent on these stimuli for reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic neuropeptide orexin (hypocretin) mediates reward related to drugs of abuse and food intake. However, a role for orexin in sexual reward has yet to be investigated. Orexin neurons are activated by sexual behavior, but endogenous orexin does not appear to be essential for sexual performance and motivation in male rats. Therefore, the goal of the current study was to test the hypothesis that orexin is critically involved in processing of sexual reward in male rats. First, it was demonstrated following exposure to conditioned contextual cues associated with sexual behavior in a conditioned place preference paradigm that cFos expression is induced in orexin neurons, indicating activation of orexin neurons by cues predicting sexual reward. Next, orexin-cell specific lesions were utilized to determine the functional role of orexin in sexual reward processing. Hypothalami of adult male rats were infused with orexin-B-conjugated saporin, resulting in greater than 80% loss of orexin neurons in the perifornical-dorsomedial and lateral hypothalamus. Orexin lesions did not affect expression of sexual behavior, but prevented formation of conditioned place preference for a sexual behavior paired chamber. In contrast, intact sham-treated males or males with partial lesions developed a conditioned place preference for mating. Orexin lesioned males maintained the ability to form a conditioned place aversion to lithium chloride-induced visceral illness, indicating that orexin lesions did not disrupt associative contextual memory. Overall, these findings suggest that orexin is not essential for sexual performance or motivation, but is critical for reward processing and conditioned cue-induced seeking of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemistry was used to determine if photoperiod and/or sex have any effect on the pattern of the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) system in the brain of the Japanese quail. Immunopositive perikarya were found within three major areas of the brain: the rostral paraolfactory lobe, the preoptic, and the septal region. A quantitative analysis of LHRH cell numbers was performed on male and female quail after two photoperiodic treatments: sexually mature birds exposed to 24 weeks of 20 h light: 4 h darkness (20L4D), and birds with a regressed reproductive system (induced by transfer from a photoregime of 20L4D to 25 short days of 8L16D). Two-way analysis of variance showed that short-day males display significantly (p < 0.05) more immunopositive perikarya (607 + 134) than long-day males (291 + 114), short-day females (293 + 103) or long-day females (330 + 92). The density of LHRH-immunoreactive nerve fibres and the intensity of the immunostaining in the median eminence were always greater in long-day sexually mature quail (male and female) than in animals exposed to 25 days of 8L16D. These results demonstrate that the LHRH system of the quail is influenced by photoperiod and mirrors sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

One way to evaluate sexual arousal is by measuring approach behavior to sexual incentive stimuli. In our case we measure approach behavior to an originally non-preferred compartment which is associated with the physiological state induced by mating. This change of preference indicative of a positive affective (reward) state can be evaluated by conditioned place preference (CPP). We have shown that the CPP induced by paced mating is mediated by opioids. The administration of opioids also induces a reward state. The present study was designed to compare the rewarding properties of paced mating and a morphine injection. One group of females was allowed to pace the sexual interaction before being placed in the non-preferred compartment. In alternate sessions they received a morphine injection before being placed in the preferred compartment. In another group of females, the treatments were reversed. Only the females placed in the originally non-preferred compartment after paced mating changed their original preference, suggesting that paced mating induces a positive affective, reward, state of higher intensity than a morphine injection of 1 mg/kg. In a second experiment we determined if females allowed to pace the sexual interaction for 1 h would still developed CPP. No change in preference was observed in the females that mated for 1 h without pacing the sexual interaction. On the other hand, females that received between 10 and 15 paced intromissions as well as females that paced the sexual interaction for 1 h developed a clear CPP. The second experiment demonstrated that pacing is rewarding even in an extended mating session in which the females received around 25 intromissions and several ejaculations. These results further demonstrate the biological relevance associated with the ability of the female to space coital stimulation received during mating. This positive affective state will contribute to increase sexual arousal the next time a rat finds an appropriate mate.  相似文献   

Summary The control mechanisms of the hypothalamo-hypophysio-ovarian axis were investigated in breeding Japanese quail by means of electrolytic or radiofrequency lesions in various regions of the hypothalamus. Depending on the site of damage to the hypothalamus, two forms of ovarian dysfunction were observed. Lesions in anterior regions of the infundibular nuclear complex or in the anterior division of the median eminence resulted in regression of the ovary and oviduct; all follicles of the ovaries of these birds measured less than 3 mm in diameter. These conditions are interpreted as indicative of cessation of the release of folliclestimulating hormone from the adenohypophysis. Lesions in medial, ventral and posterior regions of the infundibular nuclear complex or in the preoptic region of the hypothalamus resulted in cessation of ovulation, but did not cause complete regression of the ovary and oviduct. In these birds the ovaries and oviducts were reduced somewhat in weight, but the ovarian follicles remained large and laden with yolk. This condition is thought to result from the cessation of the release of luteinizing hormone from the adenohypophysis.This investigation was supported by NIH Predoctoral Fellowship GM-33,458 to the author, and by Research Grants from NIH (NB-06187) and NSF (GB-11905) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a thesis (Stetson, 1971) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology at the University of Washington. The hormones used in this investigation were generously supplied by the Endocrine Study Section of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Various behavioral models and studies have provided evidence suggesting that male rat sexual behavior has rewarding and reinforcing properties. However, there is little information regarding the rewarding values of the different components of sexual behavior. Therefore, this study used a conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm to address whether ejaculation and intromissions differ in their rewarding incentive values. We also addressed whether the differential rewarding values were dependent on prior sexual experience. Sexually naïve and experienced males received one pairing of either intromissions or ejaculation with one of the chambers in the CPP box. The amount of time spent in each chamber of the CPP apparatus after conditioning was then measured. Both sexually naïve and sexually experienced males formed a CPP for ejaculation, while only sexually naïve, and not sexually experienced, males formed a CPP for intromissions. Moreover, in sexually naïve males, multiple pairings of ejaculation with the designated chamber resulted in a CPP relative to the control chamber paired with display of intromissions. These data support the hypothesis that there is a hierarchy of rewarding sexual behavior, with ejaculation being the most rewarding component, and that the rewarding incentive value of other components of sexual behavior is dependent upon prior sexual experience.  相似文献   

Two experiments assessed the effects of neonatal testosterone treatment on paced mating behavior and conditioned place preference in female rats. In both experiments, females received s.c. injections of 5.0 microg testosterone propionate or oil vehicle at three days postpartum. As adults, females were ovariectomized and given s.c. injections of 10 microg estradiol benzoate and 500 microg progesterone, 48 and 4 h before mating, respectively. In Experiment 1, TP- and Oil-treated females exhibited similar high levels of lordosis responsiveness, but TP-treated females showed increased intervals between mounts and between intromissions in paced and non-paced mating conditions compared to control females. The effect was particularly pronounced during paced mating, when contact return latencies were increased approximately 2-fold by TP treatment. TP-treated females showed exaggerated pacing behavior, showing significantly greater return latencies after intromissions than Oil-treated females. In Experiment 2, TP- and Oil-treated groups were tested in a conditioned place preference paradigm to determine if the behavioral changes observed in Experiment 1 were in part a result of changes in the perceived reward produced by paced mating. TP treated and control females developed equivalent preferences for places associated with paced but not non-paced mating, indicating that neonatal TP treatment at this dosage does not disrupt or enhance the conditioned place preference induced by paced mating. The results of the two experiments demonstrate that neonatal TP treatment alters the display of pacing behavior but not the reward state induced by paced mating, and suggest that TP affects neural substrates involved in performance of paced mating without effects on those controlling lordosis or place preference conditioning.  相似文献   

The relative effects of larval and adult conditioning on Diglyphus isaea host plant preference and subsequent parasitism were investigated. Parasitoid larvae were reared on Chromatomyia syngenesiae on lettuce, chrysanthemum or in isolation, and female parasitoids were exposed to hosts on either lettuce or chrysanthemum. Hosts on lettuce and chrysanthemum were then presented to assess parasitoid preference. Larval and adult D. isaea conditioning only slightly affected the females selection of host plant type on which the host larvae were located. The major effect of conditioning was a reduction in the number of eggs laid after larvae and adults were conditioned on chrysanthemum and particularly when both stages were conditioned on this host plant.  相似文献   

The present study examined the ability of clitoral stimulation (CLS) to induce conditioned place preference (CPP) and Fos protein in the brain. Ovariectomized, hormone-primed Long-Evans rats were randomly assigned to receive either distributed CLS (1 stimulation every 5 s for 1 min prior to being placed in one distinctive side of a nonbiased CPP box for 2 min, after which the cycle of stimulation and CPP exposure were repeated for 4 more cycles, totaling 60 stimulations) or continuous CLS (1 stimulation per second for 1 min with 2 min in one side of the CPP box, repeated for 4 more cycles, totaling 300 stimulations). Two days later, females were placed into the other side of the CPP box without prior stimulation. CPP was tested after 5 sequential exposures each of CLS and no stimulation. Females given distributed stimulation developed a significant CPP whereas females given continuous stimulation did not. CLS induced Fos in hypothalamic and limbic structures, including the nucleus accumbens, piriform cortex, arcuate nucleus, and dorsomedial portion of the ventromedial hypothalamus, compared to no stimulation. However, distributed CLS induced more Fos in the medial preoptic area than continuous CLS or no stimulation. In contrast, continuous CLS induced more Fos in the posteroventral medial amygdala compared to no stimulation. These data indicate that CLS induces a reward state in the rat and a pattern of Fos activation in regions of the brain that process genitosensory input, incentive salience, and reward.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of growth on the extent of heterosis for juvenile body weight and gonad development was studied in a diallel cross among two lines of Japanese quail differing in adult body size. A total of 1,096 birds (563 males and 533 females) was slaughtered between 25 and 49 days of age. Reciprocal cross differences were non-significant. Heterosis showed a curvilinear course with age peaking during early growth (body weight) and during sexual maturity (gonad percentage). Overall advanced physiological development of the crossbreds probably begins as early as during the embryonic stages and results in earlier sexual maturity. In females, heterosis for percentage gonads was biased strongly by the presence of a hard-shelled egg in the uterus.  相似文献   

In avian species, sexual maturation represents the evidence of start laying, which is a consequence of the development of ovarian follicles. These follicles are the functional reproductive unit whose maturation and viability critically depends on endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine factors beyond the signals from the central nervous system. The present study was undertaken to investigate the correlation of sexual maturity with tissue growth, mRNA expression of certain genes, and serum steroid concentrations in Japanese quail hens. To carry out the present study, a total of forty Japanese quail hens (5 weeks) were housed individually under uniform husbandry condition with ad libitum quail layer ration and water at 14-hour photo schedule. On sixth week onwards, four birds were sacrificed at each time on 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28 days. Serum was extracted aseptically to analyze the gonadal steroid hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and corticosterone to investigate the liaison with sexual maturation of the species. Expression analyses of four genes i.e., insulin-like growth factor-1, luteinizing hormone receptor, progesterone receptor, and survivin were carried out in the three largest ovarian yellow follicles. A significant (P < 0.05) increase in body weight gain and oviduct weight was recorded during the phase of sexual maturation. Smaller follicles revealed higher insulin-like growth factor-1 and survivin gene expression, whereas the reverse result was manifested in both the luteinizing and progesterone hormone receptors. In biochemical study, the gonadal steroids (estrogen and progesterone) were recorded higher at the first half of the experiment when a gradual decrease in corticosterone concentration was confirmed from the very beginning of this study. This result substantiated that sexual maturation in Japanese quail may be completed by the time of 8 weeks after its birth in support of the analyzed information studied in the current investigation.  相似文献   

As soon as they hatch, gallinaceous chicks follow broody hens. This matriarchal unit presents a temporal organization of activity. The ontogeny of this ultradian rhythm of activity was followed in Japanese quail during their first 3 weeks of life. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 12 groups of four chicks were recorded using an activity monitoring system. They were observed between the ages of 2 and 17 days. Chicks in groups presented an ultradian rhythm of activity, with a period that increased significantly from 14.3 ± 1.4 minutes when chicks were 2 days old to 26.0 ± 1.9 minutes when they were 16 days old. The increase of ultradian periodicity was particularly pronounced during their first and third weeks of life. Finally, the ultradian period was correlated positively with body weight of the chicks. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 767-776, 2000)  相似文献   

The ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone are required for the complete display of sexual behavior in female rats. Paced mating produces a reward state in intact cycling and ovariectomized (OVX), hormonally primed females as evaluated by the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Most of the studies that have evaluated CPP induced by paced mating in OVX females have used relatively high doses of estradiol benzoate (EB). In the present study we determined if different doses of EB, combined with progesterone (P), could induce CPP after paced mating. For this purpose OVX female rats were divided in five groups that received one of different doses of estradiol benzoate (5, 2.5, 1.25 or 0.625 μg estradiol + 0.5 mg of progesterone) before being allowed to pace the sexual interaction and conditioned in a CPP paradigm. We found that the lowest dose of EB used (0.625 μg) significantly reduced the lordosis quotient and the lordosis coefficient. Even though these females paced the sexual interaction, they didn't change its original preference, suggesting that sexual interaction did not induce a positive affective, reward state. Females allowed to pace the sexual interaction with higher doses of EB developed CPP after paced mating. These results indicate that a threshold of estradiol is required for paced mating to induce CPP.  相似文献   

Summary A 17-generation selection experiment was conducted to study direct and correlated responses to mass selection under a mating system with alternating generations of full-sib inbreeding and wide outbreeding (population I) as compared with a mass selected, randomly mated population (population II). The selection criterion was an index of total egg mass to 78 days divided by adult female body weight. Estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations are reported. Estimated heritabilities for the index were 0.38±0.04 and 0.29±0.05 in population I and II, respectively. Realized heritabilites were 0.10±0.05 and 0.12±0.03. For most traits studied the mean phenotypic values in the cyclic mated population decreased for inbred generations. Increased inbreeding levels also caused outbred generation means of population I to decrease through the first six or seven generations. After this period of adaptation to inbreeding selection response was positive for the index and positively correlated traits. Total response to selection under the cyclic inbred-outbred mating system did not exceed selection response made under random mating. However, the rate of response in the cyclically mated population exceeded that in the randomly mated population in later generations when the cyclically mated population had apparently adapted to inbreeding.Published with approval of the Director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. 1221  相似文献   

The medial preoptic nucleus of the Japanese quail is a testosterone-sensitive structure that is involved in the control of male copulatory behavior. The full understanding of the role played by this nucleus in the control of reproduction requires the identification of its afferent and efferent connections. In order to identify neural circuits involved in the control of the medial preoptic nucleus, we used the lipophilic fluorescent tracer DiI implanted in aldheyde-fixed tissue. Different strategies of brain dissection and different implantation sites were used to establish and confirm afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus. Anterograde projections reached the tuberal hypothalamus, the area ventralis of Tsai, and the substantia grisea centralis. Dense networks of fluorescent fibers were also seen in several hypothalamic nuclei, such as the anterior medialis hypothalami, the paraventricularis magnocellularis, and the ventromedialis hypothalami. A major projection in the dorsal direction was also observed from the medial preoptic nucleus toward the nucleus septalis lateralis and medialis. Afferents to the nucleus were seen from all these regions. Implantation of DiI into the substantia grisea centralis also revealed massive bidirectional connections with a large number of more caudal mesencephalic and pontine structures. The substantia grisea centralis therefore appears to be an important center connecting anterior levels of the brain to brain-stem nuclei that may be involved in the control of male copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to determine the contributions of hormonal status, test condition, and sexual experience to the display of partner preference by female rats. Preference for a sexually active male rat over a sexually receptive female rat was assessed in independent groups of female rats tested in a condition limiting physical contact (No Contact) and a condition allowing for sexual interaction (Contact). Although hormonal status and test condition influenced the preference for a sexually active male, repeated testing and sexual experience had no effect. Experiment 1 demonstrated that independent of test condition, preference for the male is stronger in estrogen- and progesterone-primed rats than in rats receiving the vehicle. Moreover, independent of hormone condition, rats tested in the No Contact condition exhibit a stronger preference for the male than rats tested in the Contact condition, reflecting in part the active pacing of mating stimulation by sexually receptive rats tested in the Contact condition. Experiment 2 showed that the overall pattern of partner preference in proestrous and diestrous rats was similar to that observed in ovariectomized, estrogen- and progesterone-primed, and oil-treated rats, respectively. In Experiment 3, rats primed with estrogen alone did not exhibit a preference for the male even though fully receptive. Experiments 4 and 5 demonstrated that sexual experience does not affect the expression of preference for the male in estrogen- and progesterone-primed rats. The present findings demonstrate that the female rat's preference for the male is stable across repeated tests and is not affected by sexual experience. Our results also confirm that gonadal hormones influence the expression of a preference for a sexually active male versus a sexually receptive female and demonstrate that the magnitude of preference is modulated by test conditions.  相似文献   

To evaluate genetic variability in two populations of the wild quail Cofurnix coturnix japonica , proteins and enzymes were examined by starch gel electrophoresis.
Rare variants so far not observed in domestic quail were found in the following five enzymes; aspartate aminotransferase, acid phosphatase, pancreatic esterase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase. The proportion of polymorphic loci ( P poly) and the expected average heterozygosity ( H ) in one of the two populations were estimated to be 0.484 (15/31) and 0.085, respectively. Those in another population were 0.433 (13/30) and 0.086, respectively. The genetic distance (Nei, 1975) between the two wild quail populations was D = 0.0074. D values of 0.0321 and 0.0189 were estimated between the laboratory quail population previously examined (Kimura et al., 1982) and each of these two wild populations.  相似文献   

In the research fields of experimental embryology, teratological testing, and developmental engineering in avian species, a knowledge of normal embryonic development is necessary so that research may be performed efficiently and precisely. A series of normal stages based on external appearance has been established in both chicken and quail embryos. Those based on skeletal features, however, have not been elucidated. The present study newly established a series of normal stages for the development of the Japanese quail embryo skeleton. This series is composed of 15 stages determined by observing the timing of chondrification and calcification of the skeleton every 24 h, from 3 to 17 days of incubation. Cartilage and ossified bones were stained blue and red with Alcian blue 8GX and alizarin red S, respectively. These skeletogenous stages of the Japanese quail embryo will be useful as a normal control not only in studies of experimental embryology, teratological testing, and developmental engineering, but also in the analysis of mutant embryos with skeletal abnormalities.  相似文献   

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