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In the ant Pachycondyla villosa, new colonies are usually started cooperatively by two or more young queens who establish a dominance order with a division of labour. Co-founding can lead to primary polygyny, where queens stay together after workers have emerged. Here we show that two queens associations are the most common (47%) and also the most stable in the field. When offered additional nest sites in the laboratory, two-queen associations did not split, whereas larger associations did so. We also show that solitary foundresses always accepted experimentally introduced alien queens, while these were attacked and sometimes killed in queen associations. The removal of dominant alpha queens from three-queen associations resulted in beta queens obtaining the dominant role and sometimes the destruction of the existing eggs. It appears that two queens suffice for a successful association and that pleometrosis is favoured by ecological constrains, such as nest-site limitation. Received 28 February 2005; revised 20 April 2005; accepted 22 April 2005.  相似文献   

Diacamma ceylonense is a queenless, ponerine ant whose colonies are headed by a single, mated, egg‐laying worker referred to as the gamergate. Thus, new colonies are a result of dispersal by wingless gamergates. This is expected to influence patterns of colony dispersal and spatial distribution of genetic variablity. In order to facilitate the study of population genetic structure we have identified six unique, polymorphic, microsatellite loci. We have used fluorescence tagged primers to detect polymorphism at these loci.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies ofBrachyponera senaarensis, a species known for its adaptation to dry tropical conditions in Sudanes savannas, can also flourish in a wet tropical environment if it is particularly sunny and well-drained, e. g. in sandy regions. The feeding strategy of this species is opportunistic, with great flexibility of nesting, foraging, and diet according to the nature of the environmental constraints. Swarming takes place at the height of the rainy season. Foundation is partially claustral and haplometrotic or, more rarely, pleometrotic. Daily foraging activity of workers, which is mainly diurnal, peaks between 0700 h and 0900 h and then ceases between 1100 h and 1400 h. The size of workers varies between colonies, depending on the richness of their environment. Moreover, two worker subcastes may be distinguished in a colony: (1) individuals which are nonpigmented at birth and represent the majority of the worker population; and (2) larger workers, whose level of maturation is more advanced both morphologically and behaviorally, as shown by an age-polyethism study.  相似文献   

In order to study both the hunting efficiency and the flexibility of their predatory behavior, solitary hunters of the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus opaciventris were offered small prey (termites, fruit flies and tenebrionid larvae), presenting different morphological or defensive characteristics. The monomorphic hunters showed a moderately flexible predatory behavior characterized by short capture sequences and a noteworthy efficiency of their mandible strike (76.7-100% of prey retrievals), even when presented with Nasutitermes soldiers. Contrary to most poneromorph ants, antennal palpation of the prey before the attack was always missing, no particular targeted region of the prey's body was preferred, and no 'prudent' posture was ever exhibited. Moreover, stinging was regularly performed on bulky, fast moving fruit flies, very scarcely with sclerotized tenebrionid larvae, but never occurred with Nasutitermes workers or soldiers despite their noxious chemical defense. These results suggest that, whatever the risk linked to potentially dangerous prey, O. opaciventris predatory strategy optimizes venom use giving top priority to the swiftness and strength of the lethal trap-jaw system used by hunters as first strike weapon to subdue rapidly a variety of small prey, ranging from 0.3 to 2 times their own body size and from 0.1 to 2 times their weight. Such risk-prone predatory behavior is likely to be related to the large size of O. opaciventris colonies where the death of a forager might be of lesser vital outcome than in small colony-size species.  相似文献   

In a variety of social animals, individuals can secure reproductive rights through aggressive dominance. Direct individual benefits of aggression are widely recognized, but underlying costs affecting group productivity, and thus indirect benefits, are less clear. Costs of aggressive regulation of reproduction are especially important in small social insect colonies, where individual workers could potentially dominate male production. We estimated the energetic costs associated with the regulation of worker reproduction in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla obscuricornis, using the total CO2 emission of a colony as a measure. The level of CO2 emission of 12 experimental colonies varied significantly during five periods with varying levels of aggression and egg-laying. Overall, CO2 emission increased with the degree of fighting in a colony, but was not associated with differences in egg-laying. Aggressive regulation of reproduction and the formation of a dominance hierarchy thus pose an energetic cost to the colony. Furthermore, workers reduce their work-activities immediately after experimental orphaning, giving a further cost to the colony. These costs might influence the outcome of conflicts over male production in ants. This paper presents the first quantification of energetic costs of aggressive behavior regulating reproduction in ants.  相似文献   

Colonies of the African stink ant Paltothyreus tarsatuslocated in the forest have nests with shorter horizontal galleries and a smaller total foraging surface than colonies located in open areas. Each solitary worker specializes on the same central or peripheral hunting zone but she does not specialize on a particular sector during group-retrieving. The search for prey is characterized by a wandering walk with spatial parameters varying in two ways. Capture of a termite releases a path characterized by sinuosity and a decrease in speed of movement. In contrast, a failure in the course of an attempted capture releases an increase in both sinuosity and speed of movement corresponding to a socalled reserve behavior. Each worker shortens her retrieving trip in comparison with her search trip and the straightness of the homing paths depends on the size and shape of the prey. Our data show that behavioral flexibility at the individual level in P. tarsatusis important in determining spatial foraging strategy at the colony level.  相似文献   

We measured changes in the feeding rate and food absorption efficiency of two suspension feeding bivalves, cross-trasplanted between habitats with special emphasis on their capacity for differential absorption of biochemical components from their food supply. Mulinia edulis were moved from the intertidal zone to the subtidal zone, and Mytilus chilensis from the subtidal to the intertidal zone for a period of 7 days, and then compared with animal that had not been transplanted. Experimentally prepared diets similar to those available in the two different environments were offered to the bivalves, and their rates of feeding and differential uptake of biochemical components were determined and statistically compared. The two species did not achieve complete acclimation of their feeding behaviour during the transplant period since the highest ingestion rates for biochemical components occurred under dietary conditions that reflected their habitats of origin. Absorption efficiency showed greater acclimation than the other physiological parameters measured, indicating the capacity of these species to modulate their enzymatic-digestive activity depending on food composition. We conclude that both Mytilus and Mulinia have a certain degree of physiological plasticity in their feeding behaviour and assimilatory balance of biochemical components, being greater in Mytilus. When both species encounter ambient food conditions characteristic of their normal habitats, they show maximum values of food absorption, while under conditions where their typical diets are exchanged (Mytilus in intertidal and Mulinia in subtidal), the energy absorbed declines in each, but in ways very different between the two species. Thus, Mytilus exposed to high concentrations of low quality seston reduced the energy absorbed by 31.7% compared to its normal habitat, while Mulinia exposed to low concentrations of high-quality food reduced their energy absorption by 64%.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom ties the origin and early evolution of the genus Homo to environmental changes that occurred near the end of the Pliocene. The basic idea is that changing habitats led to new diets emphasizing savanna resources, such as herd mammals or underground storage organs. Fossil teeth provide the most direct evidence available for evaluating this theory. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of dental microwear in Plio-Pleistocene Homo from Africa. We examined all available cheek teeth from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and South Africa and found 18 that preserved antemortem microwear. Microwear features were measured and compared for these specimens and a baseline series of five extant primate species (Cebus apella, Gorilla gorilla, Lophocebus albigena, Pan troglodytes, and Papio ursinus) and two protohistoric human foraging groups (Aleut and Arikara) with documented differences in diet and subsistence strategies. Results confirmed that dental microwear reflects diet, such that hard-object specialists tend to have more large microwear pits, whereas tough food eaters usually have more striations and smaller microwear features. Early Homo specimens clustered with baseline groups that do not prefer fracture resistant foods. Still, Homo erectus and individuals from Swartkrans Member 1 had more small pits than Homo habilis and specimens from Sterkfontein Member 5C. These results suggest that none of the early Homo groups specialized on very hard or tough foods, but that H. erectus and Swartkrans Member 1 individuals ate, at least occasionally, more brittle or tough items than other fossil hominins studied.  相似文献   

Passos L  Oliveira PS 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):376-382
This study examines the dispersal system of Guapira opposita in a tropical sandy rainforest in southeast Brazil. Guapira trees produce small fruits with a high protein content (28.4%) and low lipid content (0.3%), and the plant is primarily dispersed by birds. Mature fruits of G. opposita can fall spontaneously with the pulp intact, or be dropped by birds with bits of pulp attached. In either case, ground-dwelling ants rapidly remove the fruits to their nest (93% after 12 h). The ponerine ants Odontomachus chelifer and Pachycondyla striata are the main seed vectors among the ants, and together account for 56% (20 of 36) of the ant-fruit interactions recorded on the forest floor. Individual workers of O. chelifer and P. striata transport single fruits to their nests. Bits of pulp are fed to larvae and worker nestmates, and intact seeds are discarded outside the nest. Germination success in Guapira is higher for cleaned seeds (pulp removed) than for seeds coated by pulp. Guapira seedlings and juveniles are more frequent close to Odontomachus nests than at sites without such nests. Soil samples from Odontomachus nests had greater penetrability, and higher concentrations of P, K, and Ca than random soil samples. Field experiments suggest that the association between G. opposita seedlings and O. chelifer nests can potentially render the plant some protection against herbivores. Results indicate that fruit displacement by ponerine ants play an important role in the biology of G. opposita seeds and seedlings in the sandy forest, and illustrate the complex nature of the dispersal ecology of tropical tree species.  相似文献   

Orangutans are amongst the most craniometrically variable of the extant great apes, yet there has been no attempt to explicitly link this morphological variation with observed differences in behavioral ecology. This study explores the relationship between feeding behavior, diet, and mandibular morphology in orangutans. All orangutans prefer ripe, pulpy fruit when available. However, some populations of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio and P. p. wurmbii) rely more heavily on bark and relatively tough vegetation during periods of low fruit yield than do Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). I tested the hypothesis that Bornean orangutans exhibit structural features of the mandible that provide greater load resistance abilities to masticatory and incisal forces. Compared to P. abelii, P. p. morio exhibits greater load resistance abilities as reflected in a relatively deeper mandibular corpus, deeper and wider mandibular symphysis, and relatively greater condylar area. P. p. wurmbii exhibits most of these same morphologies, and in all comparisons is either comparable in jaw proportions to P. p. morio, or intermediate between P. p. morio and P. abelii. These data indicate that P. p. morio and P. p. wurmbii are better suited to resisting large and/or frequent jaw loads than P. abelii. Using these results, I evaluated mandibular morphology in P. p. pygmaeus, a Bornean orangutan population whose behavioral ecology is poorly known. Pongo p. pygmaeus generally exhibits relatively greater load resistance capabilities than P. abelii, but less than P. p. morio. These results suggest that P. p. pygmaeus may consume greater amounts of tougher and/or more obdurate foods than P. abelii, and that consumption of such foods may intensify amongst Bornean orangutan populations. Finally, data from this study are used to evaluate variation in craniomandibular morphology in Khoratpithecus piriyai, possibly the earliest relative of Pongo from the late Miocene of Thailand, and the late Pleistocene Hoa Binh subfossil orangutan recovered from Vietnam. With the exception of a relatively thicker M(3) mandibular corpus, K. piriyai has jaw proportions that would be expected for an extant orangutan of comparable jaw size. Likewise, the Hoa Binh subfossil does not differ in skull proportions from extant Pongo, independent of the effects of increase in jaw size. These results indicate that differences in skull and mandibular proportions between these fossil and subfossil orangutans and extant Pongo are allometric. Furthermore, the ability of K. piriyai to resist jaw loads appears to have been comparable to that of extant orangutans. However, the similarity in jaw proportions between P. abelii and K. piriyai suggest the latter may have been dietarily more similar to Sumatran orangutans.  相似文献   

Summary During laboratory experiments, two categories of prey-foraging workers were found inEctatomma ruidum: stingers and transporters. When numerous live drosophila were offered to the ants, one group of hunters specialized in killing the prey and another in transporting simultaneously the dead drosophila to the nest. Sometimes, there was a transfer of prey by a stinger towards a transporter, after an active soliciting of the transporter by antennation or by using the forelegs. We found high positive correlations between the colony size and the number of ants in each subcaste. A negative correlation existed between the colony size and the proportion of hunters. However, the proportion of workers in the two behavioral subcastes of hunters was stable in spite of differences in colony size. The phylogenetic interest of this type of cooperative predation is discussed.  相似文献   

Distinguishing nest-mates from non-nest-mates underlies key animal behaviours, such as territoriality, altruism and the evolution of sociality. Despite its importance, there is very little empirical support for such a mechanism in nature. Here we provide data that the nest-mate recognition mechanism in an ant is based on a colony-specific Z9-alkene signature, proving that surface chemicals are indeed used in ant nest-mate recognition as was suggested 100 years ago. We investigated the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of 10 Formica exsecta colonies that are composed almost entirely of a Z9-alkene and alkane component. Then we showed that worker aggression is only elicited by the Z9-alkene part. This was confirmed using synthetic Z9-alkene and alkane blends matched to the individual colony profiles of the two most different chemical colonies. In both colonies, only glass beads with 'nest-mate' alkene profiles received reduced aggression. Finally, changing the abundance of a single Z9-alkene on live ants was shown to significantly increase the aggression they received from nest-mates in all five colonies tested. Our data suggest that nest-mate discrimination in the social insects has evolved to rely upon highly sensitive responses to relatively few compounds.  相似文献   

Field observations of a walkingstick,Calynda bicuspis, reveal that its eggs are rapidly discovered and transported by the ponerine ant,Ectatomma ruidum during both dry and wet seasons in Costa Rica. The importance of the egg capitulum in inducing ant transport was established by presenting eggs from which the capitulum had been removed or sealed. Untreated eggs, including those initially taken into nests, were moved approximately 1 m and dropped on the surface of the ground, unlike the eggs of several Old World walkingstick species which ants bury. High rates of oviposition following the termination of prolonged copulatory periods appear to lead to the clumping of eggs, perhaps increasing their susceptibility to a specialist egg-parasitoid,Amisega sp. (Chrysididae, Amiseginae).  相似文献   

在内蒙古典型草原区锡林郭勒盟研究了贮草期布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)采食距离及集群数量对采食量的影响。通过人为设置布氏田鼠洞群家族成员数量和采食距离,采用小麦(Triticum aestivum)为采食材料,测定了秋季自由生活状态下,采食距离为5~30 m范围内、每个洞群布氏田鼠数为3~11只范围内,布氏田鼠单次采食量的变化。结果表明,采食距离和家族成员数量对布氏田鼠单次采食量没有明显影响,采食距离和家族成员数量之间也不存在交互作用。布氏田鼠单次搬运麦粒数量平均为8.0粒/次,这可能与田鼠的搬运能力有关。  相似文献   

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