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A chemotaxis signal transduction pathway (hereafter called Che1) has been previously identified in the alphaproteobacterium Azospirillum brasilense. Previous experiments have demonstrated that although mutants lacking CheB and/or CheR homologs from this pathway are defective in chemotaxis, a mutant in which the entire chemotaxis pathway has been mutated displayed a chemotaxis phenotype mostly similar to that of the parent strain, suggesting that the primary function of this Che1 pathway is not the control of motility behavior. Here, we report that mutants carrying defined mutations in the cheA1 (strain AB101) and the cheY1 (strain AB102) genes and a newly constructed mutant lacking the entire operon [Δ(cheA1-cheR1)::Cm] (strain AB103) were defective, but not null, for chemotaxis and aerotaxis and had a minor defect in swimming pattern. We found that mutations in genes of the Che1 pathway affected the cell length of actively growing cells but not their growth rate. Cells of a mutant lacking functional cheB1 and cheR1 genes (strain BS104) were significantly longer than wild-type cells, whereas cells of mutants impaired in the cheA1 or cheY1 genes, as well as a mutant lacking a functional Che1 pathway, were significantly shorter than wild-type cells. Both the modest chemotaxis defects and the observed differences in cell length could be complemented by expressing the wild-type genes from a plasmid. In addition, under conditions of high aeration, cells of mutants lacking functional cheA1 or cheY1 genes or the Che1 operon formed clumps due to cell-to-cell aggregation, whereas the mutant lacking functional CheB1 and CheR1 (BS104) clumped poorly, if at all. Further analysis suggested that the nature of the exopolysaccharide produced, rather than the amount, may be involved in this behavior. Interestingly, mutants that displayed clumping behavior (lacking cheA1 or cheY1 genes or the Che1 operon) also flocculated earlier and quantitatively more than the wild-type cells, whereas the mutant lacking both CheB1 and CheR1 was delayed in flocculation. We propose that the Che1 chemotaxis-like pathway modulates the cell length as well as clumping behavior, suggesting a link between these two processes. Our data are consistent with a model in which the function of the Che1 pathway in regulating these cellular functions directly affects flocculation, a cellular differentiation process initiated under conditions of nutritional imbalance.  相似文献   

The Azospirillum brasilense chemotaxis-like Che1 signal transduction pathway was recently shown to modulate changes in adhesive cell surface properties that, in turn, affect cell-to-cell aggregation and flocculation behaviors rather than flagellar-mediated chemotaxis. Attachment to surfaces and root colonization may be functions related to flocculation. Here, the conditions under which A. brasilense wild-type Sp7 and che1 mutant strains attach to abiotic and biotic surfaces were examined using in vitro attachment and biofilm assays combined with atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy. The nitrogen source available for growth is found to be a major modulator of surface attachment by A. brasilense and could be promoted in vitro by lectins, suggesting that it depends on interaction with surface-exposed residues within the extracellular matrix of cells. However, Che1-dependent signaling is shown to contribute indirectly to surface attachment, indicating that distinct mechanisms are likely underlying flocculation and attachment to surfaces in A. brasilense.  相似文献   

Fragments of native, hydrated rat tail tendon were imaged by tapping-mode atomic force microscopy while immersed in fluid. The specimens were soft and sensitive to the operating parameters, and with minimal imaging pressure the collagen fibrils appeared covered by irregular blobs or by filamentous material. A slight increase in pressure caused the underlying fibril surface to appear, with an evident D-period, gap- and overlap-zones and three intraperiod ridges. Fibrils often ran parallel and in phase, implying some coupling mechanism. Longitudinal subfibrils, 8-9 nm thick, occasionally appeared. The simultaneous acquisition of the "tapping amplitude" along with the usual "height" channel clearly confirmed the presence of longitudinal subfibrils, indicative of the inner architecture of the fibril.  相似文献   

Integrins are transmembrane adhesion receptors that play important roles in the cardiovascular system by interacting with the extracellular matrix (ECM). However, direct quantitative measurements of the adhesion properties of the integrins on cardiomyocyte (CM) and their ECM ligands are lacking. In this study, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to quantify the adhesion force (peak force and mean force) and binding probability between CM integrins and three main heart tissue ECM proteins, ie, collagen (CN), fibronectin (FN), and laminin (LN). Functionalizing the AFM probes with ECM proteins, we found that the peak force (mean force) was 61.69 ± 5.5 pN (76.54 ± 4.0 pN), 39.26 ± 4.4 pN (59.84 ± 3.6 pN), and 108.31 ± 4.2 pN (129.63 ± 6.0 pN), respectively, for the bond of CN‐integrin, FN‐integrin, and LN‐integrin. The binding specificity between CM integrins and ECM proteins was verified by using monoclonal antibodies, where α10‐ and α11‐integrin bind to CN, α3‐ and α5‐integrin bind to FN, and α3‐ and α7‐integrin bind to LN. Furthermore, adhesion properties of CM integrins under physiologically high concentrations of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ were tested. Additional Ca2+ reduced the adhesion mean force to 68.81 ± 4.0 pN, 49.84 ± 3.3 pN, and 119.21 ± 5.8 pN and binding probability to 0.31, 0.34, 0.40 for CN, FN, and LN, respectively, whereas Mg2+ caused very minor changes to adhesion properties of CM integrins. Thus, adhesion properties between adult murine CM integrins and its main ECM proteins were characterized, paving the way for an improved understanding of CM mechanobiology.  相似文献   

The extracellular surface of the gap junction cell-to-cell channels was imaged in phosphate-buffered saline with an atomic force microscope. The fully hydrated isolated gap junction membranes adsorbed to mica were irregular sheets approximately 1-2 microns across and 13.2 (+/- 1.3) nm thick. The top bilayer of the gap junction was dissected by increasing the force applied to the tip or sometimes by increasing the scan rate at moderate forces. The exposed extracellular surface revealed a hexagonal array with a center-to-center spacing of 9.4 (+/- 0.9) nm between individual channels (connexons). Images of individual connexons with a lateral resolution of < 3.5 nm, and in the best case approximately 2.5 nm, were reliably and reproducibly obtained with high-quality tips. These membrane channels protruded 1.4 (+/- 0.4) nm from the extracellular surface of the lipid membrane, and the atomic force microscope tip reached up to 0.7 nm into the pore, which opened up to a diameter of 3.8 (+/- 0.6) nm on the extracellular side.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity is regulated by reversible ADP-ribosylation in response to NH4+ and anaerobic conditions in Azospirillum brasilense. The effect of mutations in ntrBC on this regulation was examined. While NH4+ addition to ntrBC mutants caused a partial loss of nitrogenase activity, the effect was substantially smaller than that seen in ntr+ strains. In contrast, nitrogenase activity in these mutants was normally regulated in response to anaerobic conditions. The analysis of mutants lacking both the ntrBC gene products and dinitrogenase reductase activating glycohydrolase (DRAG) suggested that the primary effect of the ntrBC mutations was to alter the regulation of DRAG activity. Although nif expression in the ntr mutants appeared normal, as judged by activity, glutamine synthetase activity was significantly lower in ntrBC mutants than in the wild type. We hypothesize that this lower glutamine synthetase activity may delay the transduction of the NH4+ signal necessary for the inactivation of DRAG, resulting in a reduced response of nitrogenase activity to NH4+. Finally, data presented here suggest that different environmental stimuli use independent signal pathways to affect this reversible ADP-ribosylation system.  相似文献   

Covalent immobilization of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) onto activated Si/SiO2 supports was analyzed by both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and an enzymatic assay. When the concentration of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane used in the first derivatization step of the silicon surface was decreased, the specific enzymatic activity also decreased, whereas the mean roughness increased. Thus, the activity of immobilized GDH is critically dependent on the conditions for surface derivatization, and is inversely correlated with surface roughness.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to image the surface of thin sections of fungal infected plant tissue, with or without post-embedding immunocytochemical labeling with gold conjugates. Plant and fungal cells are easily identified from their size, shape and roughness. The cellular shape is similar to that observed by light or electron microscopy (LM or EM) and some internal organelles can even be individualized. The gold beads are easily observed and counted. Their dimensions varied according to the roughness of the surface, but fit with the expected sizes.  相似文献   

Migrating adherent cells release material onto artificial substrates like glass and silicon while moving. Traces of mouse fibroblasts (L929) have been visualised by atomic force microscopy (AFM). “Non-contact” mode AFM in a liquid environment can extract topographic information from these traces. This dynamic mode allows the study of these soft structures without damage or compression. The AFM images show crossing and branching networks (with specific angles of branching), structured patches, nodular elements, linear elements with irregular height and other features. Fourier analysis of segment spacing in the strands is presented. These spatial features of fibroblast traces are strong indications that actin linked to structural proteins is involved in the formation of cell traces. We also give methods for trace preparation and undistorted imaging and discuss further perspectives. Received: 11 January 1999 / Revised version: 1 April 1999 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

Extracellular polysaccharides play an important role in aggregation and surface colonization of plant-associated bacteria. In this work, we report the time course production and monomer composition of the exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by wild type strain and several mutants of the plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) Azospirillum brasilense. In a fructose synthetic medium, wild type strain Sp7 produced a glucose-rich EPS during exponential phase growth and an arabinose-rich EPS during stationary and death phase growth. D-glucose or L-arabinose did not support cell growth as sole carbon sources. However, glucose and arabinose-rich EPSs, when used as carbon source, supported bacterial growth. Cell aggregation of Sp7 correlated with the synthesis of arabinose-rich EPS. exoB (UDP-glucose 4'-epimerase), exoC (phosphomannomutase) and phbC (poly-beta-hydroxyburyrate synthase) mutant strains, under tested conditions, produced arabinose-rich EPS and exhibited highly cell aggregation capability. A mutant defective in LPS production (dTDP 4-rhamnose reductase; rmlD) produced glucose-rich EPS and did not aggregate. These results support that arabinose content of EPS plays an important role in cell aggregation. Cell aggregation appears to be a time course phenomenon that takes place during reduced metabolic cell activity. Thus, aggregation could constitute a protected model of growth that allows survival in a hostile environment. The occurrence of exoC and rmlD was detected in several species of Azospirillum.  相似文献   

Visualization of plant cell walls by atomic force microscopy.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Atomic force microscopy has been used to visualize the ultrastructure of hydrated plant cell wall material from prepared apple (Malus pumila MILL; Cox orange pippin), water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.; Bintje), and carrot (Daucus carota L.; Amsterdamse bak) parenchyma. Samples of cell wall material in aqueous suspension were deposited onto freshly cleaved mica. Excess water was blotted away and the moist samples were imaged in air at ambient temperature and humidity. The three-dimensional images obtained highlighted the layered structure of the plant cell walls and revealed features interpreted as individual cellulose microfibrils and plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is a model organism instrumental for numerous biological studies. The compound eye of this insect consists of some eight hundred individual ommatidia or facets, ca. 15 μm in cross-section. Each ommatidium contains eighteen cells including four cone cells secreting the lens material (cornea). High-resolution imaging of the cornea of different insects has demonstrated that each lens is covered by the nipple arrays--small outgrowths of ca. 200 nm in diameter. Here we for the first time utilize atomic force microscopy (AFM) to investigate nipple arrays of the Drosophila lens, achieving an unprecedented visualization of the architecture of these nanostructures. We find by Fourier analysis that the nipple arrays of Drosophila are disordered, and that the seemingly ordered appearance is a consequence of dense packing of the nipples. In contrast, Fourier analysis confirms the visibly ordered nature of the eye microstructures--the individual lenses. This is different in the frizzled mutants of Drosophila, where both Fourier analysis and optical imaging detect disorder in lens packing. AFM reveals intercalations of the lens material between individual lenses in frizzled mutants, providing explanation for this disorder. In contrast, nanostructures of the mutant lens show the same organization as in wild-type flies. Thus, frizzled mutants display abnormal organization of the corneal micro-, but not nano-structures. At the same time, nipples of the mutant flies are shorter than those of the wild-type. We also analyze corneal surface of glossy-appearing eyes overexpressing Wingless--the lipoprotein ligand of Frizzled receptors, and find the catastrophic aberration in nipple arrays, providing experimental evidence in favor of the major anti-reflective function of these insect eye nanostructures. The combination of the easily tractable genetic model organism and robust AFM analysis represents a novel methodology to analyze development and architecture of these surface formations.  相似文献   

Fixation ability of five common fixation solutions, including 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 10% formalin, 4% paraformaldehyde, methanol/acetone (1:1), and ethanol/acetic acid (3:1) were evaluated by using atomic force microscopy in the present study. Three model bacteria, i.e., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, and Bacillus subtilis were applied to observe the above fixation methods for the morphology preservation of bacterial cells and surface ultrastructures. All the fixation methods could effectively preserve cell morphology. However, for preserving bacterial surface ultrastructures, the methods applying aldehyde fixations performed much better than those using alcohols, since the alcohols could detach the surface filaments (i.e., flagella and pili) significantly. Based on the quantitative and qualitative assessments, the 2.5% glutaraldehyde was proposed as a promising fixation solution both for observing morphology of both bacterial cell and surface ultrastructures, while the methonal/acetone mixture was the worst fixation solution which may obtain unreliable results.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP1) is an endocytic receptor for diverse proteases, protease inhibitors, and other plasma membrane proteins, including the urokinase receptor (uPAR). LRP1 also functions in cell-signaling and regulates gene expression. The goal of this study was to determine whether LRP1 regulates remodeling of provisional extracellular matrix (ECM) by fibroblasts. To address this problem, we utilized an in vitro model in which type I collagen was reconstituted and overlaid with fibronectin. Either the collagen or fibronectin was fluorescently-labeled. ECM remodeling by fibroblasts deficient in LRP1, uPAR, or MT1-MMP was studied. MT1-MMP was required for efficient remodeling of the deep collagen layer but not involved in fibronectin remodeling. Instead, fibronectin was remodeled by a system that required urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), uPAR, and exogenously-added plasminogen. LRP1 markedly inhibited fibronectin remodeling by regulating cell-surface uPAR and plasminogen activation. LRP1 also regulated remodeling of the deep collagen layer but not by controlling MT1-MMP. Instead, LRP1 deficiency or inhibition de-repressed a secondary pathway for collagen remodeling, which was active in MT1-MMP-deficient cells but not in uPAR-deficient cells. These results demonstrate that LRP1 regulates ECM remodeling principally by repressing pathways that require plasminogen activation by uPA in association with uPAR.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare and explore electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) for structure determination of cellulose whiskers and their nanocomposite with poly(lactic acid). From conventional bright-field transmission electron microscopy (TEM) it was possible to identify individual whiskers, which enabled determination of their sizes and shape. AFM overestimated the width of the whiskers due to the tip-broadening effect. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) allowed for a quick examination giving an overview of the sample; however, the resolution was considered insufficient for detailed information. Ultramicrotomy of nanocomposite films at cryogenic temperatures enabled detailed inspection of the cellulose whiskers in the poly(lactic acid) matrix by AFM. FESEM applied on fractured surfaces allowed insight into the morphology of the nanocomposite, although rather restricted due to the metal coating and limited resolution. Detailed information was obtained from TEM; however, this technique required staining and suffered in general from limited contrast and beam sensitivity of the material.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the interaction between α5β1 integrin and fibronectin (FN) in the presence of divalent cations. AFM probes were labeled with FN and used to measure binding strength between α5β1 integrin and FN by quantifying the force required to break single FN–integrin bonds on a physiological range of loading rates (100–10 000 pN/s). The force necessary to rupture single α5β1–FN bond increased twofold over the regime of loading rates investigated. Changes in Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentration affected the thermodynamical parameters of the interaction and modulated the binding energy. These data indicate that the external ionic environment in which vascular smooth muscle cells reside, influences the mechanical parameters that define the interaction between the extracellular matrix and integrins. Thus, in a dynamic mechanical environment such as the vascular wall, thermodynamic binding properties between FN and α5β1 integrin vary in relation to locally applied loads and divalent cations concentrations. These changes can be recorded as direct measurements on live smooth muscle cells by using AFM. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Understanding nanomechanical properties such as elastic modulus, cell adhesion force and stiffness of healthy-, cancerous- and drug-treated cancer...  相似文献   

Three A. brasilense strains (S27, SpBr14, and KR77) did not hydrolyze the chromogenic substrate of alkaline phosphatase (PhoA), X-phosphate, in situ, and were used as recipients in experiments on TnphoA mutagenesis. KMR transconjugates were obtained only for A. brasilense S27, 85% of them were also PhoA+. About 12% TnphoA mutants of A. brasilense S27 had reduces capacity to swarming and 3% of mutants neither swam nor swarmed. These totally immotile clones were examined under transmission electron microscope and were classified as Fla-Laf-, Fla-leakyLaf-, and Fla-Laf+ mutants. In Fla-Laf+ TnphoA mutants of S27, the expression of their lateral flagella (Laf) retained the wild-type inducibility. The presence of intact polar flagellum (Fla) did not seem to be obligatory for controllable expression of Laf in A. brasilense S27. The data suggest that A. brasilense S27 Fla and Laf systems have common structural and/or regulatory components. The PhoA+ phenotype of S27 Fla- mutants suggested a periplasmic and/or membrane localization of the hybrid proteins, the formation of which blocks the flagellar assembly or functioning. Immunochemical analysis with antibodies to alkaline phosphatase will identify these proteins.  相似文献   

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