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The use of pyrolyzed carbon, biochar, as a soil amendment is of potential interest for improving phytoremediation of soil that has been contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons. To examine this question, the research reported here compared the effects of biochar, plants (mesquite tree seedlings), compost and combinations of these treatments on the rate of biodegradation of oil in a contaminated soil and the population size of oil-degrading bacteria. The presence of mesquite plants significantly enhanced oil degradation in all treatments except when biochar was used as the sole amendment without compost. The greatest extent of oil degradation was achieved in soil planted with mesquite and amended with compost (44% of the light hydrocarbon fraction). Most probable number assays showed that biochar generally reduced the population size of the oil-degrading community. The results of this study suggest that biochar addition to petroleum-contaminated soils does not improve the rate of bioremediation. In contrast, the use of plants and compost additions to soil are confirmed as important bioremediation technologies.  相似文献   

Several species of ornamental flowering plants were evaluated regarding their phytoremediation ability for the cleanup of oil-contaminated soil in Japanese environmental conditions. Thirty-three species of plants were grown in oil-contaminated soil, and Mimosa, Zinnia, Gazania, and cypress vine were selected for further assessment on the basis of their favorable initial growth. No significant difference was observed in the above-ground and under-ground dry matter weight of Gazania 180 days after sowing between contaminated and non-contaminated plots. However, the other 3 species of plants died by the 180th day, indicating that Gazania has an especially strong tolerance for oil-contaminated soil. The total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration of the soils in which the 4 species of plants were grown decreased by 45–49% by the 180th day. Compared to an irrigated plot, the dehydrogenase activity of the contaminated soil also increased significantly, indicating a phytoremediation effect by the 4 tested plants. Mimosa, Zinnia, and cypress vine all died by the 180th day after seeding, but the roots themselves became a source of nutrients for the soil microorganisms, which led to a phytoremediation effect by increase in the oil degradation activity. It has been indicated that Gazania is most appropriate for phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon-contaminated wastes generated from oil and gas drilling activities may be used as a soil amendment once composted and further decomposition of residual hydrocarbons can be accomplished after the composts are applied to soils. To test if N fertilization may enhance hydrocarbon decomposition, we investigated the effects of N application on hydrocarbon degradation in different-aged composts (1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old composts, coded as 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, and 4Y composts, respectively) through a pot experiment planted with white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) seedlings. The percentage degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH, C11 to C40) in the composts without N fertilization was correlated to initial NH4 + concentrations (R = 0.99, P < 0.001). The percentage degradation of TPH was highest in the 3Y compost (41.1%) that had an initial level of 325.3 mg NH4 +-N kg?1 and the lowest in the 1Y compost (9.3%) that had an initial level of 8.3 mg NH4 +-N kg?1. The degradation of TPH was enhanced by N fertilization in the 1Y (from 9.3 to 15.3%) and 4Y composts (from 14.3 to 22.6%) that had low initial NH4 + concentrations. Our results show that application of NH4 +-based fertilizers may enhance the degradation of TPH when initial NH4 + concentrations in the compost are low.  相似文献   

The use of plants and their rhizospheric microorganisms is a promising emerging technology for remediating contaminated soils. The degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in the rhizospheric and nonrhizospheric soil of three domestic plants, namely, alfalfa (Medicaga sativa) broad beans (Vicia faba) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne) was investigated. The experimental data from the studies of plantmicrobe‐soil interactions implicated the enhancement of TPH degradation by the rhizospheric microbial community. Although the three domestic plants exhibited normal growth in the presence of ~1.0% TPH, the degradation was more profound in the case of leguminous plants. The TPH degradation in the soil cultivated with broad beans and alfalfa was 36.6 and 35.8%, respectively, compared with 24% degradation in case of ryegrass. Such a high correlation between plant type and TPH degradation rates indicate that selection for enhanced rhizosphere degradation may be accomplished by selecting leguminous plants.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar trees (Populus deltoides x nigra DN34) were grown in a green-house using hydrocarbon-contaminated soil from a phytoremediation demonstration site in Health, Ohio. Two independent experiments investigated the effect of nutrient addition on poplar growth and the importance of oxygen addition to root development and plant growth. Biomass measurements, poplar height, and leaf color were used as indicators of plant health in the selection of a 10/5/5 NPK fertilizer applied at 1121 kg/ha (112 kg-N, 24.4 kg-P, 46.5 kg-K per ha) to enhance hybrid poplar growth at the Health site. Five passive methods of oxygen delivery were examined, including aeration tubes, gravel addition, and an Oxygen Release Compound (ORC). When ORC was placed in coffee filters above hydrocarbon-contaminated soil, a statistically significant increase of 145% was observed in poplar biomass growth, relative to unamended controls. The ORC in filters also stimulated significant increases in root density. A 15.2-cm interval of soil directly below ORC addition exhibited an increase from 2.6 +/- 1.0 mg/cm3 to 4.8 +/- 1.0 mg/cm3, showing stimulation of root growth in hydrocarbon-stained soil. The positive response of hybrid poplars to oxygen amendments suggests that overcoming oxygen limitation to plants should be considered in phytoremediation projects when soil contamination exerts a high biochemical oxygen demand, such as in former refinery sites.  相似文献   

微生物修复石油烃土壤污染技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民生活水平的提高,环境保护问题愈发受到人们重视。其中石油烃的土壤污染因其持续时间长、污染去除难度大而受到广泛关注。在各类修复技术中,原位微生物修复强化技术因其成本较低、环境影响小、无二次污染、可原位修复的特点成为了当前的技术热门。文中综述了生物投加法、生物刺激法、联合修复法等原位微生物修复技术,并介绍了一些典型工程案例,为原位微生物修复强化技术的选择及工程应用提供了参考,并对未来原位微生物修复强化技术的研究重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to provide new methods that would increase the rates of biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, thus reducing the time required to achieve a satisfactory level of residual hydrocarbon in an ex situ bioremediation. Results of laboratory studies on several techniques were used to guide our implementation of these methods in controlled field studies. Soils contaminated with nonvolatile hydrocarbons were treated with various combinations of (1) an anionic surfactant guanidinium cocoate (CGS), (2) a consortium of hydrocarbon‐degrading microorganisms, (3) a slow‐release form of nitrogen:urea, and (4) the bulking agent vermiculite. Laboratory results describing the activity of CGS have been presented previously (Jain et al., 1992). The amount and rate of hydrocarbon loss in treated soil was compared with hydrocarbon lost in soil that received no amendment other than water (water only). We also used a sheen screen method (Nelson et al., 1995), to assess the effectiveness of our field application of microorganisms.  相似文献   

The potential of chitosan (0.1% dry weight equivalent) as a bioremediation additive for removal of the recalcitrant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pyrene in marine beach sediments was investigated using an open irrigation system over a 63-day period. Osmocote, a slow release fertilizer, was used as the key nutrient supplement at a concentration of 1% in sediment (dry weight equivalent). Osmocote significantly (p < .05) enhanced nutrient levels, and the metabolic activity of the indigenous microbial biomass. Both additives were comparable in stimulating pyrene biodegradation rates; with chitosan (0.062 day?1) being slightly more effective as an amendment than Osmocote (0.051 day?1). Loss of pyrene in a control sediment (i.e., pyrene, without additives) was 66.6% over a 63-day period. The concurrent application of additives yielded the greatest biodegradation rates (0.072day?1), resulting in a 98.2% loss of pyrene over 63 days. The treatment of oil contaminated beach sediments with both osmocote (1%) and chitosan (0.1%) is therefore recommended as an effective treatment for the intrinsic biodegradation of recalcitrant PAHs in oil-contaminated beach sediments.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the petroleum hydrocarbon (PH) degradative potential of indigenous microorganisms in ozonated soil to better develop combined pre-ozonation/bioremediation technology. Diesel-contaminated soils were ozonated for 0–900min. PH and microbial concentrations in the soils decreased with increased ozonation time. The greatest reduction of total PH (TPH, 47.6%) and aromatics (11.3%) was observed in 900-min ozonated soil. The number of total viable heterotrophic bacteria decreased by three orders of magnitude in the soil. Ozonated soils were incubated for 9weeks for bioremediation. The number of microorganisms in the soils increased during the incubation period, as monitored by culture- and nonculture-based methods. The soils showed additional PH-removal during incubation, supporting the presence of PH-degraders in the soils. The highest removal (25.4%) of TPH was observed during the incubation of 180-min ozonated soil during the incubation while a negligible removal was shown in 900-min ozonated soil. This negligible removal could be explained by the existence of relatively few or undetected PH-degraders in 900-min ozonated soil. After a 9-week incubation of the ozonated soils, 180-min ozonated soil showed the lowest TPH concentration, suggesting that appropriate ozonation and indigenous microorganisms survived ozonation could enhance remediation of PH-contaminated soil. Microbial community composition in 9-week incubated soils revealed a slight difference between 900-min ozonated and unozonated soils, as analyzed by whole cell hybridization. Taken together, this study provided insight into indigenous microbial potential to degrade PH in ozonated soils.  相似文献   

Site characterization and remediation activities were performed at a former crude oil and natural gas production facility prior to redevelopment of the site. Field activities included delineation, excavation and segregation of approximately 1,250,000 m3 of soil impacted by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and the aromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (hereafter, collectively referred to as BTEX). Petroleum hydrocarbon chain length information was used to determine whether remediation was required in impacted areas, because the site-specific cleanup values for TPH compounds, established by the California State Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), were based on hydrocarbon chain length. Site-specific cleanup levels were also established by the RWQCB for BTEX. Subsurface investigation activities performed at the site indicated that the mean percentage of condensate and TPH compounds in the gasoline range was significantly greater at depths ranging from 4.6 to 18 m than in shallower samples. There was no significant difference in the mean concentration of BTEX compounds and mean percentage of diesel range and heavier hydrocarbons with depth. The occurrence of BTEX, diesel range, and heavier hydrocarbons at depth may result from preferential pathways for downward migration of contaminants, including blown out wells, abandoned wellbores, and the presence of faults. Vapor phase diffusion may also be a major transport mechanism controlling movement of BTEX compounds beneath the site.  相似文献   

Millions of dollars of limited state cleanup funds are spent each year in New Hampshire to identify, sample, excavate, and treat thousands of tons of contaminated soil. Cost analyses of numerous sites indicated that soil remediation costs alone reach upwards of $300,000.00 per site. The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services “Interim Policy for Management of Soils Contaminated from Spills/Releases of Virgin Petroleum Products”; (DES, 1989, 1991) set conservative remediation goals based on total petroleum hydrocarbons in 1989 using the Leaching Potential Analysis method (California Luft Manual, 1989). A current review of available literature and several case histories indicated that chemical‐specific soil cleanup levels may be more appropriate for establishing remedial goals. New chemical‐specific soil cleanup guidelines using a risk‐based approach have been developed. These new guidelines are conservatively based using two principal considerations: (1) an assumed soil exposure scenario that estimated the human health risks associated with potential long‐term exposure to site soils via ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact and (2) the estimated fate and transport of chemicals of concern in the soil unsaturated zone. The first consideration assumed a total cancer risk that did not exceed 1 × 10‐6. The second consideration employed the use of the SEasonal SOIL Compartment (SESOIL) model which simultaneously models water transport, sediment transport, and pollutant fate (US EPA, 1981). Several state soil standards from Oregon, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and other states were extensively reviewed in order to develop a level of confidence that use of the SESOIL model was appropriate. A series of “sensitivity”; analyses was also performed in order to evaluate the response of the model to changes in various input parameters unique to New Hampshire's hydrogeologic conditions. Generic soil cleanup guidelines were developed for 24 petroleum‐based volatile and semivolatile chemicals of concern to be applied statewide. Site‐specific soil cleanup guidelines will be allowed if it can be demonstrated that insertion of site‐specific data into the model will not adversely affect groundwater quality. As a result of the above processes, timely and much more cost‐effective remediation will be achieved while still maintaining a high degree of protection of the groundwater quality and human health.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the effects of inorganic nitrogen sources—(NPK fertilizer, 15:15:15), (urea fertilizer, 46:0:0), (NH4)2SO4 as well as monitored natural attenuation on the bioremediation of diesel-polluted soil. At the end of the 6-week study, the highest degradation was recorded in soil amended with NPK fertilizer (95 ± 2.77%) while the least total petroleum hydrocarbon removal was observed in monitored natural attenuation (89 ± 2.91%). Nth-order kinetics effectively described three of the treatments out of the four treatment plans. These include urea amendment (r2 = 0.9925, average relative error (ARE) = 1.45%, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.038, kn = (3.57 ± 0.61) × 10?2, n = 1.33), NPK fertilizer amendment (r2 = 0.9751, ARE = 3.241%, RMSE = 0.086, kn = (8.04 ± 0.23) × 10?1, n = 0.74), and monitored natural attenuation (r2 = 0.9697, ARE = 2.77%, RMSE = 0.073, kn = (1.57 ± 0.50) × 10?2, n = 1.16). The values of n from the nth-order kinetics parameter estimation indicated that all the treatments resulted in diesel degradation that followed a first-order kinetics path. Thus, the outcome of kinetic modeling showed that nth-order can be used as validating tool when many kinetic orders are under consideration. The phytotoxicity assay with Zea mays showed that the treatments plans resulted in germination indices of 17–55%.  相似文献   

Environmental contamination involving total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) is being investigated and remediated at underground storage tanks, tank farms, pipelines, and refineries across the country. Human health and environmental risk play a significant role in decision making at these sites. However, risk assessment for sites contaminated with petroleum products typically is complicated by inadequate information about the composition of TPH present at the site and the physical and chemical properties and toxicity of the components. To address these data gaps, risk assessors can select surrogate compounds to represent the movement of TPH in the environment at the site and toxicity of TPH present at the site. This article illustrates the potential impact of choice of surrogates on risk estimates, which in turn affect remediation costs.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms (HDMs), associated with the rhizosphere of Conocarpus lancifolius and Ficus infectoria trees grown in bioremediated soil, were isolated under controlled laboratory conditions. The selected trees were used to phytoremediate oil-contaminated soil for three successive growing seasons. At the end of the phytoremediation experiment, 85.7% of measurable total petroleum hydrocarbon was degraded in the rhizosphere soil associated with Conocarpus lancifolius compared to 78.6% in the rhizosphere of Ficus infectoria. The detectable concentrations of some polyaromatic hydrocarbons were less than 0.02 ppm. The HDM isolation process was conducted at 35°C under aerobic conditions. The isolated HDMs were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fatty acid methyl ester analysis. Differences in the genera of the isolated HDMs and their assessed efficiency in degrading a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds between the two trees were noted.  相似文献   

Determination of fertilizer levels in phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons is a complex issue, since nutrient demands of the plant and of degrading microorganisms in the rhizosphere have to be considered In the present work, three fertilizer levels were tested in a greenhouse experiment with the aim of optimizing growth of the tropical pasture grass Brachiaria brizantha and enhance microbial degradation of heavy crude oil in soil Fertilizer was applied twice in a concentration of 200, 300, and 400 mg each of N, P, and K per kg soil before and after the first sampling (14 wk). The medium fertilizer concentration resulted in best root growth and highest absolute oil dissipation (18.4%) after 22 wk The highest concentration produced best shoot growth and highest relative oil dissipation after 14 wk (10.5% less than unplanted control). In general, degradation of total oil and grease was higher in planted than in unplanted soil, but differences diminished toward the end of the experiment. Next to fertiizer quantity, its composition is an important factor to be further studied, including the form of available nitrogen (N-NO3- vs. N-NH4+). Field trials are considered indispensable for further phytoremediation studies, since greenhouse experiments produce particular water and nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this paper is to check the effect of salinity on the bioremediation process of petroleum hydrocarbons in the saline‐alkaline soil. Methods and Results: In this study, soil salinity was adjusted to different levels by water leaching method and the bioremediation process was conducted for 28 days. Soil pH increased after leaching and decreased during bioremediation process. At initial time, moderate salinity enhanced the biodegradation and addition of microbial consortium was not effective in enhancing degradation rate of petroleum hydrocarbons. At day of 28 days, higher degradation rate was found in treatments with more leaching times with a maximum value of 42·36%. Dehydrogenase activity increased with the progress of bioremediation and positive correlation was found between dehydrogenase activity and degradation rate of petroleum hydrocarbons. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis result showed decreased microbial community diversity with increased salt content. Conclusions: The result suggested that salinity had great impact on bioremediation, and leaching and addition of inoculated consortium were effective in enhancing biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the saline‐alkaline soil. Significance and Impact of the Study: The result of this study is important for understanding the bioremediation process of petroleum in contaminated soil. New remediation method of petroleum contaminated soil can be developed based on this study.  相似文献   

The high hydrophobicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) strongly reduces their bioavailability in aged contaminated soils, thus limiting their bioremediation. The biodegradation of PAHs in soils can be enhanced by employing surface-active agents. However, chemical surfactants are often recalcitrant and exert toxic effects in the amended soils. The effects of two biogenic materials as pollutant-mobilizing agents on the aerobic bioremediation of an aged-contaminated soil were investigated here. A soil historically contaminated by about 13 g kg(-1) of a large variety of PAHs, was amended with soya lecithin (SL) or humic substances (HS) at 1.5% w/w and incubated in aerobic solid-phase and slurry-phase reactors for 150 days. A slow and only partial biodegradation of low-molecular weight PAHs, along with a moderate depletion of the initial soil ecotoxicity, was observed in the control reactors. The overall removal of PAHs in the presence of SL or HS was faster and more extensive and accompanied by a larger soil detoxification, especially under slurry-phase conditions. The SL and HS could be metabolized by soil aerobic microorganisms and enhanced the occurrence of both soil PAHs and indigenous aerobic PAH-degrading bacteria in the reactor water phase. These results indicate that SL and HS are biodegradable and efficiently enhance PAH bioavailability in soil. These natural surfactants significantly intensified the aerobic bioremediation of a historically PAH-contaminated soil under treatment conditions similar to those commonly employed in large-scale soil bioremediation.  相似文献   

The very high hydrophobicity of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) strongly reduces their bioavailability in aged contaminated soils, thus limiting their bioremediation. The biodegradability of PCBs in heavily contaminated soils can be significantly enhanced by soil treatment with surface-active agents. In this work, the effects of naturally occurring surfactants such as humic substances (HS) on the aerobic biodegradation of PCBs in a model soil were studied. The soil was amended with biphenyl (4 g/kg), Fenclor 42 (1,000 mg/kg), the aerobic PCB-biodegrading bacterial co-culture ECO3 (inoculum: 10(8)CFU/mL), and treated in aerobic batch slurry-phase conditions (17.5% w/v) with and without the addition of HS at the rates of 1.5 and 3.0% (w/w). Low PCBs biodegradation and dechlorination yields were observed in the HS-free microcosms, probably as a result of the rapid disappearance of inoculated bacteria. The presence of HS influenced significantly the activity of the specialized biomass and the biodegradation of PCBs in the microcosms. The microcosms that received HS at the 1.5% rate showed a higher persistence of the specialized bacteria and yields of PCB biodegradation and dechlorination about 150 and 100%, respectively, larger than those found for the HS-free microcosms. Lower stimulating effects were observed in the microcosms added with the HS at 3.0% rate. These effects were attributed to an increased solubilization of PCBs in the hydrophobic domains of the humic supramolecular associations and to a different accessibility of PCBs by the specialized bacteria at the different rates of HS addition. Although the slurry-phase treatment generally showed a decrease of the original soil ecotoxicity, the addition of the originally non-toxic HS decreased soil ecotoxicity for the Collembola animal biomarker and increased that towards the Lepidium sativum vegetal biomarker.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation can be a viable alternative to traditional, more costly remediation techniques. Three greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate plant growth with different soil amendments in crude oil-contaminated soil. Growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., cultivar: Riley), bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L., cultivar: Common), crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis, cultivar: Large), fescue (Lolium arundinaceum Schreb., cultivar: Kentucky 31), and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., cultivar: Marshall) was determined in crude oil-contaminated soil amended with either inorganic fertilizer, hardwood sawdust, papermill sludge, broiler litter or unamended (control). In the first study, the addition of broiler litter reduced seed germination for ryegrass, fescue, and alfalfa. In the second study, bermudagrass grown in broiler litter-amended soil produced the most shoot biomass, bermudagrass produced the most root biomass, and crabgrass and bermudagrass produced the most root length. In the third study, soil amended with broiler litter resulted in the greatest reduction in gravimetric total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) levels across the six plant treatments following the 14-wk study. Ryegrass produced more root biomass than any other species when grown in inorganic fertilizer- or hardwood sawdust + inorganic fertilizer-amended soil. The studies demonstrated that soil amendments and plant species selection were important considerations for phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

A combination of geochemical, microbiological and isotopic methods were used to evaluate in-situ bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons at one site contaminated with refinery waste and a second site contaminated with aviation gasoline at Alameda Point, California. At each site, geochemical and microbiological characteristics from four locations in the contaminated zone were compared to those from two uncontaminated background locations. At both sites, the geochemical indicators of in-situbiodegradation includeddepleted soil gas and groundwater oxygen, elevated groundwater alkalinity, and elevated soil gas carbon dioxide and methane in the contaminated zone relative to the background. Radiocarbon content of methane and carbon dioxide measured in soil gas at both sites indicated that they were derived from hydrocarbon contaminant degradation. Direct microscopy of soil core samples using cell wall stains and activity stains, revealed elevated microbial numbers and enhanced microbial activities in contaminated areas relative to background areas, corroborating geochemical findings. While microbial plate counts and microcosm studies using soil core samples provided laboratory evidence for the presence of some microbial activity and contaminant degradation abilities, they did not correlate well with either contaminant location, geochemical, isotopic, or direct microscopy data.  相似文献   

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