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Challenges in alternative housing for laying hens are barren functional areas such as winter gardens and the occurrence of behavioral disorders. Environmental enrichment is a measure to deal with these problems. Therefore, an enrichment device offering maize silage automatically was tested in two winter gardens on-farm. The use of the winter gardens and the times individual hens stayed there and occupied themselves with the maize silage were determined in a temporary preference test. The proportion of residing hens was significantly larger in the enriched winter garden. The mean time individual hens stayed in the enriched winter garden ranged from 02:16 ± 02:22 (mm:ss) to 03:17 ± 02:27, whereas the time ranged from 00:18 ± 00:32 to 00:59 ± 01:19 in the other winter garden (p < .05). Once the enrichment device ran in both winter gardens, no differences were found between the observed parameters. On average, the hens occupied themselves with the enrichment material for 03:50 ± 02:12 to 05:01 ± 03:06. Thus, based on its use and acceptance by the laying hens, the automatic device provided adequate environmental enrichment.  相似文献   

The modern zoo has brought about two major advances in the behavioral welfare of their exhibited animals: (a) The use of environmental enrichment to promote naturalistic behaviors and (b) the use of training to improve voluntary husbandry care. Whereas training itself has been talked about as an effective enrichment strategy, little has been done to combine training procedures with enrichment. Typically, enrichment is treated as a trial and error process, where potential enrichment items or procedures are cycled through until successful enrichment is found. The use of shaping or other training techniques has seldom been documented to increase engagement with possible enrichment items or procedures. The following study examined the possibility of combining training and enrichment to produce continued interactions with enrichment devices. Two species of penguin, Magellanic and southern rockhopper penguins, were studied. Two measures were taken: Time spent swimming and contact with enrichment devices. The enrichment devices could be manipulated by placing fish within and hanging out of each device. During baseline sessions, no hits to either device were observed. During training sessions, several hits were recorded when fish were in the devices and overall swimming time increased during these conditions. When baseline was reintroduced without fish in the devices, contact with the enrichment devices rapidly declined and swimming time for the rockhopper penguins decreased. When the devices were reintroduced with fish but without training, the greatest number of enrichment device contacts and the highest percentage of time spent swimming were observed for the rockhopper penguins.  相似文献   


Scientists are often reluctant to attribute emotions to nonhuman animals that are similar to human emotions. When the author published her early studies, reviewers prohibited the word fear. Fearful behavior had to be described as agitated. The core emotional systems described by Panksepp may provide a useful framework for people who work hands-on with animals. The core systems are fear, rage, panic (separation distress), seek, lust, nurture, and play. Some scientists who deny that animals have real emotions often fail to review important areas of the literature. The areas that are sometimes left out are the effects of psychiatric medications on animals and genetic influences on differences in animal behavior. In both people and animals, genetics has an influence on both fearfulness and novelty seeking. Visualizing the seven core emotional systems as separate volume controls on a music mixing board may help zoo professionals determine the motivation of both normal and abnormal behavior. It may also help them to design more effective environmental enrichments.  相似文献   

Environmental enrichment is a crucial element of promoting welfare for animals in captivity. However, enrichment programs are not always formally evaluated for their efficacy. Furthermore, there is little empirical evidence of enrichment evaluation for species of small cetaceans in zoological settings. A wide range of variables may potentially influence enrichment efficacy and how it in turn affects behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the most preferred environmental enrichment, and method of presentation, for a species that has not been well studied in captivity, the pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata). In order to determine which enrichment items and method of presentation were most effective at eliciting enrichment interaction, we systematically examined how several variables of enrichment influenced enrichment interaction. The results suggested that presenting enrichment after training sessions influenced interaction with the enrichment. The results also indicated preference for enrichment type and a specific enrichment device. Finally, factors that influenced interaction were also found to influence aberrant behavior. The results support the premise that enrichment be “redefined” for each species and each individual.  相似文献   

Research on the behavior of animals in zoos has been conducted for decades and observations have provided information that has improved the psychological and social well-being of animals. However, research on fishes in zoos and aquariums seems to be lacking. Here we assess the current state of research on fishes in zoos and aquariums by surveying peer-reviewed literature. Our assessment differs from previous surveys in that we examine the taxonomic classes Chondrichthyes (sharks and rays) and Osteichthyes (bony fishes) separately. Our survey finds that bony fishes have been drastically underrepresented in zoo journals, more so than chondrichthyans, revealing an urgent need for zoos and aquariums to conduct research on the behavior of the bony fishes in their care, to ensure a positive state of psychological and social well-being. To plot a course for the future, we discuss the few studies that have been conducted on the behavior of bony fishes in zoos and aquariums, and we discuss research conducted on bony fishes in food-fish aquaculture and biomedicine to identify the types of studies that could be conducted in zoos and aquariums. We conclude that data-driven analyses of fish behavior could aid in development of evidence-based practices that enhance the well-being of bony fishes in zoos and aquariums, just as they already do for terrestrial animals.  相似文献   

Feline environmental enrichment can prevent numerous disorders including anxiety, stress, obesity, and feline idiopathic cystitis. Despite its easy implementation and low cost, it has received little attention. The main goal of this study was to assess guardians' knowledge concerning feline environmental enrichment and husbandry practices. A questionnaire was given to 130 companion animal guardians at the Lisbon Veterinary Faculty's Teaching Hospital. The applications of 22 environmental enrichment measures related to food/water, litter box, and space/entertainment areas were evaluated. The majority of the households studied (74.6%) had a moderately enriched environment. Hygiene-related measures were those most adopted by guardians, while those requiring guardians' commitment or previous awareness were the least implemented. A rating scale was proposed and applied to assess feline domestic environmental quality.  相似文献   


The substantial and urgent threats to the prosperity of individual nonhuman animals and the survival of species necessitate a changed approach to conservation. The current practice of seeing conservation and animal welfare as contradictory goals is not helpful. It is proposed that the approach should bring together parties to address the common root causes and to find innovative ways to accommodate multiple interests by translating beautifully written and ethically complex theories into pragmatic tools. Compassionate conservation provides a contemporary framework for animal welfare professionals and ecologists to develop new approaches. Simple tools can help in identifying areas of agreement and areas of dispute. While engaging with both ethics and animal welfare science will move animal welfare discussions forward, working together will identify shared values and goals and perhaps reveal ways to save species, one animal at a time, before it is too late.  相似文献   

主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)是有颌脊椎动物中发现的编码免疫球蛋白受体的高度多态的基因群,因其在免疫系统中的重要作用而备受关注。脊椎动物不同支系间MHC的结构和演化差异较大。尽管MHC基因特征在哺乳类、鸟类、两栖类和鱼类中已被较好地描述,但对爬行动物MHC的了解仍较少。鉴于爬行动物对于理解MHC基因的演化占据很重要的系统发育位置,研究其MHC具有重要意义。本文就近年来爬行动物MHC的分子结构、多态性维持机制、功能和主要应用的研究现状进行了系统地回顾和总结,并展望了其研究前景。  相似文献   

爬行动物针对颗粒性和可溶性抗原,能够快速、有效的产生抗体。爬行动物血清中的抗体主要包括高分子量的免疫球蛋白(HMWIg)和不止一种的低分子量免疫球蛋白(LMWIg),爬行动物中还有在亲代和子代间传递的免疫球蛋白Ig Y。目前爬行动物免疫球蛋白的纯化方法主要有:硫酸铵沉淀法、联合凝胶过滤层析和离子交换层析法、Protein A亲和层析法。研究爬行动物体液免疫对研究动物免疫的进化及对病原控制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

One common visitor complaint in zoos is that the nonhuman animals are not visible. This problem needs to be resolved without compromising the animals' welfare; environmental enrichment could solve the problem. This study investigated whether enrichment would increase public exposure time of lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) in the Belo Horizonte Zoo in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Observations were made before (62 hr) and during (62 hr) the introduction of enrichment using focal animal sampling with instantaneous recording of behavior. The 5 enrichment items were a bamboo fence covered in vines, logs, a sandbox, dry leaves, and bamboo bushes. Before the enrichments were applied, the tapir was not visible to the public for more than 85% of the time. In addition, during the analysis of the enrichment treatment, other variables were considered—such as weekday, time of day, and weather conditions—which could influence the animals' interaction with the enrichments. The enrichments increased and decreased the expression of some behaviors; however, public viewing time of the animals did not increase. Thus, the enrichment applied was not strong enough to overcome the animals' crepuscular behavior.  相似文献   

U. S. Seal  T. Foose 《Zoo biology》1983,2(3):241-244
The status of the Siberian tiger in the wild is endangered. A captive propagation program has been initiated by the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (AAZPA). A Species Survival Plan (SSP) has been prepared and 50 institutions have agreed to participate. The goals of the SSP include management for longterm survival with retention of maximum genetic diversity.  相似文献   

湖北省爬行动物资源概况   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
摘要:为了搞清湖北省爬行动物资源概况,通过总结文献资料,并结合作者等最近20余年积累的调查资料,从区系特点、地理分布、评估等级、资源量及保护对策等方面总结了湖北省爬行动物的资源概况。结果显示,湖北省现有爬行动物2目12科44属78种,主要分布在鄂西南(57种,占73.1%)、鄂西北(47种,占60.3%)和鄂东南(43...  相似文献   

Background  The behavior of animals is modified by captivity. Environmental enrichment (EE) is a program designed to enhance the welfare of confined animals by providing them with a more stimulating background. This is carried out by the implementation of a series of activities that encourages them to present behaviors typical of their species, as well as keeps them active. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the influence of the EE in the behavioral variables in a colony of 24 stumptail macaques ( Macaca arctoides ). Our hypothesis is that the application of this program will reduce aggression, stereotypes and coprophilia behaviors and, at the same time, will increase exploration and solitary play.
Methods  The behavioral frequency previous to EE was compared with that during EE implementation.
Results  Our results showed that aggression, coprophilia stereotypic behaviors and social play were significantly reduced during EE, whereas exploration was significantly enhanced. The response of the individuals according to gender was similar for both sexes.
Conclusions  Environmental enrichment programs are indispensable for captive animals' wellbeing as they reduce aggression and stress while providing animals both physical and cognitive entertainment.  相似文献   

Kate C. Baker 《Zoo biology》1997,16(3):225-236
In an effort reduce abnormal behaviors, especially regurgitation and reingestion, and promote higher activate levels, straw and scattered forage material were added to the enclosures of 13 indoor-housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) living in pairs and trios. Behavioral effects were examined by comparing 65 hr in the baseline condition with 65 hr in the experimental condition. Subjects spent 8.7% of observed time foraging or otherwise manipulating the straw, and no evidence of habituation was found over 9 weeks. Males foraged at a rate three times that of females. Overall, abnormal behavior was significantly reduced. Examined alone, regurgitation and reingestion levels fell to less than one-third their former level and ceased to rise with elapsed time since feeding. Subjects spent less time displaying and more time locomoting and playing. This enrichment option was found to be practical in terms of caretaker effort and expense and caused no health problems. Zoo Biol 16:225–236, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

For large species, the capture and handling of individuals in capture–mark–recapture studies introduces nonhuman animal welfare issues associated with handling, physical marking, and possible wounding due to tag loss. The use of photographic identification for these species offers an alternative and less invasive marking technique. This study investigated the opportunity offered by photo identification to individually mark individuals of a large reptile, the perentie (Varanus giganteus), in Australia and therefore avoid the stress of physically capturing and handling. Photographs submitted by a remotely located community were first validated to confirm whether perenties could be individually identified from their spots electronically using a computer program. Computer-aided selection of unique patterns was found to be appropriate for the identification of individuals and confirmed 38 individuals during the sampling period. The value of this approach is 2-fold: There is a benefit to animal welfare in that handling an animal is not required to capture him or her, thus reducing capture-related stress; and confirmation that photo identification of distinctive patterns of the perentie is valid and offers a useful option to identify individuals of this large species.  相似文献   

Media characterizations of zoo and aquarium animal deaths were randomly monitored on the internet for a 20‐month period (September 2003–May 2005). Based on 148 samples collected, it was possible to classify articles into one of four categories, which were operationally defined: 1) dispassionate observers; 2) accusers; 3) sympathizers; and 4) balancers. In addition, with the notable exception of seven cases, all of the articles examined focused on large, charismatic mammals, such as gorillas, dolphins, lions, and elephants. Although a majority of the articles examined (70.4%) were either dispassionate and objective or sympathetic, nearly a third (29.6%) were either accusatory or attempted to balance the accusatory statements of animal rights activists with sympathetic statements from zoo professionals. Recommendations are offered for how zoos should deal with the increasing media and public interest in zoo animal deaths, including: 1) a greater commitment to studying the reasons for mortality in a wide variety of species; and 2) an increased investment in record keeping and analysis, which should allow zoos to calculate average life spans in animal populations and to monitor and assess the risk of certain lethal diseases on a real‐time basis. Comparisons are drawn between zoo veterinary practices and human medicine, which are both inexact sciences. Suggestions are made for how the public and key decision‐makers can distinguish between media reports on zoo animal deaths that are legitimate cause for concern vs. those that are sensationalist and meant to generate controversy and sell papers. A greater focus on the science of zoo animal death is necessary for accredited zoos to maintain the public's confidence in their animal care practices. Zoo Biol 0:1–15, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The brief tenure of environmental enrichment has been influenced both directly and indirectly by the field of psychology, from the work of B.F. Skinner to that of Hal Markowitz. Research on enrichment supports the supposition that an enriched environment does indeed contribute to a captive animal’s well‐being. Critical elements of effective environmental enrichment are 1) assessing the animal’s natural history, individual history, and exhibit constraints and 2) providing species‐appropriate opportunities, i.e., the animal should have some choices within its environment. This paper presents a historic perspective of environmental enrichment, proposes a broader, more holistic approach to the enrichment of animals in captive environments, and describes a framework or process that will ensure a consistent and self‐sustaining enrichment program. Zoo Biol 20:211–226, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite many advances in animal care and welfare over the past few decades, zoos have been criticized recently for the quality of their elephant management programs. More specifically, critics have argued that elephants live miserable lives in captivity and thus should not be kept in zoos. Poor health and reproductive success, they say, are the result of the combined impact of: a lack of exercise; exposure to cold temperatures and disease; and stress due to the use of “brutal” training techniques, chaining and inappropriate social environments. Everyone, including zoo professionals, seems to agree that improvements in zoo elephant management are necessary and appropriate. However, there is considerable disagreement on how to proceed and little information on which to base such decisions. One tactic that the critics have adopted in their efforts to promote change is their frequent reference to “nature” as a yardstick for gauging the adequacy of zoo animal management and care. An argument is made that direct zoo–wild comparisons are of questionable utility and may be invalid from a scientific perspective. Some critics talk about “nature” as if it represented a fixed set of rules by which captive managers must either abide by or risk diminishing the health and welfare of their charges. However, many aspects of elephant natural history vary greatly depending on prevailing environmental conditions and elephants may be much more flexible than many critics are giving them credit for. Thus, although zoo animal managers should look to nature for clues about how to best care for captive elephants, they should not feel constrained by them. This revelation is not intended as an excuse for poor elephant management or to support the status quo. On the contrary, a better approach is to develop realistic and biologically meaningful metrics that reflect the quality of elephant care and welfare and to use them to measure the success of evolving zoo elephant programs. Zoo Biol 25:161–171, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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