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Salinity tolerance can be attributed to three different mechanisms: Na+ exclusion from the shoot, Na+ tissue tolerance and osmotic tolerance. Although several key ion channels and transporters involved in these processes are known, the variation in expression profiles and the effects of these proteins on Na+ transport in different accessions of the same species are unknown. Here, expression profiles of the genes AtHKT1;1, AtSOS1, AtNHX1 and AtAVP1 are determined in four ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Not only are these genes differentially regulated between ecotypes, the expression levels of the genes can be linked to the concentration of Na+ in the plant. An inverse relationship was found between AtSOS1 expression in the root and total plant Na+ accumulation, supporting a role for AtSOS1 in Na+ efflux from the plant. Similarly, ecotypes with high expression levels of AtHKT1;1 in the root had lower shoot Na+ concentrations, due to the hypothesized role of AtHKT1;1 in retrieval of Na+ from the transpiration stream. The inverse relationship between shoot Na+ concentration and salinity tolerance typical of most cereal crop plants was not demonstrated, but a positive relationship was found between salt tolerance and levels of AtAVP1 expression, which may be related to tissue tolerance.  相似文献   

HKT-type transporters appear to play key roles in Na(+) accumulation and salt sensitivity in plants. In Arabidopsis HKT1;1 has been proposed to influx Na(+) into roots, recirculate Na(+) in the phloem and control root : shoot allocation of Na(+). We tested these hypotheses using (22)Na(+) flux measurements and ion accumulation assays in an hkt1;1 mutant and demonstrated that AtHKT1;1 contributes to the control of both root accumulation of Na(+) and retrieval of Na(+) from the xylem, but is not involved in root influx or recirculation in the phloem. Mathematical modelling indicated that the effects of the hkt1;1 mutation on root accumulation and xylem retrieval were independent. Although AtHKT1;1 has been implicated in regulation of K(+) transport and the hkt1;1 mutant showed altered net K(+) accumulation, (86)Rb(+) uptake was unaffected by the hkt1;1 mutation. The hkt1;1 mutation has been shown previously to rescue growth of the sos1 mutant on low K(+); however, HKT1;1 knockout did not alter K(+) or (86)Rb(+) accumulation in sos1.  相似文献   

ARR22 (At3g04280) is a novel Type A response regulator whose function in Arabidopsis is unknown. RT-PCR analysis has shown that expression of the gene takes place in flowers and developing pods with the tissues accumulating different proportions of splice variants. Spatial analysis of expression, using ARR22::GUS plants as a marker, has revealed that the reporter protein accumulates specifically at the junction between the funiculus and the chalazal tissue. Expression can be up-regulated at this location by wounding the developing seed. A detailed analysis has failed to detect ARR22 expression at any other sites and, to support this assertion, the only evidence for tissue ablation in ARR22::Barnase plants is during seed development, with the consequence that embryo growth is attenuated. Ectopic expression of ARR22, driven by either the CaMV 35S or the pea plastocyanin (PPC) promoters, resulted in the generation of plants exhibiting extremely stunted root and shoot growth. No viable progeny could be isolated from the PPC::ARR22 transgenic lines. An RT-PCR analysis of a recently annotated gene (ARR24-At5g26594), that exhibits 66% amino acid similarity to ARR22, has shown that expression is also predominantly in floral and silique tissues. Examination of ARR24::GUS plants has revealed that the activity of the promoter is primarily restricted to pollen grains indicating that this gene is unlikely to display an overlapping function with ARR22. Analyses of individual KO lines of either ARR22 or ARR24 have failed to identify a mutant phenotype under the growth conditions employed and the double knockout ARR22/ARR24 line is also indistinguishable from wild-type plants. These results are discussed in the light of the proposed role of response regulators in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Improving crop plants to be productive in saline soils or under irrigation with saline water would be an important technological advance in overcoming the food and freshwater crises that threaten the world population. However, even if the transformation of a glycophyte into a plant that thrives under seawater irrigation was biologically feasible, current knowledge about Na+ effects would be insufficient to support this technical advance. Intriguingly, crucial details about Na+ uptake and its function in the plant have not yet been well established. We here propose that under saline conditions two nitrate‐dependent transport systems in series that take up and load Na+ into the xylem constitute the major pathway for the accumulation of Na+ in Arabidopsis shoots; this pathway can also function with chloride at high concentrations. In nrt1.1 nitrate transport mutants, plant Na+ accumulation was partially defective, which suggests that NRT1.1 either partially mediates or modulates the nitrate‐dependent Na+ transport. Arabidopsis plants exposed to an osmotic potential of ?1.0 MPa (400 mOsm) for 24 h showed high water loss and wilting in sorbitol or Na/MES, where Na+ could not be accumulated. In contrast, in NaCl the plants that accumulated Na+ lost a low amount of water, and only suffered transitory wilting. We discuss that in Arabidopsis plants exposed to high NaCl concentrations, root Na+ uptake and tissue accumulation fulfil the primary function of osmotic adjustment, even if these processes lead to long‐term toxicity.  相似文献   

The genetic model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, like many plant species, experiences a range of edaphic conditions across its natural habitat. Such heterogeneity may drive local adaptation, though the molecular genetic basis remains elusive. Here, we describe a study in which we used genome-wide association mapping, genetic complementation, and gene expression studies to identify cis-regulatory expression level polymorphisms at the AtHKT1;1 locus, encoding a known sodium (Na(+)) transporter, as being a major factor controlling natural variation in leaf Na(+) accumulation capacity across the global A. thaliana population. A weak allele of AtHKT1;1 that drives elevated leaf Na(+) in this population has been previously linked to elevated salinity tolerance. Inspection of the geographical distribution of this allele revealed its significant enrichment in populations associated with the coast and saline soils in Europe. The fixation of this weak AtHKT1;1 allele in these populations is genetic evidence supporting local adaptation to these potentially saline impacted environments.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis ARR4/ATRR1/IBC7 and ARR8/ATRR3 are homologous genes of prokaryotic response regulators that are involved in the His-Asp phosphorelay signal transduction. We analyzed the function of these genes as response regulators using transgenic plants. Overexpression of ARR4 in cultured stems of the transgenics markedly promoted shoot formation in the presence of cytokinin, while overexpression of ARR8 repressed shoot formation and greening of calli. The expression level of cytokinin-inducible genes, cycD3 and cab increased in the ARR4 overexpressor but decreased in the ARR8 overexpressor. By contrast, two drought stress-inducible genes, rd29A and erd1, were expressed in both overexpressors as that in control plants. These results suggest that ARR4 and ARR8 are involved in cytokinin signal transduction, and that ARR4 functions as a positive-regulator, whereas ARR8 functions as a negative-regulator. Furthermore, microarray analysis showed that several genes were up-regulated in the ARR4 overexpressor. Consistent with these results, ARR4 and ARR8 might play important roles in the sensoring system of cytokinin signal transduction pathway in various developmental and environmental conditions and the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

JAZF1 is a newly identified gene with unknown functions. A recent genome-wide association study showed that JAZF1 is associated with type 2 diabetes and is highly expressed in liver and adipose tissue. Studies have demonstrated that JAZF1 is the co-repressor for nuclear orphan receptor TAK1, whereas most nuclear orphan receptor family members are involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism. Therefore, JAZF1 could be closely related to glycolipid metabolism. In this study, JAZF1 was significantly upregulated during the induced differentiation process of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. The overexpression of JAZF1 inhibited lipid accumulation in differentiated mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes and significantly inhibited the expression of SREBPl, ACC, and FAS, which were important in lipid synthesis, while upregulating the expression of key enzyme hormone-sensitive lipase in lipoclasis. Moreover, SREBPl exhibited an inhibitory function on the expression of JAZF1. SREBP1 reversed the inhibitory action on lipid accumulation of JAZF1. SREBP1 and JAZF1 were observed to regulate each other in adipocytes. Therefore, JAZF1 could regulate the expression of particular genes related to lipid metabolism and inhibit lipid accumulation in adipocytes. This result suggests that JAZF1 may be a potential target for the treatment of diseases, such as obesity and lipid metabolism disorders.  相似文献   

双组分信号转导系统是生物中广泛存在的调控系统,通常由组氨酸激酶和应答调控蛋白(Responseregulator,RR)两个组分构成。典型的RR通过一个磷酸化机制调控活性。非典型应答调控蛋白在细菌中广泛存在,并调控细菌的生长发育、抗生素合成、Fe的转运等多种生理功能。以下主要综述目前研究比较清楚的非典型应答调控蛋白的结构和功能方面的进展,并以链霉菌中杰多霉素生物合成途径中的非典型应答调控蛋白JadR1为例,阐明调控蛋白活性调控的新机制。  相似文献   

Abstract. Cultivars of hexaploid wheat ( Triticum aestivum cvs. Chinese Spring or PI 178704) and derivatives containing chromosomes from both a cultivar and a wild, salt-tolerant species ( Lophopyrum elongatum or L. ponticum ) were compared to determine differences in growth, ion transport and ion accumulation under salt-stress. Two experiments were conducted in which plants were grown under saline and non-saline conditions and harvested at various lime intervals throughout ontogeny. Under salt-stress the growth rate of the cultivars, as compared to the growth rate of the derivatives, decreased more rapidly later in development. Transport rates from root to shoot of Na+ and Cl reached higher levels in the cultivars. The cultivars accumulated more Na+ and Cl and relatively less K+ in the shoot. The K+/Na+ ratio was higher in the derivatives than in the cultivars from which they were derived. The addition of chromosomes from Lophopyrum species into wheat altered ion accumulation, growth rates, and ion transport rates from root to shoot.  相似文献   

The accumulation and metabolism of exogenously applied and endogenously produced auxins and cytokinins were studied in relation to organogenesis in thin cell layers of Nicotiana tabacum L. It was shown that, in order to obtain maximal flower bud formation, both exogenous auxin and cytokinin needed to be present during the first 4 days of culture (to the formation of a subepidermal meristematic zone) whereas cytokinins needed to be present for at least 4 days more (until formation of organogenic centres). Explants taken from floral branches have higher endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels compared with explants from the basal part of the stem which form only vegetative buds. This might be related to a different IAA metabolism in these two types of explants as was shown by the different accumulation of exogenously applied IAA. Both 'floral' and 'vegetative' cells layers contained comparable amounts of zeatin riboside (ZR) as their major cytokinin. Free bases, zeatin (Z) and dihydrozeatin [(diH)Z], given exogenously, were largely metabolised to their respective ribosides. The observation that Z was less effective than (diH)Z in the induction of flower buds could be related to (diH)ZR apparently not being a substrate for cytokinin oxidase.  相似文献   

Multiple transporters and channels mediate cation transport across the plasma membrane and tonoplast to regulate ionic homeostasis in plant cells. However, much less is known about the molecular function of transporters that facilitate cation transport in other organelles such as Golgi. We report here that Arabidopsis KEA4, KEA5, and KEA6, members of cation/proton antiporters‐2 (CPA2) superfamily were colocalized with the known Golgi marker, SYP32‐mCherry. Although single kea4,5,6 mutants showed similar phenotype as the wild type under various conditions, kea4/5/6 triple mutants showed hypersensitivity to low pH, high K+, and high Na+ and displayed growth defects in darkness, suggesting that these three KEA‐type transporters function redundantly in controlling etiolated seedling growth and ion homeostasis. Detailed analysis indicated that the kea4/5/6 triple mutant exhibited cell wall biosynthesis defect during the rapid etiolated seedling growth and under high K+/Na+ condition. The cell wall‐derived pectin homogalacturonan (GalA)3 partially suppressed the growth defects and ionic toxicity in the kea4/5/6 triple mutants when grown in the dark but not in the light conditions. Together, these data support the hypothesis that the Golgi‐localized KEAs play key roles in the maintenance of ionic and pH homeostasis, thereby facilitating Golgi function in cell wall biosynthesis during rapid etiolated seedling growth and in coping with high K+/Na+ stress.  相似文献   

A plant's ability to cope with salt stress is highly correlated with their ability to reduce the accumulation of sodium ions in the shoot. Arabidopsis mutants affected in the ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE (ABI) 4 gene display increased salt tolerance, whereas ABI4‐overexpressors are hypersensitive to salinity from seed germination to late vegetative developmental stages. In this study we demonstrate that abi4 mutant plants accumulate lower levels of sodium ions and higher levels of proline than wild‐type plants following salt stress. We show higher HKT1;1 expression in abi4 mutant plants and lower levels of expression in ABI4‐overexpressing plants, resulting in reduced accumulation of sodium ions in the shoot of abi4 mutants. HKT1;1 encodes a sodium transporter which is known to unload sodium ions from the root xylem stream into the xylem parenchyma stele cells. We have shown recently that ABI4 is expressed in the root stele at various developmental stages and that it plays a key role in determining root architecture. Thus ABI4 and HKT1;1 are expressed in the same cells, which suggests the possibility of direct binding of ABI4 to the HKT1;1 promoter. In planta chromatin immunoprecipitation and in vitro electrophoresis mobility shift assays demonstrated that ABI4 binds two highly related sites within the HKT1;1 promoter. These sites, GC(C/G)GCTT(T), termed ABI4‐binding element (ABE), have also been identified in other ABI4‐repressed genes. We therefore suggest that ABI4 is a major modulator of root development and function.  相似文献   

An apoplastic pathway, the so‐called bypass flow, is important for Na+ uptake in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under saline conditions; however, the precise site of entry is not yet known. We report the results of our test of the hypothesis that bypass flow of Na+ in rice occurs at the site where lateral roots emerge from the main roots. We investigated Na+ uptake and bypass flow in lateral rootless mutants (lrt1, lrt2), a crown rootless mutant (crl1), their wild types (Oochikara, Nipponbare and Taichung 65, respectively) and in seedlings of rice cv. IR36. The results showed that shoot Na+ concentration in lrt1, lrt2 and crl1 was lower (by 20–23%) than that of their wild types. In contrast, the bypass flow quantified using trisodium‐8‐hydroxy‐1,3,6‐pyrenetrisulphonic acid (PTS) was significantly increased in the mutants, from an average of 1.1% in the wild types to 3.2% in the mutants. Similarly, bypass flow in shoots of IR36 where the number of lateral and crown roots had been reduced through physical and hormonal manipulations was dramatically increased (from 5.6 to 12.5%) as compared to the controls. The results suggest that the path of bypass flow in rice is not at the sites of lateral root emergence.  相似文献   

Fifty-two-day old plants of a salt tolerant line, S24 and a salt sensitive, Yecora Rojo were subjected for 15 days to 125 mol·m−3 NaCl in Hoagland’s nutrient solution under glass-house conditions. The dry matter of shoots and roots of the salt tolerant line was significantly greater over all time intervals in saline substrate than the salt sensitive line, Yecora Rojo. In the leaves of salt-treated former line concentration of Na+ and Cl was lower as compared to the latter line. The lower Na+ and Cl concentrations in the leaves of S24 were found to be associated with lower transport of these ions to the shoots whereas the reverse was true for Yecora Rojo. The lines did not differ in accumulation of either ion in roots. It is concluded that salt tolerance in these two genotypes of spring wheat is associated with restricted accumulation of toxic Na+ and Cl ions to the shoots or with restricted transport.  相似文献   

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