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1. In many freshwater systems, competition for shelter plays an important role in determining the persistence of both native and alien species. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, is currently invading the native habitat of the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in southern Oregon, and interspecific competition for shelter may be driving the species replacement in this region. 2. We designed a 2 × 3 factorial mesocosm experiment, with shelter density and species combination as factors, to investigate shelter occupancy and resource competition. Contrary to our predictions, the two crayfish species are equal competitors for shelter. Further, the invasive P. clarkii modified its shelter occupancy behaviour in the presence of the native P. leniusculus and has broader microhabitat preferences. 3. Specifically, we found that P. clarkii alters shelter occupancy and space use patterns when the two species occurred together, such that shelter use was identical between P. clarkii and P. leniusculus in mixed‐species treatments. In such treatments, both species increased their use of shelters when shelter density increased. When P. clarkii was alone, however, individuals did not alter shelter use as a function of shelter density, whereas P. leniusculus exhibited similar density‐dependent behaviour in both mixed‐ and single‐species treatments. 4. In a complementary field survey, we employed an ‘epicentre‐based’ design to sample two field sites. We observed patterns of microhabitat use and breadth for each species similar to those in our mesocosm experiment: the invasive P. clarkii was more abundant across different habitats and used a broader range of microhabitats than the native P. leniusculus. As such, we found that P. clarkii was more abundant across both field sites than the P. leniusculus, occupying microhabitats within and beyond the preferred range of P. leniusculus. Both field sites were affected by urban development and agriculture. 5. The use of microhabitats by both species was similar in the laboratory and the field. This study confirms that P. clarkii individuals can, and do, successfully occupy microhabitats preferred by P. leniusculus in the Willamette Valley. The results from our study may be relevant to other freshwater systems inhabited by P. clarkii and contribute to the understanding of ‘niche opportunity’, a concept which defines the environmental conditions that promote biological invasions.  相似文献   

  1. Bobcats Lynx rufus and coyotes Canis latrans are two widespread mesopredators with a complex history of sympatry. The competitive interactions between these species are of interest to biologists due to the furbearer status of bobcats, the recent range expansion of coyotes, and the recolonisation of several parts of North America by bobcats following their extirpation. Although studies exploring the dynamics and competition between bobcats and coyotes span decades, there is a lack of understanding regarding what factors influence exploitative or interference competition, and what methodologies are conducive to identifying these types of competition.
  2. We gathered a comprehensive list of research papers (n = 41) exploring bobcat–coyote competitive interactions in North America. From them, we collected the following: study site characteristics, number and types of research methods, number and types of metrics explored, history of sympatry of the two species at the study location, presence of apex predators, and documentation of interference and/or exploitative competition.
  3. Using generalised linear models, we determined that interference competition between bobcats and coyotes was observed primarily in open habitat. However, habitat heterogeneity, the number of research methods and metrics used, presence of an apex predator, and history of sympatry could not be used to predict the occurrence of interference competition. Studies that included diet overlap were less likely to observe interference competition than studies that used other metrics to infer competition.
  4. Competitive interactions between coyotes and bobcats are largely a function of prey availability. Our findings suggest that habitat type may be a surrogate for prey availability, which many researchers mention, but do not explicitly measure. Future studies investigating bobcat–coyote interactions should include the quantification of prey densities to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the system at large, and should avoid using solely diet or habitat overlap as metrics to assess competition.

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are ubiquitous and generalized consumers of insects in soil food webs, occurring widely in natural and agricultural ecosystems on six continents. Augmentative releases of EPN have been used to enhance biological control of pests in agroecosystems. Pest managers strive to achieve a trophic cascade whereby natural-enemy effects permeate down through the food web to suppress host herbivores and increase crop production. Although trophic cascades have been studied in diverse aboveground arthropod-based systems, they are infrequently investigated in soil systems. Moreover, no overall quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of EPN in suppressing hosts with cascading benefits to plants has been made. Toward synthesizing the available but limited information on EPN and their ability to suppress prey and affect plant yield, we surveyed the literature and performed a meta-analysis of 35 published studies. Our analysis found that effect sizes for arthropod hosts as a result of EPN addition were consistently negative and indirect effects on plants were consistently positive. Results held across several different host metrics (abundance, fecundity and survival) and across measures of plant performance (biomass, growth, yield and survival). Moreover, the relationship between plant and host effect sizes was strikingly and significantly negative. That is, the positive impact on plant responses generally increased as the negative effect of EPN on hosts intensified, providing strong support for the mechanism of trophic cascades. We also review the ways in which EPN might interact antagonistically with each other and other predators and pathogens to adversely affect host suppression and dampen trophic cascades. We conclude that the food web implications of multiple-enemy interactions involving EPN are little studied, but, as management techniques that promote the long-term persistence of EPN are improved, antagonistic interactions are more likely to arise. We hope that the likely occurrence of antagonistic interactions in soil food webs should stimulate researchers to conduct field experiments explicitly designed to examine multiple-enemy interactions involving EPN and their cascading effects to hosts and plants.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, microhabitat use and territorial and feeding behaviours were compared between the juveniles of two sympatric territorial damselfishes Stegastes variabilis and Stegastes fuscus on a small tropical reef in the south-western Atlantic Ocean. Juvenile S. variabilis were most abundant at sites subject to stronger hydrodynamics and with mixed benthic cover, whereas juvenile S. fuscus were most abundant at sheltered sites with dense turf algae cover. No differences regarding feeding habits were detected, with both species preferentially feeding on turf algae. Also, despite similarities in territory area and agonistic encounter rates, the identity and proportion of intruders involved in agonistic interactions differed significantly between species. These interdependent traits suggest strong asymmetric competition, with juvenile S. fuscus dominating high-quality sites and evicting juvenile S. variabilis to low quality, marginal areas of the reef.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the possible role of phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation in the process of adaptation and evolutionary change in the cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae . In the field we compared a population of a stable hypoxic habitat with one of a stable well-oxygenated habitat. In the laboratory, we compared individuals from the same mother raised under hypoxic or well-oxygenated conditions to examine phenotypic plasticity. Morphological parameters of three categories were measured: (a) the gill apparatus, (b) the surrounding structural elements, and (c) the outer shape of the fish. Swamp-dwelling fish had a 29% greater total gill surface area than fish from the well-oxygenated habitat due to their larger gill filament length and greater lamellar area. In the plasticity experiment, total gill surface area was 18% greater in the hypoxia group due to a larger number of longer filaments. Surrounding elements and outer shape also differed between the field populations and between fish grown under hypoxic and well-oxygenated conditions, but there was disparity between the field results and the plasticity experiment. The disparity between field and experimental fish may be due to: (a) differences in selection pressures between populations, (b) different constraints for genetic and plasticity changes, or (c) selection against plastic responses to hypoxia. Our results suggest that both (a) and (c) are involved.  相似文献   

Plant establishment is a challenge in semiarid environments due to intense and frequent drought periods. The presence of neighboring trees (nurses) can increase the establishment of seedlings (targets) by improving resource availability and microclimate. The nurse effect, however, might vary depending on nurse‐target species combinations but factors that predict this specificity are poorly known. We used a multispecies experiment to investigate the facilitation potential of trees from a range of successional stages, focusing on how nurse functional traits can predict species‐specific interaction outcomes. We conducted a factorial field experiment in a Brazilian semiarid tropical forest during a severe drought period. Sixty pairs of interacting tree species, 20 potential nurses, and three targets were used. Seedlings of all targets were planted both under and far from the nurse canopy, in a randomized block design replicated five times. Target growth and survival were monitored for 275 days from the beginning of the dry season, and interaction outcomes were calculated using the Relative Interaction Intensity (RII) index. Nurse functional traits such as successional stage, height, wood density, and canopy diameter were used as explanatory variables to predict RII values. The average effect of nurse species on target plants was in general positive, that is, seedling survival and growth increased under the nurse canopy. However, for growth pairwise interactions were significantly species specific. Successional stage was the only functional trait explaining RII values, with pioneer tree species being stronger facilitators than later successional trees. However, the explanation power of this variable was low, and positive, negative, or neutral interactions were found among nurse trees of all successional stages. Because seedling mortality during drought in semiarid systems is high, future studies should investigate how nurse traits related to water use could influence nurse facilitation skills.  相似文献   

Genetic assimilation emerges from selection on phenotypic plasticity. Yet, commonly used quantitative genetics models of linear reaction norms considering intercept and slope as traits do not mimic the full process of genetic assimilation. We argue that intercept–slope reaction norm models are insufficient representations of genetic effects on linear reaction norms and that considering reaction norm intercept as a trait is unfortunate because the definition of this trait relates to a specific environmental value (zero) and confounds genetic effects on reaction norm elevation with genetic effects on environmental perception. Instead, we suggest a model with three traits representing genetic effects that, respectively, (i) are independent of the environment, (ii) alter the sensitivity of the phenotype to the environment and (iii) determine how the organism perceives the environment. The model predicts that, given sufficient additive genetic variation in environmental perception, the environmental value at which reaction norms tend to cross will respond rapidly to selection after an abrupt environmental change, and eventually becomes equal to the new mean environment. This readjustment of the zone of canalization becomes completed without changes in genetic correlations, genetic drift or imposing any fitness costs of maintaining plasticity. The asymptotic evolutionary outcome of this three‐trait linear reaction norm generally entails a lower degree of phenotypic plasticity than the two‐trait model, and maximum expected fitness does not occur at the mean trait values in the population.  相似文献   

Climate change has already altered the distribution of marine fishes. Future predictions of fish distributions and catches based on bioclimate envelope models are available, but to date they have not considered interspecific interactions. We address this by combining the species‐based Dynamic Bioclimate Envelope Model (DBEM) with a size‐based trophic model. The new approach provides spatially and temporally resolved predictions of changes in species' size, abundance and catch potential that account for the effects of ecological interactions. Predicted latitudinal shifts are, on average, reduced by 20% when species interactions are incorporated, compared to DBEM predictions, with pelagic species showing the greatest reductions. Goodness‐of‐fit of biomass data from fish stock assessments in the North Atlantic between 1991 and 2003 is improved slightly by including species interactions. The differences between predictions from the two models may be relatively modest because, at the North Atlantic basin scale, (i) predators and competitors may respond to climate change together; (ii) existing parameterization of the DBEM might implicitly incorporate trophic interactions; and/or (iii) trophic interactions might not be the main driver of responses to climate. Future analyses using ecologically explicit models and data will improve understanding of the effects of inter‐specific interactions on responses to climate change, and better inform managers about plausible ecological and fishery consequences of a changing environment.  相似文献   

A gall midge that induces thick lenticular galls on leaflets of Pueraria species (Fabaceae) in Japan, mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea is described as Pitydiplosis puerariae sp. nov. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Tanaostigmodes puerariae (Hymenoptera: Tanaostigmatidae), described earlier from mainland China as an inducer of the lenticular gall, is regarded to be an inquiline. Pitydiplosis puerariae is distinguishable from the only known congener, the Nearctic Pitydiplosis packardi, by the male genitalia with entire aedeagus and with hypoproct that is as long as cerci and bilobed with a U‐shaped emargination. DNA sequencing data indicate the existence of three genetically different intraspecific groups: (i) “YNT‐montana group” induces galls on Pueraria montana on the Yaeyama Islands, Japan and in northern Taiwan; (ii) “CT‐montana group” on P. montana in central Taiwan; (iii) and “JCK‐lobata group” on Pueraria lobata in mainland China, South Korea and Japan north of Okinoerabu Island. A possible diversification scenario of the three groups is hypothesized based on DNA sequencing data and geohistorical information. A distribution gap of the gall midge on five islands between Tokunoshima and Ishigaki Islands, Japan was confirmed by intensive field surveys. Ecological traits and adult behavior of Pity. puerariae are also described. Its possibility as a potential biological control agent against P. lobata seems counter‐indicated.  相似文献   

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