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The depressive effects of noncontingent and explicitly unpaired food unconditioned stimuli (USs) and the recovery from those effects on autoshaped responding were examined in a series of experiments with pigeons. In Experiments 1 and 2, responding to a keylight conditioned stimulus (CS) previously paired with food was depressed equally by explicitly unpaired presentations of either that same food or a different food. Furthermore, responding recovered equally following removal of the explicitly unpaired foods. In contrast, Experiments 3 and 4 showed that noncontingent presentations of a food US depressed responding more to a keylight CS paired with that same food than to a keylight CS paired with a different food. Moreover, removal of the noncontingent foods led to complete recovery but more rapid extinction of responding to the same keylight relative to the different keylight. The implications of these results for understanding the mechanisms underlying depression and recovery of responding following degraded contingency and explicitly unpaired extinction procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

In pigeons, Pavlovian autoshaped keypecking produced by keylight-food pairings has been eliminated by introducing food during periods between CS presentations (i.e., during the inter-trial intervals). Keypecking eliminated in this manner reappears when the inter-trial USs are discontinued even though the CS is no longer paired with US. The present experiment investigated whether this recovery of responding produced by discontinuing unpaired inter-trial US presentations could be extended to another species, rats, within a Pavlovian sign-tracking paradigm. Rats were initially trained on a procedure where insertion of one retractable lever (CS(+)) was followed, response independently, with food, while insertion of another lever (CS(-)) was not paired with food. Rats quickly came to contact the CS(+) lever at high rates, but contacted the CS(-) lever infrequently. In the next phase, CS(+) was no longer followed by food. Explicitly unpaired food was presented only during the inter-trial intervals when both levers were absent. This treatment essentially eliminated the sign-tracking response. In the final phase, the unpaired inter-trial food presentations were discontinued while both CSs continued to be presented without food. This produced a significant recovery of the sign-tracking elicited by the CS(+) lever, extending the species generality of the Pavlovian resurgence phenomenon that has previously only been reported in pigeons, to rats.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that extinction (the procedure in which a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus or an instrumental action is repeatedly presented without its reinforcer) weakens behavior without erasing the original learning. Most of the experiments that support this claim have focused on several "relapse" effects that occur after Pavlovian extinction, which collectively suggest that the original learning is saved through extinction. However, although such effects do occur after instrumental extinction, they have not been explored there in as much detail. This article reviews recent research in our laboratory that has investigated three relapse effects that occur after the extinction of instrumental (operant) learning. In renewal, responding returns after extinction when the behavior is tested in a different context; in resurgence, responding recovers when a second response that has been reinforced during extinction of the first is itself put on extinction; and in rapid reacquisition, extinguished responding returns rapidly when the response is reinforced again. The results provide new insights into extinction and relapse, and are consistent with principles that have been developed to explain extinction and relapse as they occur after Pavlovian conditioning. Extinction of instrumental learning, like Pavlovian learning, involves new learning that is relatively dependent on the context for expression.  相似文献   

Although the physiology of dinosaurs is still a matter of controversy, there is no doubt that some of them were able to live in environments that were too cold for ectothermic reptiles, as shown by discoveries of Jurassic and Cretaceous polar vertebrate assemblages which contain dinosaurs but lack turtles and crocodiles. This adaptation of dinosaurs to cool climates invalidates hypotheses according to which dinosaur extinction at the end of the Cretaceous was a result of long-term climatic cooling. The pattern seen at the K/T boundary, with the disappearance of dinosaurs and the survival of ectothermic reptiles, is completely different from that seen in Arctic regions during the Late Cretaceous, where ectotherms disappeared, while dinosaurs subsisted, during cooler periods. The idea of an intense and enduring cold spell at the K/T boundary, caused by the Chicxulub impact, is extremely unlikely in view of the pattern of vertebrate extinction (survival of endotherms, extinction of dinosaurs). Models of environmental events following the impact must take this palaeontological constraint into consideration.  相似文献   

种子大小及其命运对植被更新贡献研究进展   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
种子是种子植物的繁殖体.种子对后代的资源投入将会直接影响后代的适合度进而影响到植被群落的更新.一般较大种子物种在种子萌发和幼苗生长阶段是具有较大优势的;但较小种子物种在逃避被动物采食和形成持久的土壤种子库成为植被更新的后备动力方面具有较大的优势.在不同的选择压力下,不同大小种子在以后的生活史中具有不同的命运,对植被的更新也具有不同的贡献.本文主要从种子大小和种子的传播散布、种子萌发、种子存活以及种子土壤库等方面综述了国外关于种子大小及其以后命运对植被更新贡献的研究结果,并对国内的相关研究提出了一些建议:种子生态学研究需要结合群落特点以及微环境等,开展从种子生产到幼苗更新全过程的系统性研究,为植物物种多样性保育和退化植被恢复方面提出有科学依据的管理措施.  相似文献   

If Narcissus could have self‐renewed even once on seeing his own reflection, he would have died a happy man. Stem cells, on the other hand, have an enormous capacity for self‐renewal; in other words, the ability to replicate and generate more of the same. In adult organisms, stem cells reside in specialized niches within each tissue. They replenish tissue cells that are lost during normal homeostasis, and on injury they repair damaged tissue. The ability of a stem cell to self‐renew is governed by the dynamic interaction between the intrinsic proteins it expresses and the extrinsic signals that it receives from the niche microenvironment. Understanding the mechanisms governing when to proliferate and when to differentiate is vital, not only to normal stem cell biology, but also to ageing and cancer. This review focuses on elucidating conceptually, experimentally and mechanistically, our understanding of adult stem cell self‐renewal. We use skin as a paradigm for discussing many of the salient points about this process, but also draw on the knowledge gained from these and other adult stem cell systems to delineate shared underlying principles, as well as highlight mechanistic distinctions among adult tissue stem cells. By doing so, we pinpoint important questions that still await answers.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in a shallow fishpond located on the eastern side of Arcachon Bay, France.Dissolved oxygen, pH and nutrient content (NH4, NO2, NO3 and PO4) showed pronounced diel variations.These phenomena seemed to be directly controlled by biological processes. Microbially mediated degradation of organic matter constitutes the main source of nutrients in the water column and primary producers consume the major part of these products. These processes are closely coupled to the light-dark cycle.Man-induced water renewal caused low modifications in nutrient concentration and did not alter its temporal dynamics.  相似文献   

Major dimensions of ecological segregation of tree species in cool temperate Europe and E North America appear related to (a) soil pH, (b) large scale ‘succession’ including topographic sequences of changing moisture stress, and (c) intolerance versus tolerance of canopy competition as involved in ‘gap-phase’ dynamics. Genera tend to have similar average positions along these dimensions in the two subcontinents. E North American genera that were probably never present in Europe, and the few opposites, tend to be southern and are concentrated on dry or basic soil. The cause of this trend may involve the isolated expansions of dry climatic areas since the early Tertiary. E North American genera that became extinct in Europe after the mid-Pliocene are typical of habitat intermediate between dry-acid and moist-basic, though generally more moist-acid than dry-basic. These genera also have few species and little overall habitat width. Severe restrictions of their habitats may have occurred. Also, difficulties of migration to and from refugia are suggested by the generally heavier seed of extinet genera and those with strongly southern ranges in Europe or with few species compared to E North America. This relationship is apparent within small winged, medium fleshy and large nutty fruit classes. However, there is little difference in geographic restriction between these classes. Carpinus, Alnus, Corylus, Taxus, Pyrus and Sorbus reach 100–1000% greater height in Europe. There are no opposing differences of this magnitude. These trees may be ecological substitutes for extinct Liriodendron, Liquidambar, Carya, Tsuga + Thuja, Diospyros, and a group with smaller fleshy fruits, respectively. There are other intrageneric differences in height, seed weight, niche width, longevity, etc., that deserve further attention.  相似文献   

Plant–insect interactions often are important for plant reproduction, but the outcome of these interactions may vary with environmental context. Pollinating seed predators have positive and negative effects on host plant reproduction, and the interaction outcome is predicted to vary with density or abundance of the partners. We studied the interaction between Silene stellata, an herbaceous perennial, and Hadena ectypa, its specialized pollinating seed predator. Silene stellata is only facultatively dependent upon H. ectypa for pollination because other nocturnal moth co‐pollinators are equally effective at pollen transfer. We hypothesized that for plants without conspecific neighbors, H. ectypa would have higher visitation rates compared to co‐pollinators, and the plants would experience lower levels of H. ectypa pollen deposition. We predicted similar oviposition throughout the study site but greater H. ectypa predation in the area without conspecific neighbors compared to plants embedded in a naturally high density area. We found that H. ectypa had consistently higher visitation than moth co‐pollinators in all host plant contexts. However, H. ectypa pollinator importance declined in areas with low conspecific density because of reduced pollen deposition, resulting in lower seed set. Conversely, oviposition was similar across the study site independent of host plant density. Greater likelihood of very high fruit predation combined with lower pollination by H. ectypa resulted in reduced S. stellata female reproductive success in areas with low conspecific density. Our results demonstrate local context dependency of the outcomes of pollinating seed predator interactions with conspecific host plant density within a population.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fishes include more than half of all living animals with backbones, but large‐scale palaeobiological patterns in this assemblage have not received the same attention as those for terrestrial vertebrates. Previous surveys of the fish record have generally been anecdotal, or limited either in their stratigraphic or in their taxonomic scope. Here, we provide a broad overview of the Phanerozoic history of fish diversity, placing a special emphasis on intervals of turnover, evolutionary radiation, and extinction. In particular, we provide in‐depth reviews of changes during, and ecological and evolutionary recovery after, the end‐Devonian (Hangenberg) and Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) extinctions.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative data on wood and bark anatomy are given for Muntingia calabura L. and Dicraspidia donnell-smithii Standley. These data are compared with phylogenetic schemes, based on DNA analysis, in which Muntingiaceae belong to the “dipterocarp clade” within Malvales. The data are consistent with this hypothesis, although Muntingiaceae lack pit vestures in vessels, which are seen in the other malvalean families (Cistaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Neuradaceae, Sarcolaenaceae, Thymeleaceae), and this may represent a loss of pit vestures. All families of the dipterocarp clade agree with both genera of Muntingiaceae in having tracheids as the imperforate tracheary element type (at least ancestrally), although fiber-tracheids also occur in some Dipterocarpaceae and Thymeleaceae. The large size of some malvalean families (with attendant greater diversity in character states) and a paucity of wood studies in those families make for difficulty in comparison of features such as axial parenchyma and ray types with those of Muntingiaceae; character states of these features are consistent with placement of Muntingiaceae in the dipterocarp clade of Malvales. Banded phloem fibers in bark of Muntingiaceae are much like those of other Malvales. Wood of Muntingiaceae is highly mesomorphic according to quantitative vessel features.  相似文献   

Overwintering polyphagous predator density and composition was compared within a mid‐field overwintering refuge (“beetle bank”) and two conventional hedgebanks over a 5‐year period. During the study predator densities in the beetle bank were similar to or greater than those in the conventional hedgebanks. Whilst predator densities remained relatively stable in both of the hedgebanks over time, densities fluctuated significantly within the beetle bank. Many of the species recorded on the beetle bank are considered to be important predators of cereal aphids. The results are discussed in terms of the implications of creating such a habitat for the biological control of cereal aphids.  相似文献   

We review some of the evidence that supports the existence of psychosomatic triggers to bronchospasm in asthmatics, and hypothesize that it may also be possible to consciously reverse bronchospasm using trachea-noise biofeedback. We precipitated significant levels of bronchospasm in 16 asthmatics using exercise or eucapnic-hyperventilation challenges on five occasions, and administered four different treatments and a no-treatment control. The treatments were trachea-noise biofeedback (TNBF), wrong-information TNBF, an inhaled adrenergic bronchodilator, and a placebo inhaler, all given double blind. Half of the subjects had 3 training days in the use of the TNBF device before study. Our results show that TNBF, in the trained subjects only, is associated with a detectable, but not statistically significant, increase in the rate of recovery from bronchospasm over that found with no treatment. We conclude that, although asthmatics seem to have a strong ability to consciously induce bronchospasm, conscious reversal of a full asthma attack using TNBF is limited. Despite contrary conclusions by other investigators, we believe that this study demonstrated little TNBF-assisted recovery from bronchospasm. We suggest that this is because its effect may be inhibited by humoral mechanisms that sustain the attack, but we believe further work is required to support this.The authors wish to thank Dr. Graham Williams for his assistance. This work was sponsored by South East Thames Regional Health Authority, England.  相似文献   

Abstract. Because the taxonomy of marine sponges is based primarily on morphological characters that can display a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, current classifications may not always reflect evolutionary relationships. To assess phylogenetic relationships among sponges in the order Verongida, we examined 11 verongid species, representing six genera and four families. We compared the utility of morphological and molecular data in verongid sponge systematics by comparing a phylogeny constructed from a morphological character matrix with a phylogeny based on nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences. The morphological phylogeny was not well resolved below the ordinal level, likely hindered by the paucity of characters available for analysis, and the potential plasticity of these characters. The molecular phylogeny was well resolved and robust from the ordinal to the species level. We also examined the morphology of spongin fibers to assess their reliability in verongid sponge taxonomy. Fiber diameter and pith content were highly variable within and among species. Despite this variability, spongin fiber comparisons were useful at lower taxonomic levels (i.e., among congeneric species); however, these characters are potentially homoplasic at higher taxonomic levels (i.e., between families). Our molecular data provide good support for the current classification of verongid sponges, but suggest a re-examination and potential reclassification of the genera Aiolochroia and Pseudoceratina . The placements of these genera highlight two current issues in morphology-based sponge taxonomy: intermediate character states and undetermined character polarity.  相似文献   

Experiments designed to reveal variation among individual parasites in preference for different host species may generate misleading results. Apparent variation in the order of preference among host species can be generated solely from variation in the strength of discriminations made within host species. We illustrate this with a study of oviposition preference in the butterfly Melitaea cinxia. All butterflies were tested on the same six individual plants, three Plantago lanceolata (P) and three Veronica spicata (V). Some insects repeatedly preferred all individual P over all individual V or vice versa. We designated these as "pure" species ranks. Other insects repeatedly produced "mixed" ranks, preferring some individual V over some P, and some individual P over some V. We show how a "mixed" rank butterfly could differ from a "pure" rank insect by discriminating either more within plant species and/or less between them. Therefore, discrimination within host species can mask or confound discrimination among species. We discuss implications for the design of preference experiments.  相似文献   

Traditional sources of taxonomic characters in the large and taxonomically complex subfamily Apioideae (Apiaceae) have been confounding and no classification system of the subfamily has been widely accepted. A restriction site analysis of the chloroplast genome from 78 representatives of Apioideae and related groups provided a data matrix of 990 variable characters (750 of which were potentially parsimony-informative). A comparison of these data to that of three recent DNA sequencing studies of Apioideae (based on ITS, rpoCl intron, and matK sequences) shows that the restriction site analysis provides 2.6–3.6 times more variable characters for a comparable group of taxa. Moreover, levels of divergence appear to be well suited to studies at the subfamilial and tribal levels of Apiaceae. Cladistic and phenetic analyses of the restriction site data yielded trees that are visually congruent to those derived from the other recent molecular studies. On the basis of these comparisons, six lineages and one paraphyletic grade are provisionally recognized as informal groups. These groups can serve as the starting point for future, more intensive studies of the subfamily.  相似文献   

We review some of the evidence that supports the existence of psychosomatic triggers to bronchospasm in asthmatics, and hypothesize that it may also be possible to consciously reverse bronchospasm using trachea-noise biofeedback. We precipitated significant levels of bronchospasm in 16 asthmatics using exercise or eucapnic-hyperventilation challenges on five occasions, and administered four different treatments and a no-treatment control. The treatments were trachea-noise biofeedback (TNBF), wrong-information TNBF, an inhaled adrenergic bronchodilator, and a placebo inhaler, all given double blind. Half of the subjects had 3 training days in the use of the TNBF device before study. Our results show that TNBF, in the trained subjects only, is associated with a detectable, but not statistically significant, increase in the rate of recovery from bronchospasm over that found with no treatment. We conclude that, although asthmatics seem to have a strong ability to consciously induce bronchospasm, conscious reversal of a full asthma attack using TNBF is limited. Despite contrary conclusions by other investigators, we believe that this study demonstrated little TNBF-assisted recovery from bronchospasm. We suggest that this is because its effect may be inhibited by humoral mechanisms that sustain the attack, but we believe further work is required to support this.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study compared the positioning accuracy between cone-beam CT (CBCT) and ExacTrac (ETX) for a single-isocenter multiple target stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) on two TrueBeam STx systems.MethodsA single-isocenter treatment plan was simulated on an anthropomorphic head phantom with six spherical steel ball bearings (BBs). One of the BBs was chosen to be the isocenter. The five off-isocenter targets were located at various distances from the isocenter. MV portal images were generated to evaluate the deviations between the expected and the real center of the targets after CBCT and ETX positioning, respectively.ResultsThe evaluation of the positioning accuracy for the isocenter target showed that CBCT and ETX positioning provided comparable, sub-millimetric results. Deviations in positioning accuracy were also calculated for all other targets, also showing comparable results for CBCT and ETX. Moreover, our study showed that the deviation between CBCT and ETX positioning were in better agreement for TBSTx1 and deviated slightly higher on TBSTx2 (maximum: 1.23 mm at S/I direction), due to a less perfect alignment between the CBCT coordinate system and the ETX coordinate system on TBSTx2 compared to TBSTx1. This study also showed a correlation between the target positioning accuracy and the distance to the isocenter.ConclusionThe positioning accuracy of ETX and CBCT for targets located at isocenter and off-isocenter locations was compared on two treatment machines and found comparable. Our study highlights the importance of a proper calibration procedure, to ensure correct alignment between the CBCT, ETX and machine coordinate systems.  相似文献   

A comparison of patient satisfaction between treatment with conventional complete dentures and overdentures in the elderly: a literature review Background: It has been stated that mandibular overdentures are more satisfactory than conventional dentures, but problems relating to the use of retrospective ratings, lack of control group and sequential provision of treatment may compromise the findings. Objective: To establish a comparison between treatment with conventional complete dentures and implant‐retained overdentures in elderly patients by conducting a literature review. Materials and methods: A search of English language peer‐review literature was completed using Medline up to 2008 focusing on evidence‐based research. Randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and longitudinal prospective studies were favoured in the review, using a general hierarchical classification. Articles that did not focus exclusively on the comparison of patient satisfaction between complete dentures and overdentures were excluded from further evaluation. The last search was conducted in February 2008. Key terms included quality of life, patient satisfaction, edentulism, complete denture and overdenture. Results: Among the 90 articles found in the initial search, 27 met the inclusion criteria. This included 18 RCTs and eight prospective and one cohort study. Most of the articles stated superiority of the mandibular implant‐retained overdenture therapy over the conventional complete denture regarding patient satisfaction and quality of life. Conclusion: Even with implant treatment presenting higher patient satisfaction and improvement of quality of life, it was not possible to establish a direct comparison between the studies due to differences in adopted methodologies.  相似文献   

Because elevated oxidative stress may exacerbate cardiovascular complications of diabetes mellitus, the current study aimed to investigate the effects of treatment with either vitamin A, an antioxidant, or with insulin on lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant enzyme activities of diabetic rat heart. Also to evaluate whether a combination of vitamin A and insulin exerts more beneficial effects than treatment with each agent alone. Rats were made diabetic with a single injection of streptozotocin (STZ, 55 mg kg(-1) i.p.). Two days after STZ-injection, one group of diabetic rats was treated with vitamin A (retinol acetate, 30 mg kg(-1) day(-1) i.o.) for 12 weeks. A second group of diabetic rats was untreated for 6 weeks and then treated for another 6 weeks with insulin (8-10 IU rat(-1) day(-1) s.c.). Both therapies were applied to another group of diabetic rats for assessment of combined therapy with vitamin A plus insulin. Hearts from 12-week untreated diabetic animals showed about a four-fold increase in the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), indicative of increased lipid peroxidation. This was accompanied by approximately 100% increase in both catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) enzyme activities. Therapy with insulin alone caused a small but significant improvement in plasma TBARS as well as GSHPx activities, but no significant change in plasma catalase in diabetic animals. Diabetes-induced disturbance in TBARS was almost completely prevented by vitamin A therapy. Although, a similar degree of activities for GSHPx was determined in diabetic animals treated with each agent alone, combination therapy was found to be more effective than single therapies in the recovery of GSHPx of diabetic heart. In contrast to insulin single therapy, vitamin A alone significantly prevented an increase in catalase activity of diabetic heart, and a combination of these agents did not supply any further benefit. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was not found significantly different among the experimental groups. STZ-diabetes also resulted in less plasma retinol and retinol-binding protein (RBP), which was significantly improved by insulin single therapy while vitamin A used alone, failed to increase plasma retinol and RBP levels of diabetic animals. Our findings suggest that single therapy with insulin is unable to preclude oxidative reactions in diabetic heart to the same extent as obtained by vitamin A therapy alone, in spite of allowing recovery of normal growth rate and improved vitamin A metabolism in diabetic rats. A combination of insulin with vitamin A may provide more benefits than use of either agent alone in the treatment of general characteristics of diabetes and the maintenance of antioxidant defence of diabetic heart and thus in the reduction of peroxidative stress-induced cardiac injury.  相似文献   

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