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High-throughput and automated techniques (mass spectrometry in particular) allow increasingly rapid structural analysis of complex glycans. Information concerning the primary structure (composition, sequence and linkages), three-dimensional structure (including dynamics) and interactions of glycans is now available in sufficient quantity to justify the maintenance of databases and search facilities. Several such resources (both commercial and open access) are now available as web tools. To derive the full value of glycan databases, it will be necessary to develop a universally accepted machine-readable structural representation of glycans.  相似文献   

Historically, emerging and reemerging infectious diseases have caused large, deadly, and expensive multinational outbreaks. Often outbreak investigations aim to identify who infected whom by reconstructing the outbreak transmission tree, which visualizes transmission between individuals as a network with nodes representing individuals and branches representing transmission from person to person. We compiled a database, called OutbreakTrees, of 382 published, standardized transmission trees consisting of 16 directly transmitted diseases ranging in size from 2 to 286 cases. For each tree and disease, we calculated several key statistics, such as tree size, average number of secondary infections, the dispersion parameter, and the proportion of cases considered superspreaders, and examined how these statistics varied over the course of each outbreak and under different assumptions about the completeness of outbreak investigations. We demonstrated the potential utility of the database through 2 short analyses addressing questions about superspreader epidemiology for a variety of diseases, including Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). First, we found that our transmission trees were consistent with theory predicting that intermediate dispersion parameters give rise to the highest proportion of cases causing superspreading events. Additionally, we investigated patterns in how superspreaders are infected. Across trees with more than 1 superspreader, we found preliminary support for the theory that superspreaders generate other superspreaders. In sum, our findings put the role of superspreading in COVID-19 transmission in perspective with that of other diseases and suggest an approach to further research regarding the generation of superspreaders. These data have been made openly available to encourage reuse and further scientific inquiry.

This study compiles and standardizes reported infectious disease transmission trees to analyze trends in superspreader frequency and generation; these data support theories that intermediate dispersion parameters give rise to the highest proportion of cases causing superspreading events, and that superspreaders generate other superspreaders.  相似文献   



Virtual screening methods start to be well established as effective approaches to identify hits, candidates and leads for drug discovery research. Among those, structure based virtual screening (SBVS) approaches aim at docking collections of small compounds in the target structure to identify potent compounds. For SBVS, the identification of candidate pockets in protein structures is a key feature, and the recent years have seen increasing interest in developing methods for pocket and cavity detection on protein surfaces.  相似文献   

Drug cardiotoxicity is one of the main reasons of fatal drug related problem events and the subsequent withdrawals. Therefore, its early assessment is a crucial element of the drug development process. For the drug driven hERG inhibition assessment, which is assumed to be the main reason for toxicity, in vitro techniques are used. Gold standards are based on the Patch Clamp method with the use of various cell models but due to its low throughput, insilico models have become more appreciated. To develop a reliable empirical QSAR model, wide dataset containing a variety of cases has to be available. In this article, a freely available for download, set of data is described. It is based on literature peer-reviewed reports and contains hERG inhibition information expressed as IC50 value for 263 molecules described in 642 records. All studies were done with the use of three cell models (XO, CHO, HEK) and other elements describe the electrophysiological settings of the in vitro study. The above mentioned set was used for the successful development of the predictive models.  相似文献   

Difficulty in accessing high quality reference materials has been a limiting factor in the advancement of archaeobotanical research. However, new developments in online open source content management technology and faster downloading capabilities make high quality and low cost dynamic online curation of archaeobotanical reference images increasingly feasible. We describe the establishment of Paleobot.org, an open access online reference collection database for macrobotanical, microbotanical and isotopic data to help standardize and improve the identification of archaeobotanical remains.  相似文献   

Targeting-induced local lesions in genomes(TILLING) is a powerful reverse-genetics tool that enables high-throughput screening of genomic variations in plants.Although TILLING has been developed for many diploid plants, the technology has been used in very few polyploid species due to their genomic complexity. Here, we established an efficient capillary electrophoresis-based TILLING platform for allotetraploid cultivated tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L.) using an ethyl methanesulfonate(EMS)-mutagenized population of 1,536 individuals. We optimized the procedures for endonuclease preparation,leaf tissue sampling, DNA extraction, normalization,pooling, PCR amplification, heteroduplex formation, and capillary electrophoresis. In a test screen using seven target genes with eight PCR fragments, we obtained 118 mutants. The mutation density was estimated to be approximately one mutation per 106kb on average.Phenotypic analyses showed that mutations in two heavy metal transporter genes, HMA2S and HMA4T, led to reduced accumulation of cadmium and zinc, which was confirmed independently using CRISPR/Cas9 to generate knockout mutants. Our results demonstrate that this powerful TILLING platform(available at http://www.croptilling.org)can be used in tobacco to facilitate functional genomics applications.  相似文献   

Artificial olfactory systems have been studied for the last two decades mainly from the point of view of the features of olfactory neuron receptor fields. Other fundamental olfaction properties have only been episodically considered in artificial systems. As a result, current artificial olfactory systems are mostly intended as instruments and are of poor benefit for biologists who may need tools to model and test olfactory models. Herewith, we show how a simple experimental approach can be used to account for several phenomena observed in olfaction. An artificial epithelium is formed as a disordered distributed layer of broadly selective color indicators dispersed in a transparent polymer layer. The whole epithelium is probed with colored light, imaged with a digital camera and the olfactory response upon exposure to an odor is the change of the multispectral image. The pixels are treated as olfactory receptor neurons, whose optical properties are used to build a convergence classifier into a number of mathematically defined artificial glomeruli. A non-homogenous exposure of the test structure to the odours gives rise to a time and spatial dependence of the response of the different glomeruli strikingly similar to patterns observed in the olfactory bulb. The model seems to mimic both the formation of glomeruli, the zonal nature of olfactory epithelium, and the spatio-temporal signal patterns at the glomeruli level. This platform is able to provide a readily available test vehicle for chemists developing optical indicators for chemical sensing purposes and for biologists to test models of olfactory system organization.  相似文献   

Tumor biomarkers provide a quantitative tool for following tumor progression and response to therapy. However, investigations of clinically useful tumor biomarkers are time-consuming, costly, and limited by patient and tumor heterogeneity. In addition, assessment of biomarkers as indicators of therapy response is confounded by the concomitant use of multiple therapeutic interventions. Herein we report our use of a clinically relevant orthotopic animal model of malignant pleural mesothelioma for investigating tumor biomarkers. Utilizing multi-modality imaging with correlative histopathology, we demonstrate the utility and accuracy of the mouse model in investigating tumor biomarkers--serum soluble mesothelin-related peptide (SMRP) and osteopontin (OPN). This model revealed percentage change in SMRP level to be an accurate biomarker of tumor progression and therapeutic response--a finding consistent with recent clinical studies. This in vivo platform demonstrates the advantages of a validated mouse model for the timely and cost-effective acceleration of human biomarker translational research.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Alt C  Li P  White RM  Zon LI  Wei X  Lin CP 《Cytometry. Part A》2012,81(2):176-182
Adult zebrafish are being increasingly used as a model in cancer and stem cell research. Here we describe an integrated optical system that combines a laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) and an in vivo flow cytometer (IVFC) for simultaneous visualization and cell quantification. The system is set up specifically for non-invasive tracking of both stationary and circulating cells in adult zebrafish (casper) that have been engineered to be optically transparent. Confocal imaging in this instrument serves the dual purpose of visualizing fish tissue microstructure and an imaging-based guide to locate a suitable vessel for quantitative analysis of circulating cells by IVFC. We demonstrate initial testing of this novel instrument by imaging the transparent adult zebrafish casper vasculature and tracking circulating cells in CD41-GFP/Gata1-DsRed transgenic fish whose thrombocytes/erythrocytes express the green and red fluorescent proteins. In vivo measurements allow cells to be tracked under physiological conditions in the same fish over time, without drawing blood samples or sacrificing animals. We also discuss the potential applications of this instrument in biomedical research.  相似文献   

A compact biosensor platform with giant magneto-resistive (GMR) sensors suited for the detection of superparamagnetic nanoparticle labels is presented. The platform consist of disposable biosensor cartridges and an electronic reader, which enables quantitative detection with high analytical performance, combined with robustness, ease of use and at low cost. In order to optimise the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), magnetic labels are excited at high frequency. Wires, integrated in the silicon of the sensor chip are used to generate a well-defined magnetic field on the sensor surface, thus removing the need for mechanical alignment with external apparatus. A signal modulation scheme is applied to obtain optimal detection accuracy. The platform is scalable and can be adapted according to application-specific requirements. Experimental results indicate that three beads of 300 nm diameter can be detected on a sensor surface of 1500 microm2 for a measurement time of 1s.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of many neurological disorders has been greatly enhanced by the discovery of mutations in genes linked to familial forms of these diseases. These have facilitated the generation of cell and animal models that can be used to understand the underlying molecular pathology. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in the use of patient-derived cells, due to the development of induced pluripotent stem cells and their subsequent differentiation into neurons and glia. Access to patient cell lines carrying the relevant mutations is a limiting factor for many centres wishing to pursue this research. We have therefore generated an open-access collection of fibroblast lines from patients carrying mutations linked to neurological disease. These cell lines have been deposited in the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Repository at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research and can be requested by any research group for use in in vitro disease modelling. There are currently 71 mutation-defined cell lines available for request from a wide range of neurological disorders and this collection will be continually expanded. This represents a significant resource that will advance the use of patient cells as disease models by the scientific community.  相似文献   

Treatment of tuberculosis, like other infectious diseases, is increasingly hindered by the emergence of drug resistance. Drug discovery efforts would be facilitated by facile screening tools that incorporate the complexities of human disease. Mycobacterium marinum-infected zebrafish larvae recapitulate key aspects of tuberculosis pathogenesis and drug treatment. Here, we develop a model for rapid in vivo drug screening using fluorescence-based methods for serial quantitative assessment of drug efficacy and toxicity. We provide proof-of-concept that both traditional bacterial-targeting antitubercular drugs and newly identified host-targeting drugs would be discovered through the use of this model. We demonstrate the model's utility for the identification of synergistic combinations of antibacterial drugs and demonstrate synergy between bacterial- and host-targeting compounds. Thus, the platform can be used to identify new antibacterial agents and entirely new classes of drugs that thwart infection by targeting host pathways. The methods developed here should be widely applicable to small-molecule screens for other infectious and noninfectious diseases.  相似文献   

An innovative microfluidic platform for magnetic beads manipulation is introduced, consisting of novel microfabricated 3D magnetic devices positioned in a microfluidic chamber. Each magnetic device comprises of an embedded actuation micro-coil in various design versions, a ferromagnetic pillar, a magnetic backside plate and a sensing micro-coil. The various designs of the micro-coils enable efficient magnetic beads trapping and concentration in different patterns. The finite element analysis (FEA) results show a significant increase of the developed force on suspended magnetic beads when the magnetic pillar and backside plate were integrated into the device structure. These simulation results were confirmed experimentally by measuring the magnetic beads trapping ratios for the different designs and structures of the devices under continuous flow conditions. The trapping ratios and profiles were studied using beads counting, measuring the change of inductance with the sensing micro-coil and by image processing. The devices have efficiently demonstrated a controlled and localized magnetic beads trapping and concentration at small spatial locations for the first time. The new results shown in this study demonstrate the feasibility of efficiently using these original devices as key elements in complex bio-analysis systems.  相似文献   

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