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Recent research has demonstrated that the topography of defensive reactions depends on factors that are extraneous to the stimulus that elicits the defensive response. For example, hermit crabs will withdraw more slowly to the approach of a simulated visual predator (i.e., the eliciting stimulus) when in the presence of a coincident acoustic stimulus. Multiple properties related to the magnitude (e.g., duration, amplitude) of the acoustic stimulus have been found to modulate the crabs' withdrawal response (Chan et al., 2010b). We demonstrate that the proximity in spatial location between a threatening visual stimulus and a potentially distracting extraneous auditory stimulus is an important determinant of anti-predator behavior in hermit crabs. We suggest that a distal relationship between the eliciting stimulus and an unrelated signal may produce greater distraction. This marks the first reported experimental evidence of this relationship in an invertebrate species.  相似文献   

Aim To examine patterns of abundance, density, size and shell use in land hermit crabs, Coenobita clypeatus (Herbst), occurring on three groups of small islands, and to determine how these variables change among islands. Location Small islands in the Central Exuma Cays and near Great Exuma, Bahamas. Methods Land hermit crabs were captured in baited pitfall traps and were separately attracted to baits. A mark–recapture technique was used in conjunction with some pitfall traps monitored for three consecutive days. The size of each crab and the type of adopted gastropod shell were recorded, along with physical island variables such as total island area, vegetated area, island perimeter, elevation and distance to the nearest mainland island. Results Relative abundances, densities and sizes of crabs differed significantly among the three island groups. Densities of land hermit crabs were as high as 46 m−2 of vegetated island area. In simple and multiple linear regressions, the only variable that was a significant predictor of the abundance of hermit crabs was the perimeter to area ratio of the island. Patterns of gastropod shell use varied significantly among the island groups, and the vast majority of adopted shells originated from gastropod species that inhabit the high intertidal and supratidal shorelines of the islands. Main conclusions Although densities of land hermit crabs varied, they were relatively high on many islands, and land hermit crabs may play an important role in these insular food webs. Patterns of shell use may be strongly restricted by island geomorphology: irregular shorelines provide relatively more habitat for the gastropod species that account for the majority of adopted shells and the steep sides of the islands prevent the accumulation of marine gastropod shells. The size of adult hermit crabs appears to be limited by the relatively small gastropod shells available, while the abundance of hermit crabs may be limited by the number of shells available.  相似文献   

The sperm of the tropical land hermit crab, C. clypeatus, has an elongate acrosome anterior to a lamellar region of cytoplasm. Mitochondria near the lamellar region are associated with microtubules. These microtubules project into the 3 cytoplasmic arms. The nucleus occupies the posterior-most position in the sperm. The chromatin is not condensed and numerous projections of nuclear materials are seen. It is not known how the various organelles of the sperm function during fertilization.  相似文献   

Shell selection behaviour and spatial distribution of three hermit crab species, Diogenes avarus, D. karwarensis, and Areopaguristes perspicax, were studied at six sites along the intertidal zones of Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf. 1025 specimens were collected occupying altogether 31 shell species (D. avarus 28 species, A. perspicax 22 species, and D. karwarensis 8 species). Diogenes avarus was found to be by far the most abundant of these three crab species, and Cerithidea cingulata the dominant shell occupied by these hermit crabs. The distribution of the hermit crabs significantly varied (p<0.05) among the sites. The number and the wide diversity of shells occupied in different sites show that the main factor in shell selection for these hermit crabs is the abundance and distribution of shell species in the field.  相似文献   

Specific chemicals in the environment evoke significant changes in the behavior of many aquatic organisms. We studied in the laboratory whether satiated individuals of the hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus Say 1817, adjust their investigatory behavior towards an empty, optimal gastropod shell according to differences of chemical context. We also explored to what extent shell investigation by a crab in the same hunger state was affected by occupying an inadequately sized shell. Our results confirmed in part previous findings that crabs can discriminate the odor of freshly dead snails from the odor of freshly dead conspecifics. In the presence of the former odor, crabs inhabiting shells of inadequate size were more responsive and active than those in better-fitting shells. To the contrary, regardless of the quality of the inhabited shell, P. longicarpus remained practically motionless when presented with the odor of freshly dead conspecifics, possibly because the risks of incurring in predators would outweigh the benefits of acquiring a new shell. Unexpectedly, we found that crabs in both types of shell quality exhibited nearly the same behavior in control water, while crabs in adequate shells were more responsive in the presence of food odor. Individuals appeared insensitive to the odor of live snails; indeed, only one hermit crab species has been seen removing living snails from their shells. An intriguing result was that water conditioned by the odors of live conspecifics exerted a strong effect on all the individuals by inducing an intense shell investigation. Our study underlines the central role exerted by chemical detection in hermit crabs' behavior and demonstrates the existence of a complex interplay among chemical context, the physiological state of the animal, and the ecological pressures of the habitat.  相似文献   

Summary Coenobita clypeatus were tested on an underwater inclined plane in order to determine their behavioral threshold for perceiving slope, and to investigate the relative importance of input from the statocyst organ and from the weight of the body and gastropod shell on upward orienting ability. The shell's weight was compensated for by a neutral float and increased by weights. The crabs perceive an inclination of less than 5°, and do so with increasing certainty as the slope increases. Perception of the slope seems to be both by statocyst and proprioceptive input, but the latter is not essential for upward orientation.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the assimilation pathway and depuration time of a given pollutant by aquatic species is important to understand the dynamics of this substance in the biota, and to search for potential ecological indicators. In the present study, the uptake pathway and depuration time and rate of the pollutant tributyltin (TBT) were investigated in the omnivorous hermit crab (Clibanarius vittatus). The assimilation and uptake pathway were investigated using hermit crabs collected in an area free of TBT. The crabs were held in the laboratory for 45 days, under one of four treatments: procedural control (PC) - water and food without TBT; T1 - water with and food without TBT; T2 - water without and food with TBT; and T3 - water and food with TBT. To determine the depuration time, the crabs were collected in a contaminated area, maintained in the laboratory with clean water, and removed every 15 days for 120 days. The concentrations of TBT and DBT (dibutyltin) were determined by chromatographic analysis. The TBT was taken up by the crabs mainly via food, and the presence of DBT in crab tissues was hypothesized to result from internal TBT degradation. TBT (as well as DBT) was depurated rapidly by C. vittatus. After approximately 30 days, the initial concentration of 111 ± 36 ng Sn g−1 w. w. decreased to 3 ± 3 ng Sn g−1 w. w., and after 75 days the TBT concentration was below the detection limit. The same pattern was recorded for DBT, which showed a higher depuration rate than TBT. The rapid TBT and DBT depuration is useful information, since C. vittatus and possibly other hermit crabs may be used as indicators of recent or recycled environmental contamination.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that serotonin (5-HT) modulates non-associative learning in a variety of invertebrate species. Recent work has demonstrated that the terrestrial hermit crab is a suitable animal model for non-associative learning phenomena, including habituation, sensitization, and dishabituation. We examined the potential role of a non-selective 5-HT antagonist, methysergide, in non-associative learning in the hermit crab. We administered methysergide prior to delivering repeated stimulus presentations of a looming visual predator. We found evidence for more rapid habituation relative to a control condition in which crabs did not receive the drug. These results indicate a role for 5-HT in the defensive behavior of the hermit crab and importantly, suggest a conserved role for 5-HT in modulating basic learning processes in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural study of previtellogenic oocytes found in cystlike clusters scattered throughout the length of the bilobed ovary of the hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus shows a high nuclear:cytoplasm ratio. Large, round nuclei containing synaptinemal complexes serve as good temporal markers for identification of previtellogenic oocytes. The cytoplasm contains many smooth-membraned vesicles filled with granules and probably of nuclear origin. In addition to its complement of Golgi complexes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and free ribosomes, the cytoplasm also contains stacks of annulate lamellae, a feature not previously described for decapod oocytes. Typically, the previtellogenic oocyte with its accumulation of ribosomes has the appearance of a nonsynthetic cell preparing to go through a metabolic transition.  相似文献   

The symbiotic lifestyle is widespread among porcellanid crabs, which maintain ecological and co-evolutionary associations with annelid polychaetes, poriferans, cnidarians, echinoderms, gastropod mollusks, and other crustaceans such as shrimps and hermit crabs, among others. We investigated the ecological association between the hermit crab Dardanus insignis and the porcellanid Porcellana sayana, in southeastern Brazil. Porcellanid crabs, hermit crabs, and available shells were collected monthly from July 2001 to June 2003, with a shrimp boat equipped with two double-rig trawl nets. The majority of P. sayana specimens were collected in shells occupied by D. insignis (96.6%); a few were found in empty shells (3.4%). The catch of both symbionts and hosts increased with increasing depth, with the highest occurrence at 35 m. The P. sayana crabs of various sizes could be found solitary or forming aggregations of up to 14 individuals per host, showing no sex or size segregation. In spite of the high diversity of shell species occupied by the hermit crabs and also available in the field, only a few of them were also utilized by P. sayana. The majority (93%) of shells utilized by P. sayana also hosted other symbiont species, constituting the basis of extensive symbiotic complexes. Thus, the ecological relationship between D. insignis and P. sayana may be classified as a non-obligate and non-specific symbiosis that may also involve other facultative organisms such as sea anemones.  相似文献   


This study describes and quantifies the air exposure tolerance of four sympatric hermit crabs (Pagurus criniticomis, Clibanarius antillensis, C. sclopetarius, and C. vittatus) in an intertidal area in southeastern Brazil. We report on survivorship, percentage and rate of weight and water loss until death, and overall body water content. The coexisting populations showed similar percentages of overall body water content and weight and water loss until death. Survivorship depended on crab size rather than species, and was positively correlated with crab size within each species (linear relationship) and with the size of all individuals of this hermit crab assemblage (exponential relationship). Each species had a characteristic rate of weight and water loss, indicating the existence of different physiological adaptations to resist desiccation. These differences were directly related to the species’ distribution patterns in the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of shell coil orientation and shell size on reproduction in field populations of the hermit crab, Clibanarius vittatus. Females were collected in the intertidal in Beaufort, NC. Shell parameters were measured and size (cephalothorax length) and reproductive status were determined for 70 females occupying Busycon shells. Crabs were categorized as berried (eggs on the pleopods), mature ovaries, or non-reproductive (no eggs). For berried females, the number of eggs was recorded. By offering a separate group of females access to empty shells, it was possible to calculate optimal shell size and the deficit in shell size for field-collected animals.Females that were berried were in shells closer to the optimal shell size than females with mature ovaries, both for shell weight and shell volume. And females with mature ovaries were in shells that were closer to the optimal size than females that were non-reproductive. For both categories of females without eggs on the pleopods, the majority of females were in shells that were too big (in weight and internal volume). While the percentage of berried females did not differ between dextral (Busycon carica) and sinistral (Busycon sinistrum) shells, the non-reproductive females had a much smaller deficit in volume in sinistral shells compared to dextral shells. For berried females, there was no relationship between the magnitude of their shell deficit and the number of eggs carried. Our results suggest that reproduction is inhibited when females occupy shells sufficiently greater than the optimal shell size.  相似文献   

The ability to identify chemical cues in the environment is essential to most animals. Apart from marine larval stages, anomuran land hermit crabs (Coenobita) have evolved different degrees of terrestriality, and thus represent an excellent opportunity to investigate adaptations of the olfactory system needed for a successful transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. Although superb processing capacities of the central olfactory system have been indicated in Coenobita and their olfactory system evidently is functional on land, virtually nothing was known about what type of odourants are detected. Here, we used electroantennogram (EAG) recordings in Coenobita clypeatus and established the olfactory response spectrum. Interestingly, different chemical groups elicited EAG responses of opposite polarity, which also appeared for Coenobita compressus and the closely related marine hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus. Furthermore, in a two-choice bioassay with C. clypeatus, we found that water vapour was critical for natural and synthetic odourants to induce attraction or repulsion. Strikingly, also the physiological response was found much greater at higher humidity in C. clypeatus, whereas no such effect appeared in the terrestrial vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster. In conclusion, our results reveal that the Coenobita olfactory system is restricted to a limited number of water-soluble odourants, and that high humidity is most critical for its function.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of shell shape on the distribution and movement patterns of three species of Hawaiian hermit crabs: Calcinus elegans, C. laevimanus, and C. latens. Field surveys showed strong differences in shell use depending on habitat. Individuals of C.elegans and C. latens were more frequently in unusual shapes of shells (the cowrie Cypraea caputserpentis and the variable worm shell Serpulorbis variabilis) when in tide pools and in more standard gastropod shells, such as the dog whelk Nassarius papillosus, when found in the subtidal. In addition, for both C.elegans and C. latens in tide pools, most crabs in unusual shaped shells were out on top of rocks, whereas most crabs in shells that were standard shapes were under rocks.In the laboratory, individuals of C.elegans and C. laevimanus in unusual shells initiated more shell exchanges and when given empty shells crabs readily occupied the standard shaped shells, but crabs did not move into the unusual shaped shells. Mark-recapture experiments in the field showed that C. elegans in standard shaped shells moved out of tide pools and stayed longer when placed on subtidal coral heads, whereas crabs in unusual shaped shells stayed in tide pools and did not stay on subtidal coral heads (in part due to predation). Laboratory tests showed that C. elegans in unusual shaped shells were more readily dislodged by surge than crabs in standard shaped shells. Thus, the difference in movement patterns in preferred vs. unpreferred shell shapes is an important factor influencing the microhabitat distribution of these hermit crabs.  相似文献   

Contesting animals typically gather information about the resource value and that information affects fight motivation. However, it is possible that particular resource characteristics alter the ability to fight independently of the motivation. Using hermit crabs, we investigate how the resource in terms of shell quality affects both motivation and ability to fight. These crabs fight for shells, but those shells have to be carried and may impose physiological costs that impede fight vigour. We find that the shell has different effects on motivation and ability. Potential attackers in very small shells were highly motivated to attack but, rather than having enhanced ability, unexpectedly quickly fatigued and subsequently were not more successful in the fights than were crabs in larger shells. We also examined whether defending crabs could gather information about the attacker''s shell from the vigour of the attack. Defending crabs gave up quickly when a potential gain had been assessed, indicating that such information had been gathered. However, there was no indication that this could be owing to the activity of the attacker and the information is probably gathered via visual assessment of the shell.  相似文献   

Terrestrial hermit crabs in the family Coenobitidae (genera Coenobita and Birgus) must migrate onto land after completing a pelagic larval stage in the ocean. Better knowledge of emigration behavior would assist in the conservation and management of coenobitid populations by helping identify and protect the habitats they need to complete their life cycles. We cultured laboratory‐born individuals of five coenobitid species (Coenobita cavipes, C. purpureus, C. rugosus, C. violascens, and Birgus latro) from megalopae to early juveniles (first, second, and/or third crabs) in vessels containing seawater and a hard substrate, and analyzed their behavior and molting in conjunction with our published data for C. brevimanus. Our results confirm that the coenobitids migrated from sea to land at the megalopal stage. Megalopae and early juveniles tended to select shells based on their body size. Inland‐dwelling coenobitids, such as C. brevimanus, C. cavipes, and B. latro, had a longer duration from landing to first molt and had a prolonged first crab intermolt period compared with those of the beach‐dwelling coenobitids C. purpureus, C. rugosus, and C. violascens, probably because of the adaptive traits for migrating to inland habitats. Little burrowing behavior was observed by megalopae of B. latro, but they had a strong tendency to be cryptic under shelters. Additionally, megalopae and early juveniles of Coenobita spp. created and utilized burrows somewhat differently. Our results suggest that coenobitids require specific microhabitats for completing their early life stages in the wild. In particular, megalopae of B. latro may need structurally complex refuges to migrate from the sea.  相似文献   

Variation in behaviour occurs at multiple levels, including between individuals (personality) and between situations (plasticity). Behaviour also varies within individuals, and intra-individual variation (IIV) in behaviour describes within-individual residual variance in behaviour that remains after the effects of obvious external and internal influences on behaviour have been accounted for. IIV thus describes how predictable an individual''s behaviour is. Differences in predictability, between individuals and between situations, might be biologically significant. For example, behaving unpredictably under predation threat might reduce the chance of capture. Here, we investigated the duration of startle responses in hermit crabs, in the presence and absence of a predator cue. Individuals differed in startle response duration (personality) and while individuals also varied in their sensitivity to risk, mean response time was greater in the presence of a predator (plasticity). Moreover, IIV was greater in the presence of a predator, providing some of the first evidence that the facultative injection of unpredictability into behaviour might represent a strategy for dealing with risk.  相似文献   

Terrestrial hermit crabs in the family Coenobitidae (genera Coenobita and Birgus) are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. They occupy various habitats ranging from shore to inland forests, and the two shore‐dwelling species, Coenobita rugosus and C. violascens, possess different distributional characteristics on Ishigakijima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Coenobita rugosus is distributed throughout the coast of the island and is abundant in beach areas, whereas C. violascens has mainly been found in river mouth areas. However, very little is known about the habitats used by the early life stages of coenobitid crabs because identifying the species of recently landed early juveniles is difficult. We tested whether the species compositions of early juveniles of coenobitids differed between beach and river mouth sites on Ishigakijima Island. We collected and identified the early stage coenobitids using PCR–RFLP techniques. A total of 576 early juveniles of five Coenobita species were collected, of which 0.7% were C. brevimanus, 7.3% were C. cavipes, 0.2% were C. purpureus, 70.1% were C. rugosus, and 21.7% were C. violascens. The early juveniles of Birgus latro were not found. The early juveniles of C. rugosus occurred at both beach and river mouth sites, and they were abundant at beach sites. The early juveniles of C. violascens were only found at river mouth sites. These findings indicate that C. rugosus and C. violascens complete their life cycles on land near the localities where they land. The early juveniles of the inland‐dwelling species, C. cavipes, were also mainly collected from river mouth sites, which suggested that juveniles of C. cavipes selected landing sites near river mouth areas and then migrated into the inland forests, passing through riverside areas. Our results highlighted the importance of river mouth areas for recruitment to adult habitats by some coenobitid species.  相似文献   

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