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Sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerols (SQDG) are polar sulphur‐containing membrane lipids, whose presence has been related to a microbial strategy to adapt to phosphate deprivation. In this study, we have targeted the sqdB gene coding the uridine 5′‐diphosphate‐sulphoquinovose (UDP‐SQ) synthase involved in the SQDG biosynthetic pathway to assess potential microbial sources of SQDGs in the marine environment. The phylogeny of the sqdB‐coding protein reveals two distinct clusters: one including green algae, higher plants and cyanobacteria, and another one comprising mainly non‐photosynthetic bacteria, as well as other cyanobacteria and algal groups. Evolutionary analysis suggests that the appearance of UDP‐SQ synthase occurred twice in cyanobacterial evolution, and one of those branches led to the diversification of the protein in members of the phylum Proteobacteria. A search of homologues of sqdB‐proteins in marine metagenomes strongly suggested the presence of heterotrophic bacteria potential SQDG producers. Application of newly developed sqdB gene primers in the marine environment revealed a high diversity of sequences affiliated to cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria in microbial mats, while in North Sea surface water, most of the detected sqdB genes were attributed to the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. Lipid analysis revealed that specific SQDGs were characteristic of microbial mat depth, suggesting that SQDG lipids are associated with specific producers.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential element for oceanic microbial life but its low bioavailability limits microorganisms in large areas of the oceans. To acquire this metal many marine bacteria produce organic chelates that bind and transport iron (siderophores). While it has been hypothesized that the global production of siderophores by heterotrophic bacteria and some cyanobacteria constitutes the bulk of organic ligands binding iron in the ocean because stability constants of siderophores and these organic ligands are similar, and because ligand concentrations rise sharply in response to iron fertilization events, direct evidence for this proposal is lacking. This lack is due to the difficulty in characterizing these ligands due both to their extremely low concentrations and their highly heterogeneous nature. The situation for characterizing photoactive siderophores in situ is more problematic because of their expected short lifetimes in the photic zone. An alternative approach is to make use of high sensitivity molecular technology (qPCR) to search for siderophore biosynthesis genes related to the production of photoactive siderophores. In this way one can access their “biochemical potential” and utilize this information as a proxy for the presence of these siderophores in the marine environment. Here we show, using qPCR primers designed to detect biosynthetic genes for the siderophores vibrioferrin, petrobactin and aerobactin that such genes are widespread and based on their abundance, the “biochemical potential” for photoactive siderophore production is significant. Concurrently we also briefly examine the microbial biodiversity responsible for such production as a function of depth and location across a North Atlantic transect.  相似文献   

We analyzed microbial eukaryote diversity in perennially cold arctic marine waters by using 18S rRNA gene clone libraries. Samples were collected during concurrent oceanographic missions to opposite sides of the Arctic Ocean Basin and encompassed five distinct water masses. Two deep water Arctic Ocean sites and the convergence of the Greenland, Norwegian, and Barents Seas were sampled from 28 August to 2 September 2002. An additional sample was obtained from the Beaufort Sea (Canada) in early October 2002. The ribotypes were diverse, with different communities among sites and between the upper mixed layer and just below the halocline. Eukaryotes from the remote Canada Basin contained new phylotypes belonging to the radiolarian orders Acantharea, Polycystinea, and Taxopodida. A novel group within the photosynthetic stramenopiles was also identified. One sample closest to the interior of the Canada Basin yielded only four major taxa, and all but two of the sequences recovered belonged to the polar diatom Fragilariopsis and a radiolarian. Overall, 42% of the sequences were <98% similar to any sequences in GenBank. Moreover, 15% of these were <95% similar to previously recovered sequences, which is indicative of endemic or undersampled taxa in the North Polar environment. The cold, stable Arctic Ocean is a threatened environment, and climate change could result in significant loss of global microbial biodiversity.  相似文献   

Many bacteria have been reported as degraders of long-chain (LC) n-alkanes, but the mechanism is poorly understood. Flavin-binding monooxygenase (AlmA) was recently found to be involved in LC-alkane degradation in bacteria of the Acinetobacter and Alcanivorax genera. However, the diversity of this gene and the role it plays in other bacteria remains unclear. In this study, we surveyed the diversity of almA in marine bacteria and in bacteria found in oil-enrichment communities. To identify the presence of this gene, a pair of degenerate PCR primers were was designed based on conserved motifs of the almA gene sequences in public databases. Using this approach, we identified diverse almA genes in the hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and in bacterial communities from the surface seawater of the Xiamen coastal area, the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, almA was positively detected in 35 isolates belonging to four genera, and a total of 39 different almA sequences were obtained. Five isolates were confirmed to harbor two to three almA genes. From the Xiamen coastal area and the Atlantic Ocean oil-enrichment communities, a total of 60 different almA sequences were obtained. These sequences mainly formed two clusters in the phylogenetic tree, named Class I and Class II, and these shared 45-56% identity at the amino acid level. Class I contained 11 sequences from bacteria represented by the Salinisphaera and Parvibaculum genera. Class II was larger and more diverse, and it was composed of 88 sequences from Proteobacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and the enriched bacterial communities. These communities were represented by the Alcanivorax and Marinobacter genera, which are the two most popular genera hosting the almA gene. AlmA was also detected across a wide geographical range, as determined by the origin of the bacterial host. Our results demonstrate the diversity of almA and confirm its high rate of occurrence in hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, indicating that this gene plays an important role in the degradation of LC alkanes in marine environments.  相似文献   

The identification of genes underlying the phenotypic transitions that took place during crop evolution, as well as the genomic extent of resultant selective sweeps, is of great interest to both evolutionary biologists and applied plant scientists. In this study, we report the results of a molecular evolutionary analysis of 11 genes that underlie fatty acid biosynthesis and metabolism in wild and cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Seven of these 11 genes showed evidence of selection at the nucleotide level, with 1 (FAD7) having experienced selection prior to domestication, 2 (FAD2-3 and FAD3) having experienced selection during domestication, and 4 (FAB1, FAD2-1, FAD6, and FATB) having experienced selection during the subsequent period of improvement. Sequencing of a subset of these genes from an extended panel of sunflower cultivars revealed little additional variation, and an analysis of the genomic region surrounding one of these genes (FAD2-1) revealed the occurrence of an extensive selective sweep affecting a region spanning at least ca. 100 kb. Given that previous population genetic analyses have revealed a relatively rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium in sunflower, this finding indicates the occurrence of strong selection and a rapid sweep.  相似文献   

DHA(22:6n-3)、EPA(20:5n-3)和ARA(20:4n-6)三种长链多不饱和脂肪酸在生物体内活性最强,它们在促进大脑发育和功能维持以及在预防和治疗心血管疾病、炎症、癌症等多种疾病方面有着重要作用。然而,尽管哺乳动物体内有完整的长链多不饱和脂肪酸合成酶系,但哺乳动物合成这些长链多不饱和脂肪酸的效率很低而主要依赖于食物获取。本研究应用转基因方法,将哺乳动物来源的Δ6和Δ5脂肪酸去饱和酶以及Δ6和Δ5脂肪酸延长酶这4种酶的编码基因构建成为一个多基因表达载体,然后转染哺乳动物细胞HEK293T,实现了4个目的基因的超表达,再通过气质联用(GC-MS)分析证实了DHA、EPA和ARA等长链多不饱和脂肪酸的合成效率及水平显著增加,DHA的水平更是提高了2.5倍。由此可见,哺乳动物具有某种抑制长链多不饱和脂肪酸高水平合成的机制,但通过Δ6和Δ5脂肪酸去饱和酶以及Δ6和Δ5脂肪酸延长酶的超表达,能够打破哺乳动物这种抑制机制,从而显著提高DHA、EPA、ARA等的合成水平。同时,本研究的思路也为在转基因动物中生产长链多不饱和脂肪酸提供了重要的启示。  相似文献   

Hydroxy fatty acids (HFAs) are very important chemicals for versatile applications in biodegradable polymer materials and cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. They are difficult to be synthesized via chemical routes due to the inertness of the fatty acyl chain. In contrast, these fatty acids make up a major class of natural products widespread among bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. A number of microorganisms capable of producing HFAs from fatty acids or vegetable oils have been reported. Therefore, HFAs could be produced by biotechnological strategies, especially by microbial conversion processes. Microorganisms could oxidize fatty acids either at the terminal carbon or inside the acyl chain to produce various HFAs, including α-HFAs, β-HFAs, mid-position HFAs, ω-HFAs, di-HFAs, and tri-HFAs. The enzymes and their encoded genes responsible for the hydroxylation of the carbon chain have been identified and characterized during the past few years. The involved microbes and catalytic mechanisms for the production of different types of HFAs are systematically demonstrated in this review. It provides a better view of HFA biosynthesis and lays the foundation for further industrial production.  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthetases (LACSs) activate free fatty acids to acyl-CoA thioesters and as such play critical roles in fatty acid metabolism. This important class of enzymes factors prominently in several fatty acid-derived metabolic pathways, including phospholipid, triacylglycerol, and jasmonate biosynthesis and fatty acid beta-oxidation. In an effort to better understand the factors that control fatty acid metabolism in oilseeds, we have sought to identify and characterize genes that encode LACSs in Arabidopsis. Nine cDNAs were identified, cloned, and tested for their ability to complement a LACS-deficient strain of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Seven of the nine successfully restored growth, whereas two cDNAs encoding putative peroxisomal isoforms did not. Lysates from yeast cells overexpressing each of the nine cDNAs were active in LACS enzyme assays using oleic acid as a substrate. The substrate specificities of the enzymes were determined after overexpression in LACS-deficient Escherichia coli. Most of the LACS enzymes displayed highest levels of activity with the fatty acids that make up the common structural and storage lipids in Arabidopsis tissues. Analysis of the tissue-specific expression profiles for these genes revealed one flower-specific isoform, whereas all others were expressed in various tissues throughout the plant. These nine cDNAs are thought to constitute the entire LACS family in Arabidopsis, and as such, will serve as powerful tools in the study of acyl-CoA metabolism in oilseeds.  相似文献   

When long-chain unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acid were incubated with crude enzymes from the marine green alga Ulva pertusa, the corresponding (R)-2-hydroperoxy acids were formed with a high enantiomeric excess (>99%).  相似文献   

The gram negative bacterium Escherichia coli has evolved a highly specific system for the transport of exogenous long-chain fatty acids (C12-C18) across the cell envelope that requires the outer membrane protein FadL and the inner membrane associated fatty acyl CoA synthetase. The transport of oleate (C18:1) across the cell envelop responds to metabolic energy. In order to define the source of metabolic energy which drives this process, oleate transport was measured in wild-type and ATP synthase-defective (Deltaatp) strains which were (i) subjected to osmotic shock and (ii) starved and energized with glucose or d-lactate in the presence of different metabolic inhibitors. Osmotic shock did not eliminate transport but rather reduced the rate to 33-55% of wild-type levels. These results suggested a periplasmic protein may participate in this process or that osmotic shock disrupts the energized state of the cell which in turn reduces the rate of oleate transport. Transport systems which are osmotically sensitive also require ATP. The process of long-chain fatty acid transport requires ATP generated either by substrate-level or oxidative phosphorylation. Following starvation, the basal rate of transport for wild-type cells was 340.4 pmol/min/mg protein compared to 172.0 pmol/min/mg protein for the Deltaatp cells. When cells are energized with glucose, the rates of transport were increased and comparable (1242.6 and 1293.8 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively). This was in contrast to cells energized with d-lactate in which only the wild-type cells were responsive. The role of ATP is likely due to the ATP requirement of fatty acyl CoA synthetase for catalytic activity. The process of oleate transport is also influenced by the energized state of the inner membrane. In the presence of carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone oleate transport is depressed to 30-50% of wild-type levels in wild-type and Deltaatp strains under starvation conditions. These results are mirrored in cells energized with glucose and d-lactate, indicating that an energized membrane is required for optimal levels of oleate transport. These data support the hypothesis that the fatty acid transport system of E. coli responds to both intracellular pools of ATP and an energized membrane for maximal proficiency.  相似文献   

Streptomyces clavuligerus produces at least five different clavam metabolites, including clavulanic acid and the methionine antimetabolite, alanylclavam. In vitro transposon mutagenesis was used to analyze a 13-kb region upstream of the known paralogue gene cluster. The paralogue cluster includes one group of clavulanic acid biosynthetic genes in S. clavuligerus. Twelve open reading frames (ORFs) were found in this area, and mutants were generated in each using either in vitro transposon or PCR-targeted mutagenesis. Mutants with defects in any of the genes orfA, orfB, orfC, or orfD were unable to produce alanylclavam but could produce all of the other clavams, including clavulanic acid. orfA encodes a predicted hydroxymethyltransferase, orfB encodes a YjgF/YER057c/UK114-family regulatory protein, orfC encodes an aminotransferase, and orfD encodes a dehydratase. All of these types of proteins are normally involved in amino acid metabolism. Mutants in orfC or orfD also accumulated a novel clavam metabolite instead of alanylclavam, and a complemented orfC mutant was able to produce trace amounts of alanylclavam while still producing the novel clavam. Mass spectrometric analyses, together with consideration of the enzymes involved in its production, led to tentative identification of the novel clavam as 8-OH-alanylclavam, an intermediate in the proposed alanylclavam biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

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