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We examined the effects of seed size on patch use and diet selection for three co-existing Negev Desert granivores: Allenby's gerbil ( Gerbillus allenbyi ), greater Egyptian sand gerbil ( Gerbillus pyramidum ), and crested lark ( Galerida cristata ). We manipulated size and spatial distribution of seeds in experimental food patches and quantified foraging behavior by measuring giving-up densities (GUDs: the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation by a forager). In one experiment, we presented small (<1.4 mm in diameter cracked wheat), medium (2.0–3.3 mm), and large (>3.4 mm) seeds in separate trays; in a second, we presented small and medium seeds separately and mixed together. Gerbils had a higher handling time efficiency on smaller seeds, but a much higher encounter probability on larger seeds (20 times higher on large than medium seeds, and 2–5 times higher on medium than small seeds). This led gerbils to have significantly lower GUDs on larger seeds than smaller seeds and to harvest a higher proportion of the larger seeds. When presented with rich and poor patches, G. allenbyi tended to equalize GUDs in both patches, indicating a quitting harvest rate rule for patch exploitation. In contrast, larks appeared to use a fixed time rule for patch exploitation. For larks, seed size did not influence encounter probabilities, and they showed no seed-size selectivity. Still, larks had higher handling efficiencies on smaller than larger seeds, and consequently had a significantly lower GUD on small than medium seeds. Despite large differences between the gerbils and larks in their foraging, our results do not support species coexistence via seed-size partitioning: the larks had much higher GUDs than the gerbils on all seed sizes. Nonetheless, seed size, seed abundance, seed distribution and the animal's patch use behavior all played major roles in determining gerbils' and larks' diet selectivities and GUDs.  相似文献   

The foraging decisions of animals are often influenced by risk of predation and by the renewal of resources. For example, seed-eating gerbils on sand dunes in the Negev Desert of Israel prefer to forage in the bush microhabitat and during darker hours due to risk of predation. Also, daily renewal of seed resource patches and timing of nightly foraging activity in a depleting environment play important roles in species coexistence. We examined how these factors influence the timing of gerbil foraging by quantifying foraging activity in seed resource patches that we experimentally renewed hourly during the night. As in previous work, gerbils showed strong preference for the safe bush microhabitat and foraged less in response to high levels of illumination from natural moon light and from artificial sources. We demonstrate here for the first time that gerbils also responded to temporal and spatial heterogeneity in predatory risk through their timing of activity over the course of each night. Typically, gerbils concentrated their activity early in the night, but this changed with moon phase and in response to added illumination. These results can be understood in terms of the nature of patch exploitation by gerbils and the role played by the marginal value of energy in determining the cost of predation. They further show the dynamic nature of gerbil foraging decisions, with animals altering foraging efforts in response to time, microhabital, moon phase, illumination, and resource availability.  相似文献   

Individuals, free to choose between different habitat patches, should settle among them such that fitness is equalized. Alternatives to this ideal free distribution result into fitness differences among the patches. The concordance between fitnesses and foraging costs among inhabitants of different quality patches, demonstrated in recent studies, suggests that the mode of habitat selection and the resulting fitness patterns may have important implications to the resource use of a forager and to the survival of its prey. We studied how coarse scale selection between habitat patches of different quality and quitting harvest rate in these patches are related to each other and to fine scale patch use in meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). To demonstrate these relationships, we manipulated habitat patches within large field enclosures by mowing vegetative cover and adding supplemental food according to a 2×2 factorial design. We tracked vole population densities, collected giving‐up densities (GUDs, a measure of patch quitting harvest rate), and monitored the removal of seeds from lattice grids with 1.5 m intervals (an index of fine‐scale space use) in the manipulated habitat patches. Changes in habitat quality induced changes in habitat use at different spatial scales. In preferred habitats with intact cover, voles were despotic and GUDs were low, but increased with the addition of food. In contrast, voles in less‐preferred mowed habitats settled into an ideal free distribution, GUDs were high and uninfluenced by the addition of food. Seed removal was enhanced by the presence of cover but inhibited by supplemental food. Across all treatments, vole densities and GUDs were strongly correlated making it impossible to separate their effects on seed removal rates. However, this relationship broke down in unmowed habitats, where GUDs rather than vole density primarily influenced seed removal by voles. GUDs and seed removal correlated with predation on tree seedlings formerly planted into the enclosures, demonstrating the mechanisms between coarse‐scale habitat manipulations and community level consequences on a forager's prey.  相似文献   

Models of central place foraging predict that animals should forage more thoroughly in resource patches located closer to the central place. Travel time, cost of transporting food back to the central place, and exposure to predators should all act to increase foraging costs with increasing distance from the refuge. We examined habitat and patch use in rock hyraxes ( Procavia capensis ) inhabiting a group of kopjes in a semiarid savanna, Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa. We tested the prediction of more intense patch use closer to the central place by measuring giving-up densities (GUDs) in experimental resource patches set at four different distances from the kopje and in two microhabitats differing in cover. Surprisingly, hyraxes had their lowest GUDs at intermediate distances from the kopje. These unexpected results suggest that the sentinel behaviour of hyraxes alters the probability of detection of predators for animals foraging away from the kopje.  相似文献   

Jens Jacob  Joel S. Brown 《Oikos》2000,91(1):131-138
We used depletable food patches to determine the effect of microhabitat (mowed versus unmowed adjacent grasslands) and time (day versus night) on the foraging behavior of common voles (Microtus arvalis). The food remaining after 12‐h periods (giving‐up density, GUD) measured the vole's habitat selection under predation risk. In accord with several other rodent species and the effects of avian predators, voles had significantly lower GUDs in the unmowed than mowed portion of the grassland. GUDs in patches along the border between adjacent habitats were more similar to the risky mowed grassland than the safe unmowed grass. Time interacted strongly with microhabitat. In the mowed grass, voles had significantly higher GUDs at night than day. Whereas in the unmowed grass, GUDs were significantly higher during the day than night. Vole GUDs did not vary with time along the boundary. This suggests that predators are more abundant or effective in the mowed grass at night (owls?), and in the unmowed grass during the day (weasels?). In terms of predation risk, the voles perceived the mowed grass at night as the riskiest and the unmowed grass at night as the safest. Voles may have difficulties assessing resources under high predation risk: GUDs among patches were well equalized in the unmowed microhabitat whereas in the mowed grass only day GUDs did not vary significantly among patches. We linked these results to the vole's day‐night‐activity and life span. For the 533 voles live‐trapped at the study area, the ratio of day versus night captures for each individual served as an activity index and the span between first and last capture measured minimum life span. In accord with higher GUDs at night, very few individuals behaved selectively towards the night, but individual life expectancy increased with temporal opportunism. Microhabitat differences in GUDs reflect short‐term strategies of predator avoidance and the trapping data reflect long‐term patterns of anti‐predator behavior.  相似文献   

We combined the concept of mechanisms of co-existence with the approach of giving-up densities to study inter-taxon competition between seed-eating birds and mammals. We measured feeding behaviour in food patches to define and study the guild of seed-eating vertebrates occupying sandy habitats at Bir Asluj, Negev Desert, Israel. Despite a large number of putatively granivorous rodents and birds at the site, two gerbil species (Allenbys gerbil, Gerbillus allenbyi, and the greater Egyptian gerbil, G. pyramidum) dominated nocturnal foraging, and a single bird species (crested lark, Galerida cristata) contributed all of the daytime foraging. We used giving-up densities to quantify foraging behaviour and foraging efficiencies. A low giving-up density demonstrates the ability of a forager to profitably harvest food at low abundances and to profitably utilize the foraging opportunities left behind by the less efficient forager. Gerbils had lower giving-up densities in the bush than open microhabitat, and lower giving-up densities in the semi-stabilized than stabilized sand habitats. Crested larks showed the opposite: lower giving-up densities in the open than bush, and on the stabilized than semi-stabilized sand habitats. Despite these patterns, gerbils had substantially lower giving-up densities than crested larks in both microhabitats, all sand habitats, and during each month. Several mechanisms may permit the crested lark to co-exist with the gerbils. Larks may be cream skimmers on the high spatial and temporal variability in seed abundances. Larks may rely on insects, fruit or smaller seeds. Or, larks may rely on adjacent rocky habitats.  相似文献   

An animal's pattern of habitat use can reveal how different parts of its environment vary in quality based on the costs (such as predation risk) and benefits (such as food intake) of using each habitat. We studied klipspringer habitat use in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa using giving‐up densities (GUDs; the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation) in experimental food patches. We tested hypotheses related to how salient habitat variables might influence klipspringers' perceptions of foraging costs. At small spatial scales (3–4 m), klipspringer GUDs did not vary with cover and open microhabitats, or with the four cardinal aspects (shading) around shrubs. Adding water adjacent to food patches did not influence GUDs, showing that water is not a limiting complementary resource to food. Generally, klipspringers do not appear to be physiologically constrained. There was no difference in GUDs between four daily time periods, or between summer and winter; however, a significant interaction effect of time‐of‐day with season resulted from GUDs during the midday time period in winter being significantly higher (perceived value lower) than during the same time period in summer. At moderate spatial scales (10–60 m), klipspringer GUDs increased with distance from rocks because of increased predation risk. Based on GUDs collected at the largest scale (two 4.41‐ha grids), klipspringers preferred foraging at greater distances from drainage lines and on pebble and cobble substrates. Overall, this study has shown the efficacy of measuring GUDs to determine klipspringers' habitat utilization while foraging.  相似文献   

Little is known about how animals acquire and use prior information, particularly for Bayesian patch assessment strategies. Because different patch assessment strategies rely upon distinct capabilities to obtain information, we analyzed whether foragers can alter their foraging strategy when they exploit predictable patches with periodic renewal. For this, we evaluated if learning contribute to increase foraging efficiency by improving patch assessment abilities in degus (Octodon degus), a diurnal caviomorph rodent from central Chile. Single degus exploited pairs of depleting patches that were renewed daily. During the initial two days of the experiment, degus exploited patches in agreement with a fixed‐time strategy, i.e. at the population level, giving‐up densities (GUD) were not distinguishable from density‐independence (i.e. consumption proportional to initial patch densities), and richer patches were under‐exploited. After day five, degus improved significantly their assessment strategy, showing agreement with Bayesian information updating. However, on day 15 and afterwards, degus foraged patches in agreement with a prescient strategy, because GUDs across patches indicated positive density‐dependence and equalization of GUDs. Although highly variable, the GUD ratio between rich and poor patches decreased significantly throughout time. Within‐subject data showed that as subjects learned patch qualities they showed a tendency toward GUD equalization and differentiation from density‐independence. By the end of the experiment, degus allocated more time to richer patches during the initial period of each trial, and allocated similar amounts of time by the end of trials. Further, the first visit of a session was significantly biased toward the rich patch by the final days of the experiment. The results suggest that assessment abilities can change when exploiting novel but predictable patches. When degus can incorporate adequate environmental information, prior and current information may become accurate enough to make animals exploit patches efficiently.  相似文献   

The interaction of animals with their food can yield insights into habitat characteristics, such as perceived predation risk and relative quality. We deployed experimental foraging patches in wetlands used by migrating dabbling ducks Anas spp. in the central Illinois River Valley to estimate variation in seed removal and giving‐up density (GUD; i.e. density of food remaining in patches following abandonment) with respect to seed density, seed size, seed depth in the substrate, substrate firmness, perceived predation risk, and an energetic profitability threshold (i.e. critical food density). Seed depth and the density of naturally‐occurring seeds outside of experimental plots affected seed removal and GUD in experimental patches more than perceived predation risk, seed density, seed size or substrate firmness. The greatest seed removal and lowest GUDs in experimental patches occurred when food resources in alternative foraging locations outside of plots (i.e. opportunity costs) appeared to be near or below a critical food density (i.e. 119–181 kg ha–1). Giving‐up densities varied substantially from a critical food density across a range of food densities in alternative foraging locations suggesting that fixed GUDs should not be used as surrogates for critical food densities in energetic carrying capacity models. Foraging and resting rates in and near experimental foraging patches did not reflect patterns of seed removal and were poor predictors of GUD and foraging habitat quality. Our results demonstrated the usefulness of GUDs as indicators of habitat quality for subsurface, benthic foragers relative to other available foraging patches and suggested that food may be limited for dabbling ducks during spring migration in some years in the midwestern USA.  相似文献   

Birds from semi-arid regions may suffer dehydration during hot, dry seasons with low food availability. During this period, both energetic costs and water requirements for thermoregulation increase, limiting the scope of activity. For granivorous birds feeding on dry seeds, this is a major challenge and availability of water may affect the value of food. Water availability could (1) increase the value of a food patch when the surrounding environment is poor, due to an increase in the marginal value of energy, and (2) increase the value of the entire environment to the forager when environmental quality increases, due to an increase in the marginal value of time. We aimed to test this by measuring giving-up densities (GUDs, remaining food densities after foraging) of granivorous birds in the presence or absence of filled water pots, at different seasons differing in background food and water availability. We predicted that GUDs will increase with water provision during the dry season with moderate food, but in the early wet season with low food and water availability, GUDs will decrease with water provision. Later in the wet season, our experimental addition of water should have no effect. During seasons with low water availability but differing in food availability, results confirmed our predictions. However, when water became more abundant as the wet season progressed, birds still foraged more intensely during days with added water. In all seasons, birds fed more intensely in cover than in exposed areas, suggesting that predation risk rather than heat influenced microhabitat selection.  相似文献   

The effects of owl predation on the foraging behavior of heteromyid rodents   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Summary Researchers have documented microhabitat partitioning among the heteromyid rodents of the deserts of North America that may result from microhabitat specific predation rates; large/bipedal species predominate in the open/risky microhabitat and small/quadrupedal species predominate in the bush/safer microhabitat. Here, we provide direct experimental evidence on the role of predatory risk in affecting the foraging behavior of three species of heteromyid rodents: Arizona pocket mouse (Perognathus amplus; small/quadrupedal), Bailey's pocket mouse (P. baileyi; large/quadrupedal), and Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami; large/bipedal). Both kangaroo rats and pocket mice are behaviorally flexible and able to adjust their foraging behavior to nightly changes in predatory risk. Under low levels of perceived predatory risk the kangaroo rat foraged relatively more in the open microhabitat than the two pocket mouse species. In response to the presence of barn owls, however, all three species shifted their habitat use towards the bush microhabitat. In response to direct measures of predatory risk, i.e. the actual presence of owls, all three species reduced foraging and left resource patches at higher giving up densities of seeds. In response to indirect indicators of predatory risk, i.e. illumination, there was a tendency for all three species to reduce foraging. The differences in morphology between pocket mice and kangaroo rats do appear to influence their behavioral responses to predatory risk.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of a dominant species, Gerbillus pyramidum (Egyptian sand gerbil), on the patch use of its subordinate competitor, G. andersoni allenbyi (Allenby's gerbil), to better understand interspecific competition between the two species. We used manipulated resource patches (seed trays) covered with cages with two adjustable species-specific gates (either opened or closed to the bigger-dominant species, but always opened to the subordinate one). We recorded species tracks around and on the seed trays and giving-up densities (GUDs) of seeds in the trays after each night of foraging. G. a. allenbyi depleted seed patches to a lower level whenever G. pyramidum was given the opportunity to forage on the seed trays (i.e., present on the grid). This result held regardless of whether G. pyramidum was actually present at a particular station. We suggest that competition from G. pyramidum occurs both directly by interference, in which G. a. allenbyi is forced to be active in the late part of the night, and indirectly by exploitation via resource depletion by G. pyramidum in the early part of the night. The results suggest that interspecific competition from G. pyramidum reduces seed availability and the richness of the environment for G. a. allenbyi enough to affect the marginal value of energy for G. a. allenbyi individuals and cause them to experience lower costs of predation and manifest lower GUDs.  相似文献   

We used giving-up densities (GUD) to study patch use decisions of small granivorous passerines throughout the year. We measured GUDs continuously in four sites for a period of 9–10 months per year during 2004 and 2005 in a savannah area in Jos, central Nigeria. The study thus covered a period from the middle of the dry season, through the wet season to the beginning of the next dry season in each year. We placed experimental food patches in both open areas and in cover to investigate possible effects of predation risk and thermal hazard on the foraging behavior of the birds. We found a difference in GUDs between the microhabitats, with a consistently lower GUD in cover throughout the year and for the two years. During both years GUDs followed a pattern coinciding with the seasonal change in local seed availability. An initial decline in GUDs late in the dry season was followed by a steady increase during and after the rains. A similar trend in GUDs observed for both years supports the conclusion that GUDs measure the feeding birds' assessment of environmental quality, possibly in combination with other factors changing predictably during the year. We conclude that food abundance may act with other environmental and ecological factors to affect foraging decisions throughout the year.  相似文献   

In the foraging game between gerbils and their predators, gerbils manage risk of predation using the tools of time allocation (where, when and for how long to forage) and vigilance. The optimal level of a forager's vigilance should be affected by its encounter rate with predators and the effectiveness of its vigilance in reducing mortality risk. The physical structure of the environment can alter the effectiveness of its vigilance and therefore alter its foraging behaviour. We tested this for gerbils at risk of predation from barn owls or foxes in a large vivarium. In particular, we reduced the effectiveness of vigilance by placing obstructions around feeding trays that blocked sight lines along either the vertical (vigilance directed against owls) or horizontal axis (vigilance directed against foxes), thereby changing the physical structure of the environment. In addition, we manipulated the presence of foxes and owls. In general, gerbils harvested fewer seeds, allocated less time to foraging in dangerous patches, and used more vigilance while foraging where and when risks were higher (i.e. in the presence of predators and in bright moonlight). Vertical and horizontal sightline treatments interacted synergistically to further raise perceived risk. These results imply that blocking sight lines reduces the effectiveness of vigilance, causing gerbils to use it less. Moreover, in the presence of a predator, the gerbils’ response to the blocked sightlines was more severe – harvesting less food and spending less time and vigilance – in the patches with the increased risk. This was especially so in the presence of the predator that was expected to most benefit from blocking that particular type of sight line: cover that blocked vertical sight lines was riskiest in the presence of owls, and cover that blocked horizontal sight lines was riskiest in the presence of foxes. These results strongly indicate the importance of sightlines and landscape features such as bushes in the risk management and forging decisions of gerbils, demonstrating that bush cover provides mixed blessing to gerbils by providing cover, but making vigilance ineffective.  相似文献   

Classic central place foraging theory does not focus on the foraging of central place herbivores. This is especially true with regard to large mammalian herbivores. To understand the foraging dynamics of these neglected foragers, we measured giving‐up densities (GUDs) in artificial food patches. We did this at different distances away from the central point (i.e. corral) for a herd of free‐ranging domestic goats. To determine temporal changes, we conducted the study over a 3‐mo period during an extended dry season. Throughout our study, goats foraged across a gradient of food availability where forage was more available farther away from the central point. In contrast to the prediction that predation risk and/or increased travel costs were the main drivers of foraging decisions, we found that the goats increased their feeding effort (i.e. achieved lower GUDs) the farther away they moved from the central point. This suggests that either metabolic or missed opportunity costs were the main factors that influenced foraging decisions. In addition, we suggest that social foraging may have also played a role. With increases in foraging opportunities away from the central point, a herd will likely move slowly while foraging. As a result, individuals can feed intensively from patches but remain part of the group. Ironically, owing to the sustained close proximity of other group members, individuals may perceive patches farther from the central point as being safer. Temporally, the goats increased their feeding effort throughout the dry season. This suggests there was a decline in food quality and/or availability across the environment as the study progressed. Despite this increase in feeding effort, the negative relationship with distance did not change. Ultimately, our results provide key insight into how metabolic, missed opportunity and perceived predation costs influence the feeding decisions of large central place herbivores.  相似文献   

Individuals select for habitats at different scales. Can a species’ response to different spatial and temporal heterogeneities be placed in a common currency? Is it possible to rank the relative importance of different habitat features on the organism's behavior and ecology? Do the effects of different spatial and temporal heterogeneities interact in predictable ways? To address these questions, we quantified hyrax habitat use at a series of rocky outcrops (koppies) and an isolated gorge in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa. We measured the hyraxes’ perceptions of feeding opportunities and costs using giving‐up densities (GUDs) within experimental food patches. At very small spatial scales (2–3 m), we tested whether hyraxes have lower GUDs under cover (shrubs or rocks) or 2–3 m away in the open. Hyraxes valued cover highly, consistently showing lower GUDs in cover microhabitats. This preference did not result from differences in energetic costs, as hyraxes did not track sun in winter or shade in summer. At moderate spatial scales (10–80 m), we tested whether hyraxes act as central place foragers with lower GUDs closer to their dens. GUDs increased with increasing distance to dens at four koppies, but not at the gorge. At larger spatial scales, preferences differed between colonies based on differences in habitat structure, with hyraxes on similar structures (koppies) behaving similarly. We evaluated how foraging costs varied with temporal heterogeneity within the day, among days, and among seasons. Hyraxes showed their lowest GUDs in the early mornings and late afternoons. Hyraxes shifted foraging locations among days, which may result from sentinels shifting location on consecutive days and/or hyraxes managing their food. Differences between GUDs during the various sample periods were not seasonally correlated. We conclude that spatial and temporal habitat utilization by hyraxes may be driven more by predation risk rather than other costs.  相似文献   

Harvester ants have long been known to exhibit interspecific seed preference and this preference has been thought to be associated with distance in a manner analogous with optimal foraging theory. However, little attention has been given to how intraspecific seed preference changes or how microhabitat (i.e. the composition of the terrain that the ants are moving through) impacts seed harvesting preference. We addressed these questions by conducting seed harvesting experiments in three different Ephedra viridis populations that contain harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis) by using only E. viridis seeds and conducting trials over multiple distances and varying degrees of microhabitat cover. We found that increased microhabitat cover and increased seed mass decrease the likelihood of E. viridis seeds being harvested much more dramatically than distance. However, we found no effect of distance or microhabitat cover on which E. viridis seeds were harvested. We conclude that harvester ant E. viridis seed preference is distance and microhabitat independent. However, increases in microhabitat cover negatively impacts the likelihood of P. occidentalis harvesting E. viridis seeds of any size. Our findings suggest that harvester ant foraging behavior is influenced by structure of the microhabitat more than by distance. This provides a new context on how harvester ant foraging behavior and effectiveness should be considered.  相似文献   

A resource’s susceptibility to predation may be influenced by its own palatability and the palatability of its neighbors. We tested for effects of plant chemical defenses on seed survival by manipulating the frequency of palatable and less palatable sunflower seeds in food patches subject to harvest by fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) and gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). We varied resource distributions at three scales: among stations (aggregates of patches ca. 50 m apart), among patches immediately adjacent to each other, and within patches. When food patches were segregated into high-palatability and low-palatability stations (Experiment 1), seeds suffered greater mortality at stations with high levels of palatable seeds. In the same experiment, within patches, squirrels selected strongly for palatable seeds over less palatable seeds. When high- and low-palatability food patches were placed together at the same stations (Experiment 2), increasing densities of co-occurring palatable seeds amplified the mortality of less palatable seeds, indicating “shared doom.” When palatable and less palatable seeds were partitioned into micropatches (Experiment 3), associational effects disappeared, as predicted. Furthermore, selectivity in less palatable patches increased as the initial densities of palatable seeds increased, and selectivity in palatable patches decreased as the initial densities of less palatable seeds increased. Foraging theory predicts associational effects among prey that vary in palatability. Our results show how the type and magnitude of associational effects emerge from the interplay among the spatial scale of prey heterogeneity, the diet selection strategy, and the scale-dependent foraging responses of the consumer.  相似文献   

Having historically been abundant throughout Europe, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) has in recent decades suffered severe population declines in many urban and rural areas. The decline in rural environments is believed to be caused by agricultural intensification, which has resulted in landscape simplification. We used giving-up densities (GUDs) of house sparrows feeding in artificial food patches placed in farmlands of southern Sweden to determine habitat quality during the breeding season at two different spatial scales: the landscape and the patch scale. At the landscape scale, GUDs were lower on farms in homogeneous landscapes dominated by crop production compared to more heterogeneous landscapes with mixed farming or animal husbandry. At the patch level, feeding patches with a higher predation risk (caused by fitting a wall to the patch to obstruct vigilance) had higher GUDs. In addition, GUDs were positively related to population size, which strongly implies that GUDs reflect habitat quality. However, the increase followed different patterns in homogeneous and heterogeneous landscapes, indicating differing population limiting mechanisms in these two environments. We found no effect of the interaction between patch type and landscape type, suggesting that predation risk was similar in both landscape types. Thus, our study suggests that simplified landscapes constitute a poorer feeding environment for house sparrows during breeding, that the population-regulating mechanisms in the landscapes differ, but that predation risk is the same across the landscape types.  相似文献   

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