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Despite substantial advances in our knowledge of immune responses against HIV-1 and of its evolution within the host, it remains unclear why control of the virus eventually breaks down. Here, we present a new theoretical framework for the infection dynamics of HIV-1 that combines antibody and CD8+ T-cell responses, notably taking into account their different lifespans. Several apparent paradoxes in HIV pathogenesis and genetics of host susceptibility can be reconciled within this framework by assigning a crucial role to antibody responses in the control of viraemia. We argue that, although escape from or progressive loss of quality of CD8+ T-cell responses can accelerate disease progression, the underlying cause of the breakdown of virus control is the loss of antibody induction due to depletion of CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, strong antibody responses can prevent CD8+ T-cell escape from occurring for an extended period, even in the presence of highly efficacious CD8+ T-cell responses.  相似文献   

HIV's considerable capacity to vary its HLA-I-restricted peptide antigens allows it to escape from host cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Nevertheless, therapeutics able to target HLA-I-associated antigens, with specificity for the spectrum of preferred CTL escape mutants, could prove effective. Here we use phage display to isolate and enhance a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) originating from a CTL line derived from an infected person and specific for the immunodominant HLA-A(*)02-restricted, HIVgag-specific peptide SLYNTVATL (SL9). High-affinity (K(D) < 400 pM) TCRs were produced that bound with a half-life in excess of 2.5 h, retained specificity, targeted HIV-infected cells and recognized all common escape variants of this epitope. CD8 T cells transduced with this supraphysiologic TCR produced a greater range of soluble factors and more interleukin-2 than those transduced with natural SL9-specific TCR, and they effectively controlled wild-type and mutant strains of HIV at effector-to-target ratios that could be achieved by T-cell therapy.  相似文献   

Progress in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic is hindered by our failure to elucidate the precise reasons for the onset of immunodeficiency in HIV-1 infection. Increasing evidence suggests that elevated immune activation is associated with poor outcome in HIV-1 pathogenesis. However, the basis of this association remains unclear. Through ex vivo analysis of virus-specific CD8+ T-cells and the use of an in vitro model of naïve CD8+ T-cell priming, we show that the activation level and the differentiation state of T-cells are closely related. Acute HIV-1 infection induces massive activation of CD8+ T-cells, affecting many cell populations, not only those specific for HIV-1, which results in further differentiation of these cells. HIV disease progression correlates with increased proportions of highly differentiated CD8+ T-cells, which exhibit characteristics of replicative senescence and probably indicate a decline in T-cell competence of the infected person. The differentiation of CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells towards a state of replicative senescence is a natural process. It can be driven by excessive levels of immune stimulation. This may be part of the mechanism through which HIV-1-mediated immune activation exhausts the capacity of the immune system.  相似文献   

Induction of HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T cells during acute infection is associated with a decline in viremia. The role CD8(+) effectors play in subsequently establishing viral set point remains unclear. To address this, we focused on two acutely infected patients with the same initial Tat-specific CD8(+) response, analyzing their CD8(+) T cell responses longitudinally in conjunction with viral load and sequence evolution. In one patient initiating treatment during acute infection, the frequencies of Tat-specific CD8(+) T cells gradually diminished but persisted, and the Tat epitope sequence was unaltered. By contrast, in the second patient who declined treatment, the Tat-specific CD8(+) T cells disappeared below detection, in conjunction with Gag-specific CD4(+) T cell loss, as plasma viremia reached a set point. This coincided with the emergence of an escape variant within the Tat epitope and an additional Vpr epitope. New CD8(+) T cell responses emerged but with no further associated decline in viremia. These findings indicate that, in the absence of treatment, the initial CD8(+) T cell responses have the greatest impact on reducing viremia, and that later, continuously evolving responses are less efficient in further reducing viral load. The results also suggest that T cell help may contribute to the antiviral efficiency of the acute CD8(+) T cell response.  相似文献   

CTL play a critical role in the control of HIV and SIV. However, intrinsic genetic instability enables these immunodeficiency viruses to evade detection by CTL through mutation of targeted antigenic sites. These mutations can impair binding of viral epitopes to the presenting MHC class I molecule or disrupt TCR-mediated recognition. In certain regions of the virus, functional constraints are likely to limit the capacity for variation within epitopes. Mutations elsewhere in the protein, however, might still enable immune escape through effects on Ag processing. In this study, we describe the coincident emergence of three mutations in a highly conserved region of Nef during primary HIV-1 infection. These mutations (R69K, A81G, and H87R) flank the HLA B*35-restricted VY8 epitope and persisted to fixation as the early CTL response to this Ag waned. The variant form of Nef showed a reduced capacity to activate VY8-specific CTL, although protein stability and expression levels were unchanged. This effect was associated with altered processing by the proteasome that caused partial destruction of the VY8 epitope. Our data demonstrate that a variant HIV genotype can significantly impair proteasomal epitope processing and substantiate the concept of immune evasion through diminished Ag generation. These observations also indicate that the scale of viral escape may be significantly underestimated if only intraepitope variation is evaluated.  相似文献   

The sequence diversity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) represents a major obstacle to the development of an effective vaccine, yet the forces impacting the evolution of this pathogen remain unclear. To address this issue we assessed the relationship between genome-wide viral evolution and adaptive CD8+ T-cell responses in four clade B virus-infected patients studied longitudinally for as long as 5 years after acute infection. Of the 98 amino acid mutations identified in nonenvelope antigens, 53% were associated with detectable CD8+ T-cell responses, indicative of positive selective immune pressures. An additional 18% of amino acid mutations represented substitutions toward common clade B consensus sequence residues, nine of which were strongly associated with HLA class I alleles not expressed by the subjects and thus indicative of reversions of transmitted CD8 escape mutations. Thus, nearly two-thirds of all mutations were attributable to CD8+ T-cell selective pressures. A closer examination of CD8 escape mutations in additional persons with chronic disease indicated that not only did immune pressures frequently result in selection of identical amino acid substitutions in mutating epitopes, but mutating residues also correlated with highly polymorphic sites in both clade B and C viruses. These data indicate a dominant role for cellular immune selective pressures in driving both individual and global HIV-1 evolution. The stereotypic nature of acquired mutations provides support for biochemical constraints limiting HIV-1 evolution and for the impact of CD8 escape mutations on viral fitness.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways are dynamic and sensitive regulators of T cell function and differentiation. Altered MAPK signaling has been associated with the inflammatory and autoimmune diseases lupus and arthritis and with some pathogenic viral infections. HIV-1 infection is characterized by chronic immune inflammation, aberrantly heightened CD8+ T cell activation levels, and altered T cell function. The relationship between MAPK pathway function, HIV-1-induced activation (CD38 and HLA-DR), and exhaustion (Tim-3) markers in circulating CD8+ T cells remains unknown. Phosphorylation of the MAPK effector proteins ERK and p38 was examined by “phosflow” flow cytometry in 79 recently HIV-1-infected, antiretroviral-treatment-naïve adults and 21 risk-matched HIV-1-negative controls. We identified a subset of CD8+ T cells refractory to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate plus ionomycin-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation (referred to as p-ERK1/2-refractory cells) that was greatly expanded in HIV-1-infected adults. The CD8+ p-ERK1/2-refractory cells were highly activated (CD38+ HLA-DR+) but not exhausted (Tim-3 negative), tended to have low CD8 expression, and were enriched in intermediate and late transitional memory states of differentiation (CD45RA CD28 CD27+/−). Targeting MAPK pathways to restore ERK1/2 signaling may normalize immune inflammation levels and restore CD8+ T cell function during HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The observed association between HLA-B*13 and control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection has been linked to the number of Gag-specific HLA-B*13-restricted cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) responses identified. To date, the Gag escape mutations described that result in an in vitro fitness cost to the virus have been located within structural protein p24 only. Here we investigated the hypothesis that CTL escape mutations within other regions of HIV Gag may also reduce viral fitness and contribute to immune control. We analyzed an HLA-B*13-restricted CTL response toward an epitope in p1 Gag, RQANFLGKI429-437 (RI9), where amino acid variation at Gag residues 436 and 437 is associated with HLA-B*13 expression. In this work, we assessed the impact of amino acid substitutions at these positions on CTL recognition and on HIV-1 fitness. We demonstrated that substitutions I437L and I437M largely abrogate CTL recognition and reduce viral fitness while variants K436R and I437V have only a marginal effect on recognition and fitness. Examination of the patterns of protein synthesis indicated that the loss of fitness in the I437L and I437M mutants is associated with the accumulation of unprocessed Gag precursors. A significant reduction in ribosomal frameshifting efficiency was observed with I437M, suggesting that this mechanism contributes to the observed reduced fitness of this virus. These studies illustrate the apparent trade-off available to the virus between evasion of CTL recognition in p1 Gag and the functional consequences for viral fitness.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) evades CD8(+) T-cell responses through mutations within targeted epitopes, but little is known regarding its ability to generate de novo CD8(+) T-cell responses to such mutants. Here we examined gamma interferon-positive, HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses and autologous viral sequences in an HIV-1-infected individual for more than 6 years following acute infection. Fourteen optimal HIV-1 T-cell epitopes were targeted by CD8(+) T cells, four of which underwent mutation associated with dramatic loss of the original CD8(+) response. However, following the G(357)S escape in the HLA-A11-restricted Gag(349-359) epitope and the decline of wild-type-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses, a novel CD8(+) T-cell response equal in magnitude to the original response was generated against the variant epitope. CD8(+) T cells targeting the variant epitope did not exhibit cross-reactivity against the wild-type epitope but rather utilized a distinct T-cell receptor Vbeta repertoire. Additional studies of chronically HIV-1-infected individuals expressing HLA-A11 demonstrated that the majority of the subjects targeted the G(357)S escape variant of the Gag(349-359) epitope, while the wild-type consensus sequence was significantly less frequently recognized. These data demonstrate that de novo responses against escape variants of CD8(+) T-cell epitopes can be generated in chronic HIV-1 infection and provide the rationale for developing vaccines to induce CD8(+) T-cell responses directed against both the wild-type and variant forms of CD8 epitopes to prevent the emergence of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte escape variants.  相似文献   

Immunization with antigen-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) can be used to elicit optimal immune responses. We developed the SRDC cell line, with a morphology, phenotype and activity similar to mouse splenic CD4(-)CD8alpha(+)CD205(+)CD11b(-) dendritic cells, which induce a polarized Th1 immune response. We evaluated the ability of SRDCs pulsed with HIV-1 viral lysate, oligomeric soluble gp140 or capsid p24 to induce specific antibody and T-cell responses in CBA/J mice. Immunization with all loaded SRDCs elicited antibody responses against the antigens tested. However, only HIV-1 viral lysate and gp140-pulsed SRDCs elicited specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses. These findings demonstrate the value of well characterized DC lines for optimizing the antigen-loading mixture, according to the DC population targeted. Our data suggest that splenic DCs pulsed with complex antigens, such as HIV-1 viral lysate or oligomeric soluble gp140, could be used as vaccines, eliciting strong primary Th1-polarized and humoral immune responses against HIV proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

Assembly of the HIV-1 virus involves, in part, strong interactions between the capsid (CA) domains of the Gag polyprotein. During maturation, the core of HIV-1 virions undergoes profound morphological changes due primarily to proteolysis of the CA domain from other Gag domains which may allow for more efficient disassembly of the viral core in the early stages of infection. The host protein cyclophilin A (CypA), a cis-trans prolyl isomerase, in some way seems to assist in this assembly/disassembly process. Using an unproteolyzed construct of CA, we show that binding of CypA induces a large-scale conformational change in CA that is independent of its cis-trans prolyl isomerase activity. This change appears to be mediated by Cys-198 of CA since mutation to Ala renders CypA unable to induce this change and alters the kinetics and stability of protein cores that may ultimately result in inefficient disassembly of viral cores. Alternately, mutation of the second CA Cys (C218A) allows for CypA-induced conformational changes but alters the kinetics and morphology of the protein cores that may ultimately result in inefficient assembly of viral cores. These studies show the importance of the CA Cys residues in mediating the contacts needed for viral assembly and disassembly.  相似文献   

The ability to develop and sustain populations of memory T cells after infection or immunization is a hallmark of the adaptive immune response and a basis for protective vaccination against infectious disease. Technical advances that allow direct ex vivo identification and characterization of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells at various stages of the response to infection or vaccination in mouse models have fuelled efforts to characterize the factors that control memory CD8+ T-cell generation. Here, we dissect the input signals that shape the characteristics of the memory CD8+ T-cell response and discuss how manipulation of these signals has the potential to reshape CD8+ T-cell memory and improve the efficacy of vaccination.  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular HIV Nef (exNef) protein on the induction of lytic activity and proliferation of CD8+T lymphocytes from 18 donors was studied. At 10 ng/ml, exNef-induced a 2- to 8-fold enhancement of basal lytic activity in cells from all donors in an allogeneic induction assay, whereas it was ineffective at 100ng/ml. The extent of enhancement was inversely correlated with the basal level of lytic activity without exNef. Only in combination with PHA did both exNef concentrations stimulate proliferation, and in a manner inversely related to the effect of PHA alone. Thus, concentrations of exNef commonly found in sera of HIV-infected patients were found to modulate the induction of lytic activity and proliferation of CD8+ T lymphocytes in vitro, to an extent strongly dependent on the quite variable responsiveness of each donor. These findings point to Nef as a potential agent for modulating CD8+ T cell function in pathogenesis and therapy.  相似文献   



The intestinal mucosa displays robust virus replication and pronounced CD4+ T-cell loss during acute human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. The ability of HIV-specific CD8+ T-cells to modulate disease course has prompted intensive study, yet the significance of virus-specific CD8+ T-cells in mucosal sites remains unclear.

Methods and Findings

We evaluated five distinct effector functions of HIVgag-specific CD8+ T-cells in rectal mucosa and blood, individually and in combination, in relationship to clinical status and antiretroviral therapy (ART). In subjects not on ART, the percentage of rectal Gag-specific CD8+ T-cells capable of 3, 4 or 5 simultaneous effector functions was significantly related to blood CD4 count and inversely related to plasma viral load (PVL) (p<0.05). Polyfunctional rectal CD8+ T-cells expressed higher levels of MIP-1β and CD107a on a per cell basis than mono- or bifunctional cells. The production of TNFα, IFN-γ, and CD107a by Gag-specific rectal CD8+ T-cells each correlated inversely (p<0.05) with PVL, and MIP-1β expression revealed a similar trend. CD107a and IFN-γ production were positively related to blood CD4 count (p<0.05), with MIP-1β showing a similar trend. IL-2 production by rectal CD8+ T-cells was highly variable and generally low, and showed no relationship to viral load or blood CD4 count.


The polyfunctionality of rectal Gag-specific CD8+ T-cells appears to be related to blood CD4 count and inversely related to PVL. The extent to which these associations reflect causality remains to be determined; nevertheless, our data suggest a potentially important role for mucosal T-cells in limiting virus replication during chronic infection.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T-cells secrete soluble factor(s) capable of inhibiting both R5- and X4-tropic strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). CCR5 chemokine ligands, released from activated CD8(+) T-cells, contribute to the antiviral activity of these cells. These CC-chemokines, however, do not account for all CD8(+) T-cell antiviral factor(s) (CAF) released from these cells, particularly because the elusive CAF can inhibit the replication of X4 HIV-1 strains that use CXCR4 and not CCR5 as a coreceptor. Here we demonstrate that activated CD8(+) T-cells of HIV-1-seropositive individuals modify serum bovine antithrombin III into an HIV-1 inhibitory factor capable of suppressing the replication of X4 HIV-1. These data indicate that antithrombin III may play a role in the progression of HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   

Members of the Bcl-2 family have critical roles in regulating tissue homeostasis by modulating apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic molecules physically interact and restrain pro-apoptotic family members preventing the induction of cell death. However, the specificity of the functional interactions between pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members remains unclear. The pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member Bcl-2 interacting mediator of death (Bim) has a critical role in promoting the death of activated, effector T cells following viral infections. Although Bcl-2 is an important Bim antagonist in effector T cells, and Bcl-xL is not required for effector T-cell survival, the roles of other anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members remain unclear. Here, we investigated the role of myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1 (Mcl-1) in regulating effector T-cell responses in vivo. We found, at the peak of the response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, that Mcl-1 expression was increased in activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Retroviral overexpression of Mcl-1-protected activated T cells from death, whereas deletion of Mcl-1 during the course of infection led to a massive loss of LCMV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Interestingly, the co-deletion of Bim failed to prevent the loss of Mcl-1-deficient T cells. Furthermore, lck-driven overexpression of a Bcl-xL transgene only partially rescued Mcl-1-deficient effector T cells suggesting a lack of redundancy between the family members. In contrast, additional loss of Bax and Bak completely rescued Mcl-1-deficient effector T-cell number and function, without enhancing T-cell proliferation. These data suggest that Mcl-1 is critical for promoting effector T-cell responses, but does so by combating pro-apoptotic molecules beyond Bim.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific CD8+ T-cell responses generated during acute infection play a critical role in the initial control of viremia. However, little is known about the viral T-cell epitopes targeted during acute infection or about their hierarchy in appearance and relative immunodominance over time. In this study, HIV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in 18 acutely infected individuals expressing HLA-A3 and/or -B7 were characterized. Detailed analysis of CD8 responses in one such person who underwent treatment of acute infection followed by reexposure to HIV-1 through supervised treatment interruptions (STI) revealed recognition of only two cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes during symptomatic acute infection. HIV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses broadened significantly during subsequent exposure to the virus, ultimately targeting 27 distinct CTL epitopes, including 15 different CTL epitopes restricted by a single HLA class I allele (HLA-A3). The same few peptides were consistently targeted in an additional 17 persons expressing HLA-A3 and/or -B7 during acute infection. These studies demonstrate a consistent pattern in the development of epitope-specific responses restricted by a single HLA allele during acute HIV-1 infection, as well as persistence of the initial pattern of immunodominance during subsequent STI. In addition, they demonstrate that HIV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses can ultimately target a previously unexpected and unprecedented number of epitopes in a single infected individual, even though these are not detectable during the initial exposure to virus. These studies have important implications for vaccine design and evaluation.  相似文献   

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