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Farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) synthase catalyzes the biosynthesis of FPP, which is the precursors of sesquiterpenoids such as floral scent volatiles, from isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP). cDNA encoding wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox L.) FPP synthase was isolated by the RT-PCR and RACE methods. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a high identity to plant FPP synthases. Expression of the gene in Escherichia coli yielded FPPS activity that catalyzed the synthesis of FPP as a main product. Tissue-specific and developmental analyses of the mRNA levels of CpFPPS and volatile sesquiterpenoids levels in C. praecox flowers revealed that the FPPS may play a regulatory role in floral volatile sesquiterpenoids of wintersweet.  相似文献   

Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase (FPPS EC catalyzes the production of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP), which is a key precursor for many sesquiterpenoids such as floral scent and defense volatiles against herbivore attack. Here we report a new full-length cDNA encoding farnesyl diphosphate synthase from Hedychium coronarium. The open reading frame for full-length HcFPPS encodes a protein of 356 amino acids, which is 1068 nucleotides long with calculated molecular mass of 40.7 kDa. Phylogenetic tree analysis indicates that HcFPPS belongs to the plant FPPS super-family and has strong relationship with FPPS from Musa acuminata. Expression of the HcFPPS gene in Escherichia coli yielded FPPS activity. Tissue-specific and developmental analyses of the HcFPPS mRNA and corresponding volatile sesquiterpenoid levels in H. coronarium flowers revealed that the HcFPPS might play a regulatory role in floral volatile sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis. The emission of the FPP-derived volatile terpenoid correlates with strong expression of HcFPPS induced by mechanical wounding and Udaspes folus-damage in leaves, which suggests that HcFPPS may have an important ecological function in H. coronarium vegetative organ.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 30 taxa of the genus Stachys (29 spp. and one subsp.), representing 9 of the currently recognized sections and 1 species of the closely related genus Sideritis (Si. montana) distributed in Iran were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Twenty-eight taxa are studied for the first time under aspects of pollen morphology. The basic shape of the pollen grains in most taxa studied is prolate-spheroidal, but subprolate, spheroidal and oblate-spheroidal pollen grains can also be found in few species. The grains are usually tricolpate (the amb triangular), but also tetracolpate (the amb circular to more or less square) in some species (S. iberica, S. atherocalyx and Si. montana). The surface is microreticulate (the frequent type), reticulate, perforate, foveolate-psilate or foveolate. The lumina are separated by smooth or sinuate muri which make them polygonal, more or less rounded and elongate. Major pollen morphological features of the taxa studied are compared and discussed on the basis of taxonomical concepts. In some cases, these characters are useful in delimitation of formerly introduced sections while they mostly provide further characters in separating related species from each other. For example, all members of S. sect. Aucheriana are characterized by elongated lumina. Based on the oblate-spheroidal shape of its pollen as well as tetracolpate aperture type, the results of the present study confirm sect. Pontostachys as including S. angustifolia, S. iberica, S. sparsipilosa as well as S. atherocalyx. Our results also suggest that although some species like S. fruticolosa and S. lavandulifolia are morphologically well characterized, they cannot be separated from other species of Stachys based on pollen morphology.  相似文献   

牻牛儿基牻牛儿基焦磷酸合酶是产紫杉醇内生真菌紫杉醇合成下游途径中的关键步骤之一,在榛子产紫杉醇内生真菌中进行紫杉醇生物合成研究时首先要确认GGPP合酶的存在。该研究通过RT-PCR方法克隆得到了榛子产紫杉醇内生真菌Penicillium aurantiogriseum中GGPP合酶基因Pa GGPPS(Gen Bank登录号为KM881430)的c DNA开放阅读框(Open reading frame,ORF)。利用生物信息学方法,我们分析了该基因的序列,并对其编码的氨基酸序列进行了预测。结果发现该基因ORF长度为1 113 bp,预计蛋白分子量为40.98k D,等电点为6.168,表明该蛋白呈酸性。对其进行亲疏水性分析发现肽链整体呈现为亲水性。Pa GGPPS的主要二级结构元件为α-螺旋,并且包含一个异戊二烯类化合物合酶功能域。对榛子产紫杉醇内生真菌与其他物种的GGPPS进行氨基酸同源性分析,发现其与娄地青霉、曲霉菌和费氏新萨托菌的一致性较高,分别为94%、76%和76%。进化树分析表明来自动物、真菌和酵母的GGPPS聚为一类,来自植物的GGPPS聚为一类,其中榛子产紫杉醇内生真菌的GGPPS和青霉菌的进化关系最近,与植物的GGPPS的进化关系最远。对其进行基础生物信息学分析后,我们构建了原核表达载体,成功诱导其表达并得到可溶性蛋白。该研究结果为下一步深入研究GGPPS基因在内生真菌Penicillium aurantiogriseum紫杉醇合成途径中的作用及和构建高产紫杉醇基因工程菌株奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

The structure of ribosomal DNA ofBrachypodium and several other grass species was investigated using a heterologous rDNA probe from wheat. Several different rDNA families were present among perennial and annual species within the genus. In contrast to the annual species the perennial species exhibited a very low degree of repeat length variation. An extra Eco RI site and a Hin dIII site were observed in the IGS, which distinguishedBrachypodium from other grass genera. The restriction fragment length polymorphism and length variation of the repeat units have taxonomic value withinBrachypodium and are correlated with the classification ofBrachypodium derived from other data.  相似文献   

A complete inhibition in aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus was observed with greater than 4.5 mg ml-1 of 20 g 100 ml-1 leaf extract of Amorphophallus campanulatus (OL). Suppression in growth was also well pronounced (81% at 8.0 mg ml-1). The comparative efficacy of the corm of the plant was lower. Calcium oxalate, an important constituent of 'OL', completely checked the growth and toxin biosynthesis at 0.4 mg ml-1 concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract: Several kynurenine analogues were synthesized and tested as inhibitors of the enzymes kynurenine hydroxylase and/or kynureninase with the aim of identifying new compounds able to inhibit the synthesis of quinolinic acid (an endogenous excitotoxin) and to increase that of kynurenic acid, an endogenous antagonist of ionotropic glutamate receptors. Among these analogues, we selected m -nitrobenzoylalanine (mNBA) as an inhibitor of kynurenine hydroxylase and o -methoxybenzoylalanine (oMBA) as an inhibitor of kynureninase. When administered to rats, mNBA was more potent than oMBA in increasing the content of kynurenine and of kynurenic acid in the brain, blood, liver, and kidney. This confirms that hydroxylation is the main pathway of kynurenine metabolism. Both mNBA and oMBA (50–400 mg/kg i.p.) increased the concentration of kynurenate in hippocampal extracellular spaces (as measured with a microdialysis technique) and, when simultaneously injected, their effects were additive. This biochemical effect was associated with a decrease in locomotor activity in rats and with a protection of audiogenic convulsions in DBA/2 mice. In conclusion, the results of the present experiments indicate the possibility of increasing the neosynthesis of kynurenic acid by inhibiting the enzymes that metabolize kynurenine to 3-hydroxykynurenine or to anthranilic acid. The increased synthesis of kynurenate is associated with behavioral effects such as sedation and protection from seizures, which suggests a functional antagonism of the excitatory amino acid receptors.  相似文献   

对栎属青冈亚属17个种及炭栎花粉形态进行扫描电镜观察。结果表明:青冈亚属和炭栎花粉均为三拟孔沟,球形至长球形,(15~28.0)μm×(15.0~25.6)μm。花粉外壁纹饰可划分为3种:(1)蠕虫状(包括皱波状)、(2)聚合颗粒状、(3)棒状或小刺状。各纹饰在组间镶嵌分布。棒状及小刺状纹饰为栎属花粉较为原始式样,并为青冈亚属与高山栎组及部分巴东组(sect.Cerris)共有,推测其间具有较其它栎类更为接近的亲缘关系,可能为广义栎属中较为基础的类群,而与栎亚属sect.Quercuss.s.,Lobatae和Protobalanus关系较远。花粉形态对广义栎属系统分类价值仅适用于较高分类阶元。  相似文献   


Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy in woman worldwide, and is the second most common cause of death in developed countries. The transformation of a normal cell into a malignant derivate requires the acquisition of diverse genomic and proteomic changes, including enzymatic post-translational modifications (PTMs) on key proteins encompassing critical cell signaling events. PTMs occur on proteins after translation, and regulate several aspects of proteins activity, including their localization, activation and turnover. Deregulation of PTMs can potentially lead to tumorigenesis, and several de-regulated PTM pathways contribute to abnormal cell proliferation during breast tumorigenesis. SUMOylation is a PTM that plays a pivotal role in numerous aspects of cell physiology, including cell cycle regulation, protein trafficking and turnover, and DNA damage repair. Consistently with this, the deregulation of the SUMO pathway is observed in different human pathologies, including breast cancer. In this review we will describe the role of SUMOylation in breast tumorigenesis and its implication for breast cancer therapy.  相似文献   

In vivo multiphoton imaging was used to map changes in hepatobiliary metabolism in liver fibrosis (left column) and hepatocellular carcinoma (right column). The top row shows the maps of kinetic rate constant of the uptake and esterase processing while the bottom row shows that of bile canalicular excretion of xenobiotics. Further details can be found in the article by Chih‐Ju Lin, Sheng‐Lin Lee, Wei‐Hsiang Wang, et al. ( e201700338 ).


Keya CA  Crozier A  Ashihara H 《FEBS letters》2003,554(3):473-477
The effects of ribavirin, an inhibitor of inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMP) dehydrogenase, on [8-(14)C]inosine metabolism in tea leaves, coffee leaves and coffee fruits were investigated. Incorporation of radioactivity from [8-(14)C]inosine into purine alkaloids, such as theobromine and caffeine, guanine residues of RNA, and CO(2) was reduced by ribavirin, while incorporation into nucleotides, including IMP and adenine residues of RNA, was increased. The results indicate that inhibition of IMP dehydrogenase by ribavirin inhibits both caffeine and guanine nucleotide biosynthesis in caffeine-forming plants. The use of IMP dehydrogenase-deficient plants as a potential source of good quality caffeine-deficient tea and coffee plants is discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that an unhealthy lifestyle is a major risk factor for metabolic diseases,while in recent years,accumulating evidence has demonstrated that the gut microbiome and its metabolites also play a crucial role in the onset and development of many metabolic dis-eases,including obesity,type 2 diabetes,nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,cardiovascular disease and so on.Numerous microorganisms dwell in the gastrointestinal tract,which is a key interface for energy acquisition and can metabolize dietary nutrients into many bioactive substances,thus acting as a link between the gut microbiome and its host.The gut microbiome is shaped by host genetics,immune responses and dietary fac-tors.The metabolic and immune potential of the gut microbiome determines its significance in host health and diseases.Therefore,targeting the gut microbiome and relevant metabolic pathways would be effective therapeutic treatments for many metabolic diseases in the near future.This review will summarize information about the role of the gut microbiome in organism metabolism and the relationship between gut micro-biome-derived metabolites and the pathogenesis of many metabolic diseases.Furthermore,recent advan-ces in improving metabolic diseases by regulating the gut microbiome will be discussed.  相似文献   

Geranylgeranyl reductase catalyses the reduction of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate to phytyl pyrophosphate required for synthesis of chlorophylls, phylloquinone and tocopherols. The gene chlP (ORF sll1091) encoding the enzyme has been inactivated in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The resulting ΔchlP mutant accumulates exclusively geranylgeranylated chlorophyll a instead of its phytylated analogue as well as low amounts of α-tocotrienol instead of α-tocopherol. Whereas the contents of chlorophyll and total carotenoids are decreased, abundance of phycobilisomes is increased in ΔchlP cells. The mutant assembles functional photosystems I and II as judged from 77 K fluorescence and electron transport measurements. However, the mutant is unable to grow photoautotrophically due to instability and rapid degradation of the photosystems in the absence of added glucose. We suggest that instability of the photosystems in ΔchlP is directly related to accumulation of geranylgeranylated chlorophyll a. Increased rigidity of the chlorophyll isoprenoid tail moiety due to three additional CC bonds is the likely cause of photooxidative stress and reduced stability of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes assembled with geranylgeranylated chlorophyll a in the ΔchlP mutant.  相似文献   

Abstract The relationship between fatty acid metabolism and PHA biosynthesis in P. putida is described. Detailed 1H and 13C NMR studies were performed to investigate the structures of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) (PHAs) formed from carbohydrates and fatty acids. On the basis of these results, it is proposed that during growth on glucose the 3-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein intermediates of the de novo fatty acid biosynthetic pathway are diverted to PHA biosynthesis. Similarly, further evidence is presented that during cultivation on fatty acids, intermediates of the β-oxidation cycle serve as precursors of PHA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The TSGA10 gene was originally isolated in normal testis by differential mRNA display. TSGA10 is located on chromosome 2q11.2 and consists of 19 exons extending over 3 kb. TSGA10 mRNA expression was investigated in normal and malignant tissues using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. It was predominantly expressed in the testis in adult normal tissues. In malignant tissues, TSGA10 was over-expressed in 4 of 20 hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), 1 of 20 colon cancers, 7 of 20 ovarian cancers, 3 of 20 prostate cancers, 1 of 21 malignant melanomas, and 8 of 21 bladder cancers. Serological analysis revealed that 3 out of 346 patients with various types of cancer possessed antibody against recombinant TSGA10 protein. They included 2 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and a patient with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

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